All Chinese students must register with Neso China for a Neso Certificate. The Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) does not process Chinese visa applications without the Neso Certificate. In order to register for a Neso Certificate, you must submit your diplomas, degrees and transcripts (in both English and Chinese) as well as proof of English proficiency (IELTS academic or TOEFL iBT). Make sure you apply for the Neso Certificate as soon as possible, but no later than your application deadline. We cannot process your application if you did not apply at Neso China in time.
A:不会。 你应该在申请荷兰学校的同时注册Neso 证书。 你不应该等拿到荷兰学校录取通知书后再办理Neso 证书。你应该在预计赴荷兰日期前至少提前4个月到Neso China注册Neso 证书。多数情况下,这个注册时间会凑巧赶上荷兰学校的申请截止日期。
BY THE WAY:荷兰的奖学金是怎么申请的?听说已经过了申请时间了???作者: turkeyk 时间: 2009-10-14 18:33:05
the university will ask your NESO certificate only after they decide to give you admission. most of them do not need your proof when you apply. but you should apply for NESO as soon as possible.
scholarship info. should be on the program website. you should also apply for HSP from the Nuffic by yourself.