Genev 发表于 2009-3-20 09:40:46



The new world order
How China sees the worldMar 19th 2009
From The Economist print edition
And how the world should see China


For many in China even the buffeting by the gale that has hit the global economy has a bracing message. But it has lacked the one feature it needed fully to satisfy the ultranationalist fringe: an accompanying decline of the West. Now capitalism is in a funk in its heartlands. Europe and Japan, embroiled in the deepest post-war recession, are barely worth consideration as rivals. America, the superpower, has passed its peak. Although in public China’s leaders eschew triumphalism, there is a sense in Beijing that the reassertion of the Middle Kingdom’s global ascendancy is at hand.

He talks of China as a “great power” and worries about America’s profligate spending endangering his $1 trillion nest egg there. Incautious remarks by the new American treasury secretary about China manipulating its currency were dismissed as ridiculous; a duly penitent Hillary Clinton was welcomed in Beijing, but as an equal.

This not only worries the Europeans, who, having got rid of George Bush’s unipolar politics, have no wish to see it replaced by a Pacific duopoly, and the Japanese, who have long been paranoid about their rivals in Asia.

Already there are tens of thousands of protests each year: from those robbed of their land for development; from laid-off workers; from those suffering the side-effects of environmental despoliation. Even if China magically achieves its official 8% target, the grievances will worsen.

Far from oozing self-confidence, China is witnessing a fierce debate both about its economic system and the sort of great power it wants to be—and it is a debate the government does not like. This year the regime curtailed even the perfunctory annual meeting of its parliament, the National People’s Congress (NPC), preferring to confine discussion to back-rooms and obscure internet forums. Liberals calling for greater openness are being dealt with in the time-honoured repressive fashion. But China’s leaders also face rumblings of discontent from leftist nationalists, who see the downturn as a chance to halt market-oriented reforms at home, and for China to assert itself more stridently abroad. An angry China can veer into xenophobia, but not all the nationalist left’s causes are so dangerous: one is for the better public services and social-safety net the country sorely needs.

So China is in a more precarious situation than many Westerners think.

In the short term he needs to hold China to its promises and to scold it for its lapses

China’s record as a citizen of the world is strikingly threadbare.

Hundreds of millions of its people have been dragged out of subsistence into the middle class. China has been a grumpy taker in this process. It helped derail the latest round of world trade talks.

chasingcars 发表于 2009-3-20 10:05:56

economist... 好久没看了

chasingcars 发表于 2009-3-20 10:06:49


frank_chow 发表于 2009-3-20 10:08:58


whinny 发表于 2009-3-20 11:19:09


Genev 发表于 2009-3-20 11:38:25

3# chasingcars
看多了我快要同情Dalai Lama了

对GRE阅读有用的  还是看看S&T部分吧。

Genev 发表于 2009-3-20 11:47:15

本帖最后由 Genev 于 2009-3-20 11:48 编辑

5# whinny

再来一段,议院要求AIG那些把公司整的快垮又从救命钱里面拿高额bonus的高管采用“日本式道歉”,嘿嘿 - bow and suicide...


AIG’s wayward eggheads are not the only ones squirming.

After flip-flopping (介个就是被否定掉的“不折腾”的翻译之一) over whether it had the authority to meddle with employment contracts, the Treasury eventually seized on a clause in the recently passed stimulus bill that may allow it to retrieve payments deemed contrary to the public interest. Tim Geithner, the treasury secretary, promised to recoup the money by deducting some of it from the next $30 billion tranche of aid for the company.

This is unlikely to assuage critics. The employees get to keep the bonuses while AIG is deprived of funds that were supposedly essential to keeping it afloat. The government’s back and forth has also damaged the credibility of the Federal Reserve, which has lent heavily to AIG and was aware of the bonuses several weeks ago.

Mr Geithner’s hand was forced by an increasingly hysterical Congress. Charles Grassley, a senior Republican, set the tone by suggesting that AIG executives apologise Japanese-style, first bowing and then perhaps committing suicide(看懂后大大的乐了一阵子). The language was no less salty at a congressional hearing on AIG on March 18th, at which the firm’s chief executive, Edward Liddy, faced a rough ride despite being in the job only a few months and working for a salary of $1.

