
标题: 1006G prettywraith备考日记——胜利在于坚持 [打印本页]

作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-8 13:32:35     标题: 1006G prettywraith备考日记——胜利在于坚持

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2010-1-13 10:03 编辑



2,作文刚开始不久,刚把作文电子书2.0过完一遍,练习了两个issue和argument 感觉问题比较大啊,字数不够,语言单调,内容不饱满。参考范文修改中。

作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-8 13:34:55

作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-8 23:38:50

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2009-12-28 10:45 编辑

【Fundamental Course of Writtng】基础写作每日一讲(1)20 Questions for Writers

20个问题感觉读起来比较抽象,找个topic(例如:”51, Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student.")试一下,记住这20个要经常使用才可以。另外这20个问题包含了一部分记叙文或说明文的内容。Issue是议论文,所以针对考试的话,记住ETS官方那7个问题应该就够用了。
1,Education designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each students.
2,A, need more teachers; B, each one has different study contents; C, each one studies alone
3,Know each student; Make a study plans for everyone; Modify the plan with student feedback.
4, 5, same as 3
6, Provide students personal education service for their needs.
7, Some students feel being ignored in traditional education; Or they do not be used to traditional study pace
8, Improve student records and give them better education
9,Private teaching, private class for a few people;
10, Comparing to traditional education, the private teach lack opportunity to teach students how to compete and collaborate with others.
11, none
12, It is useful complementary education way for whole education system.
13, none
14, none
16,Disagree with the statement.
18,Same as 12
19,Same as 2
20,Same as 10

补充:看一下关于20问草木的Q&A, 非常有助于使用20问。
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-8 23:42:30

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2010-1-4 16:10 编辑


Fundamental Course of Writing】基础写作每日一讲(2Writing Anxiety
Fundamental Course of Writing】基础写作每日一讲(3Writer's Block
I always come cross these problems: “I feel anxious about English writing”, “I feel too nervous, when I join in tests”, “I often have trouble getting started”.

Fundamental Course of Writing】基础写作每日一讲(4start to write

Instead of traditional way, the author suggests: 1, figure out your purpose of writing; 2, think how to achieve this purpose; 3, start the ideas flowing (such as brainstorm, Role Pretend, and fresh analogies); 4, take a rest and let it all percolate; 5, refine your whole ideas; 6, diagram your major points somehow (outline, tree, or mind map); 7, write a first draft.

Fundamental Course of Writing】基础写作每日一讲(5Writing With Computers
This passage only introduces some application techniques of using computers, for making our writing more efficient. I have applied some of them, and others may be used in future. And each people has own habit of using computers, and find the one suit for you.
Planning free writing, writing an e-mail message, make a outline, planning visually, keeping a journal;
Drafting creating a scrap file, splitting screens, adding notes(资料收集我是分几类进行的);
Organizing mixing up the order of paragraphs or sentences(好方法), checking your outline, staying on topic in every paragraph(非常重要)
Revising starting at the beginning of the file(注意开头不要轻易修改), renaming a file, saving copiers of material to cut and paste, print out hard copies to read, resisting the neat appearance of a printout作者的意思是不是要舍得下手去修改?, using page or print view to check paragraphs(感觉作者的意思像是要避免各段参差不齐,或者是不能过长或过短), highlighting sentence length敲回车,让每句话一行,来观察句子的长度。很好的方法。只是不清楚除了句式需要多样化,句子长度的多样话有什么要求?;
Editing and Proofreading using online tools(常见错误感觉Word就够用了;synonym可以用一些词典软件来查), changing the appearance of key features of your writing整篇文章我见到的最棒的方法, editing on hard copy(可以Word的修订功能,最后可以打出来读一读,审查一下结构,请别人帮忙看一下).

作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-9 09:46:54

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2009-12-9 22:22 编辑

【Fundamental Course of Writtng】基础写作每日一讲(6)thesis statement

1, 明确thesis和topic sentence的区别
2, thesis 一般出现在口头的的最后一两句话
3, thesis statement可以是以下几种形式:an opinion, a policy proposal, an evaluation, a cause-and-effect statement, or an interpretation
4, 好的thesis的特点(表明立场,具体,并且中心明确,表明自己的观点和结论,出现在开头段的末尾,同时提示读者作者的行文思路),及不好thesis的特点(不要说废话,说空话,说大话,不要出现第一人称,不要含糊不清)。前者比较好理解,后面说的空话,废话,大话感觉不太好把握。后面介绍的“world hunger”例子可以帮助说明这部分。

Obviously, if people were educated with personal plan and their interests were considered in their learning process, it would be a terrific situation in the world. But this ideal idea is too difficult to accomplish until now. Moreover, it is not the "only" way that education becomes effective.
2,无so what问题

"Does the way designed to meet each person's needs is the only effective method of education"? The answer may be “Probably not”. Besides, it is even less effective than traditional education in terms of collaboration and competition.
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-9 18:40:17

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2009-12-9 22:23 编辑

【Fundamental Course of Writtng】基础写作每日一讲(7)段落TS和逻辑顺序标志词
讲了topic sentence 和signpost作用和使用方法
Topic sentence 作用:
1, 介绍段落主旨
3,形式多为:complex sentences, questions, bridge sentences, pivots


topic sentence 和signpost 平时的写作自己没有注意过,所以写的文章自己检查一些,有些事没有清晰地topic sentence的,实际上这是比较严重的问题。

【Fundamental Course of Writtng】基础写作每日一讲(8)-(11)



2, “段落的结构和整体文章的结构是一致的,段落组织联系的关系就和文章是一样的”:这个要求感觉不太理解,这里段落结构式只段间结构还是段内结构?
3,段落组成结构:the topic sentence, supporting evidence/analysis(必须在论据和论证之间找到一个平衡,这句话抽象了点,怎么才算平衡?), The conclusion(observation)
4,段落内容基本原则:Orient your reader to the subject, Tie your ideas together, Take it easy through technically dense passages(???), Arrange your ideas in a logical sequence
  实现方法:Use orienting words and phrases, let the new amplify the old(我怎么感觉应该是the old amplify the new), add explanatory words and phrases.
5,段内句子连接:use connective words or phrases, try to have a word or phrase somewhere in each sentence that refers to something in a previous sentence, use  intensives.
Here is an exercise to give you practice linking your ideas together. Add connectives, intensives (from the lists above, or make up your own) and repeated words to the following sentences to make a coherent paragraph:
•        Global Airlines carried three-million passengers last year.
•        They expanded their routes into the Pacific Northwest and Canada.
•        The new DC-12 aircraft proved more fuel-efficient than the older 737's.
•        Older, unprofitable routes were dropped.
•        Passengers seem to like on-time flights and automatic ticketing.
•        Only one-million passengers flew Global two years ago.
•        Their record has been accident-free since 1950.
•        Global planes have averaged 80-percent full last year.
•        Profits were up 60 percent, in spite of increased fuel costs.
Global Airlines carried three-million passengers and its profits were up 60 percent in last year, in spite of increased fuel costs and it only has one million passengers two years ago. The increasing profits and the number of passengers is due to the company’s serious managements and brilliant competition strategies. As a result of effective managements, such as automatic ticketing and review policy of checking airplane, most of flights are on-time except for weather causes, while their record has been accident-free since 1950. Thus, more passengers were attracted by its secure and efficiency. Until last year, Global planes have averaged 80-percent full. Besides, Global Airlines expanded their routes into the Pacific Northwest and Canada, cut down older, unprofitable routes, and get rid of the older 737 with the new DC-12 aircraft which proved more fuel-efficient than 737. In this way, the airlines raise the passengers number and save costs. There, by its managements and competition strategy, the airlines accomplished its bonus.

1,Offer evidence that agrees with your stance up to a point, then add to it with ideas of your own.——单刀直入
2,Present evidence that contradicts your stance in order to argue against (refute) it and therefore strengthen your position——欲擒故纵
3,Use sources against each other, as if they are experts on a panel discussing your proposition——坐山观虎斗
4,Use quotations to support your assertion, not merely to state or restate your claim. ——狐假虎威
o State your claim.
o Give your evidence, remembering to relate it to the claim.
o Comment on the evidence to show how it supports the claim

1,stress the importance of the thesis statement, (可以通过讽刺,幽默相反观点等方式)
2,give the essay a sense of completeness
3,leave a final impression on the reader.(这个有点难办)

结尾的建议:这几点没有例子比较抽象,有些感觉平时使用过,比如强调文章重要性,综合全面观点,升华文章观点,其中Create a new meaning和redirect 他和reader没使用过,以后练习的时候再慢慢体会。

Echoing the introduction (经常用)
Challenging the reader目的是redirect the readers
Looking to the future(经常用)
Posing questions听说过,没用过

作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-9 22:20:01

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2009-12-9 22:24 编辑

【Fundamental Course of Writting】基础写作每日一讲(12)Conciseness

1,Eliminate unnecessary determiners (限定词)and modifiers(修饰语)
2, Change phrases into single words
3, Change unnecessary that, who, and which clauses into phrases
4, Avoid overusing expletives (填充词还是虚词)at the beginning of sentences
这种句子自己也比较常写, it is (个人感觉如果这里表强调的话,这么用是没什么的),there is 这类的。
5. Use active rather than passive verbs
6. Avoid overusing noun forms of verbs
7. Reword unnecessary infinitive phrases(不定式短语)
8. Replace circumlocutions(累赘的陈述) with direct expressions
9. Omit words that explain the obvious or provide excessive detail
10. Omit repetitive wording
redundant pairs and redundant categories

【Fundamental Course of Writting】基础写作每日一讲(13)-(15)Proofreading

11,检查段落结构是否合理:分三步Diagnosis, Analysis, Revision

【Fundamental Course of Writting】基础写作每日一讲(16)Metaphors

They enliven ordinary language.——使文章更有文采
They are generous to readers and listeners; they encourage interpretation.——把问题说得更通俗易懂
They are more efficient and economical than ordinary language; they give maximum meaning with a minimum of words. ——使语言更简洁
They create new meanings; they allow you to write about feelings, thoughts, things, experiences, etc. for which there are no easy words; they are necessary.——使语言和表达更丰富
They are a sign of genius.——牛人的标志啊,好好学吧!
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-10 00:08:55

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2009-12-10 11:14 编辑


1) 语法形式上要一致,即单复数形式与谓语要一致。
2) 意义上要一致,即主语意义上的单复数要与谓语的单复数形式一致。
3) 就近原则,即谓语动词的单复形式取决于最靠近它的词语,一般来说,不可数名词用动词单数,可数名词复数用动词复数。(有些特殊引导词either…or之类,需注意)
The iron and steel industry __(is/are) very important to our life.
Either you or she __(is/are)to go.
He as well as I __(want/wants) to go boating.
There __(is/are)something wrong with my watch.
Three weeks __(was/were)allowed for making the necessary preparations.
The majority of the students__(like/ likes) English.
Many a person __(has/have) read the novel. 许多人都读过这本书。
Ten years is quite a long time. (V / X)
The twentieth lesson and last lesson is very easy for students. (V / X)
Half of the students have finished most of the work. The rest of it is very difficult. (V / X)
2.就近原则:neither…nor…/either…or…/not only…but also…/not…but…/there be之后的并列主语
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-10 12:12:33


2全情态动词:shall,will,can,may,must,其中can 和be able to,may和might,have to和must的比较文章介绍的呢绒基本够用了。
3半情态动词:need,dare,used to do
4情态动词的词组:would like to do,had better do,等


2 four——forty——fourth
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-10 17:21:13


时态\动词形式        从句                                 主句
现在时            过去时were                            would/ should / could +动词原形
过去时        过去完成时had+过去分词               would/could/ could +have done  
将来时        (1)过去时were;(2)were to do;
                    (3)should do                          would/could/ could +动词原形

  (2) wish(that)从句
  (3) as if , as though引导的从句
  (4) It is high time that+虚拟语气
  (5) but for, without引导的从句
   这些以动词为例有:insist, demand, suggest, propose, order, require, decide, ask, request, command等表示命令、建议、要求、愿望的词
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-10 17:23:15

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2009-12-10 17:24 编辑

将主语和谓语完全颠倒过来,叫做完全倒装(Complete Inversion)。如:In came a man with a white beard.
只将助动词(包括情态动词)移至主语之前,叫做部分倒装(Partial Inversion)。如Only once was John late to class.
否定副词置于句首(not only);
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-10 18:55:53

  在think, believe, suppose, expect等动词后的宾语从句中,如果谓语是否定的,一般将否定词移至主句谓语上,宾语从句则变成肯定形式。——写这种句子的时候要小心这个问题。
引导词有whether, who, when, where, what, why, how等。常见的先行名词有fact,idea,belief,news,hope,conclusion,evidence,suggestion,order,problem,report,decision.

作者: cinderella1016    时间: 2009-12-10 19:00:05

(2)由于修 ...
prettywraith 发表于 2009-12-10 17:23


作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-10 19:51:46

作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-10 19:53:46

1名词这部分自己把GRE词汇分了一下类;疑问:像“alchemy 炼金术,appellation 名称,ally 同盟”这类单词是属于哪类名词?
 a. 加s,如: photo---photos  piano---pianos radio---radios zoo---zoos;
 b. 加es,如:potato--potatoes tomato--tomatoes
  c. 均可,如:zero---zeros / zeroes
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-10 19:54:41

如:He is my friend.
如: I like his car.
    Our school is here,and theirs is there.
如: That is a good idea.
如: She was talking to herself.
6表示相互关系的代词叫相互代词,有each other 和one another两组,但在运用中,这两组词没什么区别。
如: They love each other.
7不是指明代替任何特定名词的代词叫做不定代词。常见的不定代词有a11,both,each,every等,以及含有some-,any-,no-等的合成代词,如anybody, something,no one。这些不定代词大都可以代替名词和形容词,在句中作主语、宾语、表语和定语,但none和由some,any,no等构成的复合不定代词只能作主语、宾语或表语;every和no只能作定语。
如: Do you have a car?-
如:Tell me who he is.
如: He is the man whom you have been looking for.
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-10 19:56:56

  (1) 判断是现在还是过去
  (2) 根据动词本身特点判断是将来,进行,还是一般和完成
(3) 区别一般和完成

1“连词是一种虚词, 它不能独立担任句子成分而只起连接词与词,短语与短语以及句与句的作用。连词主要可分为两类:并列连词和从属连词。”——注意连词和谓语动词之间的关系,前面在“逗号”那部分已经提到过。


2被动态:基本形式 be done(get done),如:be used to,get used to 习惯于做某事
被动态一定加在整个动词(词组)的任何形式的最后,如:have been being done
He was seen to enter the room.
Someone saw him enter the room
These children were taken very good care of (take care of very good 也对,但那样出题会降低做题的难度)
用what/who do you ~?看能否译通
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-10 21:37:24

1) 动词+ 不定式
2)动词+不定式 ;动词+宾语+不定式
3) 动词+疑问词+ to

1) 动词+宾语+不定式(to do)
2) to + be 的不定式结构,作补语的动词。
3) to be +形容词
4)there be+不定式 ——这部分文章中举得例子对不上
不定式的特殊句型so as to
不定式的特殊句型Why not


名词或代词与后面的分词,形容词,副词,不定 式,介词等是主谓关系——这种怎么叫主谓关系?不是只有动词可以作谓语?
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-10 23:36:21

1 4 Active and Passive Voice
1, In a sentence using active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action expressed in the verb.
2, Active voice is used for most non-scientific writing. Using active voice for the majority of your sentences makes your meaning clear for readers, and keeps the sentences from becoming too complicated or wordy. ——这是说active voice好处
Even in scientific writing, too much use of passive voice can cloud the meaning of your sentences.——这句话映证了以前写paper老师的要求,但是他这里又强调了不用太多的用被动语态否则会“cloud”
3, In a sentence using passive voice, the subject is acted upon; he or she receives the action expressed by the verb. The agent performing the action may appear in a "by the..." phrase or may be omitted.
4,下面又说了为什么应避免使用passive voice,和什么时候使用passive voice后面介绍了如何识别passive voice
5,介绍了如何 Changing Passive to Active Voice

