saavedro 发表于 2008-8-28 01:55:29

*Saavedro* —【杨鹏GRE-GMAT难句】评讲 (GRE阅读难句辅助训练教程)

*Saavedro* —【杨鹏GRE-GMAT难句】评讲 (GRE阅读难句辅助训练教程)                                                                      PREAMBLE           词汇,难句一直以来都是我们中国考生参加出国考试以来的最大障碍,据笔者统计,对于难句的恐惧尤胜词汇。因为词汇终究是死板的,而难句却令人感到悲痛莫名般的迷惑,更令人感到在云山雾罩的山林中一窥究竟却是如此之难!!!但是我们却又深深的感到如想战胜GRE,GMAT, LSAT等等这些高端英语考试的阅读理解部分的确需要我们每个受试者不仅具有雄厚的词汇量和词汇功底支撑,更重要的是那些句子所表达的那些深奥抽象且逻辑关系纷繁复杂的信息关系等等。因此当我们战胜了词汇后,如何在强大词汇量的基础上进一步提升阅读能力就成为了当前无法避免也难以回避的主要矛盾了。很多人都选择了力保填空和类比反义部分同时放弃阅读的战略目标。此方法不能说不对,因为像对于基础偏弱,单词掌握不佳加之考试准备时间相对较短的考生来说,力保前面的基础部分而有选择的放弃后面得分较难的阅读部分不失为良策,最后也可以取得较理想的成绩。 但是笔者认为很多人却将这种观点误解了,认为既然阅读放弃也可以得高分,那么索性我就放弃它。可是你错了。。。 你有充分的时间准备考试为什么要放弃你原本应该能够拿到的分数???这岂不是太可惜了??? 因此征服阅读并没有大家想象的那么困难,但是前提就是要有较为雄厚的基础实力。那么这样的雄厚实力究竟是什么呢? 笔者认为基础实力主要有两部分组成: 词汇+难句词汇:首先纠正一直以来很多人对阅读词汇的误解:           误解一:我已经比较熟练背完《GRE词汇精选》(GRE红宝书了),我的词汇过关了,所以阅读应该没问题了,不复习都可以啦。        这是个典型的错误,而且很多人都有这种认识,认为红宝书代表一切,虽然红宝书在整个GRE备考中凸显出其绝对性的重要,但是对于阅读理解来说,红宝书的重要性远没有在填空和类比反义部分大。用我的话说,GRE阅读对于词汇的掌握的考察基本上没有超出过国内 CET-6 要求的基础6000词汇上,如果你希望词汇障碍上在小一些,基本上掌握8000的托福基础词汇也足够了。换句话说,只要你达到CET-6对于词汇的要求,并且熟练掌握6000基础词汇,那么你的词汇就不是你在GRE阅读上的主要障碍了。但是你忽视了一点:词汇在阅读里不代表一切。以上这种错误观念就是基于我们国内传统英语教育的结果,学生对于文章的掌握永远停留在孤立的词汇上,而不是句子和文章结构这个认识层次。                 误解二:词汇量很大,阅读却不理想,相反有很多人词汇量只有四六级的水平,阅读能力却其高无比,怪异啊!!! 诡异啊!!!         不妨说,笔者就是这类人,当初笔者背完红宝书并到一个专业的国外测试词汇量的网站上测试自己的词汇水平,当看到自己的词汇量达到了13000+的时候,曾经自以为自己英语水平一日飞升千里。但当笔者找来一篇六级阅读和国内考研阅读理解看去的时候,情况却让笔者百思不得其解。稍微长一点的句子就看不懂了,稍微复杂的句子也看不懂了,里面的单词都是四级单词,很多四级单词凑在一起居然把一个红宝书背的烂熟的人难倒,这简直是荒天下之大谬!!! 但是当时的笔者却不知道这是为什么?后来随着慢慢的总结和学习,笔者发现真正阅读障碍不是词汇,而是句子。因为我被过多的强调了词汇在英语学习的重要性,所以竟天真的认为和汉语一样,词汇是一切的障碍,可以没有发现英语作为外语毕竟和母语不同,那能完全和母语学习等同来看???于是当笔者认识到这点后就完全正视这个问题---对于阅读文章的征服应该以句子为单位,而不是单词。       误解三:词汇和难句都基本搞定,阅读就应该差不多啦。。。             这虽然比较罕见,但是也是主流误区之一,在前面笔者说过了,词汇和难句只是你提升阅读能力的两个基础要素,当这两个条件你不具备或者只具备其一的话,你的提升会有一定的限制,而且会很厉害。但是当你突破这两个瓶颈后,你会发现你的阅读提升很快,可以达到常人的3-5倍左右。虽然你的基础实力很强了,但是这并不代表你的阅读就此可以停手了。请想想看:当你坐在高考考场中作答语文这个科目现代文阅读的时候的感受吧。汉语对你来说没有什么生词,抽象词和难句。但是结果呢?你一样会做错,甚至错很多。为什么??? 这不是很奇怪吗? 其实一点也不奇怪,GRE和高考语文一样,都已不再是语言能力的考试。你做不对题是因为你对文章没有理解透彻,没有达到出题者对你对文章理解的那个要求层次。所以你接下来要做的就是反复练习和总结GRE阅读北美NO题和国内考题。因为这时候语言已经基本不是制约你读文章做题的主要障碍了。 而我们这个教程就是要你基本突破这个目标---不再让语言成为制约你提升能力的主要障碍。 难句:          练习难句的目的是什么?            练习难句的目的就是让我们能够迅速一遍读懂那些长句子和那些在文章中起重要作用的句子---出题点和信息涉及的句子。这样会有两个好处。第一:你的阅读速度能够大幅度提升。 第二:征服长难句为你的阅读提升打下良好基础。让你信心百倍的迎接GRE的挑战。         如果感觉练习GRE难句吃力,我应该怎么办?            这恐怕是刚刚考完四六级考生最大的问题,由于他们刚刚完成国内的英语考试,突然见到了GRE这种”变态“的英语阅读,难免感到惊慌失措。所以笔者的建议是首先用国内英语考研阅读长难句作为过渡练习资料,使用考研难句练习一段时间后,水平会提升,然后再转到GRE难句就会感觉舒服很多。         本教程如何使用?           笔者在杨鹏老师的《GRE&&GMAT阅读难句教程》的基础上又编写了这个简易版的难句教程,旨在帮助更多的考生一起和笔者度过这次10G难关。由于笔者背单词比较早,而且难句训练也是今年年初就开始了,所以对于背单词和难句训练颇有体悟,所以拿来和大家共享。对于没有时间看杨鹏老师难句的朋友们,可以看笔者这个简易版教程。同时请一定认真阅读杨鹏老师难句书中前言和前三章的理论经验部分,那个对于指导你训练难句是非常有帮助的。也就是说教你不要在以传统的四六级英语模式来审视GRE,因为这根本是两种不同的考试。本教程以连载的形式定期更新,请大家及时关注最新动态。同时本教程为【GRE笔试高分全能突破研究组】的制定难句训练教材之一。               本教材特色是什么?              本教材一改之前的难句教程,加入了特色的难句DIY训练自测部分,由笔者本人和寄托天下--GRE作文区版主草木也知愁共同撰写和搜集相关难度的难句作为大家DIY难句和训练自测的理想材料。 其中句子结构和GRE难句相仿,但是词汇难度降低很多,主要为词汇尚未完全过关的朋友考虑。帮助他们在背单词的同时也把阅读难句搞定,使得词汇和难句这两个基础工作同时完成,助他们顺利完成通过GRE备考的前期,同时为中期和后期备考打下良好实力基础和素质。   

