小点198799 发表于 2007-12-17 17:35:06

12.10 沈阳 签过了 我是大学在读

我现在是大3 学法律的  去美国读商科 重新读大一   走的中介 因为很赶   有的中介直接给我拒了


    我是自己一个人去的沈阳 晚上十一点的火车 早上6点到  但还有个沈阳北站5:30到 我在那下的车 是正确的
打车11快钱到大使馆 然后8元去中信银行   

  10号早上:   我是早上八点的  没有号  警卫有名单 按上面的次序叫名   我快到九点进去的

然后一直等 都没有到我   左边的小姑娘特别紧张  是第2次签   1次是被韩国男拒的  2次是被金发女拒的后来看到我们一个中介的小姑娘   又是4号韩国男   被拒了  我那时候还没按指纹

等到十点半左右才叫到我   是2号小黑

黑: What is your name?
hei: Do you want to study in USA?
M: yes
H:  What do you do now?
M: I am a student
H: which school are you in now?
H:How many years do you study in this school?
H: That is say that you are now the third year in this University.
H:Why you give up 2y ?(我就看到他非常困惑的在不断重复的说这句话)
M: My major is law now, and  I find that the law lessons are so boring. I find that I am more interested in business lessons.
H:重复问这个问题 我感觉到他不满意
M:Well, I do not waste another two years on the law lessons that I feel so boring (表情痛苦 情绪激动)
H: what do you study of law?
M:criminal lessons 被打断
H: 重复问
M: well If you kill a man(我笑了 还是十分开心的笑), according different conditions, the court will judge if put you in the prison. (我最愿意学的就是刑法, 尤其是杀人等重大罪行)
H: 在什么情况 不会把人投进监狱内
M: If you are below 14 years old, you will not be put in prison.
H: Why?
M: because the children who are below 14y old, they do not have lots of knowlege and experience  (小黑补充 VERY MUCH)
H: Why do not you transfer the credits?
M: well my major is law, however, in USA,the undergraduate courses do not have law lessons.
so, I can not transfer the credits.
H: how do you know this university?
M: On Intenet(中介就是这么准备的)
H: 又问了一遍
M: well I found 100 famous univesities on internet, then  I find this
H: why you find this university in 100 Universities?
M: I heard this school before, and then i found 100 universities as you know, and I find the website of this school
H: Why did you choose this university?
M: It is a famous university with high rank 88    It also has many good professorsof business , so I can lern up dated business knowledge   It has a very good study environment, I believe I will enjoy the life in it.
H: what do your mother do?
M: ..........
H: Give your parent income statement

give me your deposit cerfitication

然后他就不理我了  我又自认为我回答的挺好的  然后就看见他从中撕了一张小白卡片
递给我说OK   我又有点不敢相信了 他又说Have a good trip 我说
thank you     然后我就一直傻乐了 呵呵
我的经验就是碰到不熟悉的话题也不要慌  要正视他 但我自己其实只是看他 并没有去一直盯着他的眼睛         最巧的是  我前一天晚上 在网上搜到了一个视频 就是采访他的 所以对于他我一点也不感到陌生   大概有20多分钟吧   我就是在百度上搜沈阳签证官


swjtuzlr 发表于 2007-12-17 19:21:14


bethany 发表于 2007-12-17 21:09:46


nicelife 发表于 2007-12-19 13:13:49

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查看完整版本: 12.10 沈阳 签过了 我是大学在读