qzpm 发表于 2008-6-12 10:29:29

6月11号 SH F1+F2 水过

LG+Me: Good Afternoon.
VO: How are you today!
LG: Fine. We are fine.
VO: So you two go together. Who is the student?
LG: Yes. I am the student.
VO: Where will you go in the US?
LG: Boston. I'll go to study Geography.
VO: Study for the PhD?
LG: Yes. PhD in geography.
VO: So who will pay for your study?
LG: Mostly paid by the university and a small amout paid by myself for my wife's living cost.  Would you like to see the bank statement?
VO: No, not necessary. Show me your offer letter.
老公递出offer letter,vo看了会offer letter开始看结婚证。
VO: You have been married for two years.
SSGG笑笑问我们带照片了没有,我们递了本相册进去,SSGG边看边笑。然后开始打字,画圈圈,然后就说:Have a good trip in USA.....

sparkledodo 发表于 2008-6-12 10:36:11

big cong!

斯丢皮米 发表于 2008-6-12 11:21:51

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查看完整版本: 6月11号 SH F1+F2 水过