hellomoto 发表于 2008-5-6 15:00:12

5月6日 GZ Phd 全奖 ME 1000 pass + Check

大概情况:本科211学校,AE, 在美国学校读了2个星期后退学,重新申请另一个学校的PhD, ME. 因此,我的签证难题在于转学校和转专业,且本科专业方向敏感。

me: Good Morning! How are u?
vo:Fine, and you?
me: I'm fine, thanks.
vo: Please put your left index finger there. (等待时,发现并不是每个人都按同样的手指纹.不过即使你没听明白按哪个,VO也会提醒的)
me: Is that Okay?
vo:yes, thanks
me: (after giving her my ds forms and passport and i20) this was ad letter and offer letter, please have a look
vo: slow down, please
me: wait...
vo: you have a US visa?
me: yeah, since last year I applied to XXX university and got the visa. But later I dropped out of the university and reapplied to XXX university.
vo: so why do you want to drop out from xxx university?
me: en... well, actually what I chose to study at xxx university is generally, oh, sorry, is quite similar to what I'm going to do at xxx univesity. But I think the difference between two majors is AE is a branch of ME, and I don't want to narrow my future career development in China, so I decided to change the major and the university, cos with a Phd degree in ME, it's still possible for me to get a position related to AE. And of course, XXX unviersity give me a fellowship which is another very important reason, cos I don't want to use my parents' money to pay for my further education. (签证官听完我说的话后,点了点头,但不知为何,我觉得他不会就此打住。)
vo: did the former university gave you financial aid?
me: no, and they offered me an ad to a master program. I found I enjoy conducting research in this area and want to delve deeper, so a master degree is far from enough to satisfy me. And you know, becoming a  ...(被打住。)
vo: looking at my ds forms... so you are working now?
me: yes, I'm an assitant engineer working for xxx company. I resonsible for plotting ....
vo: Okay. who will you study with?
me: (最初理解为我会和水一起去美国读书,汗)。 You mean my future advisor? Dr. K. This is his CV.
vo: do you have your own resume?
me: of course, just a second please (感觉要被check)
vo: and your study plan, oh, do you have publications?
me: no, I don't, cos I just received a bs degree in AE, but I bring along my design work, please have a look.
vo: great, that would be helpful
vo: I have to give a form becasue we need more time to deal with your visa.
me: you mean I will be checked?
vo: nodding...
me: Can I know the reason. Because my major or sth. else? and How long I need to wait?
vo:  a part...we'll call you and may be the end of this month
me: thanks a lot! (给vo指出了我的手机一方她打座机。)


[ 本帖最后由 hellomoto 于 2008-5-6 19:00 编辑 ]

willimswife 发表于 2008-5-6 18:58:22

谢谢分享 希望lz早日clear 也祝我不被check 同学我也是有可能被check的专业啊

biometrics 发表于 2008-5-6 20:21:38

thanks for sharing

YueWoo 发表于 2008-5-7 15:28:35


a10065968 发表于 2008-5-12 20:45:27


kylin8627 发表于 2008-5-15 17:35:48


abby8248 发表于 2008-6-6 10:34:43


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查看完整版本: 5月6日 GZ Phd 全奖 ME 1000 pass + Check