
标题: 综合写作 EVA [打印本页]

作者: makeithappen    时间: 2010-3-2 22:55:52     标题: 综合写作 EVA

本帖最后由 makeithappen 于 2010-3-4 19:57 编辑

tpo12综合写作 EVA

The lecture questions about the statement in the passage that the person in the portrait is Jane Austen by several reasons.
First of all, the passage uses the evidence that the Austen's family admitted the people in the portrait is the author and gave permission to use the portrait in 1882 to support that it is author's portrait. But the lecture contend that in 1882, Jane Austen have been dead for more than seventy years. None of the Austen's family member actually sees Jane Austen himself. The family's admitting is not convincing.
The passage also shows the evidence that the face in the portrait clearly resembles the one in sketch, which depicts Austen to approve the portrait is depicting Jane Austen. However, lecture argues that Austen's family is large, which means Jane Austen have many family member whose face resembles the one in sketch.
Finally, the passage regards the portrait as a production of Ozias Humphrey. But the lecture point it out that it is not intelligent to judge the portrait's painter only by its style. What's more, one part of the portrait is sold by William Len, who only sold that stuff when Jane Austen was 27 years old.
The lecture argues all the three evidence of passage, and indicts that the depicting people in portrait can not be Jane Austen.
作者: wyac    时间: 2010-3-4 14:41:13

The lecture questions about the statement in the passage that the person in the portrait is Jane Austen by several reasons.(开头很简洁清晰!)

First of all, the passage uses the evidence that the Austen's family admitted the people in the portrait is the author(Jane,消除歧义) and gave permission to use the portrait in 1882 to support that it is author's portrait. But the lecture contends that in 1882, Jane Austen have been dead for more than seventy years. None of the Austen's family member actually sees Jane Austen himself(人家是女滴!). The family's admitting is not convincing.

The passage also shows the evidence that the face in the portrait clearly resembles the one in sketch, which depicts Austen to approve the portrait is depicting Jane Austen. However, lecture argues that Austen's family is large, which means Jane Austen have many family members whose face resembles the one in sketch. (细节不够,如果能写出Cousin or cousin’s daughters 这些细节就更好了)

Finally, the passage regards the portrait as a production of Ozias Humphrey. But the lecture point it out that it is not intelligent to judge the portrait's painter only by its style. What's more, one part of the portraitcanvas on which the portrait was painted is sold by William Len, who only sold that stuff when Jane Austen was 27 years old.

The lecture argues all the three evidence of passage, and indicts that the depicting people in portrait can not be Jane Austen.

作者: makeithappen    时间: 2010-3-5 10:23:54

The speaker refutes the reading about rejecting sell fossils to private ownership by providing drastically contrary evidences regarding the effect of public interest, science research, and destroying scientific evidence.

First, the speaker argues that selling fossils to private ownership will not lead to a decline in public interest in fossils, as the reading says. Because the growth of fossils’ business has inspired people's interest about fossil, which leads to more fossils have been unearthed. Furthermore, public can also buy the fossils rather than waiting for the donating.

In addition, the speaker argues that the significance and the value of a fossil are substantiated only by scientific experts of fossil. Because all the fossils should be testify by the scientist, none of the important fossil can be missed out from the scientists. moreover, the growth of the number of unearthed fossils fosters the chance of crucial discovery.

Lastly, although commercial fossil collectors sometime destroy valuable scientific evidence associated with the fossils they unearth, as the reading argues, the increasing of fossils business also raises the number of unearthed fossils. The fossils are definitely more significant than the evidence and records.

In conclusion, the speaker contends that selling fossils to private has more advantages than disadvantages.
作者: 我是chineselady    时间: 2010-3-5 20:57:55

The lecture questions about the statement in the passage that the person in the portrait is Jane Austen by several reasons开头很酷啊很简洁,直接点题

First of all, the passage uses the evidence that the Austen's family admitted the people in the portrait is the author and gave permission to use the portrait in 1882 to support that it is author's个人比较喜欢用名字说而且说作家记得用writer,author是特指某本书的作者。首句稍长 portrait. But the lecture contend that in 1882, Jane Austen have been dead 额。。死了不用这个时态 for more than seventy years. None of the Austen's family member actually sees觉得saw好点 Jane Austen himself. The family's admitting is not convincing

The passage also shows the evidence that the face in the portrait clearly resembles the one in sketch, which depicts Austen to approve the portrait is depicting Jane Austen. However, lecture argues that Austen's family is large, which means Jane Austen have many family member whose face resembles the one in sketch。可以多说些细节啥的,也许是他亲戚之类的云云

Finally, the passage regards the portrait as a production of Ozias Humphrey. But用But最好是连接2个句子所以however or on the contrary 也不错的 the lecture points it out that it is not intelligent to judge the portrait's painter only by its style. What's more, one part of the portrait is sold by William Len, who only sold that stuff when Jane Austen was 27 years old.这段我听的和理解的有出入

The lecture argues all the three evidence of passage, and indicts that the depicting people in portrait can not be Jane Austen.
作者: eejchen    时间: 2010-3-8 04:06:00

The speaker refutes the reading about rejecting sell fossils to private ownership貌似是所有权的意思,这里用owners 或许更好,下同 by providing drastically contrary evidences regarding the effect of public interest, science research, and destroying scientific evidence.开头无模板痕迹,简洁,赞~ q' `4 c+ {/ O
0 s% D' K( l9 ^, \
Firstly, the speaker argues that selling fossils to private ownership will not lead to a decline in public interest in fossils, as the reading says. Because the growth of fossils’ business has inspired people's interest about fossil赞细节!这点我听错了,sigh……which leads to more fossils have been to be unearthed. Furthermore, public can also buy the fossils rather than waiting for the donating. / H9 g- I" [# Z/ A7 L