15 Apostrophe and Hyphens
1,apostrophe(也就是“’”号)的三个作用:to form possessives of nouns ;to show the omission of letters; to indicate certain plurals of lowercase letters
2 ,to form possessives of nouns:介绍了什么时候用“’s”,什么时候用“’”——应该就是名词复数以s结尾的就用“’”,其他都用“’s”
3, to show the omission of letters——就是如何简写吧,但是GRE貌似要求全部写出来。
4, to indicate certain plurals of lowercase letters:这个用法以前没注意,要小心
5,hyphens(连字符“-”),文章列举了8个公认的使用连字符的情况。对于何时去掉连字符不是太清楚,比如文中提到:semi-independent (but semiconscious),semi这个前缀很多次都是连到一起的比如semisweet,也有这样写的semi-sweet,估计是习惯问题。
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-11 10:10:36

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2009-12-11 19:07 编辑


16Parallel Structure




18Dangling Modifiers

1不清楚dangling modifier 该怎么翻译,总之文中说这就是一种描述不清的一种修饰。文中举了大量的例子,都是现在分词作状语,和主句主语引起歧义的例子。




19Capital Letters

4 Family relationships (when used as proper names)
5 The names of God, specific deities, religious figures, and holy books
6 Titles preceding names, but not titles that follow names
7 Directions that are names (North, South, East, and West when used as sections of the country, but not as compass directions)
13 Periods and events (but not century numbers)
15 Words and abbreviations of specific names (but not names of things that came from specific things but are now general types)



影响; v.引起,实现

conscience n.
良心—— conscious adj.意识到

作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-11 10:11:04

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2009-12-12 18:34 编辑


21 HOCs LOCs

1, 主要学习了什么是Higher Order Concerns,什么是Lower Order Concerns


2, HOCs包括以下内容:
Thesis or focus

Audience and purpose
这些内容在GRE官方AW说明中都提到过,尤其是audience and purpose还单列出来进行说明。所以上述4方面内容在写作过程中也要引起足够的重视。
3, LOCs包括:sentence structure, punctuation, word choice, spelling等,这些都是基本功,只能靠平时多积累了。

22 Sentence Clarity

1, 如何使句子清晰易懂,文中提了几种措施:
(1) Go from old to new information
(2) Transitional words
(3) Be careful about placement of subordinate clauses
(4) Use active voice
(5) Use parallel constructions
(6) Avoid noun strings——

(7) Avoid overusing noun forms of verbs——
(8) Avoid multiple negatives
(9) Choose action verbs over forms of be
(10) Avoid unclear pronoun references

2, sentence fragment 应该就是指句子成分残缺,一般是缺主语,或者是缺谓语。修改方法很多,合并句子,添加主语或谓语等等。

23 Relative Pronouns

1,关系代词的介绍——文中介绍的和自己以前学的语法内容有所出入,这里把that, who, whom, whose, which, where, when, why都归为关系代词。我以前学习的是关系代词是“that, who, whomwhich”,其他是关系副词和关系形容词。这个内容需要再进一步查证。

24 Punctuation

(1) 冒号的使用,常常是两句话,为了强调后一句话,而是用冒号。我一直以为是用来解释说明的。
(2) Parentheses are used to emphasize content. They place more emphasis on the enclosed content than commas. Use parentheses to set off nonessential material, such as dates, clarifying information, or sources, from a sentence.——依然是强调
(3) Dashes are used to set off or emphasize the content enclosed within dashes or the content that follows a dash. Dashes place more emphasis on this content than parentheses. ashes are used to set off or emphasize the content enclosed within dashes or the content that follows a dash. Dashes place more emphasis on this content than parentheses.——依然是强调,只是强调程度的不同
(4) Underlining and Italics are often used interchangeably. Before word-processing programs were widely available, writers would underline certain words to indicate to publishers to italicize whatever was underlined. Although the general trend has been moving toward italicizing instead of underlining, you should remain consistent with your choice throughout your paper. To be safe, you could check with your teacher to find out which he/she prefers. Italicize the titles of magazines, books, newspapers, academic journals, films, television shows, long poems, plays of three or more acts, operas, musical albums, works of art, websites, and individual trains, planes, or ships.——这个比较少用,说实话也不太敢用,一般使用引号。

25 A versus An

·an honorable peace
an honest error
·a union
a united front
a unicorn
a used napkin
a U.S. ship
a one-legged man
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-11 19:08:36

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2009-12-13 00:17 编辑


26 Use Articles


27 Non & Count Nouns

1,文中主要介绍了可数(普通名词和集合名词)和不可数名词(物质名词和抽象名词)具体应用,比如和形容的搭配,其中注意a little bite of 是要搭配不可数名词使用的。



28 In/Dependent Clauses

1,介绍了什么是independent clauses 独立句,什么是dependent clauses非独立句,以及它们之间的区别;

dependent marker word
:after, although, as, as if, because, before, even if, even though, if, in order to, since, though, unless, until, whatever, when, whenever, whether, and while.

independent marker word
:also, consequently, furthermore, however, moreover, nevertheless, and therefore.

3,常见应避免的错误:Comma Splices,Fused Sentences,Sentence Fragments,除了fused sentences 其他两种之前都已经介绍过了。

29,30 Adjective or Adverb

1, 形容词和副词的区别:



2, 常见错误,如果不看这个,我还真弄不清这几个词用到句子中的含义差别

—— badly

good ——well


形容词如何修饰可数名词和不可数名词,还是那几个词plenty,enough,a lot of等等,注意一下一般问题不大。

作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-11 23:10:06










        为了帮助你准备分析写作这项考试,GRE项目组已经出版了完整的作文题库,考试题目是从这些题库中选出的。查阅题库对你准备考试是有帮助的。你可以在 www.gre.org/pracmats.html找到题库,或者写信到GRE 项目组,PO Box 6000,Princeton,NJ 08541-6000取得复印版本








作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-12 14:30:19



        完全同意题目中观点,完全不同意或同意一部分
        质疑可能用来做出结论的前提假设
        定义你所使用的术语,尤其是这个术语对于你展开你的观点非常重要时
        指出你的观点为什么有些情况下有效,有些情况无效
        评价和你不同的观点
        通过多个相关例子或者一个深广的事例来支持你的观点





        认真读题,保证理解题目;如果不清楚可以与老师或者朋友一起讨论
        结合自身的经历思考题目,这是在文中给出论证和论据的知识基础
        决定你的观点,你可以同意,不同意或者有保留的同意
        决定使用何种有说服力的事例来支持你的观点

        准确的说,中心问题是什么?
        我完全同意该主张还是部分同意?为什么?
        该观点是否做了合理的前提假设?如有,它们是否合理?
        该主张是否只是在特定情况是合理的?如有,它们是什么?
        是否需要解释我是如何理解观点中关键的术语和概念的?
        如果我选择一个立场,哪些理由可以支持我?
        哪些例子——真实或虚构——能够阐述和支持我的观点?哪些根由说服力?

        别人可以用那些论据来反驳我的观点?
        我如何看待这些观点?







作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-12 23:21:44




        专才和通才的主要区别是什么?两者各自优点是什么?
        这些不同在各种专业领域和特殊情况下是否依然成立?这里是否有些专才需要有宽广知识面和综合能力才做好他们的工作?
        在你的领域里两者的作用如何?
        你认为社会如何看待专才和通才的价值?专才是否在一些情况下被高估了,而在另一些情况下没有?
        社会是否需要更多的通才?如果是,他们将会起到什么样的作用?

        支持题目观点的理由和例子
        反对题目观点的理由和例子







        适当的国过渡词“but”, “usually”,和“ for instance”使文章表达流程,文章结尾重新点题,首尾呼应。




作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-13 09:22:59

        文中提供哪些证据,支持观点或证明
        文中明确陈述,声明或总结了哪些内容
        哪些假设是没有经过证明的
        文中哪些内容没有陈述,但是为推出文中的观点必须要说明的




        因为ARGUMENT主要评估你经过教育后所培养出来的分析写作和非形式的推理能力,所以它被设计为不需要接受特别培训即可参加的考试,对受过特别训练的学生参加这项考试也将不会有什么优势。许多关于修辞和写作的大学教科书都有介绍非形式逻辑和批判思维的内容,这些对考试可能是有帮助的,但这些可能会比考试所要求的更加细节和专业化。你不需要知道什么是方法分析或者专门术语。例如,有一个题目,关于小学校长可能认为增加新的运动设施可能会提高学生的出席率,因为在安装新设施以来,学生的缺席开始降低。你不需要知道这些专业术语“ post hoc,ergo proper hoc fallacy”,你只需要简单地注意一下对于出席率提高的其他可能原因,提供一些日常的例子,就知道得到此结论还需要哪些必要条件。例如,缺席率的降低可能是因为天气转暖。这就可以大大降低校长结论的有效性。


        替代性解释:一种可能的解释版本导致之前的解释是值得怀疑的;因为一些更容观察到的具体的事实,一种替代性解释使之前的解释显得更有局限性
        分析:为了明白一件事物作为整体是如何工作的,把分解成组个单元(例如:议论文);在写作中,这个分解的过程也是就是写作的过程
        辩析:由推理和事例支持的一个主张或一系列主张;为说明某些事情的真假的逻辑链条
        假设:一种常常没有被说明或验证的条件,某些人为支持其观点而必须拥有的;为保证结论正确,一些必须保证成立的条件
        结论:逻辑链条的最后环节,如果推理是合理,它将是有效的;结果的声明
        反例:一个例子,真实的或假设的,用来驳斥和反对论点。

        仔细阅读题目——你可能需要读一遍以上
        尽量多的检查它的观点,结论,和潜在的假设
        尽量多的想文中解释的替代性解释和反例
        想可能削弱其结论的事例
        思考文中做些什么改动会使其更有逻辑性



        一些ARGUMENT中包含一些数字,百分比和统计信息作为事实来支持文章中的结论。例如,一篇文章可能会声明一个社区活动今年没有去年受欢迎,因为同去年150人相比,今天参加的只有100人,人数下降了约33%。重要的是你没有被要求根据这些数字进行数学计算。相反,你要评估这些是否可以被用来作为支持文章结论的论据。上面这个例子,结论是一个社区活动越来越不受欢迎。你应该问自己:100人和150人的差距是否支持这个结论?注意,在这个问题上,这里有其他的可能性;例如,天气比去年要糟糕,今年的活动的时间可能使很多人不方便参加,可能今天活动费用上涨了,或者这里可能有了一个更受欢迎的活动。每种解释都可以解释参加人数下降的原因,从而削弱了“不流行”这个结论的有效性。相同地,百分比可以支持或者削弱一个结论,这要取决于这个百分比代表的具体数字。考虑下这个题目,一个学校的戏剧俱乐部应该获得更多的资助,因为它的会员增加了100%,这个100%增加可能会是非常多的,假如它原来有 100 人,则现在是 200 人,然而,如果原来是5人,现在是10人,那增加的人数就不那么明显了。注意,题目中任何用来支持结论的个数字,你都应该怀疑它是否真能对结论提供有力的支持。


作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-13 16:54:03



        有多少人在滑旱冰时受伤后会去急诊室?
        这些受伤后去急诊室的轮滑爱好者能否代表了所有滑旱冰的人?
        这里是否有些滑旱冰受伤的人没有去急诊室?
        这些去急诊室的伤者是否都比较严重?
        那些25%的受伤了去急诊室的人是否伤的要比这75%的人严重?
        在街道和停车场滑旱冰是否要比其他地方更危险?
        对于降低使用者受重伤的风险,中等质量的护具是否和高等质量的护具同样有效?
        是否有其他因素和滑旱冰的人受伤概率有关,比如天气条件,视力,技术?

作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-13 20:24:30

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2009-12-14 10:33 编辑


31 Appositives

32 Irregular Verbs
lay —— laid——laid
lie —— lay ——lain
shine —— shone —— shone
spring —— sprang —— sprung
swim —— swam —— swum

33 Numbers

34 Prepositions
图片很可爱,有图片学习介词能具体不少。除了惯用法中的介词,其他的一直用的不太准确。比如on campus 我经常用成 in campus 。
He likes to read in the afternoon.
The flowers will bloom in spring.
There is an ice cream shop by the store.
If you wish for an "A" in this class, you must work hard.
onto 和 into的区别:记住青蛙跳水和倒牛奶的例子

35 Pronouns
Formal: It is I.
Informal: It is me.
Formal: To whom am I talking?
Informal: Who am I talking to?

36 Subject/Verb Agreement
        主谓一致前面已经复习过了,这里再看一下,主要是提到and 和or连接不同名词作主语时谓语的形式。举得例子跟多的涉及到“临近原则”,“实际意义原则”等。另外还有一些代词(如:either,everybody)作主语时谓语的形式。
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-14 00:23:46

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2009-12-15 22:03 编辑



Supporting his standpoint with a recent report, the arguer insists the article shows a mistaken impression that many capable workers who are out of job because of company downsizing have suffered serious economic hardship for years, until they find other proper employment. But I cannot concede his conclusion only by providing three causes in the report: (1) new jobs have increased absolutely since 1992; (2)many jobless workers have found new job;(3) most newly created jobs with above-average wages are full-time positions in industries.

Report states more jobs have been offered since 1992. But the arguer do not tell us how many population who are at the working age increase in these years. Assume there are 1 million people seeking jobs, 1 million job position in 1992, and until now, there are 2 million people finding jobs, 1.5 million jobs. Under this hypothesis, even if jobs increase 50 percent,
the unemployment rate still rise from zero to 25%. Thus, it is hard to say the net increase in the number of new jobs created also means
people could find job easily. Perhaps, comparing with jobless population in 1992, today, more people lost their job, and these workers effected by corporate downsizing also face the same suffering situation. In other words, lacking the exact number of employment rate, the arguer cannot undermine the article’s claim.

Assuming the first finding of report used by arguer have proved jobless population decline, but it still do not show whether positions provided by corporations increase or not. Because perhaps the majority of the newly created jobs are provided by farm, hospital, government, university or other institutions. Were they farmers, polices, professors, doctors or librarians, people would find job easily. But, for those workers working in corporation may face fierce competition. someone may say the arguer also claimed that many jobless people have found job again. Obviously, this is another same problem in letter. On the one hand, it does not tell us what is the kind of new job. On the other hand, the evidence, cited by the arguer, does not show the percentage of jobless people who have found a new job. Possibly, thousands of people find new job, and author thinks that is “many”. However, if there were still millions of jobless people, the evidence would not help author challenging the article’s assertion.

At the bottom of the arguer’s evidence, most of newly created jobs in those high-paying industries do not mean high-paying in downsized corporate. Moreover, the report only say the newly created jobs with high-paying, and it does not mention what is the pay of original positions. After all, not all people will catch the position by newly created. Even if all the corporation pay high salary for all positions, maybe, they still have plan to reduce employment scale. Actually, corporation always simplify their personnel structure and pay more salary for the rest workers, for increasing profit. Thus, these jobless workers are hinder by many difficulties, as retrieving their as before.

In sum, the arguer do not support his viewpoint with sufficient evidence and reasoning. To more effectively refute the claim the author should provide clear evidence that what is the employment rate in 1992 and today, what is the percent of jobless people finding new jobs and what is the ratio of new jobs with high-paying.


TOPIC: ISSUE13 - "Many of the world's lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. The governments of countries in which these languages are spoken should act to prevent such languages from becoming extinct."
WORDS: 230
TIME: 0:45:00
DATE: 2009-12-13

When society is developing, some languages are forgetting in the world. Whatever how often the language is used, we have to say that our spiritual wealth are suffering from extinct languages. Whether the government has duty to protect these languages?
In my viewpoint, government has other more important social problems need to solve, and it should not intervene to prevent theses languages from becoming extinct.

Today, government need to do a lot of things, which are more important and emergency than lesser-known languages extinct. Let us take a look about our real society: high jobless rate, high crime, hunger crisis, and climate change. All these are
threatening our life, and government might be deploying its resources to fight against. Taking the United Nations Climate Conference in Copenhagen for instance,
we can see developing country are suffering hungers, developed country are worrying climate change. Which government do you think could afford for protect the language becoming extinct? Under this circumstance, how can government could spend money and workers to solve languages extinct problem. You may say that government could employ more people to do these. Facing to this question, I ask you two questions : Do you want to pay more tax? Do you want to government have more authority to interrupt you life? If you say no, the government would better do not prevent such languages from becoming extinct.

