HBC 发表于 2008-5-21 23:02:09


本帖最后由 HBC 于 2009-3-20 22:31 编辑




户口,在读证明,成绩单,排名证明,GT成绩,CV, PS, 现在单位的support letter(证明欢迎我以后回来工作),身份证,学生证

asset list,财产证明,存单,除财产证明以外其他财产的存单,基金证明,商业保险证明,父母收入证明,房产证及发票,车辆所有证及发票,父母愿意出资资助我的信

项目介绍,可能导师介绍(还没分配),与学校来往邮件,其他学校的AD信及奖学金信,和其他学校联系的邮件,study plan, career plan, 各种获奖证书原件,家庭照片,女朋友照片,兼职工作的单位资料(合同,照片,工作证)

下面简单说说背景(没有炫耀的意思,只是希望给大家一个客观的评判标准):211985小本大四,某知名培训机构兼职一年,去读的学校是IVY之一,专业intercultural communication,GRE490-800-4.5,IBT 112,口语还算不错,奖学金只有2000美元,所以基本算是自费。


me: hello sir, how u doing?
vo: fine, how about u?
me: a little bit tired, but ok.
vo: why r u going to us?
me: im gonna study intercultural communication for my master's degree at the xxxxx
vo: great school! so u r going to $%^%^
me: im sorry?
me: im sorry i cant hear u.
vo: (发现没开话筒,马上笑着打开)sorry, r u going to Anneburge Center?
me: no sir, i know that, a great communication school, bu im going to the gradschool of education.
vo: ok, i got it, still wonderful.
me: thanks sir.
vo: u got full marks in ur gre quantitative? that's cool.
me: yes sir, i think it's not difficult for chinese students. it's just like duck soup.
vo: i know u guys are good at maths, but for full marks, u cant make any mistake, that's hard. so u r good.
me: thanks sir, i appreciate it
vo: your english is fantastic, how exactly did you learn it?
me: thank you very much, i practice it through watching american tv programs, for instance larry king live
vo: that's a great show, i like that a lot!
me: but i prefer jon stewart, he is more of a funny guy, more cynical, just like me.
vo: haha, he is good as well. who's gonna pay for ur education, u got scholarship?
me, yes sir, i got only a mini scholarship, it's only 2000 bucks, far from enough, my parents are gonna pay for the rest. they absolutely have enough savings for that.
vo: ok, show me ur certificate of deposit
me: 递上, I got my parents' income certificates and housing cerificates here as well, u wanna take a look?
vo: sure!
me: the tuition seems to be very expensive, but thats not exactly the case. according to my program coordinator, i only need 15 months to finish this program, hence in the second year, i only have to pay half of the first year's tuition and one fourth of the first years livingng expenses. therefore, it's not gonna be that expensive as you might imagine. i got emails which proves that, u wanna check it out?
vo:no, i trust u. do u have any brothers or sisters.
me: not at all sir, im the only son of my parents, that's part of the reasons for me to come back.
vo: what kind of job r u gonna do after graduation?
me: ICC program is pretty flexible, but i would just like to concentrate on overseas education consultancy services for CHINESE STUDENTS(说得特别大声)
vo: amazing job, huh?
me: a million percent! and i love it!
vo: ok, there's no problem with ur visa, pick it at 4 tomorrow afternoon.
me: i appreciate that sir, have an awesome day!
vo: thanks!


在这里感谢我的妈妈爸爸(支持我这么长时间的奋斗),我的姐姐(来接送我,帮我买吃的,赴酒店钱,请我吃饭),我的朋友(给我的意见,关照,在最后时刻发端信的支持), without u guys, i couldnt have made it! 这里我就不点名了,免得漏掉一个就不好了。

至于建议,我坦白说,我只签过一次,不敢冒充什么专家,我能说的就是,大家一定要把准备做到极致,其实你看我的过程,VO就主动要了财产证明,连收入证明和房产证,都是我自己强行塞进去的。但是有备无患,自己心里有底。另外,一定要自信,我们能去美国,证明我们是优秀的,我们优秀,所以we deserve a visa。我们不是去求他们给我们visa的,他们给我们,是他们的正常职责。第三,心态要放好,如果你真的优秀,你去不了美国,也还会有其他好的选择,如果你不优秀,你去不了美国……那是正常的,either way, you shouldnt be frustrated. 走到这里觉得很辛苦,但终于在最后得到了回报。祝福所有的人,都能在自己的路上走好。

[ 本帖最后由 HBC 于 2008-5-22 14:31 编辑 ]

melty 发表于 2008-5-21 23:13:34


uwseattle 发表于 2008-5-21 23:14:54


笑语嫣然 发表于 2008-5-21 23:15:52

顶, LZ口语真棒!

ginger227 发表于 2008-5-21 23:16:26


依风而来 发表于 2008-5-21 23:16:56


hyacinth 发表于 2008-5-21 23:17:36

全过程是挺完美的~~ :o


iris1209 发表于 2008-5-21 23:19:08


melty 发表于 2008-5-21 23:21:10


4ever 发表于 2008-5-21 23:21:57


Tommy1886 发表于 2008-5-21 23:23:39

不错不错,bless us all to pass

eric_me_1986 发表于 2008-5-21 23:25:49


cynthialee 发表于 2008-5-21 23:34:51


mekery 发表于 2008-5-21 23:37:30


ssjjssssbb 发表于 2008-5-21 23:37:31

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