I am doing my Phd of medical anthropology in the U.S. now. I want to know:
1, why you want to study anthropology,
2, what is your plan after you finish your PhD of anthropology,
3, what is your research about,
I don't think it is a good idea for you to study East Asian Studies or history, it is better for you to apply for anthropology or sociology.
I think your background is strong; however, you need to pay more attention to your PS and research proposal.
About which school to apply, it depends on where you can find your advisor. It is also not a good idea to only focus on the top 10 anthropology departments because now the economy situation is not satisfactory and you can not make sure that you can get financial aids. So you can apply 1-2 from the top 20, and 3-5 from top 50, and 1-2 from top 80 because there are about 90 PhD programs of anthropology in the U.S..
I also want to emphasize that it is not a good idea to change your major when you are applying for PhD of anthropology. Your current background if not a problem, trust me.
About your TOEFL, if you have time, I suggest you take the ibt test again and if your TOEFL score is higher than 105, there are more possibilities you can be accepted by very top universities such as University of Chicago. And you also need to make every of the four parts above 25 if you want to guarantee the financial aids. If you want to work as a TA, the oral part should be above 25. I think it is not difficult for you.