
标题: eddie的独立作文 2.9 [打印本页]

作者: eddie23508ok    时间: 2010-2-9 18:51:10     标题: eddie的独立作文 2.9

2.9 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should not pay to the public transportation.

Should people pay to the public transportation? This is a long-held debate. For my part, although developing charge-free public transportation may indeed bring some problems, compared with the bigger advantages it produces, I would still be willing to lend my strong support to this policy. And my explanations are listed as below.

Admittedly, it is no denying that problems may appear if people do not pay to the public transportation. For example, charge-free transportation would definitely contribute to the increasing of the government expense of social infrastructures. Many aspects require huge financial devotion from government such as the establishment of the companies, the purchase of the vehicles and the cost for powers consumed by these tools of transportation, etc. For some developing or even some developed countries, money is still largely demanded in many other social constructions and it is not practical for them to cancel the charge for public transportation from citizens.

However, as mentioned above, although problems exist, advantages this policy brings would for sure win more appreciation from people.

The first advantage it brings is to greatly facilitate people's travelling and save people a lot of time from unnecessary waste. In many developing countries such as China, it is still not possible for most of us to afford our personal vehicle and going to work by foot would also waste a lot of time. So no matter going to work everyday or travelling to somewhere far away all depend on public transportations such as bus, train, ship and aircraft. As the expense for transportation is increasing everyday, people undoubtedly would spend more and more on this aspect, which would place heavier burden for their lives. Thereby if the charge for transportation were canceled, it would bring great convenience to people's life.

The second advantage I'm going to address is that by canceling the charge for public transportations people can be encouraged to take public transportations more frequently, which can reduce the use of personal autos. And when faced with the deterioration of our climate and environment, the exhaust gas from private vehicles should take the major responsible for it. By reducing the use of them, fewer waste gas can be emitted in to the atmosphere, which will surely lead to the recovery of our living environment.

In sum, although we can not ignore the problems brought by not paying to public transportations, when we recognize its advantages, we would be quite supportive to this policy.
作者: jbc88    时间: 2010-2-10 10:22:09

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作者: ivybetty    时间: 2010-2-10 10:58:29

Should people pay to the public transportation? This is a long-held debate. For my part, although developing charge-free(学习了) public transportation may indeed bring some problems, compared with the bigger(more?) advantages it produces, I would still be willing to lend my strong support to this policy(加破折号在强调下free public transportation会不会使观点更明确?). And my explanations are listed as below.! k8 @7 R5 z' v# {, y" n! N

Admittedly, it is no denying that problems may appear if people do not pay to the public transportation. For example, charge-free transportation would definitely contribute to the increasing of the government expense of social infrastructures. Many aspects require huge financial devotion from government such as the establishment of the companies, the purchase of the vehicles and the cost for powers consumed by these tools of transportation, etc. For some developing or even some developed countries, money is still largely demanded in many other social constructions and it is not practical for them to cancel the charge for public transportation from citizens.言简意赅,很好的段落。
However, as mentioned above, although problems exist, advantages this policy brings would for sure win more appreciation from people.1 w1 k% H0 r: Y

The first advantage it brings is to greatly facilitate people's travelling and save people a lot of time from unnecessary waste. In many developing countries such as China, it is still not possible for most of us to afford our personal vehicle and going(to go?与afford并列?) to work by foot would also waste a lot of time. So no matter going to work everyday or travelling to somewhere far away all depend on public transportations such as bus, train, ship and aircraft. As the expense for transportation is increasing everyday, people undoubtedly would spend more and more on this aspect, which would place heavier burden for their lives. Thereby if the charge for transportation were canceled, it would bring great convenience to people's life.表意明确

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The second advantage I'm going to address is that by canceling the charge for public transportations people can be encouraged to take public transportations more frequently, which can reduce the use of personal autos. And when faced with the deterioration of our climate and environment, the exhaust gas from private vehicles should take the major responsible for it. By reducing the use of them, fewer waste gas can be emitted in to the atmosphere, which will surely lead to the recovery of our living environment.观点明确

In sum, although we can not ignore the problems brought by not paying to public transportations, when we recognize its advantages, we would be quite supportive to this policy.

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