红烧土豆 发表于 2007-12-14 13:17:55


O: What’s your name?
Z: I’m Zhou.
O: introduce yourself.
Z: I’m 23 years old and graduated from Dalian University of Technology, and then work for Dalian Daxian Group Company.
O: How long have you worked for Daxian?
Z: one year after graduation.(好象在这附近摇头了)
O: Do you think it’s the right time for you study in America?
Z: Yes, it’s the right time. I have one year work experience as a manager assistant , intel, a famous international company will establish now company in my hometown Dalian, My dream is find a job in HR Department there, but I’m not eligible and I have no confident to take that place. So It’s the right time for me to study the MBA program。 At that time, I’m sure I will be the best person.(中间好象摇过头)
O:you will study the passway course.
Z: It’s my foundation…(摇头了)
O: tell me about that
Z: It’s about basic method of MBA, Master degree’s study。
O: You graduate from Dalian University of Technology, may I see your transcript?
Z:here you are. After that is my diploma.
O:(仔细地看了看)your expense is $35,000(有摇头),how do you support it?
Z: My parents will support me. They prepare nearly ¥¥ for my further study in America.
O: Give me the bank certification.(看了看又还给了我) What are your parents do?
Z: They work for the government. My dad works for artribition department, my mom works for real estate department.
O: May I see your 户口,please (前后仔仔细细看了,还给我了,又要了回去,对着光又仔细地在看,还看了几眼翻译件,好象还摇头了)
O:I want to see your house certification.(我给他两个房证,给第三个公有房的房证时他就不要看了,两个房证都看得非常仔细,对着光好一个看,摇头了)
Wait(拿着我的房证,跑走了)   (回来后又把¥¥拿进去了)
O:I’m sorry, Madam, But all your financial certification have problem.
Z: Why it have the problem. My parents have saved money every year since I studied in middle school. Their income are steady.
O:I’m sorry, Madam, But all your financial certification have problem.
Z:Thank you all the same.

KIKIhuang 发表于 2007-12-16 11:16:00


emersonxsu 发表于 2007-12-16 14:09:20



candyliux 发表于 2007-12-16 14:32:55

:funk: 听了很吓人,希望高人指点啊

liucolour 发表于 2007-12-16 18:20:55

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