2008.5.27早上8:30am的预约,但是一直到了10:30才进去开始面试,因为5.26(星期一)美国放假没有上班,所以星期一的形势不大清楚,但是我们这天形势非常好,我看到的F类基本上没有被拒的,含自费的。我的情况是F1,全奖fellowship,F2工作三年了。我们是Olive颜色牌最后一个面试的,vo是褐发mm。面试的时间都比较长,但我们这组的就一对夫妇被拒了,好像是探亲的,其余全passF1,F2:Good Moring,Maddam
Vo: Good moring(take a scan at the DS and I20),silent
F1:Shall I have the interview togehter with my wife?
F1:I'll go to *** for PHD majored in **.
VO:did you got a fellowship?
F1: yes。In fact I've got four offers. Would u like to see them?
VO: study plan,cv,introduction of surpovisor in ***(upset for check)
F1: Would u like to see my advisor's CV?
VO: So you have already had an advisor?
F1:yes.My research forcus is mainly on using ** to solve *** and ....(似乎还讲了一下导师)
VO: silent(sent back the CV.整理材料,貌似期间扫了一眼F2的材料...)
VO Pass(1张蓝条)
F1:Thank you. How about my wife?
VO: silent (另一张蓝条)
F1,F2: Thank you. Have a nice day
整个过程F2就说了Good Moring,Thank you,Have a nice day.
整个过程很水,只是刚开始要study plan是感觉要check,好紧张。但是不到1分钟就pass。
[ 本帖最后由 kuangliang 于 2008-6-11 10:57 编辑 ]