
标题: 2009 进军美利坚作文组 wondersmiths2第二十八次作业 9.22 [打印本页]

作者: wondersmiths2    时间: 2009-9-22 23:30:49     标题: 2009 进军美利坚作文组 wondersmiths2第二十八次作业 9.22

What is the goal of jobs? Normally, some people would say that the job I have is just to earn money to support my family. While others may argue that a job should be considered as a career and people are supposed to work for interests and happiness. In my opinion, however, the goals of jobs depend on different groups of people.

To begin with, for those people who still are lack of fundamental life supports such as houses and meals, they really should take money as their first priority to work for. Try to think about this scenario, for a person who do not have place to live and foods to eat, it is hard to imagine that they work merely for happy not money at this situation. Mostly they will do anything for people who can give them some money to live.
Then, for those people who already are wealthy, they mostly work for pleasure and interests. For instance, Dr. Li, the former regional CEO of Google in China, quitted his profitable job and started up his own business the intent of which is to establish a platform of entrepreneurship for young people. From a business perspective, it maybe cannot give more profits to Mr. Li. Hence, after he has already obtained enough money, what he works for is not for money but for his interests.

Finally, there are also a lot of people who live in poor environment, such as volunteer teachers who work in rural area in China, are still chasing their dreams and working for other people’ welfare. It is good personality and strong society responsibility that make them to believe that they are doing something meaningful and feel happy in working. We appreciate all those people. Because of them, people can still feel real love in today’s society which is full of material desires and also find out that the essence of jobs.

In conclusion, different groups of people work for different goals. Some people work day and night to support their families. Some people who are rich have the qualification to work for interests and happiness without the anxieties about money. Some people work for their dreams and are happy for that they have accomplished their dreams or they have done things that help other people. Therefore, I am strongly convinced that the goals of jobs are different for people according to their different situations.

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