As the uproar grew, lawmakers began crafting bills that would impose taxes of up to 100% on the bonuses. Andrew Cuomo, New York’s hyperactive attorney-general, entered the fray, slapping subpoenas on the firm and muttering about possible fraud. His office stoked public ire by revealing that 73 employees had received over $1m, and that $57m of its “retention” payments were earmarked for staff it planned to lay off. At the hearing, Mr Liddy said he had asked all those who received more than $100,000 to give back at least half, and that some—no doubt motivated by death threats and the unwelcome attention of paparazzi—had offered to return the full amount. But he also worried that they would leave AIG, making it harder to manage the toxic financial-products business.

草木也知愁 发表于 2009-3-20 11:52:01

呵呵 我以前也做来着 最近忙就放下了

我一直发到了AW那里 对写作也有很多帮助滴

下星期我就要带着dies in flames组做这了

zhtwd 发表于 2009-3-20 13:06:35

恩~ GRE单词是很有用滴^^

whinny 发表于 2009-3-20 13:50:39

Genev 你的进度相当快啊~~~ 我第一篇都没有看完,头两篇就都被你拿下了~~~

irvine666 发表于 2009-3-20 13:54:58

今天为写highest morality and ethic of leaders那篇偶也找的那个obama scold high bonus to executive当例子,嘿嘿..

gdreamer9 发表于 2009-3-21 10:45:54

本帖最后由 gdreamer9 于 2009-3-21 10:57 编辑

7# Genev

我实在是太崇拜DINA MM了~呵呵..我也是很喜欢经济师....我也常看NYT的science 和环境版


1 可以知道单词的用法和特定的含义.
2 呵呵可能是心理的原因...在文章中大段熟悉的单词中冒出的不认识的单词,觉得这个单词格外的刺眼和醒目....马上就记住了!就象浩瀚的星空看见一轮明月挂在那里... 在文章中看到的每个生词对我来说都是明月,记忆率较高....而每次打开红宝生词海就想无边的星空....我的迷失在里面了:(   我看了相关的心理学的书籍..这个是人的正常心理情况..比如你的一大群熟悉的朋友介绍一个新的朋友给你,你马上就记住她的名字了...但是如果是一个从未谋面的一大群人,最后可能是每个人的姓名你都张冠李戴,哪个都没有记住,所以大脑是有记忆疲劳的.


所以强烈顶DINA MM 的帖子!呵呵..我有时间的话也加入进来....不过我因为红宝还没有折腾完一遍....所以我就把我不认识的词加粗贴上来呵呵~也不查是不是红宝的单词了呵呵~

paparazzi 狗仔队这个单词还是老米同事跟我聊天的时候用的我一下记住了....如果我们非要说老美在GRE用这样的单词是难为我们..生僻的很..那我觉得很冤枉他们把呵呵~

Genev 发表于 2009-3-21 22:56:32


Sometimes I am lost, thwarfed and carried away.
But look at the constellations,
astronomer never stop queries.
All we need to have
is the Brave Heart.