Certainly, if some countries’ government have more funds and employees, they could preserve such languages. But they should know different languages will lead to misunderstanding among people, hinder international commerce and trade, and even result in war among nations. Mover, in some countries, there are too many languages to keep them. For example, 56 races lying in China, they have at least thousands of languages; even two villages, hundreds miles between them, have different language. How could government to protect all them? As I know, under the help of high technology, from now, only a few government do effort for a part of languages.

Despite no practical need for some languages, no government resources pay for them, these languages still have charming function for us. They can preserve the distinct ideas which only that particular language can convey, such as some abstract concepts. Languages always are signs of distinct cultural people, could help people keep their own traditions, rituals and beliefs, could satisfy people psychological need for individual identity.

Therefore, people themselves need to do some efforts to protect their own languages, while society should give them more help by setting up a languages protecting institution or donating a minority languages fund. For government, it has to deal with many serious economic, social and political problems, and hardly devotes its time and resources to prevent some lesser-known languages from becoming extinct.

作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-14 10:33:59

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2009-12-14 18:16 编辑

37 Verb Tenses



Simple Present: They walk
Present Perfect: They have walked
Simple Past: They walked
Past Perfect: They had walked
Future: They will walk
Future Perfect: They will have walked


现在完成时Present perfect:The present perfect consists of a past participle (the third principal part) with "has" or "have." It designates action which began in the past but which continues into the present or the effect of which still continues.

将来完成时:The future perfect tense designates action that will have been completed at a specified time in the future.
1. Saturday I will finish my housework. (simple future)
2. By Saturday noon, I will have finished my housework. (future perfect)


38 Parts of Speech Overview
3冠词:An adjective is a word that modifies, or describes, a noun or pronoun. Adjectives may precede nouns, or they may appear after a form of the reflexive verb to be (am, are, is, was, etc.).

39 Quotation Marks
2包括:直接引用,间接引用,Original quote,Omitted material,Added material

40 Transitions


文中提到了一个技巧“Picking up key phrases from the previous paragraph and highlighting them in the next can create an obvious progression for readers.”也就是使用重复的关键词来“连接”两个段落。

例子: Overall, Management Systems International has logged increased sales in every sector, leading to a significant rise in third-quarter profits.

These impressive profits are largely due to the corporation's expanded international influence

另外需要注意文中描述的另外一件事:“Instead of writing transitions that could connect any paragraph to any other paragraph, write a transition that could only connect one specific paragraph to another specific paragraph”,连接一般只是相邻的两段。

最后提到了“Transitional Devices”,很实用,而且列了各种类型的Transitional Devices:递进,重复,证明,对比,表层次,举例和总结等等。

41 Phrasal& idioms

动词短语,习语这东西就只能多记,多看了,文中总结的很好。准备打印出来挂到墙上。每天学习几个词。另外putclub上有个word lover的专题不错,每天学习一个词。

作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-14 14:33:27















标准在下面解释,对每一个分数档次,总的分析性写作的分数是通过issue 和 argument一起来评的。因为这一考试叫“分析性写作”,批判性思考技巧(推理的能力,通过证据理由来发展支持观点,和沟通复杂的观点)比作者对语法和词汇运用更为重要。








作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-14 18:20:39

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2009-12-14 19:34 编辑

TOPIC: ARGUMENT206 - The following appeared in a letter to the editor of the Parkville Daily Newspaper.

"Throughout the country last year, as more and more children below the age of nine participated in youth-league softball and soccer, over 80,000 of these young players suffered injuries. When interviewed for a recent study, youth-league softball players in several major cities also reported psychological pressure from coaches and parents to win games. Furthermore, education experts say that long practice sessions for these sports take away time that could be used for academic activities. Since the disadvantages apparently outweigh any advantages, we in Parkville should discontinue organized athletic competition for children under nine."
WORDS: 384

TIME: 00:30:00
DATE: 2009-8-1 13:58:06

In this argument, the author concludes that Parkville should discontinue organized athletic competition for children under nine.文章原话最好改写 To support his conclusion, the author points out that over 80,000 of young players suffered injuries throughout the country last year. And he also cites that youth-league softball players reported pressure form应为from coaches and parents in several big cities and these sports take away time for academic activities. However, the argument suffers a few flaws. 这里用flaws这个词是不是太小了;该段应用原文的句子太多了

To begin with, the author falsely assumes that children under nine in Parkville suffer injuries just like those throughout the country.
First, the child in Parkville may have different interests in sports, such as basketball. Second, the author fails to provide the number of children who is under nine and suffered injuries throughout the country last year. Perhaps only a few children under nine suffered from injuries. Third, the author fails to prove that the children get injuries because of taking sports rather than other possibilities. All these scenarios, if true, will undermine the author's conclusion.用的有些词不太准确;第一个例子没有论证充分

In addition, the author unjustifiably claims that children in Parkvill receive pressure from coaches and parents. The study is interviewed in several big cities, we are not informed whether Parkville is a big city. Even assuming that it is a big city, the author still cannot apply the study to Parkville. There are maybe differences between Parkville and other cities. Perhaps Parkville has stricter regulations to coaches, or perhaps the competition in Parkville is not so serious.

Furthermore, it is unwarranted是否合适 to claim that these sports take away time from academic activities. First, we are not informed how many hours are used for sports and academic activities. Perhaps sports time is far less than the time for academic activities. Second, sports may help to do academic activities better. Without ruling out these possibilities, it is unwise to discontinue organized competition.第二个例子没有说充分

Last but not least, 这个词太敏感了the author suggests too hastily to discontinue all the competition. Even if some competition is dangerous, some others may be good for children. Common sense tells me that children need to take sports. The disadvantage of discontinue may outweigh the advantage.

To sum up, the author fails觉得文中总用fail这个词不是太准确,而且是否有重复过多的问题 to substantiate the conclusion that Parkville should discontinue organized athletic competition for children under nine. The author need further information and reliable study to make the conclusion convincing.

缺点:文中都标出来了,有些词中国学生用的太多,所以尽量少用;有些alternative explanation 说的不够充分,给人一种逻辑上有跳跃的感觉;有些词用的不太准确;另外第一段照搬原文的地方太多,最好改写一下。

TOPIC: ARGUMENT131 - The following appeared in an environmental newsletter published in Tria Island.

"The marine sanctuary on Tria Island was established to protect certain marine mammals. Its regulations ban dumping and offshore oil drilling within 20 miles of Tria, but fishing is not banned. Currently many fish populations in Tria's waters are declining, a situation blamed on pollution. In contrast, the marine sanctuary on Omni Island has regulations that ban dumping, offshore oil drilling, and fishing within 10 miles of Omni and Omni reports no significant decline in its fish populations. Clearly, the decline in fish populations in Tria's waters is the result of overfishing, not pollution. Therefore, the best way to restore Tria's fish populations and to protect all of Tria's marine wildlife is to abandon our regulations and adopt those of Omni."
WORDS: 314
TIME: 00:30:00
DATE: 2009-7-31 21:03:35

In this argument, the author concludes that the Tria Island should abandon its regulations and adopt Omni's in order to restore its fish populations and protect all of its marine wildlife. To support his conclusion, the author cites the example of Omni Island which has regulations that ban fishing. However, the argument suffers from a few flaws.

To begin with, the author assumes这里不是假设因该是总结吧 too hastily that the decline in fish populations in Tria's waters should blame on overfishing.
Firstly, there are many other nature factors which would influence the fish population, such as water temperature, spaning season, extreme weather phenomenon and so forth. Secondly,
the author fails to prove that the banned actions have not happened. 句子有错,愿意好像是想说是否怎么样If the water is polluted, the fish population will probably decrease.
Besides, the oil may also float from other place. All these sceranios 因该是scenario吧, if true, will undermine the author's conclusion that overfishing should be responsible for decline in fish populations.

In additon, even assuming that overfishing leads to the decline in fish populations, the author falsely concludes that Tria should follow the example of Omni. The author overlooks the differences between the two Islands. There might be disparity in Island weather, water quality, fish sorts and so on. These defferences will make Omni's regulations unsuccessful in Tria. What's more, the author doesn't prove that the fish caught in Tria is within 10 miles of Tria, which will undermine the conclusion.这句话没说完整

Further more, even assuming that the Omni's regulation will success in Tria, the argument still has some flaws. First, the Omni's regulations might not be the best one. There are may be better ones such as stricker ban on dumping. Second, the Omni's regulation cannot guarantee to protect all the marine wildlife.

To sum up, the author fails to substantiate his conclusion that Tria should adopt Omni's regulations. To support his conclusion, the author should provides more information.


1,        单词拼写错了6-7个明显增多
2,        有几个句子有语法问题,而且没写完整
3,        结论段只是呼应了开头,没有进一步升华,而且如果有一些反讽和幽默的句子会让结尾给你印象更深

Argument 35 首次限时
用时:35m; 字数:449
35. The following appeared in the summary of a study on headaches suffered by the residents of Mentia.

"Salicylates are members of the same chemical family as aspirin, a medicine used to treat headaches. Although many foods are naturally rich in salicylates, for the past several decades food-processing companies have also been adding salicylates to foods as preservatives. This rise in the commercial use of salicylates has been found to correlate with a steady decline in the average number of headaches reported by participants in our twenty-year study. Recently, food-processing companies have found that salicylates can also be used as flavor additives for foods. With this new use for salicylates, we can expect a continued steady decline in the number of headaches suffered by the average citizen of Mentia."


In this summary the author concludes that the number of headaches suffered by average citizen of Mentia will continue to decline. To justify this argument, the author show me some evidence that many foods are naturally rich in salicylates(S), which are similar to aspirin, a medicine used to treat headache. Moreover, the author cites a twenty – year study, amid which the average number of headaches is reported declining. However, close scrutiny of the argument reveals many logical and statistic problems that will without doubt render it unconvincing.

To begin with, the author’s argument relies on a hasty assumption that S is the very factor leading to the decline of the number of headaches. However, no certain proof has been shown to confirm this connection. There is a high possibility that it’s some other chemicals that added in foods curing the headaches, but not S. And it’s 不要用简写形式also possible that even though S is curing the headaches, the consequence is not apparent enough for a survey to check out.

Even if the connection between the use of S and decline of headache is confirmed, the author fails to show the details of the twenty-year study to prove it representative. First, the number of people who has taken the survey is not given. Perhaps the sample is too small to be considered valid. 主谓不一致the sample如果表一类东西的话谓语应该用复数Furthermore, the situation of these sample people is also unknown. It’s possible that the symptom of the headache of the people is not severe enough, and that it’s some other factors resulting in the recovery of their headache, even that it’s cure all by themselves.

Even if the two factors that will lead to the failure of the argument are both proved, the author still cannot prove that the trend of using S as preservative will continue. It’s totally possible that all the companies tend to give up using S as preservative for some reasons, like recent discovery or governmental restricts. Or perhaps, there will be some other chemicals found to be more efficient than S as preservative, which will without doubt result in the decline of using S.

In sum, the argument is unpersuasive as it stand in many facets. Firstly, to strengthen the argument, the author must show me more evidence to prove that it is the S which added as preservative that cure people’s headache, not other chemicals. Secondly, to convince me, the author also have to show more details about the twenty – year study to prove it representative. Finally, the author also have to give adequate evidence to show that the tendency of using S as preservatives will continue. Without ruling out all the other possibilities, the argument will never convince me.

1,        开头结尾段过长,
2,        局式单一,it is 这种句子用的太多
3,        我怎么感觉后面的论证和文章的问题不是太相关,

TOPIC: ARGUMENT203 - The following appeared in a newspaper feature story.

"At the small, nonprofit hospital in the town of Saluda, the average length of a patient's stay is two days; at the large, for-profit hospital in the nearby city of Megaville, the average patient stay is six days. Also, the cure rate among patients in the Saluda hospital is about twice that of the Megaville hospital. The Saluda hospital has more employees per patient than the hospital in Megaville, and there are few complaints about service at the local hospital. Such data indicate that treatment in smaller, nonprofit hospitals is more economical and of better quality than treatment in larger, for-profit hospitals."
WORDS: 431
TIME: 00:30:00
DATE: 2009-4-7 9:59:42


There are several facets are questionable in this argument. At first, the stayed time is not a good indication about the quality of treatment. Secondly, the cure rate can not indicate about the quality about the hospital. Thirdly, more employees for per patient could not ensure a better treatment for the patient. Finally, few complaints were received about the service does not demonstrate all the other people are satisfied with the service. So, the assertion which the author concluded in the argument is unreliable.句子有些啰嗦,第二句可以直接用indicate就行;另外开头列出来的结构最好和后面讨论结构一致

To begin with, the author has tried to make us believe that the Saluda hospital (SH) could provide better quality treatment because the average length of a patient's stay and the cure rate there is shorter than Megaville Hospital (MH).Lacking information about what kind of illness the patient have got, the author can not confidently draw any conclusion about the quality about the two hospitals. Maybe the patients who visited to SH have some slight sickness, and people may choose the big hospital like MH to cure some serious disease like cancer, or AIDS, and that kinds of sicknesses are not easy,even possible to heal.这里想要说是不可能治愈吧。

Another question about the argument is that though there are more employees for per patient of SH than MH, the author can not make sure that every patient will be provided a better service. 句子有误,加个连词或者变成两个单句For the simple reason that we don't know the jobs of those employees, there may be some of them are bus drivers or cooks in cafeteria. They can do nothing to help patient restore. Granted that all the jobs the employees worked are helpful to the patients. We don't know whether they are loyal to their occupation. So the author generated the conclusion too hastily.

Finally, the data about complaints about service of SH could not ensure us SH provides better service. Because we don't know, how many patients have been the two hospitals respectively to cure some sicknesses, and what fraction of them has reported a complaint. May be the quantity of the complaints of SH is less than that of MH. But the fraction may be larger. Granted that both the quantity and fraction of the complaints received by SH is less. The author can not convince us that all the other people are satisfied with the service.还是wordy,句子精炼一些,或者补充一些推理的过程。

In conclusion, this argument can not be taken seriously as it stands. To strengthen it, the author should provide the detailed information about what kind of illness the patients have, what jobs do the employees worked for, and the exact proportion about the received complaints of all the patients.


TOPIC: ARGUMENT159 - The nation of Claria covers a vast physical area. But despite wide geographic differences, many citizens are experiencing rising costs of electricity. A recent study of household electric costs in Claria found that families who cooled their houses with fans alone spent more on electricity than did families using air conditioners alone for cooling. However, those households that reported using both fans and air conditioners spent less on electricity than those households that used either fans or air conditioners alone. Thus, the citizens of Claria should follow the study's recommendation and use both air conditioners and fans in order to save money on electricity.
WORDS: 431
TIME: 00:30:00
DATE: 2009-3-17 下午 08:10:53

In this argument, the author recommends both using air conditioners and fans as an effective way of saving money on electricity. In order to justify it, the author cites a survey that different families being diverse in the way of cooling the house spend different money on electricity. However, close scrutiny of the statistic and the line of reasoning reveal that it is not convincing. 看到好多人用close scrutiny;

A threshold problem with the argument involves the statistical reliability of the survey. Lacking of assurance and information about the randomness and relative size of the survey' sample, the author cannot convince me the conclusion of the survey is reliable. As the author mentions, the nation of Claria covers a vast physical area, without enough large sample, so it is entirely possible that the survey is not representative of the real situation of Claria. Moreover different place will 应该去掉will have different temperature and the price of electricity, without comprehensive consideration these factors, I strongly doubt the reliability of the survey. 缺少连词或者修改标点符号The dubious survey undermines the follow conclusions which rely on it.

Secondly, the author asserts different way of cooling the house causes the decrease of electricity consuming just because they happen together. Obviously, the evidence for the casual relationship is too vague to believe. Furthermore, to satisfy the same requirement, common sense informs us air condition costs more electricity than fans. Thus, there must be other reasons causing the decrease of the electric consumption. The most reasonable one is that the expense for air condition is so money-consuming that the citizens would like to tolerate the hot weather rather than pay for it.最后这种解释仍无法说明为什么空调风扇一起用比单独用风扇或空调要省电,只是说有些可能为了节约费用忍受天热带来的不便而不去开空调。

Even though the author can substantiate foregoing assumption and assertion, I still cannot accept his/her recommendation because the author overlooks other factors contributes to the amounts of electricity. As we know, for a family, facilities of cooling the house take little part of electricity. Computer, lights, television, fridge and so forth cost more electricity. Thus it is possible that even though the method of saving electricity recommended by the author works, it makes little contribution to the total electricity consuming so that we cannot see the change on
spending money. Furthermore, if the electric consumptions of other factors increase, it will not save the money, strongly contradicting to the conclusion of the author. It指代不明,这句话需要修改

To sum up, the recommendation suffers from statistic and logic flaws causing that it is not warranted. In order to strengthen it, the author should provide the compelling evidence to prove the reliability of the survey and the casual relationship between the way of cooling their house and decrease of electric consumption. Additionally, the author should also provide appealing evidence to prove the total electric consumption will decrease.