look look look look look look look look look look look look look look look look look look look look look look look look look look look look look look look look look look look                                                                              一1. The sex ratio will be favored which maximizes the number of decedents an individual will have and hence the number of gene copies transmitted.本人看法:本句之所以难以理解是因为ETS对这句话做了如下的加工,第一将修饰成分(定语从句后置到宾语之后,事实上这个定语which的从句是说sex ratio的,杨鹏说这是倒装,我以为这算是友好的倒装,没有起到牛倒装的境界,因此不说倒装也罢。)其次是这句话有并列省略成分,个人认为这是对我们中国考生最大的威胁,首先是两个the number of 的并列,中间还有hence一个单词做插入语成分(基本没有打岔的影响)但是本人初读难句的时候竟然将gene copies transmitted反应成主谓语的感觉,呵呵,那还是老早前的事了,事实上transmitted在这里不是动词过去式,而是分词做形容词用。是说可传递的基因复制份数。这句话ETS没有特别难为我们,如果要我故意来写的话,我还会省略,我会这么说:The sex ratio will be favored which maximizes the number of decedents an individual will have and hence of(这个of不能省略,省略语法上就出错了。) gene copies transmitted.这样写就更加变态了,我连后面的number of也给省略了。2. Hardy's weakness derives from his apparent inability to control the comings and goings of those divergent impulses and from his unwillingness to cultivate and sustain the energetic and risky ones.这句话没说的,没什么难度,主要是注意并列关系 derive from    (derive from )后面的第二个from前省略了(derive)其他的基本上没有难度,如果看不懂就是这里的抽象词对你来说多了点,不过基本都是四六级词汇。所以不多说了。3. Virginia Woolf's provocative statement about her intention in writing Mrs., Dalloway has regularly ignored by critics, since it highlights an aspect of his literary interests very different from the traditional pictures of poets of novelists concerned with examining state of reverie and vision and with following the intricate pathway of individual conscientiousness.这句话还是有一定难度的,难度主要体现在由since引导的原因状语从句,后面的结构十分复杂,主语是it 谓语是highlight 宾语是aspect of后面都是修饰成分,阅读的时候可以速读,掠过去,不要求重点理解,这个可以看后面的翻译,如果你在读中文的时候,快速理解这句话,这些成分也一定是略去或者是做不重要的处理,这到不是说你在读中文的时候要刻意的来想什么成分要重视看,什么成分可以省去不看或者略看,主要是汉语对我们来说太敏感了,母语吗,但是读英语的时候我们却不能这样,这是因为我们没有那么敏感,哪么怎么才能敏感呢?一定要加强语感,就是杨鹏说的,这种句子要反复读,读熟,读烂,直到朗朗上口的背出来!!!4. As she put it in The Common Reader, it is safely to say that not a single law has been framed or one stone set upon another because of anything Chaucer said and wrote, as we read him, we are absorbing the morality at every pore.  在写之前先回答组长草木也知愁的对这句话的一个疑问,as we read him,是怎么回事?其实这个很正常,As不仅可以引导名词性成分作状语,还可以引导句子做状语,就像开始As she put it in...一样。 这句话同样的结构在第十句话也有 such....... as have been demonstrated in nerve cells. 这里是一样的,这种结构组长只要多读慢慢就会接受的。5. With the conclusion of a burst of activity, the lactic acid level is high in body fluid, leaving a large animal vulnerable to attack until the acid is reconverted, via oxidative metabolism, by liver into glucose, which is sent (in part) back to the muscles for glycogens re-synthesis.我在默写这句话的时候看了两次书,一次是oxidative忘了怎么拼写了,再一个是glycogen(肝糖原)不会写。但是这句话依然让我有疑问,不是句子是她说的内容,我怎么记得返回肌肉的是肌糖原呢?不过前面说从肝脏出来,然后在返回肝脏,我怎么不知道呢?高中生物我可学的是很不错的啊。晕。。难道我都忘了~~~~ 郁闷ING中~~~~~~~~说一说这句话,其实这句话主要是词汇比较生疏,专有名词太多了,结构上没有什么复杂的,主句其实就是the lactic acid level is high in body fluid    这句话主要是状语比较多,起到了修饰限制的作用,前面With 引导的伴随状语,然后leaving动名词引导状语之后又有until的时间状语  via介词引导状语 by介词引导状语(都是方式状语)最后对这两个介词进行which的非限定性定语修饰,which 说前面这些都是要被返送回肌肉中去做肝糖原的重合成。6 Although Gutman admits that the forced separation by sales were frequent, he shows that the slaves' preference, revealed most clearly on the plantations where the sales were infrequent, was very much for stable monogamy.这句话如果没有了中间的那段插入语,就等于废品一句了。 revealed most clearly on the plantations where the sales were infrequent。主要是这个插入语太讨厌了,初读难句的人可能会把reveal理解成谓语,但是读到后面was very much for stable monogamy的时候大脑发生混乱不工作了。  这句话还有一个难点就是前面说的sales frequent 和 infrequent容易把人搞乱,但是根据Although的让步状语我们应该能够判断前面说force separation frequent,后面就一定说infrequent,具体表现就是for stable monogamy,有了稳定的一夫一妻制,这里的sales也很infrequent。在这里问一下组长的polygamy问题,黑人奴隶不知道对这个问题怎么看待?7 Gutman argues convincingly that the stability of Black family encouraged the transmission of --so was crucial in sustaining-- Black heritage of music, folklore, and the religious expression from one generation to another, a heritage that slaves were continually fashioning out of their American-African experiences.本句难度主要体现在--so was crucial in sustaining--这个插入语,不过还好,ETS还算友好,用hyphen帮我们标注出来了,对于两个逗号的插入语我还不大熟悉,有时候不会意识到。本句的修饰成分主要是几个介词频繁出现引导修饰成分,所以颇为可恶,of, from 等等。不过还不是致命的,多读读就好了,这个没什么的啦。8 The preference of exogamy, Gutman suggests, may derive from West-African rules governing marriage, which, though they differed from one group to another, all involves some kind of prohibition against unions with close kin.这句话在我看来没什么难度,不知道为什么被选做难句来,这话要是出现在四六级考研阅读中可能还要拿出来说说,GRE里这句话基本上没有难度。要是说的话,就是 rules 后面的动名词修饰--管理婚姻的法令。9 His thesis works relatively well, when applied to discrimination against the Blacks in the Unite State, but his definition of racial prejudice as" racially-based negative prejudgment against a group generally accepted as a race in any given region of ethnic competition" interpreted as also including hostility toward such ethnic groups as Chinese in California and Jews in the medieval Europe.这句话很有名气了,我曾经在一本四级阅读长难句的书中看到过这句话,那本书叫:四级长难句分析(文都教育-蓝色的)当时看的时候没有感觉到,后来看完杨鹏难句再去看这本书的时候,惊奇的发现里面有60%的句子都是杨鹏难句中GRE和GMAT的,先说说杨鹏书中说的一句话:“自从我出了这本书后,引来一片难句风潮,先是四六级,后来是雅思阅读。”估计其中就是针对这本书说的(可能是---其中之一)因为我推断了一下两本书的出版时间,才这么断定的,再加上这其中重复很多,基本上都是从杨鹏这里抄袭来的。呵呵    另外四级考生去读GRE-GMAT难句,合适吗?这么做会吓到他们的,这书出的实在有点残念。  这句话难度基本上集中在but后面," racially-based negative prejudgment against a group generally accepted as a race in any given region of ethnic competition“不易理解,当然阅读的时候即使不理解这句话也没事。10 Such variations in size, shape, chemistry, conduction of speed, excitation threshold and like as had been demonstrated in nerve cells remain negligible in significance for any possible correlation with manifold dimensions of mental experiences.    这句话难度主要是such as结构,Such中间成分太多,名词并列 and like=and so on  后面as 引导从句可能会有不少认为句子谓语是had been demonstrated 那就错了,这只是 such as 中的成分,怎么能做谓语?谓语是 remain 然后就是for后面的东西不要理解,但是不要紧,我们只要理解到前面就够了,不信的话你去读读中文翻译,你会发现for后面成分在读中文的时候你也会是去略读甚至不读的。因此我们训练难句就要为了达到这种语感,什么时候读英文的时候会像汉语一样自己靠强烈的语感和直觉来判断什么地方应该详细读,什么地方略读甚至不读,而这一切要在下意识的情况下反映出来,你的语感就很强了,那时候摆脱语法的束缚,和作者思想神交~~~ 这也是杨鹏说提倡的英文阅读最高境界。让我们一同去努力达到!!!  11. It is possible to demonstrate by other methods refined structural differences among the neuron types; however, proof was lacking that the quality of the impulses or its conditions was influenced by these differences, which seems instead to influence the developmental patterning of the neural circuits.

