yyx017 发表于 2009-6-4 01:01:57

银落 发表于 2009-6-4 23:18:01


银落 发表于 2009-6-5 23:16:10


银落 发表于 2009-6-6 23:19:47




总结今天的收获。。。看了spectacular的语法分析--从句。。。做了一套题目。。。剩下的后面几天继续~。。。argu从139列到145.。。。~。。。eco也是看了米饭从前看过的一篇young man in a hurry。。。似乎在我觉得有点不是特别懂。。。下面列出好词好句~

be credited with
presidential race
unwittingly become(超爱)
be content with
be out of kilter --状况不好

That, together with the city'wealth, makes it a good place to experiment.插入语~
With typical self-assurance, Mr Newsom claims that his  model could be rolled out more widely if Mr Obama's health plan falters.
None of which throws Mr Newsom off his stride.很强大的句型
Whether you support or oppose us, we are always at the leading edge.很有自信~。。。


银落 发表于 2009-6-8 01:53:41

今天看了economist的debate。。是die组做的。。。看了一个for the motion的一段。。关于technology in education的
tinkering with traditional classroom teaching cannot achieve these three outcomes because improving any one outcome makes the others' weak.---好句型
the tragedy, and why you must vote for the mothion, is that these successes are rare.超赞。。用在目的好,但是难以实行的issue上,比如国际学校那篇
改写:the reality, which we have to take into account ,is that its practicability is so poor.
后接:the approach is doomed to failure.-->改成:the solution is doomed to failure.
we are still a long way from that goal.



银落 发表于 2009-6-9 01:34:09




银落 发表于 2009-6-10 00:59:30

本帖最后由 银落 于 2009-6-10 01:05 编辑

there are several important features of the study that limit the results. First, this study is limited in a particular....., within specific..... and within particular.... Furthermore, in the analysis of .... the research found no evidence of differences between... and ... in .... Consequently, the study is particularly limited by the marginal nature of intervention. All of these factors constrain the generalizability of  the findings and certainly do not allow the author to make the general claim, as they do, that ...

How much more of a contribution could it make under these circumstances?

How do we make sense out of mixed results?

We assume too often that technology is the answer without asking what the question was. Successful applications begin with a clear and difficult problem to solve instead of a vague assumption that technology will enhance teaching.

银落 发表于 2009-6-11 00:12:43

本帖最后由 银落 于 2009-6-11 00:37 编辑

ON JANUARY 5th Steve Jobs, the revered and controversial boss of Apple, disclosed that “a hormone imbalance” had been “robbing” him of proteins all last year, which was why he has appeared so gaunt. He insisted that the cure would be “simple and straightforward” and declared defiantly that this was “all that I am going to say about this.”

But on Wednesday January 14th he had to say more: “I have learned that my health-related issues are more complex than I originally thought.” He announced that he was taking medical leave until June, during which time his number two, Tim Cook, would run Apple. “I look forward to seeing all of you this summer,” Mr Jobs ended his latest letter to his firm’s employees. But there is a real possibility that Mr Jobs, who had surgery for a rare form of pancreatic cancer in 2004, will not come back.

And so the era of Steve Jobs at Apple may already have ended. Investors, customers, employees and fans have barely begun to absorb the consequences. No boss today embodies and defines his company as completely as Steve Jobs. “I don’t see an Apple, the way we would define the company, without Steve,” says Mark Anderson of Strategic News Service, a technology think-tank.
Two separate dramas will now begin playing out. One is the unfolding of Mr Jobs’s personal story. He founded the company with a friend in the 1970s. He pioneered the era of the personal computer in the 1980s. He was thrown out of the company in a boardroom coup in 1985. He spent 12 years remaking himself, then returned to lead the then-struggling firm to its greatest triumphs: the iMac, which reinvigorated its computer business; the iPod, which has transformed music; and the iPhone, which has shaken up the mobile-phone industry.
The other drama is the unfolding of Apple’s story. The closest to a successor that the company has is
Mr Cook, who is chief operating officer and briefly ran Apple while Mr Jobs was having his cancer surgery. Mr Cook keeps a very low profile, as Mr Jobs prefers his staff to do. He is single and a workaholic. He has a southern drawl and is as cool as Mr Jobs runs hot. He is the master of Apple’s operational minutiae. But not a single gesture by him or Mr Jobs has ever suggested that he might become the permanent chief executive.
To take his own place on a stage this month, Mr Jobs instead chose Apple’s marketing boss, Philip Schiller. Mr Schiller put on a gamely performance, but in subtle ways the absence of Mr Jobs, a consummate showman, was felt throughout. Mr Jobs likes to tease audiences toward the end of speeches with “one more thing”; Mr Schiller, as though emphasising that he was not trying to replace Mr Jobs, turned it into “one last thing”.