作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-14 20:46:30

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2009-12-14 22:53 编辑


TOPIC: ARGUMENT163 - The following is taken from the editorial section of the local newspaper in Rockingham.
文章各方面写的都挺好的。有些句子自己以前没有见过,大致意思读懂了,但是水平不够不敢乱改啊。就是最后一段有一句“therefore specious at best是什么意思”?好像有问题


TOPIC: ARGUMENT137 - The following appeared in an editorial in the Mason City newspaper.
"At present, Mason City residents seldom use the nearby Mason River for any kind of recreational activity, even though surveys of the region's residents consistently rank water sports (swimming, fishing, and boating) as a favorite form of recreation. Since there have been complaints about the quality of the water in the river, residents must be avoiding the river because they think that it is not clean enough. But that situation is about to change: the agency responsible for rivers in our region has announced plans to clean up Mason River. Therefore, recreational use of the river is likely to increase, so the Mason City council will need to increase its budget for improvements to the publicly owned lands along the Mason River."
WORDS: 416          TIME: 00:30:00          DATE: 2009/3/9 16:28:42

In this augument, the author drew the conclution about the increase 这里应该是减少而不是增多of recreational use of the Mason River, after his/her seemingly convincing procedure of reasoning, and suggested the City council to increase the budget for the improvement of lands along Mason River. As far as I see it, this argument omits some sunbstential information, and therefor suffers some logical fallacies.
To begin with, the author falsely established a causal relationship between the complaint about the quality of the water and the seldom using of the nearby River for recreational activity. Although the two things happened simultaneously, but there are pobably many other reasons for seldom using of the water, too. For example, in the city there is a swimming pool, which supplies a good service and has new infrastructure. So the residents prefer going there to siwmming in the river. Like swimming pool, other places, such as park and artifical lack, will attract people as well. Without providing us the information about other places in the city, the author's assumption is invalid.这里应该是想说没提供是否居民去泳池游泳和人工湖划船,而不是说提供其他地方的信息
In addition, can the annoucement about cleaning up Mason River by the agency make the use of river increased? Even assuming that the residents seldom use the River, because they worried the quality of the water, a promise about cleaning up cannot make the river really clean at a short time. The environmental restore will take a relative long time, as we know. Moreover, the author did not tell us the detail of the cleaning plan. When does begin it, and how does the agency put it into practice? So the author's conclution about a increase of use of the water lacks credibility.这段的论证逻辑不太连贯
Last but not least, the author's suggestion is also doubtful. Even if the river can be cleaned up, it is not clear that why the council will need to increase its budget for improvements to the lands along the Mason River? Can this plan represent the residents' real will? It is entirely possible that a majority of residents want to keep these lands wild as before, so that they can get a real relax in the nature. The author did not show the oppinion of the residents, therefore the final suggestion may be not proper.句子使用不符合规范
To sum up, in this argument, the evidence is not enough to support waht the author maintained. To strenghten, more information, 为增加更多信息?such as a introduce of the city, a detailed plan about cleaning up the river and a poll about the improvement of lands, are necessary




TOPIC: ARGUMENT71 - Copper occurs in nature mixed with other minerals and valuable metals in ore, and the proportion of copper in the ore can vary considerably. Until fairly recently, the only way to extract pure copper from ore was by using a process that requires large amounts of electric energy, especially if the proportion of copper in the ore is low. New copper-extracting technologies can use up to 40 percent less electricity than the older method to process the same amount of raw ore, especially when the proportion of copper in the ore is high. Therefore, we can expect the amount of electricity used by the copper-extraction industry to decline significantly.
WORDS: 475          TIME: 00:30:00          DATE: 2009/3/6 17:32:50

Comparing the new technologies with the traditional ones,
“the traditional ones 可以这么用么?the这里用的好像不太对”and then based upon the superiority in electricity reducing of the former, the author thus predicted an optimistic perspective of the new copper-extracting skills. However, to prove those hypothesise requires more work of reasoning and more relative background evidences.

To begin with, the author might intensively conceal the purity of copper proceeded and the expenditure of replacing new equipment. Primarily, the quality of the products should not be overlooked. Admittedly, for its important influence in earning profits, cost should be considered as an important factor in comprehensive judgment of new industrial skills, whereas the quality and quantity of the products are even more decisive in determining practical value of certain new technology.
这句话是说铜的质量不能被忽视,因为他是影响利润的重要原因,所以。。。感觉不用这么绕吧,影响利润的有很多因素,比如工艺什么的,质量也是一方面直接说就行了。质量影响的不仅仅是利润。As is self-evident, one industrial innovation could be broadly accepted only when its manufactures satisfied customers. If, for example, the new process of copper-extracting technologies failed to extract more pure copper, factories would never be willing to accept new technologies although the traditional one expends more electricity. In addition, the technical costs are undeserved slipped. When the CEO of one copper-extracting corporation endeavor to decrease their daily cost of energy, the primary consideration of him/her would be how much should he/she pay for the new equipment? If the costs of exchanging equipment, for instance, are much higher than the spending of extra electricity, one would require great act of will to eliminate old equipment. Since the expectation of the author established mainly in wide spread and broad using of the new industrial skills, he/she should not neglect the possibilities mentioned above.

What is more, the effects of the new technologies to environment as well face the similar challenge. Are those new industrial skills detrimental to ecosphere? There might be opportunity that the equipment utilizing those technologies would release great amount of detrimental gases or polluted water to our living circumstance. Actually, if certain new technology will be harmful to our generations, it would never be actualized. Since the author rashly skip this possibility while focus merely on the power saving, the optimistic perspective he/she expecting might never emerge. True, new revolutionary industrial technology rarely failed to influence our daily lives, nonetheless, before verifying its practical influences, the positive anticipation is somewhat too hastily.

Last but not least, the author failed to take into account that there might be other alternative possibilities to reach out to the purpose of energy saving. Do there exist any chemical compounds that could accelerate the copper-extracting action? As is known to all, appropriate catalyst could lower the temperature required in chemical interactions and therefore reduce the cost of electricity.

In sum, were there detailed background information demonstrating quality of the products and cost of the machine, particular description convincing the essential impact to circumstance, comprehensive deduction excluding other possible approaches, the expectation of the author would be more rational




159.The nation of Claria covers a vast physical area. But despite wide geographic differences, many citizens are experiencing rising costs of electricity. A recent study of household electric costs in Claria found that families who cooled their houses with fans alone spent more on electricity than did families using air conditioners alone for cooling. However, those households that reported using both fans and air conditioners spent less on electricity than those households that used either fans or air conditioners alone. Thus, the citizens of Claria should follow the study's recommendation and use both air conditioners and fans in order to save money on electricity.

时间 30:00
In this argument, the arguer points out that the citizens of Claria should follow the study's recommendation and use both air conditioners and fans in order to save money on electricity. To support his recommendation, the arguer claims that it is based on a recent study. However, at the first glance, the arguer seems to be plausible, but after a close scrutiny, it lies in several fallacies and logical flaws discussed below.这个应该是传说中的模板吧,我一着急也喜欢用
To begin with, the arguer neglects an important factor which the nation of Claria covers a vast physical area. This phenomenon leads to the different temperature in different region. Therefore, in common sense, with different temperature it is absolutely different costs on electricity. For example, A is natural cooler than B, so A must pay less electric money on fans or air conditioners because the residents in A have already felt cooler than B. Consequently, without consider this factor, the arguer's claim is open to doubt.
Secondly, the arguer fails to prove that it is the fact that all the electric costs which they have seen is the fans' or air conditioners' using cost. In other word, the arguer commits a false equal relationship between the overall electric cost and the fans' and air conditioners’ cost. It is entirely possible that when the residents are using fans or air conditioners, they also use other electric facilities, such as computers, televisions and so forth. Thus, without ruling out other possibilities about the electric cost, the arguer's claim can not convince us thoroughly.
Even if I was to concede that it is the fact that this overall electric cost is equal to the cooling equipments' cost, the arguer's point is also suspect. It is likely that the longer we use the electric facilities, the more opportunity (probability) they will be wrong (they happen to malfunction). It is absolutely possible that the saving money is so little that we can neglect it while the electric equipment is mighty expensive. Therefore, it may not save money if these facilities have something wrong as the result of long time usage.作者是不是想说购买新电器还要花很多钱,电器是易耗品,早晚会坏的。加上购买新电器的钱,总的算下来未必会省钱。
To sum up, this argument lacks credible because the evidence cited in the analysis does not lend strong support to what the arguer maintains. To better bolster and strengthen it, the arguer needs to provide specific information about the electric cost and offer us more data of local temperature in different regions.

(10)主要是学习。大问题没有。有些句子有点问题,比如and 和or的用法

作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-15 00:24:20

"For many years all the stores in our chain have stocked a wide variety of both domestic and imported cheeses. Last year, however, the five best-selling cheeses at our newest store were all domestic cheddar cheeses from Wisconsin. Furthermore, a recent survey by Cheeses of the World magazine indicates an increasing preference for domestic cheeses among its subscribers. Since our company can reduce expenses by limiting inventory, the best way to improve profits in all of our stores is to discontinue stocking many of our varieties of imported cheese and concentrate primarily on domestic cheeses."

According to the sales of their newest store and the results of a survey by Cheeses of the World, the president of a chain of cheese stores comes to the conclusion that the west 是想说best 吧way to improve profits in all of their stores is to discontinue stocking many of their varieties of imported cheeses and concentrate primarily on domestic  cheeses. Though sound as it seems, the reasoning is flawed in several aspects.有人说开头没有反映文章的逻辑链条,应该补充,我不清楚如果那么开头的话是否会显得太罗嗦?

To begin with, in the newest store the domestic cheddar cheeses from Wisconisin are the best selling cheeses does not mean that all the domestic cheeses sell well. It is entirely possible that all the other domestic cheeses nevertheless sell badly. Perhaps, in the newest store, the domestic cheeses except for those from Wisconisin sell not as well as the imported cheeses and the overall sales of imported cheeses are far more than that of domestic cheeses. If this is the case, discontinuing stocking the imported cheeses, the stores, whose overall sales will drop sharply, will definitely lose huge profits. Unless the president finds out the other cheeses' sales, his proposal will not be convincing.这个点确实找的不是太明显,或者作者再说的具体一点
Besides, even assuming that in the newest store, the sales of domestic are better than those of imported cheeses, the president's advice still be too hasty. The president has not provided any evidence that the newest can typify all of their stores. There are many disparities among all the stores, such as the geography positions, the economical conditions of the cities where the stores are located, the tastes of the stores' customers, which will lead to different  results of the president' proposal in variable stores. To guarantee this proposal can improve profits, the presidents must make an investigation to learn what the sales in other stores and whether the sales of the newest store can represent all the stores' sales.看来还是要列逻辑链条,否则读起来比不是太清晰啊

In addition, the result of the survey by the magazine can lends little support to the president's proposal. The majority of the survey's respondents are the subscribers of the magazine and not representatives of the overall customers of this chain of cheese stores. Perhaps the respondents' tastes differ greatly from the tastes of this chain of stores' customers, who more prefer imported cheeses. If the president wants to know what the tastes of his stores' customers, he should do a survey among the customers of their chain of stores, rather than blindly believing one magazine’s survey.

In sum, there are still many jobs demanding the presidents to do before his proposal's carried out. Such as, making an investigation to learn what the sales of the other cheeses and what the tastes of customers in all the stores of the chains are
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-15 19:56:05

TOPIC: ARGUMENT188 - A new report suggests that men and women experience pain very differently from one another, and that doctors should consider these differences when prescribing pain medications. When researchers administered the same dosage of kappa opioids-a painkiller-to 28 men and 20 women who were having their wisdom teeth extracted, the women reported feeling much less pain than the men, and the easing of pain lasted considerably longer in women. This research suggests that kappa opioids should be prescribed for women whenever pain medication is required, whereas men should be given other kinds of pain medication. In addition, researchers should reevaluate the effects of all medications on men versus women.
WORDS: 424          TIME: 00:28:34          DATE: 2008-12-1 15:54:44

In the argument, the arguer draw a conclusion that kappa opioids should be prescribed for women whenever pain medication is required, whereas men should be given other kinds of pain medication. Besides, the arguer also suggests that researchers should reevaluate the effects of all medications on men versus women. The argument is mainly based on a research about 28 men and 20 women having their wisdom teeth extracted. However, although the conclusion sounds indeed reasonable at first thought, several logical flaws may seriously undermine this argument.

First of all, the arguer commits a fallacy of "hasty generalization". Firstly, the research only tests one kind of painkiller-- kappa opioids without testing other kinds of painkiller's effect. Based on a specific example, it is logically unsounded to make suggestion for all medications. It is very possible that other kind of medications might be completely different from kappa opioids, they might have the same effect on men and women, or might be more effective on men than women. 句子有问题,少连词或者改标点Secondly, the result of the research is limitedly based on one kind of situation--extracting the wisdom teeth. It is likely that this situation is not typical in general and in other cases kappa opioids might have the same effect on men and women. In fact, in the face of such limited evidence, it is fallacious to draw any conclusion at all.  

Moreover, the research cited by the arguer is too vague to be informative. The number of the subjects, 28 men and 20 women, might constitute an insufficiently small sample to draw any reliable conclusion. Also, the sample might be unrepresentative of the most people. It is possible that the women in the group are more health than the men. Without better evidence that the research is statistically reliable, the arguer cannot convince me to accept his conclusion.

Last but not least, the arguer assumes that kappa opioids are more effective to women than men, according to the evidence that the women reported felling much less pain than the men. 这里不是假设药物对女士更有效吧,作者是通过那个小实验推出的中间结论But it is not sufficient to substantiate the assumption. It is entirely possible that the women might own more powerful ability to stand the pain or the men might express the pain openly. 最后这句话好像说的有点问题,为什么说“完全不可能”

To sum up, the conclusion lacks credibility because the evidence cited in the analysis does not lend strong support to what the arguer maintains. To strengthen the argument, the arguer would have to do more scientific and substantial research. To better evaluate the argument, we would need more information regarding the reference of other medications.这两句话说的大概是一个意思,是否有必要写两句。
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-15 19:57:22

作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-15 19:57:43

作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-15 22:06:14

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2009-12-15 22:18 编辑



作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-19 21:31:23


下面的内容出现在National Brush Company(NBC)年度报告上:“为节省开支,我们公司NBC决定按生产刷子多少支付雇员薪水,以此代替按工作时间来支付工资。我们相信这项政策将会提高刷子的产量和质量,将降低雇员规模,同时使公司的工厂减少运营时间从而节省电费和降低安全成本。这些改变将保证最好的工人保住了他们的工作,而且公司在来年将实现盈利。”

下面是一份人事主管写个Cedar Corporation总裁的备忘录:“明年,继续雇佣Good-Taste(GT)公司为我们职工餐厅供应食物将是个错误。它是全市第二贵的餐饮承办公司。此外,在过去三年里,它的价格每年都在上涨,并且它拒绝为那些有特殊饮食需要的人提供服务。仅仅上个月就有三个员工跟我抱怨,说他们不会再在餐厅用餐了,因为那种经历实在让人难以忍受。我们公司应该雇佣Discount Foods(DF)来替代GT。DF是本地家族企业,它提供鱼和家禽类的多种菜单。最近我在DF提供服务的众多公司中的一家品尝了一份样菜,味道可口。这说明,雇佣DF将提高员工的满意度。”

下面是人事主管提给Acme Publishing Company总裁的一项建议:“最近,很多其它公司说他们的员工参加了Easy Read(ER)的速读课程之后生产效率大大提高。课程的一个毕业生能够在两个小时之内读完一份500页的报告;另一个毕业生在一年之内从一个经理助理升职为副总裁。显然,阅读速度越快,在一个工作日内吸收的信息就越多。此外,ER的学费只需每位雇员500美元,当你考虑到它将给Acme带来的益处时,这笔费用就只是小数目了。这个费用包括在Spruce市的三星期研讨班学习和ER时事通讯的终身赠阅。显然,通过要求我们的所有员工参加ER的课程,将会使Acme获得极大的好处。”


Happy Pancake House(HPH)在美国西南部的餐厅用人造黄油代替天然黄油。大约只有2%的顾客投诉过,这表明100个人中有98人对这种改变感到满意。此外,很多服务员反映,许多仍然要天然黄油的顾客,当天然黄油被替换成人造黄油时,他们并不会投诉。显然,这些顾客都不能区分天然黄油和人造黄油,或者他们是用“黄油”这个词来表示天然黄油或者人造黄油。因此,为避免购买天然黄油的开销,HPH应该在东南和东北部地区的餐厅推广这种节省开销的措施。

作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-21 00:32:42

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2009-12-21 00:36 编辑

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2009-12-21 00:30 编辑
Comments( 2009-12-18):
    I have heard a lot of news about Copenhagen conference in which countries discuss framework about climate change. Although always pay more attention on environment, I do not care about this conference, because countries’ leader concern politics more than climate. Having read this report, I know global warming deeply, and have new attitude to look at climate crisis.

