I: Good Morning.
VO: Morning.
I: I am going to Harvard to do postdoctoral research.然后问她checklist要不要
VO:Fine, 要CV、Research Plan.
I: 找给她,问她Return Plan要不要。
VO: 要Advisor的介绍。
I: Harvard
VO: 整材料,给红条。说祝你们有个精彩的Harvard之旅,但是要等2个礼拜。
Table 1 Documents of J1
Essential Materials
A1 Passport
A2 DS-2019
A3 Visa Application Fee Receipt & SEVIS Fee Receipt
A4 DS156/157/158
A5 Photos
Materials for the Appointment
B1 Offer Letter from Harvard
B2 Research Plan
B3 Return Plan
B4 US’s Professor's CV & Homepages
B5 Selected Publications of US’ sProfessor's Lab
B6 US’s Department’s Information
B7 Emails Between US's Professor and Me
B8 Reference Letters
B9 Support Letter from My School (Keeping the Position for Me)
Personal Information
C1 My CV
C2 Abstract of Doctoral Dissertation
C3 Doctoral Dissertation
C4 Publications
C5 Doctoral Advisor's CV & Homepages
C6 Department’s homepage
C7 ID Card
C8 HuKou
C9 Certificates of Degrees
C10 Transcripts
C11 Score of TOEFL
C12 Award
Family and Financial formation
D1 Marriage Certificate
D2 Marriage Photos
D3 Certificate of Deposit
D4 Certificate of the Property
Table 2. Documents of J2
Essential Materials
F1 Passport
F2 DS-2019
F3 Visa Application Fee Receipt
F4 DS156/157/158
F5 Photos
Personal Information
G1 ID Card
G3 HuKou
G4 Transcript of Undergraduate Study