ccesm 发表于 2008-6-10 10:05:06

plant pathology bj jfmm 1000 pass

等到jfmm,本来想给她说句good morning , 没给我机会
vo:what is your name?
me: xxx,
vo: asdfasdfasdf(说的很快,头也没抬,没听懂)
me: pardon?
vo: 很无奈的看了我一眼(slowly) which university will you further your graduate study in America?
me: xxxx
vo: what ?
me: (我也很无奈,loudly )xxxx
vo: when did you graduate in your university?
me: in five years
vo: 很郁闷 when did you graduate in your university?
me: oh, last year
vo: could I see your cv or resume?
me : Of course
vo:(仔细看了看 走了一会,查电脑 ,这个时候欧把study plan 也准备好, 准备被check ) Could I have your study plan?
me: Of course, here you are.
vo: (开始看,然后查电脑, 我的study plan 是临时写的,出来后发现有个明显的语法错误,这是后话)忽然把我的材料扔出来,上面一张绿条,我还没反应过来,就通过了 。

转一个连接,希望对大家有帮助Fewer Foreign Ph.D. Recipients in Science Stay in U.S. After Graduation, Study Finds:

Students in the fields of computer, electrical, and electronic engineering were most likely to stay, the study found. Those in agricultural sciences, economics, and the other social sciences were the least likely to stay

刚获悉一个同校同专业的同学被check在另一个vo那了,看来过不过和vo 关系很大啊
Bless you all!!

wanlei 发表于 2008-6-10 15:32:50


acmilanwangbo 发表于 2008-6-10 16:02:00

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