Firstly, because proper climate record-keeping started in 1979, scientists cannot provide sufficient evidence show that human activity leads to climate change. But as have they known, they reckon “those trends are all likely or very likely to have been caused by human activity and will probably continue”. The report offers several examples to tell us how human activity influence on climate. The typical one is that climate becomes warming , as atmospheric concentrations of CO2 are increasing; meanwhile, carbon-dioxide emitting by human activity are increasing higher than before. Most of discussion about climate change in report are convincing, except that he does not give us more details about damage of climate change.  

Secondly, the report why climate change is also one political problem or one economic problem. Any global climate deal have to be affected by domestic policies, which mainly concern national beneficence. Every country does not want to pay more money for problem which will not sure whether happen or not decades later. Thus, green policies have to face huge troubles before they accepted by global world.

Good sentences:
“So far the effort to tackle global warming has achieved little.” 主要是词用的比较好,比如”so far”, “effort”, ”tackle”, 和”achieve”

“Its population rises and falls unpredictably, destroying clumps of pinewood as it peaks which then regenerate as the bug recedes.” 句子比较简洁,而且结构也较特别,定于之前插入一个状语”as it peaks”

“According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the body set up to establish a scientific consensus on what is happening, heat waves, droughts, floods and serious hurricanes have increased in frequency over the past few decades. “ 主句宾语从句后又接宾语从句

“But the broad scientific consensus is that serious climate change is a danger, and this newspaper believes that, as an insurance policy against a catastrophe that may never happen, the world needs to adjust its behaviour to try to avert that threat.” 值得学习的长句子的写法

“The UN is a useful talking shop, but it does not get much done.” 用到了比喻,讽刺的手法

“Not only is the latest round of negotiations mired in difficulty, but the World Trade Organisation’s task is child’s play compared with climate change.” 句子用到了比喻,而且有倒装,典型的”not only…, but…”的用法。

“Voters do not want to bear the cost of their elected leaders’ aspirations, and those leaders have not been brave enough to push them.” 句子几个词用的都很精当”bear”, “push”

Difficult sentences:
“Jakobshavn Isbrae, the largest of them, which drains 6% of Greenland’s ice, is now moving at 12km a year—twice as fast as it was when the UNFCCC was signed—and its “calving front”, where it breaks down into icebergs, has retreated by 20km in six years.” 主要是主句的主语和谓语距离较远,而且有几个词的意思较抽象,看了几遍才明白。

“The human race has almost all the tools it needs to continue leading much the sort of life it has been enjoying without causing a net increase in greenhouse-gas concentrations in the atmosphere.” 没弄清句子结构

“It is a prisoner’s dilemma, a free-rider problem and the tragedy of the commons all rolled into one” 没理解后半句的深层含义

“And if taxpayers decide that green policies are packed with pork, they will turn against them.” 这个比喻不太明白其中的含义

Comments( 2009-12-19):
        Although art or art market is far from my life or most ordinary Chinese, I have to say they play an important role in human spiritual wealth. From this special art market report, I have learned many useful knowledge. Admittedly, the report objectively tell us: the influence of recession impacting on art market, the way of recovery, masters of art universe, and the market rules. But I have to doubt whether author fairly assessed Christie and Sotheby or not.
        Do you remember bronze rabbit and rat head sculptures had been auctioned in France, on February 25, 2009? That’s my first time I hear about Christie, and auction is filled with original sin in my eyes. Then I know more information about Christie and Sotheby. Actually, Sotheby always keep a good relationship with China auction.
Eliminating these prejudice named after nationalism, there is still one serious problem of Christie and Sotheby. They monopolize art market, and they can easily control word art market. There are a number of figures in the report can deduce the conclusion. According to one typical data of the report, which Christie and Sotheby share almost half market’s business conducting at public auctions, it can seen their dominated strength in art market. Therefore, to protect private collectors’ benefit and preserve fair market, government should regulate auction strictly, such as private dealers, Christie and Sotheby.
        The report implies another problem is that China is becoming important client in art market. For instance, the report says “Last year China overtook France as the world’s third-biggest art market after America and Britain”. I do think this is a good news. Because, there are 120 million Chinese live in poverty reckoned by the United Nations. Except for 5% rich man, the average deposit for each people is only 6000 yuan, and the wealth gap is becoming huge continuously. In foreigners’ eyes, Chinese are rich, but they can imagine 120 million Chinese are suffering hungers, while the minority rich man are considering if 30 million dollars are enough for one art. You may say I am idealist or pragmatist. But still I think it is better spend more money to help those poor people, than buy those luxurious arts.

Good sentences:
Over the past 25 years more than 100 have been built, not only in America and Europe but also in the sheikhdoms of the Persian Gulf and the fast-growing cities in Asia. 觉得more than,not only…but also的用法值得学习,而且还有各地的名称

Over the same period the number of wealthy private collectors has also increased many times over, and so has their diversity. 后面的倒装句用的很简洁

Yet even here there are dark corners. The leading auctioneers offer inducements such as guaranteed prices to persuade sellers to part with their treasures, and generous terms of payment for buyers. 前面的句子用的简洁有力,而且还有比喻。后面的第一次读比较抽象,读几遍,理解其含义后句子写的还是很紧凑的。

Sotheby’s is a quoted company whereas Christie’s, once listed, was taken private in 1999 by its current owner, Mr Pinault. 主要是是一些专业词汇:quoted company 上市公司

The response of both auction houses to the current slump has been broadly similar: staff cuts, unpaid leave, a squeeze on salaries, slashed marketing and travel budgets, and an edict that the glossy auction catalogues, which in the boom cost each of them £25m a year to produce, were no longer to be handed out like chocolate drops. 一段就一句话,典型的长句子,值得模仿。

Difficult sentences:
But the proportion of all luxury spending that went on art increased as investors looked for assets that would hold their value in the longer term. 当时断句没断好,读了几遍才弄明白意思

Everyone wants an iconic work, which helps explain the global demand for artists such as Warhol, Jeff Koons and Mr Hirst—and the eye-watering prices such work can command. 主要是句子里面几个词都不太明白什意思

Sotheby’s, for its part, is still smarting from the public beating it received in America nearly a decade ago when its chairman, Alfred Taubman, and its chief executive, Diana Brooks, were found guilty of conspiring with Christie’s to fix commissions. 句子结构没有那么清晰

Comments( 2009-12-20):
        Relating the relationship between China and America, each Chinese have heard a host of messages, such as news, articles, speeches and books. Most Chinese know America so much, but so do not Americans. As most Chinese, I also concern America always, with my own attitude to the Sino-American relationship. From this article, I find one professional attitude which American people take to China. But I do not think the author really understands China.
        When I see the former paragraphs, I have thought that the author is one American holding on Chinese threat opinion. He introduce many merits about China. Although, as a Chinese, I am very glad to see my country is becoming prosperous, but,actually China still faces a number of problems or crisis in today and future. As author have said in article back, China is a “dwarf” , when comparing with America.
        Certainly, China have achieved amazing records by fighting in last decades. But we should have calm attitude to our problems and achievements. Especially facing America this the most developed country, we should better make more Chinese people be educated, live better and eat better, than mention “G2” concept, or the biggest creditor of America.

        这篇文章学到了很多有用的词汇,比如 “the Sino-American relationship”等等。当然有些句子也是很精彩的。

Good sentences:

“Our future history will be more determined by our position on the Pacific facing China than by our position on the Atlantic facing Europe” 不仅是因为总统先生说的,确实句子很整齐,用than连接两个对称的成分,our position on the Pacific facing China 读起来也显得干净利落。

China is exploring the rubble of the global economy in hopes of accelerating its own rise. 理由几个词觉得用的很精当。

It sees America’s plight as a cue to push for the lifting of such barriers and for Chinese companies to look actively for buying opportunities among America’s high-technology industries.句子写得比较严密

Between the communist victory in 1949 and President Richard Nixon’s historic visit to China in 1972 there had been as little contact between the two countries as there is between America and North Korea today. 句子比较长,但结构很清楚。
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-21 17:06:45

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2009-12-21 17:07 编辑


Comments( 2009-12-21):
        From the headline of this article, we can conclude there is still long way to achieve  economic recovery. I agree with the author’s assertion, but his evidence is not sufficient.
        In this report, author does not mention what are the causes of this recession. I do not think society internal economic law leads to this depression. Actually, overwhelming speculation in Wall Street, which is the biggest financial market in the world, creates capital market crisis, leading to global economic crisis directly. Lacking efficient supervision for speculators in Wall Street, American government should be responsible for this serious crisis. And the Federal Reserve(FR) lows the currency interest in long-term, which increases the price of American houses, is another reason prompting recession. Although some economic specialists said “economy is recovering from financial disaster, with government huge fiscal stimulus.”, I will not anticipate for any real recovery, without government improving their regulation or central banks taking proper currency strategy.
        I have to say fiscal stimulus stop the crisis expanding, but this effect could only work shortly. Huge financial deficits will lead serious inflation. Until then, if the economy still cannot recover powerfully, there would be a real disaster for us, which may be “lost decade” or serious stagflation. I certainly hope this scene has happened, but until now American government do not do anything to improve their regulation except for quantitative easing, while there are a host of debt belonging to American or European consumers.

Good sentences:
“Its information office promises nine miles of pristine sand, fine dining for devoted epicureans and an atmosphere of laid-back sophistication. ”Promise, pristine sand, devoted epicureans, laid-back 这几个词的使用值得学习

“Saddled with the worst credit rating in the country, the ‘Golden State’ is cutting spending on schools, prisons and health care for the elderly, as well as closing parks and laying off staff for three days a month.”政府节约开支的几种说法全有了,以后写作可以学习。

“He likened the economy to a piece of string stretched taut on a board. The more forcefully the string is plucked, the more sharply it snaps back.”学习老外是怎么写类比的句子

Difficult sentences:
“They find that, on average, seven years after a bust an economy’s level of output was almost 10% below where it would have been without the crisis.” 看了好几遍才找出合适断句的地方,这里seven years after a bust应该是个做插入成分的时间状语

“overinvestment and overspeculation…would have far less serious results were they not conducted with borrowed money.”后面的“were they not conducted with borrowed money”应该是个省略if的倒装,这里为啥没加标点就不知道了。???

“The typical post-war recession begins when the flow of spending in the economy puts a strain on its resources, forcing prices upwards.” 这句话能大概猜出意思,但是put a strain on 这个具体什么意思不清楚。???

“Only when you hit bottom can you stop and contemplate the cliff you must now climb.”
这句话我理解是这样的一个句子“When only you hit bottom, you can stop and contemplate the cliff (that) you must now climb”,貌似这样能翻译的通,不知道对不对???

“I fancy that over-confidence seldom does any great harm except when, as, and if, it beguiles its victims into debt.”句子意思大概明白,“as,and if”这里起什么作用???

参考资料 中英对照可以帮助理解
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-22 23:59:40

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2009-12-23 00:00 编辑

Comments( 2009-12-22):
For America’s health-care bill, I am always interested in it. But, I find that I need know more knowledge about American politics, insurance, and fiscal budget, not only health-care, for wanting to understand America’s health-care bill substantially. Therefore, this article’s contents are obscure to me, though I have seen several videos made by CNN introducing health-care. Actually, the hardest problem I cannot understand is why president Barack Obama put such effort to reform health-care, why this health-care bill lead to debate intensely among congressmen, senators, and ordinary American, and why several health-care reform bills had failed in past. Certainly, I cannot find answers from this short passage, but I have gotten good question from this article.

Later, I have read several special reports for America’s health-care bill, containing Chinese articles and internet passages. I solve my queries basically and satisfy my curiosity, though those information not clear enough. Because health-care has a long story to say, I do not introduce them in this place. If you are interested in these either, please check websites as follows.

http://healthcareaccess.cookmedi ... z6Z4CFYYwpAodPVOTbQ
http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video ... .cnn?iref=allsearch


Good sentences:
“Since 60 votes is the precise number needed to avoid a filibuster, there was no room for error whatsoever, the reason why the procedural motion had taken so long.”对我来说“the reason why…”这个地方用比较特别

Difficult sentences:
“Shortly after 1am on Monday December 21st, the health bill cleared the first, and the most difficult, of the procedural hurdles it has to leap in order to secure passage through the Senate.”
句子主干知道意思明确,但是这个成分“of the procedural hurdles”不太理解是修饰哪部分的?
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-23 23:50:36

作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-24 23:10:15

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2009-12-24 23:50 编辑

Comments (2009-12-23,24):
From this debate and its comments, I have learned so much. Especially Steven’s and Nell’s remarks, both them provide solid contents, logical reasoning, effective evidence, and forceful examples. If they write Analytical Writing (AW) like this, ETS would give them score 6. Moreover, numerous written techniques arguing with other are very useful for preparing AW test, though there are some terminologies obscuring me. But these remarks are not perfect in my eyes. Next, I will reveal several flaws in their remarks.

How many salaries paying for executives are reasonable? This is a headache problem in every country. For American company, both Steven and Nell express their standpoints. As proposer, Steven has provided a number of data and evidence to support his assertion. But I still have some questions for his statements. Firstly, Steven insists CEO pay has not gone up in recent years. If it is true, then why CEO pay increases from ten times to 300 times worker’s pay. Secondly, he believes CEO pay is always related to performance. But, why several financial institutions paid more money for their executives, which are suffering from subprime disaster and have to beg for government’s capital injection. Therefore, Nell shows two extended examples to contradict Steven’s assertion. But, Nell did not give us more related data to strengthen her statement and she did not take against Steven’s first statement. Maybe, actually, Nell also think CEO pay has not increase in decades.

Good sentences:
But thereafter, starting in America and slowly spreading to the rest of the world, the multiples increased exponentially. 简洁的表达“指数增加”这一含义

While CEO pay practices are not perfect, they are driven by market forces and performance. 用词比较简练

These may be anecdotes, but they are illuminating ones. The numbers and details may be at the extreme, but the underlying approaches are representative.
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-25 23:20:24

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2009-12-25 23:54 编辑


Comments (2009-12-25):
The house of the Economist appears a splendid debate for us, though I cannot get a conclusion before catching enough reliable data. In these rebuttal remarks, I acquire satisfying answers for my questions in the last comment. Moreover, for my test preparation, there are numerous of good sentences, which are used to prove or contradict one viewpoint, to learn.

Firstly, as the proposer, Mr. Kaplan thinks Ms. Minow’s examples too few to persuade people. Moreover, he reveals these two examples are not accurate, because one CEO is charged recently. At last, he proves why Ms. Minow’s five claims are false and tells us the exact reason of economic crisis.

Ms. Minow also fights back powerfully, by taking more detailed data and evidence. In first step, she explains why she argues that current executive compensation plans are out of whack and how these plans lead to the crisis. In this process, she gives us two more examples than last remarks, such as Goldman’s and AIG’s bonuses scandal. Furthermore, by exposing the realized CEO compensation, she suspects the validity of data used by Mr. Kaplan. In the meantime, she points there is no relationship between CEO pay and the increase of CEO fired by boards. In a word, focusing on Mr. Kaplan’s evidence and reasoning, she criticizes executive compensation plans thoroughly. In the end, she also show us seven deadly sins found these plans, and will tell us how to do it right in next response.