It is unknown whether Apple has a pipeline of innovative new products on the scale of the iPod or iPhone. A tablet-like device to contest Amazon in electronic-book readers, or an internet-capable television set, is possible. A new line of laptops has just been announced.

But the real question for Apple is whether the person of Mr Jobs is the glue that holds the talent underneath him together. Apple’s magic is part design, part engineering, part logistics and part vision. Design is the domain of Jonathan Ive, a shy Briton; engineering is split into hardware and software; logistics is run by
Mr Cook. And the vision thing belongs entirely to
Mr Jobs. Without him, will all the other pieces, and the magic, come unglued?

Boardroom 董事会
Coup 政策
Revered 尊敬的 venerable
August 尊严的 庄严的 有气势的
Disclose 揭露
Gaunt 憔悴的 瘦削的
Straightforward 简单明了的
Defiantly 挑战的 挑衅的
Leave 假期
Pancreatic 胰腺的
Unfolding 展开
Reinvigorate 使再生活力
Profile 姿态
Workaholic 工作狂
Drawl 慢吞吞的说话方式
Minutiae 细枝末节 琐碎小事
Gamely 勇敢地
Consummate 完美的
Showman 做戏的人
Pipeline 流水线 商品供应线

好。。。今天从下午开始一直到晚上就直接述职到吃饭到ktv。。。拒不掉。。。毕竟最后一次。。。回来在寝室的音乐声中翻背了一篇new concept
there is a growing dislike of ...
The tidy committee men regard them with horror, knowing that no pigeonholes can be found for them.
We could do with(=need) a few original and creative men--if only to create some enthusiasm and release some energy--but where are they?
We were asked to select between various shades of the negative.
The engine is falling to pieces...
Notice how these cold, colorless men without ideas and with no other passion but a craving for success, get on in our society, capturing one plum after another and taking all juice and taste out of them.

好。。。 对于argu和issue待会奋战写。。。一定要写五篇。。。不然对不起自己。。。~

银落 发表于 2009-6-11 01:09:28

本帖最后由 银落 于 2009-6-11 01:22 编辑



从评分标准里面我们就可以看出develop a position需要reasons和examples两个要素。reasons 可以说是对于论点的分析解释等内容,姑且称之为“理论支持”;而examples则是各种支持论点的例子,姑且称之为“事实支持”。相信大家都明白“理论支持”部分的重要性,issue看的就是你的说理,看你能否把道理论述清楚,如果缺少了这个“理论支持”的说理部分,只剩下光秃秃的论点,相信最多也只能达到2分的评判标准而已。这个问题不是此文的重点,所以这里就不展开了。
比如说:我们要为“××钙”宣传,从理论上我们可以说,一,此钙比同类产品更易于被肠胃吸收,具体可以论述此钙为如何如何的离子形式,比其他钙如何如何好二,此钙无其他钙的毒副作用,具体可以论述此钙通过了什么什么验证做了什么什么实验,三,此钙的效果比其他钙要好的多,具体可以说对于儿童促进生长,对于中青年提高抵抗力,对于老年补充钙流失。如此这般blah blah了一堆,让人看得云里雾里的,半信半疑,效果不佳。但是,如果你举出了具体的例子,比如,著名影星张三就选择服用此钙,而且,著名歌星李四也对此钙也十分满意,另外,著名球星王五使用此钙后身高暴长,因此打入NBA等等,然后让这些人现身说法一下。通过这样的实例你要说服的对象对于你的观点的认同感会大大的加强。正所谓“实践是检验真理的唯一标准”,如果没有具体的实例的支持,任你把理论说的天花乱坠也不容易让别人同意你的看法,反而会因为纯理论性论述的枯燥乏味而让人反感。

