kulewy531 发表于 2009-11-24 15:26:59

1.talking with others about the topics is catholicon for writing blocks. But, in most cases, we can not talk during exams. thereby, we need to do it in our spare time.
2. good wrting habit reduce the chance of getting writing blocks.

nunulong 发表于 2009-11-25 13:08:29

Symptoms and Cures for Writer's Block  对于神经性写作便秘的症状介绍及治疗建议

Because writers have various ways of writing, a variety of things can cause a writer to experience anxiety, and sometimes this anxiety leads to writer's block. Often a solution can be found by speaking with your instructor (if you are in school), or a writing tutor. There are some common causes of writer's block, however, and when you are blocked, consider these causes and try the strategies that sound most promising:


You have attempted to begin a paper without doing any preliminary work such as brainstorming or outlining...——之前自己时常犯类似问题,文章老跑题,要么是论证力度不够

Possible Cures

Use invention strategies suggested by a tutor or teacher
Write down all the primary ideas you'd like to express and then fill in each with the smaller ideas that make up each primary idea. This can easily be converted into an outline ——很受用,头脑风暴,集思广益。也是老师老生常谈的问题:提纲的重要性。


You have chosen or been assigned a topic which bores you....——很现实的问题

Possible Cures

Choose a particular aspect of the topic you are interested in (if the writing situation will allow it...i.e. if the goal of your writing can be adjusted and is not given to you specifically, or if the teacher or project coordinator will allow it)
Talk to a tutor about how you can personalize a topic to make it more interesting——这个需要眼光独到了,估计不是一日之功,对于ISSUE可以采用完全立场,或是与范文观点完全对立的角度分析。


You don't want to spend time writing or don't understand the assignment...

Possible Cures

Resign yourself to the fact that you have to write
Find out what is expected of you (consult a teacher, textbook, student, tutor, or project coordinator)
Look at some of the strategies for writing anxiety listed below


You are anxious about writing the paper...

Possible Cures

Focus your energy by rehearsing the task in your head.
Consciously stop the non-productive comments running through your head by replacing them with productive ones.
If you have some "rituals" for writing success (chewing gum, listening to jazz etc.), use them.


You are so stressed out you can't seem to put a word on the page...

Possible Cures

Stretch! If you can't stand up, stretch as many muscle groups as possible while staying seated.
Try tensing and releasing various muscle groups. Starting from your toes, tense up for perhaps five to ten seconds and then let go. Relax and then go on to another muscle group.
Breathe deeply. Close your eyes; then, fill your chest cavity slowly by taking four of five short deep breaths. Hold each breath until it hurts, and then let it out slowly.
Use a calming word or mental image to focus on while relaxing. If you choose a word, be careful not to use an imperative. Don't command yourself to "Calm down!" or "Relax!"

You're self-conscious about your writing, you may have trouble getting started. So, if you're preoccupied with the idea that you have to write about a subject and feel you probably won't express yourself well...

Possible Cures

Talk over the subject with a friend or tutor.
assure yourself that the first draft doesn't have to be a work of genius, it is something to work with.
Force yourself to write down something, however poorly worded, that approximates your thought (you can revise this later) and go on with the next idea.
Break the task up into steps. Meet the general purpose first, and then flesh out the more specific aspects later.
Try one of the strategies on the next page of this resource.
Other Strategies for Getting Over Writer's Block If you have tried the other strategies and are still having problems, try some of these general techniques for getting over writer's block. These strategies will prove more helpful when you're drafting your writing.
Begin in the MiddleStart writing at whatever point you like. If you want to begin in the middle, fine. Leave the introduction or first section until later. The reader will never know that you wrote the paper "backwards." Besides, some writers routinely save the introduction until later when they have a clearer idea of what the main idea and purpose of the piece will be.
Talk Out the PaperTalking feels less artificial than writing to some people. Talk about what you want to write someone—your teacher, a friend, a roommate, or a tutor. Just pick someone who's willing to give you fifteen to thirty minutes to talk about the topic and whose main aim is to help you start writing. Have the person take notes while you talk or tape your conversation. Talking will be helpful because you'll probably be more natural and spontaneous in speech than in writing. Your listener can ask questions and guide you as you speak, and you'll be more likely to relax and say something unpredictable than if that you were sitting and forcing yourself to write.
Tape the PaperTalk into a tape recorder, imagining your audience sitting in front of you. Then, transcribe the tape-recorded material. You'll at least have some ideas written down to work with and move around.
Change the AudiencePretend that you're writing to a child, to a close friend, to a parent, to a person who sharply disagrees with you, or to someone who's new to the subject and needs to have you explain your paper's topic slowly and clearly. Changing the audience can clarify your purpose and can also make you feel more comfortable and help you write more easily.
Play a RolePretend you are someone else writing the paper. For instance, if you have been asked to write about sexist advertising, assume you are the president of the National Organization of Women. Or, pretend you are the president of a major oil company asked to defend the high price of oil. Consider being someone in another time period, or someone with a wildly different perspective from your own. Pulling yourself out of your usual perspective can help you see things that are otherwise invisible or difficult to articulate, and your writing will be stronger for it.