Both Mr. Kaplan and Ms. Minow bring us excellent discussion, and we can learn much knowledge in their remarks. And I almost forget the moderator’s statement also give me a deep impression. Mr. Wooldridge not only gives us one open debate space, but also keeps the debate in right direction. What is more, his remarks make me clearly to understand the main clue of the debate.

Good sentences:

Once again, Wall Street is all about capitalism when it comes to the upside, but all about socialism when it comes to the downside, that is, from each, according to his ability, to each, whatever he can get away with. 句子简练,用到了演绎等修辞手法。

To 番茄斗斗 前半句说:“华尔街在繁华时期施行资本主义,低谷时期施行社会主义”,作者的意思是繁华的时候,公司大佬们都拿绩效工资,这样拿的多啊,经济低迷时,开始靠政府救济,这时候就不讲绩效了,大佬们就想能多分奖金就多分。

  后半句,我觉得作者是在演绎马克思的一句话“From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.——Karl Marx”,这句话的意思是“各尽所能,按需分配 --百度”,文中的“from each, according to his ability, to each, whatever he can get away with.”这句话估计是讽刺现存的分配制度不合理,也就是“各尽所能,无论如何一部分有特权的人都可能侥幸获得更多”

The preponderance of the data and, even Ms Minow's "outlier" "anecdotes," therefore, fail to provide any evidence that top executive compensation had much to do with the financial crisis. 写驳论文的时候可以模仿的句子。

Difficult sentences:

All Special Master Kenneth Feinberg can do is ask the company not to pay the bonuses and rattle his sabre about the pay he can control going forward, hoping that the threat of clamping down on the 25 executives at each of the covered companies he does have authority over will be enough of an incentive to force a change. 这句话读起来吃力,读完了不知所云,尤其是 “is ask”怎么这里像有语病。请人帮忙解释一下啊。多谢!

I do not understand why he brings up the net worth of CEOs; that has no relationship whatsoever to their pay, its relationship to performance, or its effectiveness at aligning CEOs' interests with shareholders'.

作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-27 22:47:24

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2009-12-27 22:48 编辑

Comments (2009-12-26):

Focusing on passwords aplenty besieging a vast majority of people, this is a wonderful passage, without many obscure professional words. I almost never come cross difficult sentences or contents, while I was reading it. And the article is also very useful for me, because, aplenty passwords always make me exhausted in work and life.

As one software engineering, password problems usually appear in my life, though I do not take care of information security or network security. A lot of regulations ask us how to create passwords, how to keep them and how to change them frequently, because those passwords are related personal authorities entrancing different platforms in corporation. That is tough thing for us. The best headache problem is we must change our all passwords every three months. In my life leaving work, passwords also disturb me usually, when enjoying the happiness of surfing website. There are too my passwords to remember them clearly.

Therefore, it is very necessary that we need to use the password manager software. I cannot imagine how I deal with those passwords without the manager software. The author also suggests us to use some software tools to simplify our works on passwords and keep our passwords safely. In sum, under the author’s advice, let us take an action to use our passwords scientifically.

Good sentences:
Indeed, the majority of online users have an understandable aversion to strong, but hard-to-remember, passwords.

Unfortunately, the easier a password is to remember, the easier it is for thieves to guess. Ironically, the opposite—the harder it is to remember, the harder it is to crack—is often far from true.

Apart from stealing passwords from Post-it notes and the like, intruders basically use one of two hacks to gain access to other people’s computers or networks.

A more popular, though less effective, way is to use commercial software tools such as “L0phtCrack” or “John the Ripper” that can be found on the internet.

Comments (2009-12-27):
As far as art is concerned, there is little knowledge in my head. Fortunately, I have read several articles and books last year. Most of these introduce jewelries and Chinese porcelain. After reading that report whose name is ”suspended animation”, I begin to realize western collectors usually pay more attention on famous paintings.

Driven by my curiosity, I find those paintings’ photos on website today. In my first glance, they are interesting and wonderful. But I cannot say how well they are painted or why they attract many people to buy them. Perhaps, the reason is that I have never seen the real paintings in gallery. Or, as the article said, some collectors, such as Mr. Mason, only want to keep high quality paintings to protect their wealth from inflation, or treat the paintings as stock and hope them more valuable in future. Like me, those dealers also know a little about art or painting.

Art is not necessary for life, but it is important for our spiritual world. They can enjoy our soul and give us special way to express ourselves. But art market is filled with numerous popular styles, for getting more profit. Sometimes realism is popular, and sometimes impressionism is popular. Almost every corner of art market has been applauded in past years. Which is the next one?

Good sentences:

WHILE the contemporary art market constantly seeks the new—new names, new imagery, new media or simply new novelty—another curious corner of the art market has remained steadfastly old-fashioned, cluttered and sentimental.

Mr Mason, who has seen recessions come and go in the 53 year he has been in the business, said afterwards: “Prices today reflect what is happening out there. People are discounting the coming inflation and buying quality. They know that inflation has always been the art dealer’s friend.”

Difficult sentences:
The taste for clutter and realism is curiously buoyant.
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-29 23:53:17

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2009-12-29 23:54 编辑


Comments (2009-12-28):
Beginning with introducing one Indian entrepreneur conference, under the global recession, author tells us the substantial process of erecting entrepreneurship in India. As same as Indian entrepreneurship, other countries entrepreneurship is influenced deeply by America. Following globalization opportunities, several Indian entrepreneur heroes are creating their commerce legends and empires. What is the characteristic of entrepreneurship? Author insists the innovation is the key element. And he also contradicts five popular myths about entrepreneurs separately. In my eyes, the discussion in this part, which is worth to learn for my writing, is wonderful. Moreover, except for convincing reasoning and fluent languages, I also agree the author's standpoint on the five myths. At last, facing the worse recession, author express his optimistic attitude about future economy, because these diligent entrepreneurs, who are global heroes, are seeking for new opportunity in recession.

Admittedly, author has enough reasons to support the economy recovery in future. But, obviously, only by those heroes effort, economy could hardly to make any improvement. Opposite the author's standpoint, I do not think there will be any heroes, when world are suffering from further recession. If we must say heroes saving the economy, I would better insist the people who always do good job on each corners of society are the global heroes. Furthermore, I must supplement author's assertion about entrepreneurial characteristics: except for innovation, one qualified entrepreneur must have trust obligation, which plays a important role in the whole capitalism system. Do not forget, without trust obligation, those investment banks, hedge fund and equity fund almost the Wall Street under the financial innovation's help.

Comments (2009-12-29):

It is an interesting article, and it is one typical GRE reading material. But, without related information and concepts, I do not understand clearly about three places. The first place is author explained how the religion enhances a group’s survival. The author’s reason is obscure for me. Another place is the relationship among metaphysical ideas, moral norms and mystical experience. The last one is the ending of article. Someone said it is ironical, but I cannot comprehend it.

Fortunately, I have caught the main idea of the author. At least, there are still some words to say in my comments. The article introduces one anti-traditional book and its author, Mr. Wade. Mr. Wade standpoints challenge my imagination indeed. Atheist as I am, I could understand the people who believe the God and respect their beliefs. Like other people who do not belong to religion, I always approve evolutionary biologists’ viewpoints on religion. Therefore, when Mr. Wade gives us one astonishing explanation, which religion enhances a group’s survival, I am interested in his reasons.

Because I do not read his book, for me, it is hard to say about Mr. Wade’s assertion. Only judged by this article’s introduce, Mr. Wade’s assertion is reasonable to some extent. Ironically, when reading the article, I usually remember the wars led by religion: Crusade, the French Religion War and Iran-Iraq War.
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-30 23:17:27

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2009-12-31 22:23 编辑

Today, I review GRE words and discuss with GRE friends about issue and argument. Time is too short to finish the comment in day. Later, I will write comment as soon as possible, and do not leave it to tomorrow.

As an aftermath of frequent wars launched by America, terrorists, who are called like this by American, begin to attack American homeland for revenge. As the proverb always says "No pain, no gain", for America, it is "No war, no terrorism ". Certainly, I sympathize with those dead or wounded people in terrorist attacks, and unfortunately they afforded for their government's mistake. But, some people like the author of the article concerned how to improve the homeland security system than concern the reasons of terrorist attacks. Furthermore, many politicians, whatever Republicans or Democrats, seem to pay more attention on accusing each other than take other useful actions. They only remember these American people are killed and the buildings are destroyed by terrorist attacks, but they forget those millions of people are massacred and millions of housings are corrupted in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Korea, Palestine and Yugoslavia. Ironically, America, whose belief is "people are created equal", prompts those events happen.

Admittedly, except for its aggressive actions for other countries, America has relatively sound laws, regulations, and management, and American people enjoy more liberty rights and happiness life than other countries' people. This is also why America attracts numerous brilliant people to serve the country. Actually, comparing with other countries, America suffers almost little terrorist attacks. In my country, this event is merely not big deal and nobody dares to criticize government's management ability. After all, the terrorist attacks news, which often happens in Russia, India, Iraq, Afghanistan and Israel, fill with all the media. May be, American people have lived peacefully in long time, and they are scared easily by those bloody scenes. How happiness are American people! And I greatly admire them. Their powerful government provides them cheap goods, high quality education, satisfying medical treatment and reliable security system, while their country is invading other nations.
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2009-12-31 22:23:58

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2009-12-31 22:29 编辑

Like yesterday, write comments, read the Argument and Issue topics. The process of reviewing words is slower than plan. So, put on steam, tomorrow.

Comments (2009-12-31):

It is an interesting passage. With philosophical thinking, author shows us the beauty in one scientist's eyes. If you are free and have time to read it peacefully, you would find the beauty of this essay. Recently, I am too busy to sew this delicious food. But I still feel author's happiness when he was seeking for answer, and his sensitive interior world.

There is long story about philosophy problems debate, so does beauty. In past time, myriad people, such as Socrates, Kant, and Hegel, try to explain what is beauty. Without obscure words and complicated theory, author only express his own feeling about the beauty. In his passage, instead of tracing the God hand, he seeks for beauty through trace between human souls and universe. As a brilliant arts, human, who can think and feel beauty, is created by nature. Human have few knowledge about themselves as universe. But these do not drawback us to enjoy beauty in life. In author's passage, beauty is like another magical gift given by the cosmos or God.
作者: 海王泪    时间: 2010-1-1 00:40:57

P童鞋,Colorful Pencil?

貌似你很早考AW? 加油哦!!!
作者: pluka    时间: 2010-1-1 12:12:13

作者: prettywraith    时间: 2010-1-1 22:47:12

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2010-1-1 22:49 编辑

呵呵,新年快乐! 我是3月25日在广州考,赶个三月的尾巴,有点晚了。

Comments (2010-01-01):

I have heard many legends about the Arctic, but I have never seen this mysterious place. I always plan to go around the world in my life, and the Arctic may be one of steps. I am not surprised about Canada plan to explore the resource of the Arctic and strengthen his control in this place. So do Russia, America or other nearby nations. Obviously, following the increase of population and the shrink of lands, ocean resources have become precious. For the Arctic, these nations have disputed with each other for a long time.

Why the United Nations do not pass one convention, protecting the Arctic, like the Antarctic Treaty? I still confused by this question, after reading this passage. By surfing internet, I caught the answer. Actually, the Arctic belongs to the world people, not only one country or several countries. But, unlike the Antarctic surrounded by the ocean, the Arctic has five neighbors around him, which are America, Canada, Denmark, Norway and Russia. Moreover, not only does the Arctic accounts for 25 percent of the world's undiscovered oil and gas, but the Arctic also become strategic routes, following the melt of glaciers. Therefore, it is difficult to stop those powerful nations contesting for the Arctic. Until now, the Ocean Convention or Green Peace Organization cannot restrict any one of these nation to explore. Ironically, except for Russia, whose carbon-dioxide emissions in low level are resulted from recession, European Union, America and Canadian almost three biggest carbon-dioxide emissions nations, which would lead to the global warming. In other words, they are destroying the Arctic, while they are fighting with each other for the last cleaning land on the earth.

Whatever, along the political direction, America and Canada probably compromise with each other, and control the words authority about the exploration in the Arctic. At the same time, Russia cannot abandon easily for this huge cake, and they had begun to take a powerful action to protect the Arctic territory near its homeland. Denmark and Norway, by supported by European Union, definitely hope to expand their territory in this place. I cannot imagine a war will be launched by these nations for dividing this virgin ice field. Yet, attracted by these plentiful natural resources, who knows what these nations will do next?

Good sentences:

Now, the rush is on to discover the Far North, quite literally in the sense of research into atmosphere, ice and animals; and more urgently to get ready for the widening of sea lanes caused by global warming.

Canada’s belated interest in its Far North is somewhat ironic given that climate change has hit the Far North harder than any other part of the Earth, and yet Canada’s record in curbing greenhouse-gas emissions is the worst in the G8.
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2010-1-2 23:00:29

Comments (2010-01-02):

At first glance, I was attracted by the Avatar's glorious photos. Avatar recently arouses a new trend after the 2012 screened in the cinemas. By the dreamy 3-D images, Avatar easily earned 700 million dollars in 12 days. Moreover, a vast majority people are waiting for its showing in China, as they anticipated the Terminator Salvation, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, 2012 or Twilight. Obviously, comparing with the Godfather (1972), Forrest Gump (1994) or The Shawshank Redemption (1994), Avatar is not counted as one fascinating story. Of course, the audiences who enter the cinema also do not expect it will be great science fiction film. Accurately, wonderful images, dazzling technology, tight scenarios, and exotic creatures make Avatar more similar Visual Reality than one charming film.

Because Avatar does not publish in China, later, I only see its preview on the internet. At last, I begin to read this passage. Instead of captivated by Avatar, this passage pull me back to the history of movies and give me a nice jump-off point to revisit my experience of them. As a movie fans, I have seen numerous films from video tapes to DVDs. But I rarely notice which is digital movie, which is old-fashioned movie. Reminded by the author's comments, I realize movies have changed a lot in past decade and digital techniques have brought us into new movies' era. With the development of science and technology, directors can really make unimaginable images in the films, which are hardly discriminated by human eyes. Today, people could enjoy the fresh experience brought by the digital movies, and see the animation characters completely melt into the real world in the movies. People could make any images, only you can imagine. I very appreciate the last sentence of the passage, "movies will allow us to choose not just the hero's journey through the story, but also our own". Movie makers have open a new gate of digital experience.

Good sentences:
Yet, unless a director or distributor calls attention to the technologies used — as do techno-fetishists like Michael Mann and David Fincher, who used bleeding-edge digital cameras to make “Collateral” (2004) and “Zodiac” (2007) — it’s also probable that most reviewers won’t mention if a movie was even shot in digital, because they haven’t noticed or don’t care.

Perched between film and digital, “Avatar” shows us a future in which movies will invite us further into them and perhaps even allow us to choose not just the hero’s journey through the story, but also our own.
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2010-1-3 23:48:22

Comments (2010-01-03):

Beginning with one Confucius proverb, Mr.Zhou provides a confused problem for us. Then Mr.Zhou deals with this dilemma in his own way. He thinks people should concern their own disposition, instead of "righteousness" and "gain". This passage is filled with wisdom words and philosophical ideas. Especially, the last sentence he had said, " I just want to express a belief: there is a life more worth living than the one haunted by righteousness and gain. And, this belief will help me sail through the unpredictable waters of my future life.", gives me a peaceful and comfortable mood to face the complicated society. Although it is difficult to keep this belief, when we are facing this commercial society, and he does not tell us how to hold on this belief, he gives us a direction to find ourselves and not lost in "righteousness" and "gain".

People have different comprehension to the "righteousness" and "gain". For a long time, I have never thought about these. Perhaps, I have been lost in this busy world, and sometimes, I can hardly stop to think quietly "Who am I?","Where I will go". Like author's statements, seeking material gain has become a golden rule for all, who contain me. In my eyes, I have never considered "righteousness" and "gain" are two contradict concepts. Each person could gain well with righteousness, and there are many examples to support my view. Limited with the passage length, I do not introduce them in detail. Here, I only want to say, beyond these two things, a vast majority things are waiting for us, and I need steer my ship with hope.

Good sentences:
It is believed that the philosophy of life has changed and a new interpretation of righteousness and gain looms large: seeking material gains is not the exclusive patent of the mean, but a golden rule for all.

