lendy 发表于 2008-7-15 16:16:31


Evolutionary psychology holds that the human mind is not a "blank slate," but instead that it comprises specialized mental mechanisms that were developed as a way of solving specific problems human ancestors faced millions of years ago. (A) the human mind is not a "blank slate," but instead that it comprises specialized mental mechanisms that were developed as a way of solving (B) the human mind is not a "blank slate" but instead comprises specialized mental mechanisms that were developed to solve (C) the human mind, instead of a "blank slate," it comprises specialized mental mechanisms that have been developed to solve (D) rather than it being a "blank slate," the human mind comprises specialized mental mechanisms that have been developed as a way of solving (E) rather than the human mind's being a "blank slate," that it comprises specialized mental mechanisms that were developed as a way of solving答案选B ,小女子凭感觉不小心蒙对了,但是为什么对我说不出来啊,那个not..but在这里怎么平行的啊?请各位帮解释下啊!!承蒙帮助不胜感激,祝大家杀G好成绩~!!

lendy 发表于 2008-7-15 16:22:40


主要是那个not a "blank slate" but instead comprises specialized mental mechanisms 为什么是平行啊
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