
标题: icelittle 12.17 indepent writing [打印本页]

作者: icelittle    时间: 2009-12-17 22:18:29     标题: icelittle 12.17 indepent writing


t is true nowadays that the world people live is much more competitive than ever before, which to some distance may result from the increasing population and the progressing of globalization, however, this does not mean being successful is less possible than past. With the help of the technology, closer cooperation among cross disciplines and a better environment, I believe success is still available, even much easier to achieve if using a sensitive way.

First of all, today the world is surrounded by high technique nearly everywhere, which brings people a lot of convenience, as long as they take full advantage of this kind of benefits, they can have their professional development improved, which in turn will help their work more likely to be successful. For instance, the access to Internet is much easier than before, computers are not the only way gets into it, but also mobile phones can do this. Because there is a great amount of information in the Internet, it is never too exaggerate to say when one wants to learn, they can find the resource anytime anywhere, in order to make a progress.

Also, thanks to the improvement of individual’s professional development, each area now can have its own expert, if cooperating well with these diversity experts, these people working together as a whole are able to get a good result much easier. It is almost impossible that one person knows every aspect of the work. For example, for a work, there may be technical problems, financing difficulties and other things like marketing, as now people are devoting themselves to one specific filed, each problems can be solved by people who know well how to deal with them, thus working together will be a perfect solution to the challenging mentioned above, and at the same time the risk of failure is reduced as well.

Last but not lest, the environment in this new century is better as well so that there is no need to worry about the war, but only concentrates on the work itself, this is another favorable point compare to the past.

As a conclusion, it is not the competition that reduces the possibility of success than before, but rather, as long as those people who make full use of the resource today to improve their professional skill, willing to work together with others, in such a relatively peaceful society, they can succeed too.
作者: wuxiahhu    时间: 2009-12-18 22:47:04

本帖最后由 wuxiahhu 于 2009-12-18 22:48 编辑

It is true nowadays that the world people live is much more competitive than ever before, which to some distance may result from the increasing population and the progressing of globalization, however, this does not mean being successful is less possible than past. With the help of the technology, closer cooperation among cross disciplines and a better environment, I believe success is still available, even much easier to achieve if using a suitable way.(第一段有让步,使逻辑更全面,值得学习)1 Z6 a4 |! c+ T% S5 R

First of all, today the world is surrounded by high technique nearly everywhere, which brings people a lot of convenience, as long as they take full advantage of this kind of benefits, they can have the speed of their professional development improved, which in turn will help their work more likely to be successful. For instance, the access to Internet is much easier than before, computers are not the only way gets into it, but also mobile phones can do this. Because there is more and more information accumulated in the Internet, it is never too exaggerate to say when one wants to learn, they can find the resource anytime anywhere, in order to make a progress, which can not happen in the past time(
3 }' D: A" y/ |, L* W& h4 |8 M, g
Also, thanks to the improvement of individual’s professional development, each area now can have its own expert, if cooperating well with these diversity experts, these people working together as a whole are able to get a good result much easier. It is almost impossible that one person knows every aspect of the work deeply. For example, for a work, there may be technical problems, financing difficulties and other things like marketing, as now people are devoting themselves to one specific filed, each problems can be solved by people who know well how to deal with them, thus higher degree of specialization nowadays makes work together to be a perfect solution to the challenging mentioned above, and at the same time the risk of failure is reduced as well. " A- b  J: M! @) T* c6 L8 f1 k

Last but not least, the environment(political situation是不是更好) in this new century is better as well so that there is no need to worry about the war, but only concentrates on the work itself, this is another favorable point compare to the past.(例子不够充分哦,可能是没时间想了吧,比如爱因斯坦是犹太人,因为纳粹颠沛流离,不能专心于研究)h! X% }2 e2 f& P% n I) ^5 L; p) m1 O3 W8 K
As a conclusion, it is not the competition that reduces the possibility of success than before, but rather, as long as those people who make full use of the resource today to improve their professional skills, willing to work together with others, in such a relatively peaceful society, they can succeed more easily.


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