It is believed that the philosophy of life has changed and a new interpretation of righteousness and gain looms large: seeking material gains is not the exclusive patent of the mean, but a golden rule for all.

I just want to express a belief: there is a life more worth living than the one haunted by righteousness and gain. And, this belief will help me sail through the unpredictable waters of my future life.
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2010-1-5 00:03:20

Comments (2010-01-04):
Frankly, Philosophy is one of my favorite subjects. Until now, I still remember my first philosophy class contents, philosophy as "loving wisdom". Later, I fall in love with philosophy thoroughly, after I have attended one philosophy lecture given by one famous professor, the author of Introduction of Philosophy, whose name is Sun Zheng Yu. Of course, professor Sun's excellent lecture only guide me arrive the gate of philosophy palace, and the magic power of philosophy attract me explore the great palace. Floating in the philosophy world, I can think peacefully, find one indescribable consolation for my soul and feel unprecedented pleasure. Especially, when many confused concepts or answers of puzzles become clear in my mind, I experience huge enjoyment brought by achievement. As philosophy brings us the happiness, it also gives me pain. As you know, obsessed by obscure problems or disordered/jumbled logic, people always feel sad and despair. Accurately, although I just access the philosophy world, I think philosophy show me a world of pain with pleasure.

Far from the passage topic, I talk about many philosophy things in eyes. Let us start to look at this passage. Boethius is famous Christian philosopher in history, so does his book named after ”The Consolation of Philosophy”. In this passage, the author discusses "eternal" and "perpetual" two concepts in his eyes, which are different from the other philosophers such as Plato. For knowing this passage clearly, please notice the author's tow assumption, which are absolutely right in his perspective. The first one is "things are known not according to their natures but according to the nature of the one who is comprehending them"; the other is "whatever providence may have foreseen". If you confused with author's passage, it would not matter. After all, this is one philosophy book talking about many religion things.

Good sentences:
What may properly be called eternal is quite different, in that it has knowledge of the whole of life, can see the future, and has lost nothing of the past. 句子结构丰富,尤其in that的用法值得学习。
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2010-1-6 10:02:01

Comments (2010-01-05):
With economic crisis spreading the world, numerous articles, talking about business school how to face the hard times, appear in media. I have seen some articles with same topic in Wall Street. In this article, the journalist asks several good questions to two deans of business school. He more concerns what the business school will change in future. Two deans give us complete answers, which are interesting for me.

Comparing with Mr.Danos's response, Mr.Ozono admits the existent deficiency of business school education, and tells us his plan to improve. Though Mr.Ozono shows us little detail about his plan, he answers the sharp question candidly. Mr. Danos looks like more tactful when he faces these questions. But he still tells the truth. Indeed, after economic crisis attack, nothing has changed in government and financial institutions, which is accused for leading to this crisis. I can understand his position. After all, when he begins to criticize the government, he needs to be careful. Although both them mention the recovery of golden rules many times, actually I feel both them will be impeded forcefully for their reforms. Especially, following the economic crisis is going away, as some experts have said, the resistance is becoming huge.

Good sentences:
Not only must they be solid in terms of their research skills and teaching skills, they should also be able to interface with the top management.

Now that sounds esoteric, but it's really practical.

Wrong spelling:
business   bussiness  
school     school
journalist  journalist
admit     addmit
deficiency  deiciency
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2010-1-7 10:39:03

Comments (2010-01-06):

The first passage introduces astronomy, and it is the shortest passage I have read, in our comments task. Although the passage only about five hundred words like one issue writing length, it  still obscure me due to my little knowledge of astronomy. After I have found a scientific dictionary, finally, I catch the substantial meaning of "transit" and "wobble".

Actually, people can know this passage well without astronomy knowledge. The author clearly express his idea, which is Kepler, basing on the new theory using "transit", work more efficient than ever for planet hunting.

There is another funny thing when I read this passage. In dictionary, the Chinese explanation of Vulcan has similar meaning with Mars. When the passage introduces Vulcan, I was confused, because I always thought about Mars in my mind. Therefore, when you read, please be careful. The Vulcan is "the Roman god of fire and metalworking "; the Mars is "the Roman god of war" or "the planet fourth in order from the sun and conspicuous for its red color".

Good sentences:
One theory is that they are youngsters, giving off heat as they collapse inwards due to the pull of their own gravity, but nobody knows for sure.

Wrong spelling:
scientific   sentific
作者: 我不能没有你    时间: 2010-1-8 11:18:26

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: 高音喇叭    时间: 2010-1-8 11:27:15

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2010-1-8 23:01:09

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2010-1-8 23:02 编辑

Comments (2010-01-07):

Literature rarely appears in my lives, except few stories. As I remembered, I have read only several O.Henry's short stories. Moreover, commented by this passage, the literary works' thesis is marital ambivalence, which is also obscure to me. Thus, this passage is much harder to me. Finally, at the second time of reading, I catch author's main idea.  

In this passage, author comments two popular literary works, whose name are "Committed" written by Elizabeth Gilbert and "Cleaving" written by Julie Powell, recently. For the styles, languages, and even detail plots of two stories, author discusses them step by step. Meanwhile, the author also criticizes both writers' works, and shows us some deficiencies of them. Without reading these stories, I cannot figure out some parts of passage he has said, especially, when author introduces something about stories' contents. In conclusion, I have little words to share with you for this passage or these books. In future, I also do not have a plan to read these books.

Good sentences:
Just as she was sentenced to marrying, she was sentenced to sequel writing.

Difficult sentences:
Elizabeth Gilbert does these reluctant wives one better. The author of Eat, Pray, Love returns with Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace with Marriage (Viking; 285 pages), in which she is a vehemently wary second-time bride, due to be dragged down the aisle by Uncle Sam's immigration henchmen, who will otherwise toss her beloved, Brazilian-born "Felipe," as she calls the older man she met in the last section of EPL(这里应该指的是Eat, Pray, Love), out of the U.S. for good.

作者: prettywraith    时间: 2010-1-9 22:49:21

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2010-1-9 22:51 编辑


Comments (2010-01-08):
Finishing this long passage is not easy work for me. Finally, with some questions, I have read the whole passage. Mr.Poral, the author, asserts the politics would corrupt the society without morality. In his eyes, Christian morality may be one perfect choice to save the fallen politics. In his passage, he shows us a lot of evidence and examples to prove his standpoint.

I acknowledge that, as one ideal political view, his perspective is correct. But he does not tell us the standards of morality. Is it the Christian morality? People living in different nations have various standards about morality. First of all, Mr. Poral should give us a definition of the "morality" he have discussed, and if his definition adapt to every nations' people. He could have done this work in other part in the book. After all, I only have read the selected part (or excerpt) of the book. Even if author has described "morality" clearly, I also do not believe that his conclusion could be accepted by the ruler or society nowadays. In other words, Mr. Poral's assertion is not practical for the ancient or contemporary politics, and it may be very useful in future.

There are so many good sentences deserving to remember, and I do not show them in there. If I am free later, I would read it again.

Wrong spelling:
describe  Descripe
governor  Governer
nowadays Nowdays
practical  pratical
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2010-1-10 22:49:56

今天主要是准备了issue136的提纲和相关例子,不好弄啊。 Argument继续列提纲。此外复习了一些单词和句型。 晚上今天的comment才出来,看了两眼,太困了,明天吧。明天去看Avatar,不知道啥样啊,回来分享一下。
作者: 天使的寂寞    时间: 2010-1-11 11:07:42

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2010-1-11 23:52:43

今天主要准备了10 Argument继续列提纲。此外复习了一些单词。 因为陪女朋友去看Avatar所以没顾得上写comment,明天补上啊。另外补充一下,感觉自己真不适合看3d电影,看完以后又累有困,还头晕。汗。。。
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2010-1-12 23:29:46

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2010-1-14 23:19 编辑

Comments (2010-01-12):

This article let me remember one recently popular movie "The Lovely Bones", which begins with a similar plot with this article. I have little words about America's sex laws, because these things are seldom discussed in China nowadays. But, today, it is urgent to perfect the country laws punished and prohibited the sex offence in our country. In this aspect, compared with America, China falls behind for a long time. Only for heterosexual offence, today, China still does not set up complete laws system to protect the victims and punish the criminals. Children are the vulnerable group in society, and government should take more effective laws to protect them. Just as the author has said "Other countries, though, have no excuse for committing the same error", by studying the America's experience like this article's suggestions, I hope government will do a better job to protect the next generation.

Wrong spelling:
society  scoiety
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2010-1-13 23:33:31

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2010-1-14 23:21 编辑

Today, my reviewing plan has been distrubed by some unexpected things. There is no excuse for me. Only need to make me and my plan more robust!

I have finished 10 argument oulines; I am writing the comments now.

Comments (2010-01-13):
I am astonished about the article is written in 1952, and some information, which author had talked with, has become history. But questioning the purpose of education and the whole foundation of education are still meaningful nowadays, especially in China. I agree with most of author's statements, and they are very useful for reforming the contemporary education. But I do not concede "learn one technique" is not the education's nature. From my perspective, different level education or different character education has different target. For instance, generally, the purposes of high education are specialized in individual thinking, creativity, and acknowledging yourself. But the technical vocational college more emphasize on practical knowledge or techniques. Moreover, if someone wants to seek a good life through education, I do not think that is abnormal, though "good life" is not the education's purpose.

Wrong spelling:
practical    pratcial
作者: 月光迪迪    时间: 2010-1-14 11:21:47

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2010-1-14 20:34:16

Comments (2010-01-14):
The news, which Google may abandon their operations in China, appears in all media recently. As a user of Google's products, I am very sad for this event. As a matter of fact, Google search is the most powerful tool that I have ever known, and it is more effective than Baidu, his biggest competitor in China. And his other products are also brilliant, such as Gmail, Google earth, Picasa, Google Times and so on. I have never thought how can I surf internet conveniently without Google. The first trouble is how can I send e-mails without Gmail. Using other free mail-boxes like 163 may be one choice, but these mail-boxes are always unstable and usually trouble me.

As his wonderful products, Google is one charming employer for every employee. His corporate culture and human interests in work place often make employee forget to concern their salaries Google will pay. For other aspects, I do not know clearly, and these are too sensitive to say in mainland. Whatever who is right or is wrong, that is meaningless for me. I only want to say thank Google's superior services.

Wrong spelling:
mail-boxes     mail-boxs
conveniently   conviniently
appear           apear
corporation    coporation
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2010-1-15 18:04:50

Comments (2010-01-15):
About women's rights is an old topic having been debated intensely in the past decades. Until now, at least in American, feminists have possessed powerful influence in American politics. In this passage, author mainly discusses the problem "women and work" facing by women with babies. With the raising of women's social status, author reveals women still have trouble with how to choose between children and careers. At last, through referring the Scandinavian countries' experience, author suggests American government should set up more charter schools and invest more in children.

From my perspective, women have made dramatic progress in recent decades. But this situation only happens in American or developed country. In Arab countries, Japan, some southern European countries, and even in China, women's legitimate rights are always ignored. For instance, in China, the age of women's retirement is 50, and the age of men's retirement is 55. Furthermore, when many companies hire employees, they usually refuse the job hunters who are women with all kinds of excuses. These phenomena are caused by not only the national policies, but also traditional culture. Certainly, women sometimes should struggle for their legal rights by themselves. Comparing with these unfair laws or policies about women's rights, "women and work" problem should be concerned later. Moreover, in America, for the woman who has husband, the burden of taking care of babies can be shared with her husband, and for the woman in a single parent family, she can also seek for helps from government or the Organization of Women's Rights.

Wrong spelling:
discuss  disccuss
referring  refering
school   shcools
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2010-1-16 23:24:54

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2010-1-17 10:00 编辑

Comments (2010-01-16,17):

There is no country like the United States, which could invade other counties for oil or other benefits under the flag of democracy or anti-terrorism. As a global police officer, the United States once again puts his gun aim at another country's head. This debate only concerns if it is necessary to take a military action. Both proposer and objector do not consider if their past political strategies in the Middle East was just. From my perspective, most American politicians believe that they have caught their satisfactory benefits and maintained an ideal balance in there, and American people believe that they have gotten their expected justice which is judged by their own values. As a matter of fact, American government has fomented the terrorism fighting for them over the long term. Moreover, one of results of the war is the high financial deficit, which will be solved by raising the taxes. In other words, American people pay for military expenditure of the invasion. Besides the unrest Middle East and continuous terrorist attacks, American people also make the weapon suppliers rich, and help the government get the cheaper oil, which is may be gotten in other ways. But, for American people themselves, I do not imagine what are the benefits of the war bring to them.

For Iran nuclear crisis, both arguers express their views clearly. Standing on the position as an American politician, I uphold the Mr. Wald's assertion. I have explained the reasons in above paragraph. And in my eyes, the war like Iraq War, almost nobody gets the benefits except for politicians and munitions merchants. Standing on the position as an American citizen, I prefer to Ms. Landau's remarks. The main reasons are peace has become main stream of world in the nuclear weapon era, and "a negotiated settlement has the best prospect of improving regional conditions over the long term". Furthermore, why American citizens will pay for another war unrelated their own benefits. Ironically, Mr. Wald also admits "Whether a new regime would be friendly towards the West is questionable and I fear that they certainly will not be nuclear-adverse". In other words, even if the current regime will be overthrown, the new regime still does not give up the nuclear program. If the America’s military action will solve this problem forever? I do not think so.

Wrong spelling:
military     millitary
value       vlaue
political       polictical
themselves   themslves
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2010-1-17 23:04:21

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2010-1-18 11:57 编辑

This comment is the homework of 1.10 and 1.11. I have finished it today.

Comments (2010-01-10,11):

The essay is my favorite type, though several sentences in passage are confused for me. This essay also has many rhetorical descriptions and coherent reasoning worthy of learning. Certainly, contents are also very useful for our working in company.

Firstly, author shows us the difference between risk and uncertainty. If the author does mention these, people would never notice their distinction. Author, thus, asks them "nuanced distinction". Actually, the definition and distinction have been introduced clearly in the essay. Precisely speaking, risk is randomness with knowable probabilities, and uncertainty is randomness where we cannot know the probabilities (I paraphrase author's definitions of risk and uncertainty). To illustrate in a further step, author gives us a concrete example by comparing the Warren Buffett with the company managers. Then, author analyzes the uncertainty in company management and provides three steps to decrease the damage of uncertainty, including strategic anticipation, organizational agility and uncertainty absorption. In each step, author illustrates them with typical cases.

The author's assertion may not be absolute truth. But it is very useful for me. It introduces an uncertainty world to me, and teaches me how to survive in this world. Not only do his strategies adapt to business field, but also they can be applies in the daily life. Moreover, I believe that, with the increasing of practical business experience, these strategies and tactics will become vivid for me.

Wrong spelling:

作者: 三分钟热度    时间: 2010-1-18 10:53:52

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作者: prettywraith    时间: 2010-1-18 19:03:00

Comments (2010-01-18):
At first glance, the essay looks like incoherent complaints. As a matter of fact, as one powerful support for his assertion, author mainly states the committee's report, which is persuaded argument. Author expresses his assertion clearly, which is "break through the wall of ignorance about religion and to increase the number of contacts with it", and gives his reasons. Whether the political appeal is effective or not, this topic is still filled with controversy. I do not know what concrete situation of American related laws or policies for religion. Thus, it is hard to say if the author's viewpoint is right or not. But from the information he has provided with us, government seems to prohibit Bible reading in school or insist that only the Protestant Bible be read. I do not know the reason why American government does like this. Perhaps government wants to protect students with little influence before they are able to choose their belief independently.

From my perspective, though I am not one religionist or believer, I respect other people religious belief and I am always curious about religion's doctrine and history. It is an interesting thing to find the reason why the religion can attract numerous people to believe it. Although I sympathize with author's complaint, "ignorance about religion", I feel that schools are not proper places to increase the number of contacts with religion. After all, there are many other ways to let people know religion, except schools education.

Wrong spelling:
incoherent  uncoherent
committee  committe
political    polictical
know     konw
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2010-1-19 23:23:52

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2010-1-21 21:17 编辑

Today, except reciting English words, I listen one English writing lesson of new oriental school teacher. His suggestion is useful for me.  In the night, I spend part of time in prparing the article of comment activity, writing a report and having a team meeting.

And today's comment topic is hard to me.  I hardly understand it in first time.  Later I will read it again, and writing comments.