   这句话中有两个难点,第一是一个倒装,to demonstrate by other methods refined structural differences among the neuron types
ETS将by other methods by后的方式状语提前到不定式宾语的前面,正常的语序应该是 to demonstrate refined structural differences among the neuron types by other methods. 因此读者读的时候会感觉有些别扭。因为我们总是习惯to do 后面等待do的宾语出现。但是出现的确实by引导的一个状语。但是语感好的同学应该能够感觉到这句话没有说完。因此当读到refined structural differences的时候就知道这里就是to demonstrate的宾语,另外我记得杨鹏难句后面有一句话也是涉及了这个问题。那句话被杨鹏誉为:集英语各种语法现象之大成的一句话。   本句的第二个难点在于 which seems。。。。引导的定语从句,很多同学读到这里的时候已经快晕菜了,但是一定要坚持下去。后面还有一个对differences的修饰成分,不习惯的原因主要还是习惯问题。汉语修饰在前,英语在后,我们大脑不熟悉这种思维形式导致混乱,因此最好的办法还是多读,读熟,甚至背下来。在背诵的时候我们不仅提高了我们对英语的敏感,更重要的是帮助我们练就了这种语言思维,而这才是最精髓的东西,只知一味背单词和背短语的人所永远不能体会到的。

12. Although qualitative variance among the nerve energies was never rigidly disproved, the doctrine was generally abandoned in favor of the opposing view, namely, that the nerve impulses are essentially homogenous in quality and are transmitted as a "common currency" throughout the nervous system.

本句难点不用说都会知道是 never rigidly disproved 双重否定。这个问题我们在处理阅读的时候和理解的时候,如果对英语没有很强的敏感能力,是很容易出现大脑溜号的情况发生的。但是根据逻辑我们可以轻松理解,(在没有语感的情况下)首先负负得正,never disproved合并同类项抵消后出现的是prove就是证明的意思,之前又出现 rigidly(注意在抵消的时候这个词也要发生变化,这是因为你去掉了dis后,这个副词修饰的那个动词,他自己也应该去掉dis--也就是变成dis-rigidly 也就是非严格意义上的。。。)一个副词,可见是修饰prove的,因此我们可以理解成,尽管。。。。。。。。。。被(非严格意义上的)证明(认可)了  ----这前句话我用逻辑演绎帮助加深理解,但是杨鹏提倡还是要练出语感,这种逻辑推理只是在万般无奈的情况下才能用,也就是不用死活搞不懂意思。当然了,如果我们同学没患有dyslexia的话,我们还是要尽力培养语感和对英语的敏感度。这种东西完全可以当作抽象词一类的东西解决,前提是你必须有很强的英语敏感度。

13. Other experiments revealed slight variations in the size, number, arrangment, and interconnection of the nerve cells, but as far as psychoneural correlations were concerned, the obvious similarities of these sensory fields to each other seemed much more remarkable than any of minute differences.

这句话似乎没有什么太值得说的地方,如果读不懂的话,可能是专有名词比较多,但是大意还是应该不难理解的,唯一要说的是but as far as psychoneural correlations were concerned, 这里做插入语。但是却丝毫起不到打岔的作用,因此不说也罢。个人认为这句话没有必要背诵。只需要熟读就可以了。另外,这里的修饰稍微复杂一点,但是其实还是介词of 和to(注意这里不是不定式)的复合修饰。这种结构多读就可以了,其实主词还是the obvious similarities 谓语是 seemed 宾语是much more remarkable&*^*%^&$%^

14. Although some experiments show that, as an object becomes more familiar, its internal representation becomes more holistic and the recognition process correspondingly more parallel, the weight of evidence seems to support the serial hypothesis, at least for the object that are not notably familiar and simple.

