
标题: Issue47 全球合作的影响 求拍,有拍必回 [打印本页]

作者: 爱上千年的猫    时间: 2010-2-27 19:14:55     标题: Issue47 全球合作的影响 求拍,有拍必回

Issue 47
"With the growth of global networks in such areas as economics and communication, there is no doubt that every aspect of society---including education, politics, the arts, and the sciences---will benefit greatly from international influences."

subject: international influences of global net works
function: benefit
object: every aspect of societ"
limit: networks in economics and communication,

education, politics, the arts, and the sciences

1.main idea:
2.+1)improve education: online learning and courses
3. +2)improve science: international cooperation of scientists and institutions, share sources and achievements
4. +3)politics: increase cooperations in economics, bring more profit;

increase communications in problems: understand better, avoid wars

5. -1) arts: mainstream rush out other small group: music, language, traditions
6. conclusion: benefit on the whole, while its defects can not be ignored in some areas

If asked what you think that international influences from growth of global networks, in areas like economics and communication, bring about, almost everyone will appreciate the benefits they bring to the society, from education to politics, from arts to sciences. However, it is unfair to generalize their contribution to every aspect. Some areas benefit from global networks while suffer larger loss.

Undoubtedly, education benefits greatly from the growth of global networks. With the application of the internet, students can easily find whatever they desire simply with a PC and an access to the internet. Scholars can organize academic symposium online whenever they are all available, simply keeping online and a video camera installed, without flying around the world and tired journey. Anyone who wants to learn from famous teachers or in a well-known academic institution can use GOOGLE to find the courses uploaded to the web and learn as much as they like. Thanks to the global networks, we human beings now gain an additional and even more convenient access to knowledge and truth.

Similar to education, science also benefit a lot when global networks are involved. There are more academic institutions running international cooperations, doing researches and sharing achievements. For example, the 2006 Nobel Prize winners of physics are an American scientist and a Japanese researcher. These international cooperations speed up the development in science, offering more advanced and more open conditions for scientists from every country in the world.

Furthermore, global networks in economics and communication open a new era for international cooperations of politics. In economic world, there sprout out countless international firms doing business all over the world. These firms can take advantage of administrative advances and cost advances from different countries thus make greater profits, which can not be imagined if there are no such global networks. By virtue of economic burgeoning, countries improve their understanding of each other. New forms of communication are applied to the international conversations. As a result, some long-lasting international problems are more likely to be solved peacefully. Without the international influence of global networks, we may still suffer from endless wars.

However, some fields benefit from global networks while suffer larger loss. The area of arts is a best illustration to prove this point. With the growth of global networks, arts forms from different regions and religion merge to create new art forms. However, what we see now is a trend of culture homogeny, which mainstream art forms rule out the minor art forms. However, these minor art forms are valuable assets of our human being, which can help identify who we are. If no proper measures are to be taken, we danger losing our past and therefore have less feeling about our origin.

To sum up, the great international influence of global networks really benefit our society as a whole. Nevertheless, its devastation to some aspects can not be neglected. We should be aware of this threat while embracing the better world with global networks.
作者: binghuoshenlong    时间: 2010-2-27 19:44:01

Issue 47
"With the growth of global networks in such areas as economics and communication, there is no doubt that every aspect of society---including education, politics, the arts, and the sciences---will benefit greatly from international influences."
subject: international influences of global net works
function: benefit
object: every aspect of society"
limit: networks in economics and communication,

education, politics, the arts, and the sciences

1.main idea:
2.+1)improve education: online learning and courses
3. +2)improve science: international cooperation of scientists and institutions, share sources and achievements
4. +3)politics: increase cooperation in economics, bring more profit;

increase communications in problems: understand better, avoid wars

5. -1) arts: mainstream rush out other small group: music, language, traditions
6. conclusion: benefit on the whole, while its defects can not be ignored in some areas
If asked what you think that international influences from growth of global networks, in areas like economics and communication, bring about, almost everyone will appreciate the benefits they bring to the society, from education to politics, from arts to sciences. However, it is unfair to generalize their contribution to every aspect. Some areas benefit from global networks while suffer a larger loss.
Undoubtedly, education benefits greatly from the growth of global networks. With the application of the internet, students can easily find whatever they desire simply with a PC and an access to the internet. Scholars can organize academic symposium online whenever they are all available, simply keeping online and a video camera installed, without flying around the world and tired journey(and 前后结构不对称). Anyone who wants to learn from famous teachers or in a well-known academic institution can use GOOGLE to find the courses uploaded to the web and learn as much as they like. Thanks to the global networks, we human beings now gain an additional and even more convenient access to knowledge and truth.
Similar to education, science also benefit a lot when global networks are involved. There are more academic institutions running international cooperation, doing researches and sharing achievements. For example, the 2006 Nobel Prize winners of physics are an American scientist and a Japanese researcher. These international cooperations speed up the development in science, offering more advanced and more open
(比较级是这个吗)conditions for scientists from every country in the world.

Furthermore, global networks in economics and communication open a new era for international cooperations of politics. In economic world, there sprout out countless international firms doing business all over the world. These firms can take advantage of administrative advances and cost advances from different countries thus make greater profits, which can not be imagined if there are no such global networks. By virtue of economic burgeoning, countries improve their understanding of each other. New forms of communication are applied to the international conversations. As a result, some long-lasting international problems are more likely to be solved peacefully. Without the international influence of global networks, we may still suffer from endless wars.(是否太绝对)
However, some fields benefit from global networks while suffer a larger loss. The area of arts is a best illustration to prove this point. With the growth of global networks, arts forms from different regions and religion merge to create new art forms. However, what we see now is a trend of culture homogeny, where mainstream art forms rule out(用词准确吗) the minor art forms. However, these minor art forms are valuable assets of our human being, which can help identify who we are. If no proper measures are to be taken, we danger losing our past and therefore have less feeling about our origin.
To sum up, the great international influence of global networks really benefit our society as a whole. Nevertheless, its devastation to some aspects can not be neglected. We should be aware of this threat while embracing the better world with global networks.

我感觉分析的很不错 不过考试的时候你的条理能这么清晰吗 能写这么多字码
https://bbs.gter.net/thread-1065005-1-1.html这是我刚写的  好几天没写了 都生疏了 句子用的也不够复杂 单词也简单 我马上就考了  欢迎这几天互改 我第一考的时候 写的句子比较复杂 不过还是得了很低分 估计条理不清晰
作者: 爱上千年的猫    时间: 2010-2-27 21:24:37

2# binghuoshenlong

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