i provided a bank certificate of 50,000 USD as well as a financial statement issued by my sponsor( mom :D)... although some said u just need to cover the 1st yr's cost, i got more than the required amount -- just in case. xiaomi says its OK作者: IluvatarMartin 时间: 2009-12-7 16:57:58
I have asked the Graduate School to re-check for your scores. The financial documentation would be a bank statement showing funding topay for tuition if you are accepted to Cornell.
to thebear, 请问你提供的是原件还是复印件?作者: IluvatarMartin 时间: 2009-12-9 13:49:30
financial statement should be original copy... for me, I provided a "financial support statement" issued by my sponsor as well as a "bank statement" issued by a bank, both of them should be original. i'm waiting for your good news guys!作者: domotokk 时间: 2009-12-11 08:38:35
thank you very much作者: RR1027 时间: 2009-12-11 17:09:16
麻烦问一下 楼主 financial document 是寄到系里吗 具体的地址 能说一下么
294 Caldwell Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-2602
607 255-8018
这一大堆数字 邮编是哪个 电话是哪个~多谢了啊