2. 例子可以消除假大空来填充具体内容,使理论可信度提升(化虚为实)


3. 例子的好处


1.1        论证方法的多样性


a. 弥补理论不足


b. 说理枯燥乏味

理论性的内容总是缺乏吸引力的,而说理的内容过多会让读者感觉乏味和厌烦。这时适当的举出相关的实例可以吸引读者的注意力,让读者能够继续欣赏你的文章,分享你的想法。这一点正符合issue185的观点,scandal比speakers or reformers的手段更能吸引人们的注意。所以,至少是在吸引读者注意力方面,例子起到了很大的作用。

c. 问题复杂不易说清


d. 理论无话可说


e. 字数问题

4. 例子的选择


4.1          选择准确的例子


4.2          选择有代表性的例子


4.3          选择有时效性的例子


4.4          选择符合题目的例子


* Socialization, process by which people, especially children, learn acceptable and unacceptable behaviors for a given environment.――from MSN ENCARTA

4.5          选择符合论点的例子


4.6          选择有新意的例子


5. ///4. 例子的使用


4.1  例子使用的准确性


4.1.1   名词的准确


4.1.2   翻译的准确性

这个问题主要出现在一些中文例子的翻译上面出现的Chinglish的问题,比如说robinii提到的把黑哨翻成“black whistle”的错误。要注意我们的判卷人是老美,所以不要仅仅是让中国人能看懂你的例子就行了,主要是让老美能够理解你的例子。我觉得这个问题有两种解决办法,一是对于你的例子不要造词而是从意义上来解释,比如说把黑哨问题表达成“soccer scandal”“referee scandal”等,二是如果造词,后面一定要紧跟着详细的解释一下,让老外能够理解。这个问题还是很值得重视的,否则即使是很合适的例子,却让老美看的一头雾水,估计效果也不会好的。

4.2        提出例子的时机


4.2.1        论点前


4.2.2        论点后论据前


4.2.3        论据后


4.3        例子的表达


4.3.1   内容的有效


4.3.2        语言的简练


4.4        对于例子的分析和总结


4.5   对于多个例子的组织

对于一个论点你可能会举出不只一个例子。你可能会分角度分层次的举出多个例子。那么对于这些例子一定要有效的组织起来,形成一个有机的整体,而不要只是堆砌出很多事实而已。像我在最后给出的文章中所说的It is too easy simply to number them, but then our essay begins to sound like a mathematical exercise.我认为,首先,要明确例子的顺序和层次,比如说,从古到今,从大到小,从轻到重等等,或者是例子的逻辑顺序,比如你提出的一个例子是另一个例子的前提,那么就要把前提放在前面来写。然后,例子与例子之间一定要有过渡和衔接,比如说,“看完了经济领域,现在让我们看看教育领域的例子。。。”之类的语言。通过这两个步骤把所有的例子紧密的联系起来。

4.6         编造例子

4.6.1        编造自己的例子


4.6.2        编造名言

这种方法也是不错的。把自己要说的话安在别人的身上,而这个人可能是不存在的。比如说专才通才的范文中的写法,As the head of Pharmacology at my university once said (and I paraphrase)。。。这样的例子同样是无法考证的,因为你的学校是否有药理学专业,是否有这么个药理学的头头,他是否说了这样的话判卷人没有兴趣也不可能知道,所以,这种方法也是比较保险的。

4.6.3        编造人名


4.6.4        编造数据




银落 发表于 2009-6-12 01:13:39


银落 发表于 2009-6-13 00:34:01

本帖最后由 银落 于 2009-6-13 00:41 编辑



Twenty years after Tiananmen

Silence on the square
May 28th 2009 | BEIJING
From The Economist print edition

Outside the Communist Party, memories of the 1989 massacre get hazy

AMONG journalists at a Chinese newspaper, there has been some surprising talk of publishing a story to mark the 20th anniversary on June 3rd and 4th of the massacre of hundreds of Beijing citizens by Chinese soldiers. One journalist even told his colleagues he would be ready to go to jail for doing so. But such bravado, especially if it proves more than rhetoric, is likely to be rare. For many in China the nationwide pro-democracy protests of 1989 and their bloody end have become a muddled and half-forgotten tale.

