my_clover 发表于 2008-6-20 23:32:04

6.19 全自费master 1000pass

约的下午1:30,12点多点到签证服务大厅,没多久工作人员就叫1:30的进去了。交材料的时候注意:要把第一联930元的收据贴在156最后一页上,一进签证大厅左手边的桌子上有透明胶带,就用这个贴。另外156上注的中文项不能用铅笔写,用油笔或签字笔都行。然后就是漫长的排队取指纹、等面签。<br />
我这一队的vo是亚洲gg,挺帅的,过得也很快。第一个大叔去旅游被拒,第二个30多岁的女士去工作通过,第三个访问学者通过,第四个我通过,后面是一对夫妻,不知道结果。<br />
<br />
me: hi, nice to meet you.<br />
vo: nice to meet you. where will you study in America?<br />
me: xxx university<br />
vo: what will you study ?<br />
me: biomedical engineering<br />
vo: what is biomedical engineering?<br />
me: basically it's applying engineering method to solve some medical problem.<br />
vo: what kind of medical problem?<br />
me: well, my undergraduate education emphysizes electronics, my research aims on medical devices and image processing.<br />
vo: what kind of image?<br />
me: CT, MRI, some medical images.<br />
vo: can I look at your resume?<br />
me: sure. 递简历...<br />
...沉默...紧张...<br />
vo: ok. you pass. thank you. bye bye.<br />
me: thanks a lot. bye.<br />

[ 本帖最后由 my_clover 于 2008-6-21 20:32 编辑 ]

小兔521 发表于 2008-6-20 23:36:52

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