he-ai-yi-an 发表于 2007-12-6 19:35:24

sh 1203 1000 pass

12月3号 上海 1000  pass

一开始,我先说了句: good afternoon, sir
后来他突然抬起头,对我说了句: how are u?
我当时一紧张,回了句: how are u... (呆)
后来他说:oh, fine, thank u...
后来我赶紧补了句:i'm fine, too.

VO: wa, u are from XXX, very famous university.
me: yeah, it is.
VO: so u want to go to XXX?
me: yeah.
VO: Why do u want to go there?
me: because i'm more interested in the research field there, and the academic environment as well, furthermore, i just believe that     with a degree gained from america, i'll be more competitive when I come back to china and find a job here after graduation.
VO: why do you choose this university? How many univ. have u applied for?
me: this is the only univ. i've applied for. A professor from my undergraduate university told me about this. She was once classmate with my  future advisor, and she knew that he need students to help him doing research there, and she also knew that i'm interested in this field, so she recommended me to him, and after reading my resume, ( he decided to give me an offer)
Vo: give me your resume.
me: ok, here it is.
Vo: have u brought ur transcript?
me: yeah, here it is.
Vo: your transcript is from XXX ?
me: yes, that's my undergraduate university.
Vo: do u have any transcript from present university?
me: No, i've been here for only 2 months, and we haven't had any exams yet.
Vo: do u have a student card?
me: yeah, here u are.
Vo: So, how can u support urself in the US?
me: i've got a full finacial support from the university, do u want to have a look at my offer letter?
VO: yeah.
(这里说下我的情况,我是tuition waive+ra, 但是学校当时要我提供6000刀证明,才能给我I20,我去银行办了证明,但其实这个钱后面用不到)
Vo: so u still need some money, do u have any bank certificate?
me: 我就把6000刀的证明给他看。
Vo: I mean u still need 200 dollars .... how will u pay for the rest of the money?
me: i've phoned the international student office, and they told me that the 6000 is only used to balance the item 7 and 8 in the i20 form, and i may not use them later. my future advisor also convinced it through email, would u like to have a look at it?(我老师在email里面对我说,这些钱足够支付学费生活费了,不会给家里带来任何负担什么的)
vo: oh, yes. (看的满认真的)
vo: ok, i'll let u pass, good luck to u.
me: thank u.

Geforce 发表于 2007-12-6 19:59:01


love1015 发表于 2007-12-6 20:46:30


swjtuzlr 发表于 2007-12-6 22:33:03


candyliux 发表于 2007-12-7 00:14:23


xinzhang 发表于 2007-12-7 15:17:37

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