This does not stop the Communist Party worrying about the issue. It fears that the efforts of even a small number of people to keep memories alive could be destabilising. The most senior official to serve jail time for his role in the Tiananmen Square unrest, Bao Tong, has been escorted by security officials from his Beijing home to a scenic spot in central China (far from muttering journalists) where he will spend the anniversary period. Mr Bao agreed to go, says a family member. But in China an invitation from the police can be awkward to refuse. Several other dissidents report heightened police surveillance.

This year’s anniversary has spurred a hardy few to pronounce on the massacre. A Beijing academic, Cui Weiping, told a gathering of intellectuals called to commemorate it that the party’s campaign to deter public discussion of Tiananmen, and public acquiescence to it, had damaged China’s “spirit and morality”. She posted her remarks on her blog.

Another source of official concern was the recent publication abroad of a book containing the damning contents of tapes secretly recorded by Mr Bao’s boss, the late former party chief, Zhao Ziyang, during his post-Tiananmen house arrest. The book portrays Mr Zhao as a victim of scheming hardliners and as a principled opponent of using force to crush the unrest (though he was not, until his house arrest, an admirer of Western-style democracy). A retired senior official has confessed that he and three others helped squirrel the tapes from Mr Zhao’s confinement.

The party has also tried to deflect attention from the army’s contribution to the slaughter. Twenty years ago the official media repeatedly sang the praises of dozens of soldiers killed during the “counterrevolutionary rebellion”—and posthumously considered “guardians of the republic”. Now they are all but forgotten. Meanwhile, public support for the armed forces, which was badly damaged in 1989, appears to have rebounded. The army’s rapid response to the deadly earthquake in Sichuan Province a year ago, a gift to party propagandists, played a part in this. When tanks roar through Tiananmen Square on October 1st in a grand parade to celebrate China’s national day (the second such display since 1989), they will be greeted with widespread approval from a nation hungry for symbols of China’s growing power.


Faceless and faithful? But the party still betrays occasional signs of worry about the armed forces. Shortly before and after the mass killing in Beijing in 1989, there was widespread speculation that some in the army objected to it. Yet the prospect of serious dissent in the army proved largely unfounded. There is no hint in Mr Zhao’s tapes that he had the support of any top brass. Nonetheless, in recent months the official media have published several articles denouncing calls (from whom is not specified) for the armed forces to be removed from the party’s direct control. The party worries this would weaken its ability to count on them in the event of another Tiananmen-type crisis. The tone of these articles is oddly strident—perhaps suggesting this mooted reform has support within the armed forces.

The party’s control is not absolute. President Hu Jintao launched yet another campaign this month against “extravagance and waste” among senior officers. For all such efforts, corruption within the armed forces remains widespread. But so too is corruption within the party. Mr Hu may enjoy nothing like the kind of prestige that China’s late leader, Deng Xiaoping, had in the armed forces in 1989 when he ordered the troops into Tiananmen. But there are still few obvious signs of strain between the political and military leaderships. A rapid increase in the military budget in recent years has no doubt helped.

Among ordinary Beijing citizens, there is a generational divide on Tiananmen. Many who took part in or witnessed the unrest still grumble about the party’s brutal response. But younger folk are often confused about the details of it. Many say they accept the party’s line that the economic boom which followed has vindicated the armed forces’ bloody intervention.