  本句话的难点主要集中在插入语as an object becomes more familiar上,割断了宾语从句show that。。。。后的部分,这里是说,随着一个物体对于我们人类认识变得更加熟悉时,我们从试验中发现的是内部表征变得更加的holistic ....说道这里,holistic这个单词不是GRE红宝书出现的单词,更不会是四六级词汇书里出现的词汇,考GRE的考生应该知道GRE要求我们的词汇量其实就是三本书:四级词汇(包含了高中词汇和初中词汇)六级词汇 GRE词汇精选(红宝书)(包含了TOEFL词汇),除此之外的其他词汇我们基本上不认识。但是这个单词不属于上述任何一个书籍收录词汇的范围。因此使我们不认识的词汇,但是如果对结构非常敏感的同学会发现这句话其实是一个省略句,请看:its internal representation becomes more holistic and the recognition process correspondingly more parallel。中间由and连接的两个分句,后面的分句因为谓语和前面becomes相同,故而被省略,因此根据我们做GRE填空我们可以知道,这是黄颀的细节大法中--三位一体战术所倡导的,按照结构也应该知道 more holistic= more parallel,因此holistic=parallel 虽然这两个词不完全意义上等价,但是我们能够理解到这里就完全够了,毕竟这不是在考英语文学,不影响大致意思理解即可。理解到这里后面的题目已经完全能够有能力做对了。

15 In a large part as a consequence of feminist movement, historians have focused a great deal of attention in recent year on determining more accurately the status of women in various periods.

这句话虽然从长度上来说根本就不应该算作长难句的横列,但是想要理解他的意思却也不是特别容易。这里主要是出现了我们比较烦人的一种英语语法--倒装,本句话出现了两处倒装。第一处是:have focused a great deal of attention in recent year on determining  先说说这里的结果,我们熟悉focus on这个短语,是将A集中于B上。可以说集中精力,力量,能源等等。。。但是这句话的focus on中间加入了a great deal of attention分裂了这个结构,这个还不算致命,后面in recent year on determining是一个倒装,正确语序应该是 historians have focused a great deal of attention on determing in recent year ,这里之所以要倒装无非就是为了强调in recent year这个时间状语罢了。另外后面还有一个倒装,这个倒装比较致命,而且理解起来也有一定难度。就是 more accurately the status of &*&(*&^(* 正确的语序应该是将这个移到全句的最后。因此这句话全部正确的语序,(也是最好理解的语序是):In a large part as a consequence of feminist movement, historians have focused a great deal of attention on determining the status of women in various periods more accurately in recent year.

16. If one begins by examining why ancients refer to the Amazons, it becomes clear that ancient Greek descriptions of such societies were meant not so much to represent the observed historic fact--real Amazons--, but rather to offer "moral lesson" on the supposed outcome of women's rule in their own societies.

本句有如下难点,第一:If 引导的条件状语从句中by后面引导的成分做begin的宾语,这一点和我们一般所看到的句子不大一样,因为我们看到的by习惯当作状语处理,后面why引导的从句做examine的宾语,实际就是一个介宾结构,只不过后面是一个句子罢了。不习惯这种结构的多读然后背下来即可。第二:were meant实际就是mean的被动语态,意为:意味着,或者是:说明体现了。。。  第三:on the supposed outcome 其中supposed其实就是:可能的,假设的的意思。本句话与其说结构上难,倒不如说词汇上难度更大,倒不是说生词多,主要是熟词僻意和词汇使用灵活,当然这也体现出了这句话的作者对于英文凌驾能力之强。

17. Thus, for instance, it may come as a shock to mathematician to learn that the SCHRODINGER equation for the hydrogen atom is not a literary correct description of its atom, but only an approximation to a somewhat more correct equation taking account of spin, magnetic dipole, and relativistic effects; and that this corrected equation is itself only an imperfect approximation to an infinite set of quantum field-theoretical equations.

先说说难点:1.难点主要集中在这里 but only an approximation to a somewhat more correct equation taking account of spin, magenetic dipole, and relativistic effects,这句话中to后面并不是不定式,to只是普通的介词,表示目的或结果。因此这句话就是说只是一个近似结果用来作为一个稍微正确的等式来考虑(衡量) spin, magnetic dipole, and relativistic effects(全都是物理专有名词,阅读的时候扫过去就行了,不必过多费心。)
                   2. 这句话还有一个隐藏的难点请看这里:  ;and that this corrected equation is itself only an imperfect approximation to an infinite set of quantum field-theoretical equations.  大家注意到了 and前面有一个分号,后面是that。现在问题出来了这个and是何谁并列的?放在这里有什么用?这个问题请大家要仔细思考。通过看后面的that我们知道一定是和前面 it may come as a shock to mathematician to learn that 这里并列的,因此作为在这里出现的;and that 我们就应该知道这是一个省略句,省略的就是前面的这个:it may come as a shock to mathematician to learn 因此在理解的时候我们要知道对于; and that后面的部分也是令数学家感到震惊的,就可以了。

18.  The physicists rightly dreads the precise argument, since an argument that is convincing only if it is precise loses all its force if the assumption on which it is based slightly changed, whereas the argument that is convincing through imprecise may well be stable under small perturbations of underlying assumptions.

这句话是一句经典的难句,虽然不是很长,但是难度却可以说达到了一个相当的高度,但是这句话不是所有的部分都难,难点主要集中在这里:since an argument that is convincing only if it is precise loses all its force if the assumption on which it is based slightly changed, since引导的愿意状语从句结构十分复杂,首先我们分部来说,that从句是argument的定语 only if it is precise是条件状语从句,由only if来引导的,是对convincing的一个条件限定,是说只有在是精确的情况下那个argument才可信。后面出现的lose才是这个从句的真正谓语动词,是说在前面那一坨的情况下:一个争论只有它精确才可信。将会失去所有力量(论证力量)后面又出现了一个if条件从句,on which是介词+which结构做assumption的定语(注意这里将base on的 on提前到which,这是书面正式英语的习惯写法。)修饰assumption后面的changed才是if从句的谓语。  因此我们可以看到这句话主要是条件从句的反复重合,这一点有点像C语言的if条件句嵌套,虽然计算机能很快无误识别,但是没有那么强英语语感的我们确实有很大难度去这么做,因此这类句子把结构模仿下来后,自己造5-10个句子,然后反复读,直到背下来即可。其实这不是语言本身现象,它反映了美国人的思维模式形态,我们的目的就是要去尽力熟悉模仿它。

19. However, as they gained cohesion, the Bluestockings come to regard themselves as a "women group" and to possess a strong sense of female solidarity lacking in SALONNIERS, who remained isolated from one another by primacy each hold in her own salon.

