dexterboy786 发表于 2008-5-15 21:55:04

5.15 cd master 1000pass 算水过







我:Hi, madam, glad to meet you, I’m waiting for 6 hours and so hungry now.
我:Did you have good sleep last night?
金发眼镜妹: (smile), nobody have good sleep last night.
我:I received a notice that there would have a big earthquake at 1am last night, and we moved from house…
金发眼镜妹: outside?
我:yeah, in the tent of my university’s playground.
金发眼镜妹: you know, those days all of us didn’t have good rest.
我: thank you.
金发眼镜妹: How many times have you go to America?
我: just one.
金发眼镜妹: ok, (指着我的J1签证上有个CWOP用中文说),谁写的?
我:you mean who wrote the words CWOP?
金发眼镜妹: 我知道这是什么意思,我问谁写的?
我: 入关的时候写的。
金发眼镜妹:Ok,so tell me something about this program.
我: That program named VIPP, means Visiting International Professional Program, we were the exchange vistors from Sichuan University to go to Michigan State University to learn…
金发眼镜妹: How long were you stay in America?
我: 1 month, that was a 3 weeks program, and we had a short vocation after it. We learned the American culture, like how does american people spend their money? How to deal with their leisure time and the migration culture.
金发眼镜妹: Ok, tell me what’s the job of your parents.
我: My father is the blablabla, and his income certificate is on your hand…
金发眼镜妹: What newspaper?
我: Leshan.
金发眼镜妹: Ok
我: And my mother was retired from blablablabla, she want to take care of my father, he is very busy now and my mam has 30 years working experiences, so she accorded the department’s standard…
金发眼镜妹: What Station?
我: L-e-s-h-a-n T-v S-t-a-t-i-o-n
金发眼镜妹: Ok, give me your family’s deposit.
我: Here is the bank certificate and some deposit receipts.(没注意asset list压在下面一块给了她,想提醒她,未遂)
金发眼镜妹: (看了一会,放一边,开始打字)
我: And my parents also have some investment in stock market…(拿资料)
金发眼镜妹: no no no.
我: We also have house for renting,(拿资料)
金发眼镜妹: no no,(把收入证明和银行证明退给我)
金发眼镜妹: When will you graduate?
我: I graduated last year.
金发眼镜妹: So what did you do in this year?
我: I prepared my TOEFL, GRE and IELTES test, then I came back to my university, and wrote a research proposal, and now I’m internship in Leshan Radio Company.
金发眼镜妹: What about your research plan.
我: I only have a proposal
金发眼镜妹: Ok, give it to me.
我: (递), This proposal is focus on the technique processing, let me show you an example, when  semiconductor contact with the metal…
金发眼镜妹: You don’t need to say anything.
我: …
金发眼镜妹: Do you have $%^#$
我: What?
金发眼镜妹: CV.
我: Here you are.
金发眼镜妹: (边看边点头,不知点什么)
我: …
金发眼镜妹: 开始打字
我: My family has 3 house…
金发眼镜妹: 示意我闭嘴,打字
我: … 回头看刚认识的高中MM,笑…
金发眼镜妹: (退资料给我,拿白条)Ok, take your visa at that time.
我: Madam, I have the last question.
金发眼镜妹: (点头)
我: I’ll go to disaster area, Mian Yang, for a volunteer tomorrow, so whether somebody substitute can take this visa for me
金发眼镜妹: (smile) Of course, just take this paper.
我: and both our ID card?
金发眼镜妹: yes
我: Thank you, bye.
金发眼镜妹: bye.

[ 本帖最后由 dexterboy786 于 2008-5-17 08:34 编辑 ]

dexterboy786 发表于 2008-5-15 22:00:29


heiyihou 发表于 2008-5-15 22:09:47



dexterboy786 发表于 2008-5-17 11:24:32


4ever 发表于 2008-5-17 11:46:50


liuturtle 发表于 2008-5-17 20:29:21


lovjian 发表于 2008-5-23 01:34:42


jacquelinehsu 发表于 2008-6-3 00:50:20

:loveliness: :loveliness: :loveliness:
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