zhuyim 发表于 2008-4-26 02:26:29

伦敦 F1 1000 Check

听我之前的朋友讲, 在伦敦签证一般都很好签的,,,VO审材料也很水,,,,,但是我很郁闷,,,,为什么被check

进去后拿到号码,等了1个小时材料第一次检查,收走了I20, Admission Letter, DS-156,157,158, MRV & SEVIS Receipt, Passport

VO是一位金发迷人的MM, 面带微笑,,说话也很nice,,由于当时快下班了,,所以她也没跟我寒暄,,直接进入正题,

Vo: So, you will go to the university of xxxx, what will u stay there?

Me: PHD in Computer Science

Vo: Ok, and who will pay for your study, i've saw the I20, seems u have a schloarship from university.

Me: Yup, I got full finaicial aid from university, like the tution fee wavied, the Graduate assistantship, cover my health insurance, reimbursement of the airefair, etc.

Vo: Fantastic, So How long have u been to UK?

Me: nearly 4 years, I took undergraduate and master degree here.

Vo: are your parents living in US, or UK?

Me: No, they are living in China.

Vo: OK, Fine. which area are u gonna study in US.

Me.: I spec. field will be xxxxxxx,

(Vo MM开始查她自己的一份表格,,,然后对照我本科和master的专业又查了半天)

Vo : OK, Do u have a CV with u?


Me:  Yup (递CV)

Vo. thanks, do you have any other materials about your future research area?

Me: I've print the personal webpage of my potential supervisor. (递打印的导师主页)

Vo.: Do u have any study plan about your future research in your area?

Me:  No. But I have a Personal statement which i used to apply for the university im going to.

Vo. OK, give me that.. ...fine.....your application has been approved, but we need to do a administrative check...bla...bla

(把passport, I20, 退给了我,然后扫描fingerprint,,,然后说bye bye,,,,始终在微笑,,,,很nice的样子)


1. Passport & Photograph
2. DS-156,157,158
3. MRV & SEVIS Fee Recipt
4. Appointment Letter
5. I20 & Admission Letter
6. CV
7. printed personal webpage of my potential supervisor
8. My personal Statement


Bank Statement,(之前不收,之后完全不看)
Bachelor Degree certificate
undergraduate transcript
master transcript
GRE score


[ 本帖最后由 zhuyim 于 2008-4-26 02:35 编辑 ]

jialiangleo 发表于 2008-4-26 02:33:42


summerhouse1212 发表于 2008-4-26 11:41:15



dinghaishenzhen 发表于 2008-5-4 23:23:01

ding 相信很快就拿到了

可蕊 发表于 2008-5-4 23:27:21


sappho 发表于 2008-5-4 23:29:29


zhuyim 发表于 2008-5-4 23:30:38

原帖由 summerhouse1212 于 2008-4-26 11:41 发表


小狐狸同志 发表于 2008-5-4 23:30:45

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