   这句话的难度主要集中在两处,其它部分没有什么问题。第一点是:一个并列 come to........ and to.... 这个小并列对于训练过前10多句难句的我们来说不是什么难事,另外一处是 female solidarity lacking in #$%*^%%, 这里lacking动名词来继续修饰solidarity,正好引出作者的一个观点就是这种妇女团间在SALONNITERS里正好是缺乏的。然后用who引导的同位语从句来做说明。

20. As my own studies have advanced, I have been increasingly impressed with the functional similarity between insect and vertebrate societies and less so with the structural differences that seem, at the first glance, to constitute such an immense gulf between them.

   这句话难点基本上不是很大,但是有两出我要说一下,第一处是一个省略在这里 increasingly impressed with .........less so with ....... 就是当大家读到less so with的时候,语感不是很好的同学可能会迷茫,不知道这里less...是怎么回事,其实还是ETS在捣鬼,因为他给这句话做了省略,我把这里补充完全应该是 I have been increasingly impressed with...........and I have been less so impressed with.........
大家看到了,前面说increasingly 后面说less 实际上是取反。就是说作者开始越来越受到A的影响而不再是B。
另外这句话后面还有一个插入语,that seem, at the first glance, to constitute&%^&$%^#%%$%#%$#%@& 插入语起到了干扰作用,这里插入语是两个逗号隔开,不是分号加大了难度,我们也许不是很轻松的看出来,但是在于这个插入语还算短,我们还是可以接受的。



1. Nowadays, immense amount of parents and vast majority of experts come to believe that strengthening and boosting children learning or participating diverse kinds of education are indeed from various aspects that are making invaluable for all their lifetime, taking basic education as an unique course for their adolescent period for granted.

2. Developing every individual toward their own directions is always important object which is requiring most children not only justified by their own ability of foundation but also commanded by expressing their versatile tendencies even in their young time.

3. While some people may still remain unconvincing, the reasons that I analyzed in above controversial argument should at least make them in a large sense for being aware of the complexities within this issue based discussion.

4. Whether you believe or not, written records has still play an overwhelmingly important role in modern society and we also accept this accustomed written records as a indispensable means for using wide public community, teeming with our consensus.

5. For the primary reason is that video camera, as a major digital instrument in our civilized global community, is more expensive than any other mean or tool of records which is unsuitable for undesignated person who can afford to it under the financial limited circumstance to buy it.

6. Although video camera can accurately and convincingly record our real life and true experience around our society, however, it is impossible for those modern instruments to consummate precise record and depict our inward idea and consciousness, which has comparatively attested to a way of manifesting human being cultural or scientific object.

7. A leader who wields the scepter in a country possibly be abdicated for a new person to take over for the reason that along with country development, it will be encountered with many problems the leader cannot deal with.

8.  While it is true and legitimate for the speaker's point of his contention to support that mere heroes or heroines of
populace's agreement can manifest genuine character of our community, yet, in a not dissimilar way, we cannot
understand our society until we completely find our favorite heroes or heroines when it comes to mythical personage or
non-existent god as a common typical of idol for increasing number of people to applaud who have different gustoes or hobbies based on his or her diverse backgrounds upon multifarious experiences.

[ 本帖最后由 saavedro 于 2008-8-28 02:52 编辑 ]

saavedro 发表于 2008-8-28 01:58:20

21. Although fiction assuredly springs from the political circumstances, its authors react to those circumstances in ways other than ideology, and talking about novels and stories primarily as an instrument of ideology circumvents much of the fictional enterprise.

这句话首先要标注一下生词和词组,other than 是在一个区域或者是层面上排除sth。比如说A other than B 就是说,A中除了B。很多同学误将other than这个短语和rather than   instead of相混淆。在这句话中 other than这个短语取另外一个意思:不同于 different from。 circumvent这个单词是GRE词汇红宝书中出现的单词,意为:用计谋包围或夺取。但是在这里翻译不同,因此应该取这个单词的熟词僻意:限制,迫害。   其他部分没有什么太大的难度。

22. Is this a defect, or are the authors working out of, or trying to forge, a different kind of aesthetic?

  这句话是明显的并列结构加倒装结构。说其难度来确实没有什么,但是要注意的是倒装现象和并列,宾语是a different kind of aesthetic.  

23. In addition, the style of some Black novels, like Jean Toomer's Cane, verges on the expressionism or surrealism; does this technique provide a counterpoint to a prevalent theme that portraits the fate against which the Black heroes are pitted, a theme usually conveyed by more naturalistic model of expression.

这句话还是有一定难度的,首先是,like Jean Toomer's Cane,是插入语,起到了分割前面主语 the style of.....和谓语verge的作用,使读者感到迷茫。verge on是固定短语意为:接近于,相似于。后面的成分颇为复杂,再说后面之前先要解释一个词汇,counterpoint这个单词是对等物,对应物的意思,但是这个单词主要强调的是和谐的对应物,常用在音乐中和艺术对称表达中。does后面的分句中,主语是this technique 谓语是provide 宾语就是这个counterpoint,后米昂用介词to来引导修饰成分对counterpoint的进一步修饰,只有出现that分句对theme修饰,然后是一个介词+which的结构做fate的定语:against which the Black heroes are pitted,回归的语序应该是:which the Black heroes are pitted against, 其中pit against是一个短语:竞争,斗争的意思。在这里简单说一下介词+which这个结构,这个结构可以用作引导定语从句,也可以引导状语从句,比较特殊。当用作引导定语从句的时候,要把从句中谓语后面的介词提前到which这个引导词的前面,做一个介词前置的工作。(这是正式英语书写的普遍习惯,口语中是可以随意的。)当这个结构用作引导状语从句的时候也可以,这个时候不同的介词+which做引导词是不一样的,在这里我给出几个比较常用的:in which=where  on which=when  for which=because  of which=whose/its .     在这句话最后还有一个同位语从句解释theme的,虽然没有用that引导,但是我们可以看出来是对theme的一个说明。