justdoit! 发表于 2009-3-21 23:58:54


gdreamer9 发表于 2009-3-23 14:54:03

本帖最后由 gdreamer9 于 2009-3-23 14:58 编辑


In One Ear and Out the Other
(By all accounts, my grandfather Nathan had the comic ambitions of a Jack Benny but the comic gifts of a John Kerry. Undeterred, he always kept a few blank index cards in his pocket, so that if he happened to hear a good joke, he’d have someplace to write it down.
How I wish I knew where Nathan stashed that deck.
Like many people, I can never remember a joke. I hear or read something hilarious, I laugh loudly enough to embarrass everybody else in the library, and then I instantly forget everything about it — everything except the fact, always popular around the dinner table, that “I heard a great joke today, but now I can’t remember what it was.”)说明人类总是忘记的现象,摆出问题和现象。
For researchers who study memory, the ease with which people forget jokes is one of those quirks, those little skids on the neuronal banana peel, that end up revealing a surprising amount about the underlying architecture of memory.  TS
And there are plenty of other similarly illuminating examples of memory’s whimsy and bad taste — like why you may forget your spouse’s birthday but will go to your deathbed remembering every word of the “Gilligan’s Island” theme song.递进的表述无转折 And why you must chop a string of data like a phone number into manageable and predictable chunks to remember it and will fall to pieces if you are in Britain and hear a number read out as “double-four, double-three.” And why your efforts to fill in a sudden memory lapse by asking your companions, “Hey, what was the name of that actor who starred in the movie we saw on Friday?” may well fail, because (what useless friends!) now they’ve all forgotten, too.
Welcome to the human brain, your three-pound throne of wisdom with the whoopee cushion on the seat.
In understanding human memory and its tics, Scott A. Small, a neurologist and memory researcher at Columbia, suggests the familiar analogy with computer memory. SE 1
We have our version of a buffer, he said, a short-term working memory of limited scope and fast turnover rate. We have our equivalent of a save button: the hippocampus, deep in the forebrain is essential for translating short-term memories into a more permanent form.
Our frontal lobes perform the find function, retrieving saved files to embellish as needed. And though scientists used to believe that short- and long-term memories were stored in different parts of the brain, they have discovered that what really distinguishes the lasting from the transient is how strongly the memory is engraved in the brain, and the thickness and complexity of the connections linking large populations of brain cells. The deeper the memory, the more readily and robustly an ensemble of like-minded neurons will fire.
This process, of memory formation by neuronal entrainment, helps explain why some of life’s offerings weasel in easily and then refuse to be spiked. SE 2  Music, for example. “The brain has a strong propensity to organize information and perception in patterns, and music plays into that inclination,” said Michael Thaut, a professor of music and neuroscience at Colorado State University. “From an acoustical perspective, music is an overstructured language, which the brain invented and which the brain loves to hear.”
A simple melody with a simple rhythm and repetition can be a tremendous mnemonic device. “It would be a virtually impossible task for young children to memorize a sequence of 26 separate letters if you just gave it to them as a string of information,” Dr. Thaut said. But when the alphabet is set to the tune of the ABC song with its four melodic phrases, preschoolers can learn it with ease.
And what are the most insidious jingles or sitcom themes but cunning variations on twinkle twinkle ABC?   提出新的问题
Really great jokes, on the other hand, punch the lights out of do re mi. They work not by conforming to pattern recognition routines but by subverting them. “Jokes work because they deal with the unexpected, starting in one direction and then veering off into another,” said Robert Provine, a professor of psychology at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and the author of “Laughter: A Scientific Investigation.” “What makes a joke successful are the same properties that can make it difficult to remember.”
This may also explain why the jokes we tend to remember are often the most clichéd ones. A mother-in-law joke? Yes, I have the slot ready and labeled.
Memory researchers suggest additional reasons that great jokes may elude common capture. Daniel L. Schacter, a professor of psychology at Harvard and the author of “The Seven Sins of Memory,” says there is a big difference between verbatim recall of all the details of an event and gist recall of its general meaning.
“We humans are pretty good at gist recall but have difficulty with being exact,” he said. Though anecdotes can be told in broad outline, jokes live or die by nuance, precision and timing. And while emotional arousal normally enhances memory, it ends up further eroding your attention to that one killer frill. “Emotionally arousing material calls your attention to a central object,” Dr. Schacter said, “but it can make it difficult to remember peripheral details.”
As frustrating as it can be to forget something new, it’s worse to forget what you already know. Scientists refer to this as the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon, when you know something but can’t spit it out, and the harder you try the more noncompliant the archives.
It’s such a virulent disorder that when you ask friends for help, you can set off so-called infectious amnesia. Behind the tying up of tongues are the too-delicate nerves of our brain’s frontal lobes and their sensitivity to anxiety and the hormones of fight or flight. The frontal lobes that rifle through stored memories and perform other higher cognitive tasks tend to shut down when the lower brain senses danger and demands that energy be shunted its way.
For that reason anxiety can be a test taker’s worst foe, and the anxiety of a pop quiz from a friend can make your frontal lobes freeze and your mind go blank. That is also why you’ll recall the frustratingly forgotten fact later that night, in the tranquillity of bed.
Memories can be strengthened with time and practice, practice, practice, but if there’s one part of the system that resists improvement, it’s our buffers, the size of our working memory on which a few items can be temporarily cached. Much research suggests that we can hold in short-term memory only five to nine data chunks at a time.
The limits of working memory again encourage our pattern-mad brains, and so we strive to bunch phone numbers into digestible portions and could manage even 10-digit strings when they had area codes with predictable phrases like a middle zero or one. But with the rise of atonal phone numbers with random strings of 10 digits, memory researchers say the limits of working memory have been crossed. Got any index cards?
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