rushtosummer 发表于 2009-12-9 20:20:47

You have attempted to begin a paper without doing any preliminary work such as brainstorming or outlining...
Possible Cures
Write down all the primary ideas you'd like to express and then fill in each with the smaller ideas that make up each primary idea. This can easily be converted into an outline.
You have chosen or been assigned a topic which bores you....
Possible Cures
Talk to a tutor about how you can personalize a topic to make it more interesting
遇到令人厌烦的话题,但是又不能更改。这时就只能接受它了。关于怎么样让这个topic personalized,我觉得每个人应该有不同的方法,实际上做起来也比较难。所以个人认为,看到一个话题时,最好不要有先入为主的想法,比如说,讨厌,怯场之类。冷静一下,在大脑中搜索一下相关的信息,如果没有什么大的帮助,就和身边的同学讨论一下。
You don't want to spend time writing or don't understand the assignment...
Possible Cures
Resign yourself to the fact that you have to write.
4. Symptom
Writing Anxiety
Possible cures...
You're self-conscious about your writing, you may have trouble getting started. So, if you're preoccupied with the idea that you have to write about a subject and feel you probably won't express yourself well...
Possible Cures
•Talk over the subject with a friend or tutor.
•Assure yourself that the first draft doesn't have to be a work of genius, it is something to work with. 这个想法比较能减轻我们的忧虑,我想之所以怕写作,就是因为怕写不好,但是写好写坏事能力问题,写与不写就是态度问题了,所以不要想第一次就写出特别好的文章,先练练看
•Force yourself to write down something, however poorly worded, that approximates your thought (you can revise this later) and go on with the next idea. 还是要给自己一点压力
•Break the task up into steps. Meet the general purpose first, and then flesh out the more specific aspects later. 如果整个任务看起来让人害怕,那么我们可以把它分成一个一个的小任务,这样不仅降低了惧怕,而且每次完成一个小任务,还会有一些成就感。
•Try one of the strategies on the next page of this resource.
Begin in the Middle Start writing at whatever point you like. If you want to begin in the middle, fine. Leave the introduction or first section until later. The reader will never know that you wrote the paper "backwards." Besides, some writers routinely save the introduction until later when they have a clearer idea of what the main idea and purpose of the piece will be.下次写作文不知道怎么开头时候,要试一试,写着写着也许就思如泉涌了。
Talk Out the Paper Talking feels less artificial than writing to some people. Talk about what you want to write someone—your teacher, a friend, a roommate, or a tutor. Just pick someone who's willing to give you fifteen to thirty minutes to talk about the topic and whose main aim is to help you start writing. Have the person take notes while you talk or tape your conversation. Talking will be helpful because you'll probably be more natural and spontaneous in speech than in writing. Your listener can ask questions and guide you as you speak, and you'll be more likely to relax and say something unpredictable than if that you were sitting and forcing yourself to write.谈话可以让我们从不同的视角看问题,相当于brainstorming
Tape the Paper Talk into a tape recorder, imagining your audience sitting in front of you. Then, transcribe the tape-recorded material. You'll at least have some ideas written down to work with and move around. 当然练得时候录音,操作起来不是很方便,但是还是可以尝试在写之前把自己的想法和思路先说出来,可以即时做纠正。
Change the Audience Pretend that you're writing to a child, to a close friend, to a parent, to a person who sharply disagrees with you, or to someone who's new to the subject and needs to have you explain your paper's topic slowly and clearly. Changing the audience can clarify your purpose and can also make you feel more comfortable and help you write more easily. 这样可以减小写作的压力,我们可以不要认为自己的文章是要发表或等等之类的,只要想这是给一个孩子或不熟悉这一领域的人,讲解相关内容,清楚并且符合逻辑即可。
Play a Role Pretend you are someone else writing the paper. For instance, if you have been asked to write about sexist advertising, assume you are the president of the National Organization of Women. Or, pretend you are the president of a major oil company asked to defend the high price of oil. Consider being someone in another time period, or someone with a wildly different perspective from your own. Pulling yourself out of your usual perspective can help you see things that are otherwise invisible or difficult to articulate, and your writing will be stronger for it.这个应该在ARGUMENT时非常需要