24. Black fiction surveys a wide variety of novels, bringing to our attention in the process some fascinating and little known works like James Weldon Johnson's Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man.
  这句话难度较前面3句话大,主要是出现了短语倒装。bring to这个短语在中学的时候我们就很熟悉,但是我们只熟悉这两种结构:A bring to B 和 bring A to B ,但是很少见到 bring to B A 这样的结构,前两个我就不说了,第三个就是本句话所用的结构。bring to B A 和前面两个在意思上是一样的,都是将A带入B。在这里有一个技巧记忆这种现象,就是类似这样的短语我们只要关注后面的介词就行了,介词后面的对象一定是对象目标,或者是原因所在等等。作者为什么要这样倒装呢?真的是为了难为我们吗?其实不是这样的,这句话如果恢复成正常语序应该是这样的: bringing some fascinating and little known works like James Weldon Johnson's Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man to our attention in the process. 你会看到bring后面的成分太长,如果我们读的话,很有可能读到Ex-Colored Man的时候已经不记得前面有个bring了,到了to our attention的时候更是不知道这是怎么回事。另外英语中要避免头重脚轻,ETS这么改写后,大段大段的修饰成分都放到了句子的后面,因此符合英语写作表达习惯。对于这种结构还是多读即可。一旦掌握了和熟悉了英语那种表达习惯就什么都好了。

25. Although these molecules allow radiation at visible wavelengths, where most of energy of sunlight is concentrated, to pass through, they absorb some of the longer wavelength, infrared emission radiated from the Earth's surface, radiation that would otherwise be transmitted back into space.

    这句话中主要是插入语做修饰成分比较偏多,再加上有一些专有名词在其中狼狈为奸,导致我们读这句话的时候不是很顺畅。首先是Although引导从句,这句话中主语是molecules 谓语是allow 然后radiation后面at介词成分做方式状语,意为:以可见波形式的辐射。后面where是对可见波的修饰,说他大多是来自于阳光中能量的聚集。然后to pass through,我们读到这里的时候才刚刚发现,这个to是和前面allow 搭配形成 allow to这个我们太熟悉太熟悉的短语了,但是为什么我们阅读的时候却没有发现呢?主要还是这个短语长成分所分割,更可恶的是这个长成分中的插入语居然还是一个where引导的从句。这种“怪异”的语法现象是我们无论在高考还是四六级考试甚至考研中都不会见到过的。所以大家初次看到时确实会是一身冷汗,但是没有关系,随着我们反复读反复背,我们会熟悉的。之后才是主句 they absorb开始主句,infrared emission是补充修饰成分来做longer wavelength长波波长的同位语,具体举例子来说,它说:红外线源从地球表面辐射出去,这种辐射(如果不是这样的话)会被重新发射回空间中。

26. The role those anthropologists ascribe to evolution is not of dictating the details of humans behavior but one of imposing constraints--ways of thinking, feeling, and acting that "come actually" in archetypal situation in any culture.

  这句话其实并没有什么特别的地方,但是要注意一处省略,(虽然是省略现象,但是并不会有多大威力,我们直接读还是能够理解的。)is not of dictating the details of humans behavior but one of imposing constraints  很多人读到 is not of的时候开始发晕,不知道of dictating是修饰谁的?其实主要是The role后面那个定语从句太可恶了,将主语the role和谓语is分割的太远。导致很多人读过了那个定语从句后早就不记得前面有个什么the role, 我在这里说这个的意思就是要告诉大家,我们训练阅读就是要训练阅读英语的良好习惯,也就是杨鹏说过的要按照英语为母语人的思考方式来思考最后形成语感,正常的感觉应该是我们度过The role those ....开始潜意识的反映到The role,是主语,然后我们大脑把这个成分锁定,但是我们现在却做不到这个,而相反我们需要反复重读,回视来去帮助大脑锁定这个成分,这是为什么???还是我们对英语表达结构不敏感不熟悉,当然这主要是汉语作为母语对我们的负干扰,但是我们要排除,反复读反复背,这是最好的办法,虽然开始没有效果,但是坚持必然有效。一个月,两个月,甚至三个月。。。总之一个习惯的形成因人而异,但是一般来说1-2个月已经足够我们形成这种习惯了。第二个是,这里有一个并列,大家可能注意到了,在but one of ....这里有一个one,这个one就是指代the role的,同时也是前面那处省略的那个the role, 然后我解释一下imposing这个单词,impose大家都认识,但是imposing和impose没有一点关系,很多同学误认为是impose的形容词,或者甚至是动名词那就大错特错了。这两个单词在GRE红宝书中都有收录,请大家注意甄别,我在这就不多说了。

27. Which of the following most probably provides an appropriate analogy from human morphology for the "details" versus "constraint" distinction made in the passage in relation to the human behavior?

  这句话是一句鲜有的题干难句,而且居然还是个文句,很多人读这句话的时候开始还能够知道which of the following 这个我们极为熟悉的表达方式,但是后面读到 in relation to the human behavior的时候已经早就意识不到这还是个问句,后面出现的问号,让我们大为惊讶,原来这居然是个什么问句????于是惊讶之余只能再次回到句首重新看这句话。。。于是造成了回视和重复阅读。耽误了时间。
下面我来说说这句话的难点。这句话在 from只有全部是修饰限定成分,主语就是which引导的那个名词结构,谓语是:provide 宾语是analogy。首先是from的方位状语,说的是来自于人类形态学,for是目的状语:对于细节和限制的对比差异中。后面又是分词made引导成分修饰这个distinction 说它是在文章中,然后又一个in relation to 短语说关联到人类行为的方面。因此我们可以看到,实际上就是要求我们找一个类比,然后对这个类比提了一大堆要求。当然了这句话很特殊,他不是在阅读中出现的,而是在题干出现的,题干出现的句子我们必须认真读,不读这个道题我们都没法理解,因此这句话理解错误或者读不懂那就给我们造成了很大威胁了。
为了方便大家练习长句中的问句,我再写一句话请大家读一下:Should we risk squandering our nowadays positively tremendous success in current educational enterprise just in order to compensate for traditional methods of education which is comprehensively accepted giving way to the tentative and non-proven assumption of so-called global university's function? (这句话难度不在上面那个难句之下吧???我说的是结构,当然词汇上我功力尚浅肯定没法和那种学术论文比了。)这句话是我在一篇ISSUE作文中写过的?放到这里请大家读一读,当然如果有错误的话还请大家指出,我在这里主要是强调一下长问句的结构,也想告诉大家只要训练我们不仅能读懂,还能够写出这种东西来。

28. A low number of algal cells in the presence of a high number of grazers suggests that, but did not prove, the grazers had removed most of the algae.   

  这句话没什么说得了吧, A XXX number of xxx这个短语在我们写作文的时候快用烂了,我就不多说了。 in the presence of 也是高频写作用语,这句话主要是 but did not prove这个插入语,而且大家看到了插入语用两个逗号分开,不如用连字符好辨认,增加了难度,后面the.....是前面 suggest 的宾语从句,这句说属于没有难度的难句,我不多说喽。(这句话是一句不错的写作句型,建议大家要背下来加以模仿。)

29. Perhaps, the fact that many of these first studies considered the only algae of a size that could be collected in the net(net phytoplankton), a practice that overlooked the smaller phytoplankton(nannoplankton) that we now know grazers are most likely to feed on, led to a de-emphasis of the role of grazers in subsequent research.

