
标题: 11月26日独立写作作业 进军美利坚小组 [打印本页]

作者: summerdingdavid    时间: 2009-11-26 20:37:13     标题: 11月26日独立写作作业 进军美利坚小组

Playing computergames is a waste of time for children. Do you agree or disagree

The invention of computer, one of theproducts of modern civilization, has made an enormous change in the lifestyleof human beings. Playing computer games has long been the most popular leisureway for increasing children, and brings lots of fun for them. Yet, as towhether it is a waste of time or not, people often hold widely differentopinions and take totally converse attitudes. For me, the answer is definitelyyes.
Admittedly, playing computer games arequite helpful to children’s mental health because these games can relieve theirstress after accomplishing their burdensome homework. As an old saying goes, “Allwork and no play makes Jack a dull boy”.
However, a major drawback that oftenassociates with playing computer games is that children with littleself-command always waste their precious studying time to play it. To enhancethe popularity of their computer games, game producers often rack their brainsto design enchanting scenario of achieving success and fame, such as player canbuy huge villa and luxury car by passing games, which can not be particle andfeasible in the reality. Although adults can easily distinguish the differencebetween reality and fantasy, the young generation, lacking strongself-restraint, might be obsessed with these fascinating games and waste theirstudying-time to play them day and night, which is detrimental to their future.Moreover, as many social critics have pointed out, the current trend incomputer games exerts corrupting influence on young people’s minds becausethere are always a lot of unwholesome and violent contents in them. Youngpeople, especially those adolescents, are often lured away from their studiesand indulge themselves in computer games.

Therefore, playing computer games isabsolutely a waste of time for children, although some instructive computergames will enrich children’s leisure life and enlighten them, most younggeneration cannot control themselves very well, will be crazy about games andwaste their time.

作者: summerdingdavid    时间: 2009-11-26 20:39:25

作者: happyfaith2008    时间: 2009-11-27 15:38:16

作者: summerdingdavid    时间: 2009-12-17 16:12:37

Whether college students should take a range of basic science or not is always a challenging issue in education. Some people support that it is university’s unshirkable duty to provide students the fundamental science such as physics, math, history and it is beneficial for students who receive those classes; while others prefer the claim that college students should spread no effert to take specialized courses concerning their majors. I do agree the former one, which is based on the following two reasons.

To begin with, the most significant advantage of taking a bunch of basic science is that college students who are in their formative years, can cultivate an rational and logical way of thinking. For them, the importance of studying the basic science does not lie in the scores they gain, the depth of those courses they research and the passion toward the course they have, but in fact that these young students are inspired by a fresh thought coming from the verity of basic-courses, gradually, they are trained to have a multi-angles thinking to treat the matters they will meet in their life not only from academic field but also from reality life.
Moreover, as many social critics have pointed out, there is an increasing trend in studying that advocate students should completely focus on the disciplines of their own major and do not waste efforts on other basic course, this current trend exerts a detrimental influence on young students, because the underlying of this idea is a utilitarian thought which consider other courses except the professing ones are futile and useless. However, contrary to their expection that they would do a better job at their own major, the case is that they find it is so hard to suitable the society’s demanding. It is this dangerous thought that should be blamed as the main cause of student’s low-ability in their future careers. A good point in the case is my own experience that, my major is journalism, for me, the special courses I should sign in are photograph skill, writing, theory of transporting and so on. However, as we know, grasping those basic skills mentioned above just makes a journalism major student has a chance to become a report, not an excellent news-worker which requires one with sensitive ability of capturing information, logic and rational ability of reasoning, as well as a wide range of knowledge, all of those cannot receive from simply those professing courses associated with our own major but from the basic course.

To sum up, Although the studying time of college students is precious and limited, taking a rang of basic science courses is necessary and benefit to college students for both cultivate their thinking and working ability.
作者: hualazimi    时间: 2009-12-18 15:01:16

作者: summerdingdavid    时间: 2009-12-18 18:44:09

4# summerdingdavid

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