grace-scut 发表于 2008-6-3 18:51:08

6.3. GZ 自费 1000 PASS


VO: So you will study *** in ***?
ME:  Yes. In my undergraduate study, I……将选这个专业的原因
VO:  Do you have the offer letter?
ME:  Of course. 扔入
VO:  Who will support your study?
ME:  My parents.
VO:  What do your parents do?
ME:  My father is ***, his annual salary is ***. My mother is ***, her annual salary is ***.
VO:  Do your parents ever go abroad?
ME:  Yes. My father ever went to Europe. And my mother has gone to many other countries. Actually she has a chance to go to US last year. But it was finally cancelled for more important things.
VO:  Have you ever gone abroad?
ME:  No. I ever planned to. Yet it was delayed because I participated the student research program. 往研究上扯
VO:  Do you have any financial statement?
ME:  Yes. 扔进financial checklist, 存款证明, 同时解释存款证明最后一笔大额是转存的结果,问他要不要看存折。
VO:No need. You can get your visa and leave now. 他没马上撕条,搞得我疑惑了一阵子,但是赶紧退开让他叫别人,绿条就出来了。

fenghua9801 发表于 2008-6-3 19:00:09



grace-scut 发表于 2008-6-3 19:18:09


zhangqian851107 发表于 2008-6-3 20:32:34

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查看完整版本: 6.3. GZ 自费 1000 PASS