mikestone 发表于 2009-12-13 10:50:53

1 写作中如果遇到自己不能表达清楚的想法该怎么办?解决办法就是先用相近的意思表达出来,然后慢慢改。
2 我一直惧怕写作。解决办法,强迫自己写,可以先模仿别人的东西,也可先写自己感兴趣的话题。

Blithe0404 发表于 2009-12-16 01:08:16

I think the following will really works for me.Thank you,moderator...

Overcoming Writing Blocks
1.Begin in the Middle Start writing at whatever point you like.
2.Talk Out the Paper Talking feels less artificial than writing to some people.
3.Tape the Paper Talk into a tape recorder, imagining your audience sitting in front of you.
4.Change the AudiencePretend that you're writing to a child, to a close friend, to a parent, to a person who sharply disagrees with you, or to someone who's new to the subject and needs to have you explain your paper's topic slowly and clearly.
5.Play a RolePretend you are someone else writing the paper.

dengqu2004 发表于 2009-12-22 13:01:02

总之是需要写下点什么才可能开始的 我貌似已经过了神经性写作便秘的阶段了

moonmouse 发表于 2010-1-10 17:24:00


moonmouse 发表于 2010-1-10 18:19:46

Other Strategies for Getting Over Writer's BlockIf you have tried the other strategies and are still having problems, try some of these general techniques for getting over writer's block. These strategies will prove more helpful when you're drafting your writing.
Begin in the MiddleStart writing at whatever point you like. If you want to begin in the middle, fine. Leave the introduction or first section until later. The reader will never know that you wrote the paper "backwards." Besides, some writers routinely save the introduction until later when they have a clearer idea of what the main idea and purpose of the piece will be.
Talk Out the PaperTalking feels less artificial than writing to some people. Talk about what you want to write someone—your teacher, a friend, a roommate, or a tutor. Just pick someone who's willing to give you fifteen to thirty minutes to talk about the topic and whose main aim is to help you start writing. Have the person take notes while you talk or tape your conversation. Talking will be helpful because you'll probably be more natural and spontaneous in speech than in writing. Your listener can ask questions and guide you as you speak, and you'll be more likely to relax and say something unpredictable than if that you were sitting and forcing yourself to write.
Tape the PaperTalk into a tape recorder, imagining your audience sitting in front of you. Then, transcribe the tape-recorded material. You'll at least have some ideas written down to work with and move around.
Change the AudiencePretend that you're writing to a child, to a close friend, to a parent, to a person who sharply disagrees with you, or to someone who's new to the subject and needs to have you explain your paper's topic slowly and clearly. Changing the audience can clarify your purpose and can also make you feel more comfortable and help you write more easily.
Play a RolePretend you are someone else writing the paper. For instance, if you have been asked to write about sexist advertising, assume you are the president of the National Organization of Women. Or, pretend you are the president of a major oil company asked to defend the high price of oil. Consider being someone in another time period, or someone with a wildly different perspective from your own. Pulling yourself out of your usual perspective can help you see things that are otherwise invisible or difficult to articulate, and your writing will be stronger for it.


rodgood 发表于 2010-3-6 23:28:03


赵小竹 发表于 2010-7-7 17:25:37


赵小竹 发表于 2010-7-7 17:25:54


张寄托 发表于 2015-8-16 17:56:06

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