   这句话我建议大家没有必要背了,关键是专业名词太多了,但是本句话结构是非常不错的,很具有典型性,所以还是要说一下,如果大家要背,我建议大家把里面的词换掉,再背,比如说这句话我就可以把它改成:Perhaps, the fact that many of these first studies considered the our love of an emotion that could be killed in the GRE (GRE-General Test), a practice that overlooked the unsteady love (our love in university) that we now know girlfriends/boyfriends are most likely to forsake, led to a de-emphasis of the role of this unique emotion in subsequent period on university campus.  这样以来这句话就好背多了,我之所以这么改主要是让大家背它来掌握这句话的结构,因为尽管这句话词汇很恶心,但是结构是很典型的,我们必须熟练掌握。下面来分析一下这句话,首先这句话是一个明显的嵌套复杂修饰结构,你看一下他的主语,这句话的主语其长无比,很多人一眼看下来不知道谓语是什么?我可以告诉你谓语是 led to(lead to过去式), 宾语是de-emphasis of.... of....  你看到了前面主语超级之长,这里有一个问题就是 a practice that overlooked the smaller phytoplankton(nannoplankton) that we now know grazers are most likely to feed on,实际上是一个插入语,这个插入语也是超级的长,that we now know grazers are most likely to feed on 不是phytoplankton的同位语而是定语从句,是从句中to feed on的宾语。在主语和插入语一大堆啰嗦后,ETS终于给出了谓语lead to .....但是这个谓语后面的宾语还是不怎么让人舒心。de-emphasis of the role of grazers de-emphasis不小心的话会看成de-emphasize,就是看成动词,然后大脑发生混乱,令我们惶恐不安,本来前面的重重关卡都被我们闯过来了,但是这里居然不小心阴沟翻船啦。。。痛苦ING!!!  但是无论怎么痛苦我们都要坚持把这句话反复读20-30遍以上,至少要读我们自己修改过的句子(没有那么多恶心的专业词汇),读出语感和感觉就好了。

30 Studies by Hardgrave and Green estimated the natural community grazing rates by measuring feeding rates of individual zooplankton species in the laboratory and then computing community grazing rates for the field condition using the known population density of grazers.
   这句话其实主谓宾结构都集中在前面,主语就是studies 谓语是estimate 宾语是 the natural community grazing rates,主要是by引导的状语太令人发寒了,很多同学读到and then computing的时候大脑处理发生错误,认为作者是先通过测量feeding rates来估计natural community grazing rates,然后用已知种群密度来计算field condition中的community grazing rates。然后读完后竟然大呼这句话没难度,但是正如这些所理解,他们对这句话理解正好相反,因为他们没有看到这个结构 by doing ....... and then doing.......    实际上作者省略了一个by 如果这句话加一个单词我们就能对其很好理解了: by measuring feeding rates of individual zooplankton species in the laboratory and then by computing community grazing rates for the field condition using the known population density of grazers.  后面using.......是动名词引导成分修饰限定computing的,它说用已知的种群密度来测算未知领域的community grazing rates。其实这句话难度主要集中在省略了一个by 和后面那个using引导的名词成分的修饰作用。其他地方仍然难度不大。

31. In the period of peak zooplankton abundance, that is, in the later spring and in the summer, Harney recorded maximum daily community grazing rates, for the nutrient-poor lakes and bog lakes, respectively, of 6.6 percent and 114 percent of daily phytoplankton production.
  本句话难度主要体现在插入语中,在in the later spring and in the summer的地点状语前,加入了that is 的插入语,起到了打断读者思路的作用。在前面IN 引导的时间状语后,开始了进入了主句,然后后面继续出现插入语成分,for the ..........用for引导的地点状语说明了Harney记录研究这种种群最大化数字的地点,分别在这两个胡群中,后面有一个respectively,一个单词作为插入语,然后of后面连接前面grazing rates做这个grazing rates的补充成分。纵观全句,重多纷繁的插入语导致了我们阅读不能连贯,思维不能连续。这句话如果没有插入语的话,实际上是算不上难句的。
32. The hydrological cycle, a major topic in the science, is the complete cycle of phenomena through which water passes, beginning as atmospheric water vapor, passing into liquid and solid form as precipitation, thence along and into ground surface, and finally again returning back to the form of atmospheric water vapor by means of evaporation and transpiration.
  本句话与上一句正好相反,本句话难懂得地方不在于插入语,主要是后面动名词引导的长方式状语特别烦人。其实主句特别简单,主语就是 Hydrological cycle, 中间由一个插入语a major topic in the science,谓语是系动词is,宾语就是the complete cycle。后面连接through which引导的定语从句修饰phenomena,因为这个phenomena是一个抽象词汇,因此必须要给他进行一系列的定义,而原语序是:which water passes through,同样的,pass through是一个短语,意为:通过,穿越。  后面开始用逗号加动名词并列结构继续进行定义,这里的定义主要是针对那个water pass的.句子后面这一段定义的理解也是有一定难度的,主要讲了一种循环,由水蒸气到液体固体的降雨降雪,然后进入土壤通过蒸发再次以水蒸气的形态返回大气中。

33. Only when a system possesses natural or artificial boundaries that associate the water within it with the hydrological cycle may the entire system properly be termed hydrogeology.
本句话出现了倒装现象,我们高中熟悉的语法现象,以Only开头的句子,整句话的主句部分发生部分倒装,谓语部分的系动词和情态动词发生倒装,提前到主语的前面,而谓语的实体部分是不发生变化的。虽然这个语法现象我们并不陌生,但是当这个语法现象再次在本句话中出现的时候,我们却很迷茫。主要是句子比较长,Only的后面出现的并不是主句,而是以When为开头引导的条件状语从句。这个从句很长,直到may the。。。。前面才完,以至于我们读到这里的时候已经不记得前面还有一个Only了,看到may后习惯性的判断为谓语,但是后面又出现了the entire system 就认为是宾语,(但其实语法上并不成立。)只有看到be termed就彻底晕了,因为已经解释不了这是怎么回事了!!!这种句子的训练没有别的办法,按照杨鹏说得,用一张带有孔条的卡片练习阅读即可,我们之所以读了后面忘了前面,就是因为我们对于英语表达不习惯,而应对这种现象的唯一方法就是这样练习,直到形成习惯打消我们的这种一贯错误的阅读思维。