Comments (2010-01-19):
For me, this article related with art is too artistic to understand. As the author is so bored with the NEA, I am also bored with this essay. But, at last, I still figure out this essay clearly in the second read. Then, referring the Pluka's comments, I have found numerous useful information for me. Certainly, this is one excellent essay with novel views.

Author reveals the NEA's deficiencies in his passage, and points out the real art should present freely. In author's eyes, he admits NEA has devoted much effort to America's culture and art in 1960s. In that time, American artists had produced more achievements on the art than any other civilization in the history of the world. But, with more government's intervention, NEA begins to fund more traditional art, such as bilingual puppetry epics, while ignores the origin of art, which is the folk art, and even the art of the underprivileged people. Author's argument is so powerful that I have to concede the real art is suffering troubles from the NEA. And I uphold author's assertion that everyone has his/her own rights to present his favorite art literally, and the real art usually comes from this people's art.

Wrong Spelling


作者: prettywraith    时间: 2010-1-20 17:47:31

Comments (2010-01-20):
It is not an easy thing to choose one article, which is about 1000 words, related with GRE writing and proper difficult level, as today's reading material. Comparing several articles, I choose this new technology essay in science field. At least, it is an interesting one for our tension mind.

At the beginning of the essay, author introduces the basic theory of using light and genes to probe the brain. Next, he shows us the progress of research. At last, he describes the application field of this invention. From this essay, one substantial creative technique has been presented. I have to say those scientists do a creative job, which nearly cross the limit of my imagination. Their achievements advance the development of optogenetics, while accelerates other filed progress, such mental disorders, optoelectronics and bioengineering. After reading this science introduction, I have begun to imagine the scene, optogenetic control of human behavior, in few years later.

Good sentences:
I’m not writing ethics papers, but I think about these issues every day, what it might mean to gain understanding and control over what is a desire, what is a need, what is hope.

Wrong Spelling:
science        sicence
achievement   achivement
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2010-1-22 23:44:57

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2010-1-23 22:17 编辑

Becaue of enjoy the movie, Sherlock Holmes, I have enough time to finish yesterday job. Therefore, I must do two topic's comments in today.
And I find I need spend more time in reciting words in future.

Comments (2010-01-22):
In this essay, there are numerous good sentences worthy of remembering. To recite the whole passage is a nice choice. Author uses simple words to illustrate the relationship between conformity and individuality clearly. And with quoting many famous people's adage, author makes his essay more powerful. For the conformity and individuality this old topic, like the freedom and restriction, they had been debated in thousands years. But author argues this topic thoroughly, and make me think deeply. Especially, he give us some useful suggestion to deal with the problem of "conformity or individuality" in real life.

However, there is still one key point, how to balance conformity with individuality, which author only mentions it with few words. In this passage, he only advises us to question others, question our own, and dare to be different. Admittedly, facing this difficult problem, this essay is too short to analyze further. Moreover, there is not one general answer to tell people how to manipulate the relationship between conformity and individuality. At times, how to balance the problem is more likely an art. Actually, everyone has their own tricks to harmonize his life in this contradiction. This passage may only bring people one well beginning. Thinking by yourself, there will be more distinct picture in your mind.

Wrong Spelling:



作者: prettywraith    时间: 2010-1-23 23:51:36

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2010-1-26 23:01 编辑

Only finish half of task on the present day. I spend several hours in fixing the computer's problems and other trivialities. Put on steam now!
Here is one comment waiting for me.

Comments (2010-01-23):

Another essay related with finance, it is one of my favorites. About Barack Obama's new plan stirs up a fierce debate in American, while the Dow Jones Indexes lost/fell 5 percent in two days. Investors, who afraid the profit decline of banks, sell out numerous financial stocks. Perhaps, the Wall Street's leaders actively attack the stock market to express their angry for the new policies. As author's assertion, indeed, it is unfair that government bailed out banks with taxpayers' money, while those banks pay their high level managers and employees with generous bonus. But, is Mr. Obama's plan effective to reform the financial system health? Author insists building a half-way house is better way to solve the current problem. Honestly, I do not understand the half-way house clearly in the passage. But, I concede Mr. Obama's new policies would be not valid as expect, and he might need a revision.

Wrong Spelling
Financial     finacial
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2010-1-26 22:59:49

Comments (2010-01-24&25):
It seems a popular topic in current time, and I have read one article "Women and Work", one week ago. In this open rebuttal remarks, Ms. Neil disagrees with women in the developed world have never had it so good. In contrast with Ms. Neil's disagreement, Mr. Donkin insists women in the developed countries have never had it so good, though there are still deficiencies in women's rights. They all provide sufficient evidence to support their standpoints, while the moderator's remarks make the whole discussion clearly and forward in right direction.

About this rebuttal topic, it is too complicated to say absolute "yes" or "no". But, only for this rebuttal remarks, in my view, Mr. Donkin's assertion is more convincing than Ms. Neil's. Firstly, there are two restricting implications in the proposition: the first one is in the developed country; another one is the comparison of women's status between last and today. Yet, in this passage, Ms. Neil seems to ignore the restrictions of the topic. Thus, her evidence and examples look less powerful than Mr. Donkin's. Additionally, as I know, some examples, which Ms. Neil has shown us, are not real. For example, Ms. Neil said Ms. Clinton and Ms. Palin are slighted by many men or their assessments. Actually, as politicians, whatever who are male or female, they always have to face all kinds of criticism and even citizen's calumniations. Do not forget, George W. Bush has been satirized as the president with the lowest IQ (intelligence quotient) among presidents in American history. Even, someone had said he looks like a monkey. If these sharp assessments should be considered to discrimination? I do not think so. Moreover, even if some men still discriminate against women, the discrimination is becoming less and less in past decades. I have to say the women's status has become better now. About Ms. Neil's another example, women's right to abortion care, honestly, I have little knowledge about that. Therefore, it is hard for me to say if it is persuasive/cogent one.

Before finishing my comments, I want to say there are still many examples to imply this topic it is not easy to say "Yes" or "No" simply. By common sense, human's society had been matriarchal clan society/matriarchy era in history. This case implies women in developed countries have ever had it so good and even better.

Wrong Spelling:
Country  contry
comparison  comparsion
know    konw
example  exmaple
discriminate   descriminate
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2010-1-27 23:36:47

Comments (2010-01-26):
The author grants a humorous subject, The Fat Plateau, to the article. At first glance, I hardly understand its meaning. After finishing the passage, I feel both the topic and contents are interesting. Perhaps, it is a serious topic in American. After all, a vast majority of American people are suffering from overweight, and federal health-care system must pay more dollars for their medical bills. From the author's view, though America’s obesity rate has changed little in the past decade, there still exists harmful effect on the American health care system and the next generation. Therefore, it is urgent issue need the government take a further action. And the author also shows us several solutions to the problem, which may not work effectively. As one cosmopolitan, I have one suggestion. In developing countries and least developed country, I believe most of people do not endure the pain of overweight, and even some of them are suffering from hunger because of foods shortage. I advise American should share their junk foods with those hungry people. As a result of this action, there will be low obesity rate in America, less burden on the health-care system, and a decreasing number of hungry people.

Wrong Spelling:
problem  porblem
because  becasue
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2010-1-28 23:43:19

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2010-1-29 00:26 编辑

Comments (2010-01-27):
This passage introduces one trend of health care in future. Under the help of information industry, medicine is experiencing one digital revolution. Though I have never seen how the new information technology serves people's health in real life, I can imagine this revolution is convenient and useful for patients. Certainly, as the author has said, this progress will cost a lot of money. Who afford this expense is a huge question in the face of research institutions. Perhaps, this is not a big deal for rich counties. But most of counties in the world cannot bear the burden of the effective health care, and even their citizens cannot have the least medical services. Admittedly, if these obstacles would be overcome, our health care system will provide patients cheaper and more efficient medical treatment. This case will be like the personal computer's application. At beginning, few people or few institutions can afford for the expensive machine. With the development of technology, today, we can owe one computer with low costs, and enjoy many benefits brought by computers. Thus, that medicine goes digital may be not far away from our life.

Wrong Spelling:
convenient  convient
technology   techonlogy
benefit      benifit
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2010-2-2 22:03:29

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2010-2-2 22:06 编辑


Comments (2010-02-02):
Little knowledge about law in my mind, thus it is necessary to learn some substantial knowledge of law for preparing the topic of analytical writing. This passage tells us why we need law in our life, why we can endure the widen authority of government. Although its title is "Las vs. Morality", author has written a few words about morality. Obviously, he pays more attention to illustrate the law. In author's view, law seems one efficient tool to balance relationship between the individuality and the collectivity. Under the law, every people can get the relative fair, and everyone can be treated the same, without regard to religion, color, national origin, and other special attributes. As a matter of fact, this is always a dilemma that law protects all people's rights. Taking the author's examples to clarify, "Maybe some should and some should not smoke. Maybe some should and some should not go to church. Maybe some should and others should not paint certain kinds of pictures or play certain sports or purchase SUVs or talk with the animals.", we hardly say whether we need the law to intervene these details or not. Certainly, law is necessary for people. But what is the morality? May be I can find answer in other essays.

Wrong Spelling:
individuality individulity
examples  exmaples
dilemma   delimma
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2010-2-4 16:57:19

Comments (2010-02-01):
It is famous address in American history, and I try to finish the whole passage. But I fail. After reading thousands words, I have lost in the Emerson's speeches. At last, I have to find the Chinese version of this address to read. Even if read in Chinese, this address also is hard to understand for me. Fortunately, I can catch the main ideas of Emerson's speeches. Certainly, the translating version is so brilliant that I almost lost descriptive words. And I found there is still a huge gap between my Chinese level and English level.

The American Scholar plays a important role in the academic or intellectual development, and it is still meaningful for the current world. Especially, in my eyes, most of scholars in China should read this address. Emerson stated three aspects of how to be one qualified scholar and how to set up the independent American literary, culture and academia. The first aspect is "The first in time and the first in importance of the influences upon the mind is that of Nature" ; the second is "The next great influence into the spirit of the scholar is the mind of the Past"; the third is " Action is with the scholar subordinate, but it is essential". Emerson's address is filled with humanistic care, and he cares more for human nature and creativity.

Comments (2010-02-03):
In this passage, author tells us that bigger languages are also simpler ones. As the title of this passage, the key point is also obscure for me. Under the help of author's example, I catch the main idea of this passage. Author insists the language is bigger, the language is less redundant. And he also asserts all languages have become simpler over time. Then why languages would become complex at all? Author also gives the answers. Accurately, we should call them hypotheses: the first is the different needs of child and adult learners; the second is complex morphology improves economy and clarity of expression; the last one is smaller language groups more faithfully transmit the grammar to their children, redunancy and all, even if it has no use.

Wrong Spelling

Comments (2010-02-04):
In this passage, one famous business case has been introduced. For Apple, it is indeed an old classic, whether the star is Mac or iPhone. Though I do not have an opportunity to buy one iPhone, I am always interested in Apple's products. Their fashionable outlook and terrific customers' experience attracts me so much. But, Apple possesses little market, though owes creative products. I am curious why Apple does not success in business as in techonolgy. This passage shows me some reasons, though it may too concise to illustrate more details about Apple's strategies. Certainly, Apple has begun to realize its problem for competing with other powerful competitors. Hope Apple to do another good job not only leads the high technology but also holds more market share.

Wrong Spelling

作者: prettywraith    时间: 2010-2-15 14:29:26

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2010-2-15 14:31 编辑


Comments (2010-02-05,06):
This essay looks like one campaign denunciation for political purpose. But, I concede author's essay is persuasive and analyze deeply about the bottom of "broken society". After reading this passage, I have open eyes on society problems. Author insists citizens have a hallucination about their society. Actually the whole society is healthier than the politicians imagine. In his eyes, the substantial reasons of "broken society" are due to the increasing of unemployment rate and the failing of education. Moreover, powerful media such as internet, broadcast and TV make every news spread as soon as possible. One bad event influences people only in local society, but it will be known by each person in modern society. Thus, more people feel unsafe now.   

From my perspective, granting author's data true, I do not think parents or voters overreact to the slight decline of "broken society". By common sense, society has advanced for a big step in past decades. Under the help of high technique or modern management, social improvements are better than before. But this case does not mean there is no corrupt morality. Perhaps, voters think worse morality than before. And the existing social improvements are not the excuse that government evades their duties.

Wrong Spelling:
campaign  campagin
analyze  analytize
hallucination  halluciation
actually  acutally
management  managment

Comments (2010-02-11):
The world has been changed thoroughly by internet, and so does the net generation. My first time hear about "the net generation" this term. And even I never realize I am counted the net generation before reminding by this essay. It is interesting that people care more at the net generation. From my perspective, generation gap has existed for a long time. Even if there are no internet, as one result of development, there still have many differences between our grandpa and us. Admittedly, internet or web extends the gap among different generations. Internet makes us receive more information, more interaction with others, and more convenient communication. Author's optimistic attitude for the net generation is reasonable. But, as I known, some youngsters indeed are bad at communicating, socially inept, indifferent to the needs of others and even addict internet world. Certainly, it is unreasonable to complain the internet for these sad things. After all, internet is only a tool. How it serves for us is decided by how we used it.

Wrong Spelling:
thoroughly  throughtly
exist   exsit
grandpa  granpa
convenient  convinient
youngster   yongesters
作者: prettywraith    时间: 2010-2-19 14:17:08

本帖最后由 prettywraith 于 2010-2-19 14:19 编辑


Comments (2010-02-15):
It is a rush time after disasters have befallen in the somewhere. People with sympathy begin to pay more attention on helping the victims, while volunteers, donation, The Red Cross and relief agencies pour into the disaster area. "How do good well?" The author reminds us. On the one hand, he shows us some failed examples of helping victims. I am astonished that someone have donated Viagra and Santa suits to victims. Perhaps, this is an extreme example to illustrate someone how do good badly. On the other hand, he teaches us how to deal with this situation in future. I concede author's assertion that you donate the money and leave the rest to professionals, if you want to do some helps for victims. Certainly, if you have some basic knowledge and ensure you can do some helps, you could apply work for some relief agencies with permit. At least, people should not make some trouble to help victims or delay others to save victims' life.

Wrong Spelling:
sympathy  sympanthy
volunteer  voluteer
agency   angency

Comments (2010-02-12):
This is an essay related with Greek fiscal and political crisis, which can be treated as an example for ISSUE170 something about welfare. Confused with some obscure words, I spend one hour to read this passage.

Recently, Greek fiscal crisis almost becomes the hottest topic in media. As the origin of western civilization, each year, Greece attracts many visitors. Every time people talk about Olympic Games, they all will mention about Greece. Moreover, in my eyes, most of European countries are wealthier than China. At least, their citizens are happier than Chinese. After reading this passage, I found I only guess rightly in half. Though Greece is counted as a developed country, it still has the serous bribe problems. Corruption in civil servants leads to that more people evade the tax by taking bribes. Thus government hardly collects enough money through tax, while it has a heavy welfare burden. Thus, suffering from heavy fiscal deficits for a long time, under the pressure from European Union partners and worst riots, Greece has to deal with its fiscal problems. From author's perspective, Greece seems not to overcome this crisis only by its own efforts. Certainly, the quality of Greek life is better than Chinese.

Wrong Spelling






Comments (2010-01-30, 31):
As let one poor people judge which rich people is more wealthier, it is awkward for a Chinese to judge whose holidays are more reasonable. Some of them do not have jobs but have plentiful time, and they do not have enough money to travel. Some of them with nice pay have little time to have good rest, and even they need to spend their additional none-work time in working. Thus, most of Chinese people always have little chance to enjoy their holidays. But holidays are necessary part for our life. If we have opportunities to pick up this part, which types of holiday is better?

The professionals complaint the European holidays are too long with lower quality, while some Americans admire their neighbors have more time to enjoy the life. From my perspective, in different age, people should have different holidays. For instance, when I am young and I just begin my career, I need less holiday time, because I look forward to earning more money and improving working skills. In this way, the young people could set up a solid foundation for future life whether in personal finance or career. When I am becoming older, I hope I can have more time to enjoy the life with family like the current European holidays. In old age, perhaps, I have enough money for the rest of life or I am rich. Following the growing of age, I need more rest and more time with family. After all, old people have less energy than the young people to work. Thus, I think we should make different holidays plan for the different age people.

Wrong Spelling:

complaint compaint

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