rqg0717 发表于 2008-5-8 21:12:32

05.08 GZ 只读语言F1 1000 pass



I. Basic Material for AppointmentPageItemsFeeCommentI ? 1I-20 I ? 2DS-156,DS-157,DS-158 I ? 3Passport I ? 4SEVIS Fee Receipt$100 根本没人看I ? 5Visa Appointment Fee Receipt$131 I ? 6Visa Photo 一张就够I ? 7Language Training Contract 很重要I ? 8Certificate of Marriage 非常重要II. Financial Support PageItemsAmount(RMB)CommentII ? 1Certificate of Deposit (copy)100,000 没看II ? 2Bankbook100,000 没看II ? 3Certificate of Work and Income100,000 Annually 没看II ? 4Certificate of Apartment in XXX Garden  Floorage:202?
详细看III. Personal InformationNo.ItemsLanguage Ⅲ-1Certificate of SUN JAVA ProgrammerEnglish没看Ⅲ-2Notarization of DegreeEnglish/Chinese 没看Ⅲ-3Notarization of EducationEnglish/Chinese 没看Ⅲ-4Official Transcripts English/Chinese 没看Ⅲ-5Certificate of CET-4Chinese 没看Ⅲ-6Certificate of Planning and Design EngineerChinese没看Ⅲ-7Introduction of Firm
Chinese 看了一眼,只一眼Ⅲ-8Instruction of SystemsChinese 没看Ⅲ-9ResumeEnglish 没看

1. 存款证明和存折一定要同时出示
2. 房产证最好也要和存折、存款证明一起出示
3. 带上和公司的劳动合同,并一定和培训协议一起出示(而且这两个东西在签证过程中一定要出示)不要给VO怀疑你的机会

rqg0717 发表于 2008-5-8 21:13:12


1)        Can you speak English?
Just a little, but I am willing to try.

2)        What are you going to do in the United States?
My company sent me to USA to improve my English proficiency, and to get to know the American culture and do some research of the market needs, because my company has been planning to tapping into the international market for a long time and has already started cooperating with a company named America XX in the States. My company has been sending employees abroad for language training and market research since 2006, and in this year, I got the chance to go abroad and take a English program in America, for in the future, I might be in charge of part of the business in the States.
And here are the agreement I signed for my training, the employment contract and the introduction to my company. Thank you.

3)        Who is going to fund you?
In training agreement, I agreed that I take a legal 6-month off from my company and go to America for the training program at XXX University. My company, of course, will pay the tuition of Language program after I finish it and take the language certificate from XXX University.

4)        Why did your company send you broad?
The major overseas projects will be in charge by me. My boss thinks that I am the right person to take this responsibility, and I told you my firm has been sending employees abroad in important positions for training. It is my turn for this year.

5)        How do you know about XXX University?
My company does not have a fixed program for us to take, and my wife is at XXX right now and I talked to my company and requested to apply for the English program at XXX so that I can be together with her during the time I am in America.

6)        Your wife is in the US?
Yes, my wife is in the US. She is taking the PhDs program at XXX Univ. Her major is Educational Psychology. This is my certificate of marriage.

7)        Do you plan to apply for admission to XXX University when you finish language studies?
No. Because I just got promoted in my company and I love doing what I have been doing at work, plus I will have higher pay and better working environment when I come back and start being in charge of the oversea business of my company. I have already signed the employment contract for the next year, and I will have to pay a lot of money if I violated it and quit my job.

8)        How long will you study in USA?
About 4 months.

9)        Why it says 12 months in the I-20?
I think all the I-20s this program issued have a period of 12 months, but I am only taking a course of one semester which is about 4 months.

10)        You have graduated from the military academy?
I have got Bachelor degree in PLA Army Command College. My major is Computer Science and Technology. I do not have a military status now. Here is the notarization. Thanks.

11)        What is the major responsibility of your job?
My position is XXX manager. I am responsible for XXX development and XXX management. My major job is to be in charge of a team of software specialists, who design, develop and manage the systems for XXX.

12)        Will you come back to China?
Yes, of course.
First of all, I have to perform the contract that was signed with my company. Otherwise, I have to pay a lot of money to my company.
Secondly, my house, my family, my friends and my career are all in China.
Finally, my wife is coming back to China to teach in a college, so I don’t see any reason to be apart from her again.


[ 本帖最后由 rqg0717 于 2008-5-9 16:49 编辑 ]

sunnycallen 发表于 2008-5-8 21:34:11


lissy 发表于 2008-5-8 21:39:56


houstonrocket 发表于 2008-5-9 00:34:22


创世雷霆 发表于 2008-5-9 00:41:42

big cong

mishi 发表于 2008-5-9 00:53:10


rqg0717 发表于 2008-5-9 14:31:45


那天排队的时候注意观察了一下,F1签证好像没有谁“吃水果”的,都被VO纠缠了很久,而且有好几个被拒的~ 所以大家一定要认真准备,深刻理解“VO都是假设你有移民倾向的”。充分准备了,才能有信心。

rqg0717 发表于 2008-5-9 14:33:47

窃窃的问一句,big cong是什么意思啊?:confused:

panda119cn 发表于 2008-5-9 15:43:05

“1)        Can you speak English?
Just a little, but I am willing to try.”
大哥,你也太谦虚了吧。洋洋洒洒的准备了一大篇还说just a little~~


rqg0717 发表于 2008-5-9 16:44:00


其实说Just a little, but I am willing to try. 完全是早就想好的应对策略。
战略上藐视,战术上重视 很重要

[ 本帖最后由 rqg0717 于 2008-5-9 16:46 编辑 ]

mrsturtle 发表于 2008-5-10 10:21:35

恭喜恭喜 沾沾喜气~!

liuturtle 发表于 2008-5-10 10:37:49

ps: 我要是vo看你这么能说英语反倒会怀疑你是不是去学语言去了
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