34. The historian Frederick J. Turner wrote in the 1890s that the agrarian discontent that had been developing steadily in the Unite State since about 1870 had been precipitated by the closing of the internal frontier--that is the depletion of available new land for further expansion of American farming system.
  本句话结构颇为复杂,其复杂度已经远高于前面几句话了,很多人找不清楚这句长句中宾语从句中that后面的谓语到底在哪里?不知道是had been developing还是had been precipitated。于是理解发生错误,但是实际仔细分析一下就知道that had been developing是修饰discontent的定语从句,后面的had been precipitated才是谓语所在,后面by the closing of the......是by引导方式状语做宾语。连字符破折号hyphen后面that is是定语从句补充修饰internal frontier的。depletion是倒空,枯竭的意思。

35. In the early 1950s, historian who studied preindustrial European (which may define here as European in period from roughly 1300 to 1800) began, for the first time in large numbers, to investigate more of the preindustrial European population than 2 or 3 percent who comprised the political and social elite: the kings, generals, judges, nobles, bishops, and local magnates who had hitherto usually filled history books.
   本句话还是复杂修饰太多了,很容易让人搞不懂主谓宾之间的关系,首先是 who studied preindustrial European (which may define here as European in period from roughly 1300 to 1800) who 引导的定语从句做historian的同位语作为解释,然后一个括号中的插入语后出现了整句话的谓语began,加之这个began不是动词原形,所以很多人读到这里不会感觉倒是谓语,然后又再次出现了插入语for the first........ 后,出现了to investigate.......这里的begin to这个短语被for引导的插入语强行切断,读者读到to investigate的时候已经不知道这里怎么回事了,这是因为忘记了前面有一个begin的存在。然后出现了more than的比较结构。这个还不算难,who comprised the political and social elite 作为2 or 3 percent population的定语从句作为同位语解释。who had hitherto usually filled history books是修饰magnate的定语从句,同样作为同位语作为解释。

36. Historians such as Le Roy Ladurie have used the documents to extract case histories, which have illuminated the attitudes of different social groups (these attitudes include, but are not confined to, attitudes toward crime and the law) and have revealed how the authorities administered justice.
本句是典型的非限定定语从句并列,对我们考生最大的杀伤力莫过于这个并列了,很多人读到 the law) 的时候看到后面and have 的时候会感到莫名其妙,不知道这个and是和哪里并列?也就是说不知道主语是historians还是前面那个非限定定语从句的主语,但是当你拿掉插入语后,就很明显了,这个and就是和have illuminated并列,主语是前面整个主句。但是如果经过反复阅读的话,就能很清楚的看到,读意思的话也知道主语只能是前面的正句主句,不可能是historians。

37. It can be inferred from the passage that a historian who wished to compare crime rates per thousand in a European city in one decade of the fifteenth century with crime rates in another decade of that century would probably be most aided by better information about which of the following?
这句话本不是文章中的一句话,而是后面题干的一句话。但是这句话的难度却远远高于普通文章中的话。在考场上看到这句话恐怕多少有些害怕… 因为没想到题干居然还玩出了这种长句!!!  这句话其实难度不是很高。主要是能够看出
【compare crime rates per thousand in a European city in one decade of the fifteenth century with crime rates in another decade of that century】这里其实是个compare A with B的结构,就足以了。只是中间的修饰成分太多了,其实主要是时间状语,所以很多读着看的云里雾里的,背那些时间搞得找不到东西南北,其实在仔细看,就是这个简单的大学英语四级的基础词组在作怪。所以由此看出,国内四六级英语与GRE这类高端考试在阅读上最大的区别之一就是,修饰成分居多,但是基础的东西都是共同的。四六级的阅读是sparse的风格,而GRE则是verbose的风格,语言没有别的,熟悉就好。

38. My point is that its central consciousness—its profound understanding of class and gender as shaping influences on people’s lives---owes much to that earlier literary heritage, a heritage that, in general, has not been sufficiently valued by most contemporary literary critics.

这句话不用说了,主要还是插入语啊,不过插入语还算友好,使用了破折号来连接,让我们很容易就能找到句子后面的谓语owes to。这个owes to就是得益于,归功于的意思,也就是说前面的事物是后面的事物的功劳所致。然后后面一个同位语从句,继续对heritage进行解释说它是没有被很多当代文学评论家所重视。这句话难度较低,只要把没有被插入语影响就没有问题。

39. Even the requirement that biomaterials processed from these materials be nontoxic to host tissue can be met by techniques derived from studying the reactions of tissue cultures to biomaterials or from short-term implants.

下面我们来看这句话,这句话比起上面那句话难度就上了不止一个台阶,这句话首先给我们的第一印象就是句子中的专业名词似乎太多,而且句子结构也不友好,好像违背了ETS出题的原则,在句子难度高的情况下,词汇难度也没有能够平衡一下。首先是同位语从句【biomaterials processed from these materials be nontoxic to host tissue】很多人读者句话的时候读到processed from 就以为是谓语了,但是读到后面be 的时候,一下子乱了,其实不对,processed from these materials是分词结构修饰biomaterials的,真正的谓语是be。而这句话又是对requirement的说明说出了是一个怎么样的需求。其实这句话的主干非常简单,就是 requirement can be met。后面by表示手段方法,结果后面的结构是一样的,derived from studying the reactions一样是修饰techniques的分词结构。居然和前面是一样的,当然如果前面那个结构你看出来了,这里一样能看出来。于是这句话似乎又没有难度啦。

40. But achieving necessary matches in physical properties across interfaces between living and non-living matter requires knowledge of which molecules control the bonding of cells to each other- an area that we have not yet explored thoroughly.
本句中:【knowledge of which molecules control the bonding of cells to each other】里面的of which并不是介词加which引导的定语从句,当然如果从语法角度来看看成前面的那个结构也完全没错,但是意思上却讲不通,因此which就是哪个的意思。在这里再次说明了,抛弃语法,一遍读懂意思的重要性。

[ 本帖最后由 saavedro 于 2008-8-28 01:59 编辑 ]

saavedro 发表于 2008-8-28 02:05:57


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saavedro 发表于 2008-8-28 02:06:17


saavedro 发表于 2008-8-28 02:06:27


saavedro 发表于 2008-8-28 02:06:37


草木也知愁 发表于 2008-8-28 02:06:43


saavedro 发表于 2008-8-28 02:06:48


saavedro 发表于 2008-8-28 02:06:56


草木也知愁 发表于 2008-8-28 02:07:01


草木也知愁 发表于 2008-8-28 02:07:42


草木也知愁 发表于 2008-8-28 02:07:52


草木也知愁 发表于 2008-8-28 02:08:00


Soood18 发表于 2008-8-28 02:52:59

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