But once they’ve seen Paree…
Yet the only place in China where Tiananmen remains a public issue is its richest, Hong Kong. Thousands are expected to attend commemorative events in the territory. Earlier this month its chief executive, Donald Tsang, apologised after an uproar over his seemingly innocuous suggestion that many Hong Kong citizens believed Tiananmen “took place a long time ago” and that China had made “remarkable achievements” since then. Many in Beijing would certainly agree with Mr Tsang. But unlike those in Hong Kong, they have not tasted democracy.

new concept
It is not too heavy a burden for industry to bear.
But of what human import is all this skill, all this effort, and all this energy in production of effects when the story, and the representation of life is hollow, stupid, banal, and children?
What characterizes the Hollywood films is inner emptiness.
This code doesnot disturb the profits of films, nor the entainment value.

银落 发表于 2009-6-14 00:51:19

本帖最后由 银落 于 2009-6-14 00:56 编辑


Hazy 模糊的
Bravado 虚张声势
Rhetoric 花言巧语  浮夸的修饰
pro-democracy 民主派
muddled 混乱的 一塌糊涂的
destabilize 打破平衡 动摇
unrest 动乱
dissident 不同意见的 不同意见者
spur 刺激
hardy 大胆的
pronounce on 对。。。表示意见
damning 导致定罪的  认定。。。有罪的
hardliner 强硬分子
principled 有原则的
squirrel 储藏
confinement 限制 拘禁
posthumously 死后地
propagandist 宣传者
reuters 英国的路透社
betray 暴露 表现出
speculation 推测 沉思
dissent 异议
top brass 高级军官 商业重要人物
denounce 告发 谴责
count on 依靠
oddly 奇妙的 零碎的 额外的
strident 刺耳的
mooted 有争议的 未决定的
strain 特征
grumble 对。。。不满
vindicate 维护 证明。。。是正确的
intervention 介入


Great lorries with double deck cargo of cars for export lumber past...
Loads of motor-engine are hurried hither and thither, and the streets are thronged with a population which has no interest in learning and knows no studies beyond....
Theoretically the marriage of an old seat of learning and tradition with a new and wealthy industry can be expected to produce interesting children.
, for at both Oxford and Cambridge college tends to live in an era which is certainly not of the twentieth century and upon a planet which bears little resemblance to the war-torn earth.
Wherever faults lie the fact remains that it is theatre at Oxford not at Cambridge which is on the verge of extinction, and the only fruit of combination of industry and rarefied atmosphere of learning is dust on the streets and a pathetic sense of being lost which hangs over some of the colleges.

银落 发表于 2009-6-15 01:09:47




Executive pay in America

Principles, not pitchforks
Jun 11th 2009 | SAN FRANCISCO
From The Economist print edition

Some sensible new proposals for curbing corporate greed in America

Illustration by David Simonds
ALTHOUGH the debate about excessive executive pay in America has been heated, cool heads prevailed when the time came to tackle the problem. On Wednesday June 10th Tim Geithner, America’s treasury secretary, said the government would not impose fierce restrictions such as caps on pay. Nor would it meddle in the detail of compensation packages. Instead, it wants companies to adopt a series of broad principles on pay and it intends to make it easier for shareholders to ensure that they do so.

This approach will infuriate pitchfork populists, who were hoping the Obama administration would impose a regulatory straitjacket on corporate pay after an outcry earlier this year over hefty bonuses dished out at firms rescued with taxpayers’ cash. But Mr Geithner warned that such an approach would ultimately be “counterproductive”. In practice only firms that have been bailed out will face stiff restrictions on bonuses and other forms of pay. Some will have to submit senior managers’ compensation for review by a new, government-appointed “special master”.

The rest of corporate America will escape such constraints, but the government still wants firms to take a fresh look at the way they reward staff. Among other things, Mr Geithner urged companies to avoid plans that offer big rewards for short-term risk-taking and called for a reconsideration of “golden parachutes”, which can produce payouts that would make Croesus blush for bosses ousted for poor performance. He also exhorted firms to be more open with investors about the logic behind their decisions on pay.

Contrary to received wisdom, the process of linking pay to performance works reasonably well in America—witness the large number of bosses whose remuneration has plummeted during the recession. Nevertheless, several executives have made a mint even though their firms’ track records have been lousy. Some experts say this is because they have packed their firms’ remuneration committees with pals who are friendly to their cause. To address this issue, the government will push for legislation to give the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) powers to ensure that compensation committees are truly independent of management.

