yujiezhang 发表于 2008-5-25 00:25:26


和VO面谈前后大概十分钟吧,六号窗口的短发帅哥,很有意思的事情是,我在签证的排队等按指模的是时候,跟边上的一个人开玩笑 说六号的那个窗口的VO实在很Handsome,结果真的轮到他签我 后来想还好没有说他的坏话,可能这就是人品守恒定律吧:funk:

早晨7:55从酒店打车到天誉花园2期美国总领馆,外面的人多啊,排了一个小时的队,终于领号牌了,于是乎进去 安检,寄包,交表等了20分钟,按指模等了将近一个小时,中国就是人多啊!!:funk:  然后是排队。我前面是个去Sycaruse念本科的小MM,问了没10秒就过了,其中12号窗的紫色套装MM Vo特别水,大家都望眼欲穿的等着她的召唤,等到了11:30,12号窗口空了,正在我准备往前冲的时候,12号窗MM招招手,不签了:funk: :funk:  。没办法,只能去6号了,心想豁出去了,不变应万变吧。

VO:Good morning;
Me:Good Morning, here is my documents, and my acceptance fromXXX(自己也没有想过怎么会如此主动)
VO:You are going to XXX
VO:Why do you choose that university?
Me:XXX is the second oldest gradraduate school, I want to follow that tradition,and believed I can get high quality education there.
VO(Nod with smile):Your English is quite good(keeps hitting keyboard).
VO(Looking at my I-20):Oh,you are working now,how long have u worked?
Me:XXX Years
VO:How much do you make each month?
Me:XXX Yuan(VO keeps hitting keyboard)
VO:Can I take a look at your 成绩单?
Me:Sure, here it is. And our school offers very limited number of school score report and I have used all of them in the application,so I asked the notary office to certify it.
VO:(Looking at the 成绩单):The full mark of the classes is 100, isn't it?
Me:That's right.
VO:Are there any other universities you  have applied for?
VO:What was that?
VO: Do they accepect you?
Me:Not all of them, the schools who accept me are XXX,XXX,Oh,and another one, that's XXX.
VO:OK, you are supported by your family,aren't you?
Me:Yes,by my parents,do u want to see my certificate?
VO:Yes, please.
Me:(show him the document):This is the bank statement.and this is my deposit slip...
VO:(Looking at the materials):Ok.here you are.(keeps hitting the keyboard).
VO:Is this the first time you apply for the visa
Me:(keep silent and looks at the VO nervousely)
VO: Wait....OK,your visa is approved,congratulations,here is your visa...(开始撕蓝色的条子)
Me:(用双手接过条子以示尊敬):Thanks very much

最后走出大厅,一身汗,每次VO在狂敲电脑的时候我都很紧张,最后的步骤当然是交钱邮寄,然后出来,Call all the people who's concerned about me...



Here is my motto: Who else can believe u if you can not believe in yourself.

inez0331 发表于 2008-5-25 00:47:07


meishen 发表于 2008-5-25 07:36:43


liuturtle 发表于 2008-5-25 08:33:05

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