
标题: 2009 进军美利坚作文组 wondersmiths2第八次作业 8.25 [打印本页]

作者: wondersmiths2    时间: 2009-8-25 20:21:17     标题: 2009 进军美利坚作文组 wondersmiths2第八次作业 8.25

本帖最后由 wondersmiths2 于 2009-8-25 20:35 编辑

老師應該要多花點時間幫助學生建立自信 than 傳授課業

What is the goal of education? Is it merely the process of filling up people's knowledge or passing knowledge and experience from generation to generation? It is definitely not. As an old Chinese saying goes, “it takes ten years to raise a tree, but for man, it takes one hundred years." So a more important function of education is to cultivate students' soul and will. Teachers, as the workers of education, naturally should accomplish this goal besides the basic jobs such as imparting knowledge. In this way, I believe that it is necessary for teachers to spend more time on helping students to build up their self-confidence.

No one can deny that mostly we can gain everything including knowledge at home in the information age. So if teachers in schools just help students nothing but to expend their knowledge, it will be not surprising that students do that very well at home without going schools. For example, we can virtually download a lot of course videotapes given by famous professors online and thus it is very convenient for us for the reason that we can watch them at any time we want. Additionally, we can contact with any experts by e-mail easily if we have any problem with the courses. Hence, teachers really should help students to do something that we cannot gain at home such as building up self-confidence.

Moreover, self-confidence plays a critical impact on students' success at schools or in the future. Meanwhile, teachers can exert an essential influence on students and cheer them up to regain self-confidence at most times. For instance, suppose that a student loses his self-confidence because of a failure in one math exam, which results in that he is afraid of math classes even talking with his classmates. If the teacher of this class does not notice the abnormal behavior of this student or does not want to cheer up this student, maybe the student will never get a chance to recover from the failure. But if the teacher always cares about students' emotional changes and is willing to help the student, then the result will be totally different. So, to some extent, teachers can change some students' lives.

Of course, some may argue that self-confidence is individual business not teachers' and also it is hard for teachers to help students to acquire self-confidence. It should be admitted that everyone is not omnipotent including teachers and it really requires teachers to have more responsibilities and higher quality to teach students. However, for the healthy growth of our offspring and the future of our country, it is absolutely necessary.

In conclusion, given that the function of education that cultivating students' soul and the importance of self-confidence, I am strongly convinced that teachers should pay more attention on students' mental development and spend more time on favoring them to establish self-confidence.

作者: wondersmiths2    时间: 2009-8-26 22:28:32


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