It also wants the SEC to ensure that consultants who advise such committees on pay are independent as well. Some of these work for bigger firms that sell a variety of services, which may make them reluctant to attack a boss’s proposed pay package for fear of jeopardising other business. Consultancies say such concerns are groundless, but critics note that auditors said the same thing when they were pitching consulting services to audit clients. Yet the Sarbanes-Oxley act significantly restricted auditors’ ability to cross-sell other services in order to bolster their independence. Some experts think similar restrictions should now be imposed on compensation consultants, too.

Fixing executive pay will require more than just a few regulatory tweaks. Shareholders also need a chance to review and influence pay deals before they are inked. This week Mr Geithner said the government intends to give them one, by backing efforts in Congress that would require companies to submit their pay policies to an annual vote. Experience in Europe, where such ballots are common, has shown they encourage boards to consult more actively with shareholders on pay issues ahead of formal polls. That the current administration is so keen on “say on pay” is hardly surprising: the last time a measure proposing the process made it to the Senate, back in 2007, it was sponsored by a senator called Barack Obama.

Pitchfork 干草叉
Prevail 战胜 流行 劝说
Meddle in 干扰
Populist 人民党的
Straitjacket 束缚 紧身衣
Outcry 强烈反对
Hefty 重的 大的
Dish out 盛于盘中
Bail out 通过提供金钱的方法帮助某人解决困难
Submit 主张
In practice 实际上 in effect in fact
Payout 支出款项
Blush for 为。。。脸红
Remuneration 报酬 compensation
Plummet 垂直下落
Mint 巨额
Lousy 差劲的
Track record 业绩档案
Remuneration committee 报酬委员会
Push for 分区力争
Push for legislation 推动。。。法
Consultancy 顾问
Pitch 摆摊 兜售 pitch sth to sb
pitch sth as sth
Tweak 妙计
Ink 签署 sb ink deal
Backing 支持 担保
Ballot 无记名投票

银落 发表于 2009-6-16 00:44:40

本帖最后由 银落 于 2009-6-16 01:14 编辑

明天竟然英语口试有题目是technology的advantage and disadvantage。。。真是熟悉到了感动得不行的地步。。。虽说没有写过一篇关于technology的issue。。。但是当初列第一篇提纲就是这类题。。。激动的
好了。。。贴concept的句子 今天背到一句极好的句子。。。以后改改。。。用在issue里~
There is a justification for such feeling.
Young people who have reason to fear that they will be killed in battle may justifiably feel bitter in the thought that they are cheated of the best things life is to offer.
The best way to overcome it --so at least it seems to me--is to make your interests gradually wider and more impersonal, until bit by bit the walls of ego recede and your life becomes increasingly merged in the universal life.
An individual human existence should be like a river--small at first, contained narrowly within its banks, and rushing passionately past boulders and over waterfalls. Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly; and in the end, without any visible break, merged in the sea and painlessly lose individual beings.
And if, with the decay of vitality, weariness increases, thought of rest will be not unwelcome.
I should wish to die while still at work, knowing that others will carry on what I can no longer do, and content in the thought that what is possible has been done.

Coca-Cola in China
Squeezed out(拒之门外) --issue 的态度
Mar 18th 2009 | HONG KONG
From The Economist print edition
China indicates the real targets of its anti-monopoly law: outsiders

