juju_sharon 发表于 2007-12-6 21:01:37


       今天运气不佳,遇上了工作狂认真无比的厚glass gg,坎坷经历就此开始。。。
Vo: how are you?
Me: 没反应过来,迟疑。。。fine, and you?
Vo: 精神高涨地 good, thank you…此时我已然等了近3小时,完全不能适应他的情绪了
So, what’s yourbackground?
Me: 如实回答
Vo: what are you going to do in the US?
Me: …transferto…
Vo: offer
Me: 把ad, offer, credit transfer form一并给了,并且详细解释现在是大三,过去继续大三
Vo: 点头示意OK
       Whatother school did you apply for?
Me: ***
Vo: offer?
Me: I haven’t got yet
Vo: why?
Me: maybe they put me on the waiting list.Anyway, ## is my first choice, don’t bother…
Vo: first choice? En? Ok…
       Inoticed you have a very nice scholarship, but still$$$ a year . who willpay for the rest?
Me: parents
Vo: what’s your father’s job?
Me: govern officer(想给财产证明没给成)
Vo: not highly paid, en?
Me: 火了,they’ve done good real estate investment…给了三本房产证,two of them are rented,趁势把存款证明扔进去…
Vo: oh, deposit certificate…(check n 久, 扔出)
  Ok, why USA?(噩梦就此开始)
Me: for better education…(打断)
Vo: I don’t understand, what is bettereducation? Show me your transcript(看半天)
  Nice school, nice gpa, why do you want to transfer?
Me: well…for better job preparation… I havemy future career well planed(打断)
Vo: what plan?
Me: I plan to …总而言之就是归国到制药公司找好工作之类…再次被打断
Vo: so… only bachelor, no master, no phd?
Me: right…看形式不妙,赶紧补充…and I’ve done good job research(小米一听research 来劲啊)
Vo: oh? Tell me your research?
Me: 查看这些公司招哪些人,向毕业工作的校友咨询,并且和我父亲讨论,提到:my father is responsible for foreign investment introduction
Vo: then he must know a lot about it (强烈感觉有嘲讽意味)
Me : of course. And I found that本科学历足够了,公司更看中你与人交流的能力,实验技能,专业方面的英语能来力…打断
Vo: I think your communication has no problem. Your English’s very good. No problem communicate with me.(赶紧说thank you) So why? Whyyou Chinese students always say it’s better in USA? What’s good about USA? Idon’t mean that USA is not good. I am from USA. Of course I think USA is good.Is there any problem with your current school or your study, your classmates or anything else?
Me: actually it’s a very good school and Ihave no problem with my study. What’s more, I’ve done very well with my study, Ialso got a scholarship last year. The problem is I’ve done so well, I want somemore challenging?看得出我已经开始乱编理由了
Vo: so you think it’s challenging?他看来很是对我的逻辑不解啊。。。
   Istill can not understand…自言自语n久,差不多一个意思,我一度以为我挂了…it must be something wrong with the school, right? You have noreason…一看机会来了
Me: actually I am not quite satisfied withthe lab apparatus of the school…
Vo: 此时完全进入忘我状态的自言自语… I still can not understand …well, anyway, it’s your choice… have anice trip…小绿条飘出
Me: 此时基本气疯了,忿忿地thank you,走人
总结,无论问什么,坚持自己的答案,他可以怀疑你,but he will not judge you, just like he said, it’s your choice,只要合理,vo不会无理取闹的。另外,随时保持你的形象,微笑,语气,耐性解释.Good luck, everyone.




语言就算不流畅,至少也要清晰,听清楚vo说的,也把自己的话说清楚,make sense.



[ 本帖最后由 juju_sharon 于 2007-12-7 14:41 编辑 ]

candyliux 发表于 2007-12-6 21:04:09


Faye_Grace 发表于 2007-12-6 21:05:19


scat041 发表于 2007-12-6 21:19:33


[ 本帖最后由 scat041 于 2007-12-6 21:33 编辑 ]

swjtuzlr 发表于 2007-12-6 22:39:59


bethany 发表于 2007-12-7 13:07:54


Geforce 发表于 2007-12-7 13:28:36


xinzhang 发表于 2007-12-7 13:53:26


berylsmile 发表于 2007-12-7 17:56:40


ericrushyy 发表于 2007-12-7 19:02:25

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查看完整版本: SH-F1-BS-transfer-pass-有些建议,希望有用