LAST August, after 14 years of debate, the Chinese government at last imposed what was informally referred to as its “economic constitution”, a broad anti-monopoly law for a country rife with state-imposed monopolies. In the subsequent months, people have wondered how the law would be applied(用在argu里,建议可行性的不高), and whether it would advance China’s transformation into a market economy, or serve as an impediment to genuine competition. On Wednesday March 18th an answer emerged with the rejection of the largest outright acquisition by a foreign company, a $2.4 billion offer by Coca-Cola for China Huiyuan, the country’s largest juice company.
When the deal was announced last September, it was at a price three times Huiyuan’s valuation at the time. Since then, as global markets have collapsed, it has only become more appealing. Huiyuan is a private company and juice had previously been free of government control(issue的政府干涉), so theoretically it should have been available for purchase. “It is a very unfortunate outcome in an industry that has no economic or national-security significance,” says Lester Ross of WilmerHale, a law firm, in Beijing.
The most benign interpretation of the rejection being bandied about by lawyers and bankers is that it reflects a political response to critical comments by America’s new administration—a warning, of sorts, that could dissipate quickly if the economic relationship between China and America can find a firm footing. The more dire interpretation is that even as China publicly urges other countries to commit to(致力于) opening their markets to Chinese investment and trade, it is imposing yet another barrier to outsiders. Worse still, the barriers are in its domestic consumer sector, one of the rare global economic bright spots.
Adding irony to the decision, it comes just as the Chinese government is indicating that it is actively encouraging, if not forcing(政府应采取的行为—issue), consolidation and greater market concentration in a number of areas, including steel, cars and airlines, and just after it imposed a new oligopoly in telecommunications. No domestic Chinese transaction has fallen foul of the new monopoly law.
Signs that foreign companies might be the primary targets of the law began to emerge in
November, when a merger between two brewers, America’s Anheuser-Busch and Belgium’s InBev, was endorsed by Chinese regulators only on the condition that the combined firm’s existing interest in several domestic breweries be frozen. In particular, Anheuser-Busch’s non-controlling 27% stake(股份) in Tsingtao, a leading Chinese brewer, was largely liquidated in January after what is presumed to be pressure from the government.
The Coca-Cola Company holds as much as half of the domestic Chinese market for carbonated beverages, but the juice business is highly fragmented. Estimates are not particularly reliable, but various accounts suggest the two companies would control more than of 20% of the juice business. In a brief statement, China’s ministry of commerce said Coke’s “dominant status” might “imperil” small competitors and force consumers to face higher prices and less choice.
After the decision was announced, investment banks were left wondering, in the words of one employee, whether “a key plank in their business had just blown up.” Coke has spent years developing its presence in China, and has invested heavily, presumably making it one of the world’s more acceptable buyers. It is also one of the few companies able to finance a big deal in today’s difficult circumstances. If Coke was not acceptable to the Chinese authorities, then who is? The rejection will inevitably be used as evidence of non-reciprocity, and the collusion between the country’s state and private sectors, by anyone opposed to China’s recent efforts to buy companies abroad.
Deepening the gloom, another new Chinese law comes into effect on May 1st, subjecting any transfer of a state-controlled asset to yet another layer of review, this time by a local commission. Theoretically this is not aimed at any particular kind of acquirer, and would not block well-conceived deals, but that, of course, was said about the monopoly law as well. The new law had not received much attention. It will now.

Squeeze out 拒之门外
Be referred to as 被称为
Economic constitution 经济结构
Rife with 充满了
Outright完全的 彻底的
Bandy 讨论
Dissipate 驱散 浪费
Footing 关系 状态
Sector 部分 战线
Irony 讽刺
Oligopoly 求过于供的市场情况下少数制造商对市场的控制
Fall foul of 与。。冲突
Merger 吞并组织
Brewer 酿酒商
Liquidate 清偿债务
n. 碎片
Imperil 危险
Plank 政策要点
Presumably 可能地
Reciprocity 互惠性
Subject 使。。。受到

银落 发表于 2009-6-17 01:03:20

本帖最后由 银落 于 2009-6-17 01:16 编辑


本来好好的。。。一切都按计划进行。。。可是晚上开始写issue提纲的时候。。人崩溃了。。。主观和客观。。。我的天。。。facts are stubborn things...there is no such things as purly objective observation.....崩溃。。。然后跑去看同主题。。。哇塞。。666的分析真的是精辟。。。于是。。。赶快再自己思考。。。哲学是强大的东西。。。

fact本身是objective的。。。但是when the objectivity of the facts turns into our personal perception, as a result,they transform their characteristic from objectivity to subjectivity.太强大的分析了。。。我这样翻成英语还不一定对呢。。
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