In addition, the speaker argues that the significance and the value of a fossil are substantiated only by scientific experts of fossil. Because all the fossils should be testify by the scientist, none of the important fossils can be missed out from the scientists. moreover, the growth of the number of unearthed fossils fosters the chance of crucial discovery.3 v3 E9 a2 G9 K. n8 o

Lastly,Finally, although commercial fossil collectors sometimes destroy valuable scientific evidence associated with the fossils they unearth, as the reading argues, the increasing of fossils business also raises the number of unearthed fossils. The fossils are definitely more significant than the evidence and records.
  L) {9 W+ Z7 ]
In conclusion, the speaker contends that selling fossils to private has more advantages than disadvantages.


by 米
作者: makeithappen    时间: 2010-3-8 22:20:36

The speaker questions the benefits of salvage logging by providing contrary evidence regarding the situation of forest recovering, insect's value and economic benefits.
The speaker points out that although salvage logging can help forest areas recover form the disaster, it also remove the nutrition of the forest, which also harm to the growth of the forest.
In addition, the speaker challenges the result of reducing insects due to salvage logging.  Decaying wood is a highly suitable habitat for insects, so removing dead trees would definitely minimize the number of insect, which may lead to infestation do harm to forest. However, the insects also are food of bird and other species. Without the insect, the forest would die out soon, since the ecological condition of the forest appears unbalanced.
At last, the speaker contends that the economic benefits of salvage logging may be small, and temporary. Since the demand and use of the wood of damaged trees is limited, salvage logging's economic benefit. What's more, since the probability of the forest fire is small and the worker usually not a local resident, the work opportunity increased by salvage logging is tiny.
作者: makeithappen    时间: 2010-3-10 14:02:58


The speaker revises the statement presented in the reading material. He is of the view that offering four-day option to employees would not definitively benefit the whole economy, individual company, or individuals who take the option.

First of all, the speaker contradicts the issue of shortened workweek and hiring new employees would increase company profits. She says that because increasing the number of employees would force the company spend more money on training system, health and housing social-insurance, office space, computer and so on. So hiring more staff will result in additional cost compare to former company's cost.

In addition, the speaker points out that unemployment rates would not reduce. Since the companies would not like to increase their costs of hiring new stuff. they would force the four-day employees to work overtime and hope that four-day employees can finish five-day employees' work.

At last, the speaker says that the statement that employees' quality of their lives could improve, since they have more self-control time is questionable. The four-day employees are risky. As the companies targeting at making profits, the four-day employees' probability of losing the job is more than those who choose work five days. Furthermore, the promoting and raising money chance of four-day employees also decrease. Thus, the quality of employees' lives could not be improved.

In conclusion, there are no sufficient evidence to support that offering four-day option would benefit the society, companies or employees.

作者: jacknonplus    时间: 2010-3-11 20:21:44

作者: wyac    时间: 2010-3-13 15:22:34

作者: makeithappen    时间: 2010-8-24 11:59:13

First of all, the lecture points out thatcommunal online encyclopedias can correct the mistakes easily and timely.Contrary to the belief in the passage that the traditional encyclopedias arewritten by experts who fluent in academic rigor have less errors and morevalue, the speaker indicts that traditional encyclopedias also have errands andit might cost several decades to revise them.

Second, the lecture presents some policy toprotect the accurate and correct entry. For instance, the communal onlineencyclopedias set some entries at a obvious format, which no one can changethese entries. This methods not only can effectively protects the hackers orvandals to fabricate, delete and corrupt information, but also tells user whereis showing the academic or orthodox information. In addition, the onlineencyclopedias hire the special editor to change the wrong information.

The last but not the least, the speakerssays that the online encyclopedias rank their topics on the interest of mostpeople, which is useful and scientific to most of the reader comparing to thetraditional encyclopedias' information determining only by the academic scholar.
作者: newyork2010    时间: 2010-8-24 13:51:43

本帖最后由 newyork2010 于 2010-8-24 20:21 编辑

作者: jianndqin    时间: 2010-8-24 14:56:02

作者: makeithappen    时间: 2010-8-24 19:54:32

newyork2010 发表于 2010-8-24 13:51

要不发我邮箱吧 lianghui.eva@gmail.com
作者: newyork2010    时间: 2010-8-24 20:26:37

作者: makeithappen    时间: 2010-8-24 23:12:09

This lecture refutes the passage in threeaspects to illustrate that United States companies do the same in order toreceive ecocertification.

First of all, the speaker mentions theAmerican consumers do not treat every advertising at the same level. They paymore attention to the label which established by the independent agency, suchas the international organization issuing certifications to wood companies.Therefore, the "ecocertified" wood is favorable and the organizationis trust worth.

Second, although consumers, in fact, careabout the price as mentioned in the passage, the price only have an obviouseffect when one products much higher or lower than the other one. However, thelecture points out that the price variation due to the certification is lessthan fifty percent. So the consumer will consider other factors instead ofprice. The buyer might consider the environment and buy the friend toenvironment product. As a result more people will prefer to buy the productwith the certification.

Finally, the speaker expresses thatAmerican wood businesses consider the foreign market too. Instead only caresabout the market in the United States, the American wood companies pay aattention in foreign competition. Since if the foreign wood companies have abetter sales and lower costs, it might probate catch up with the Americancompanies or even win the United Sates market.
作者: stoptalking    时间: 2010-8-25 10:42:11

作者: greenege    时间: 2010-8-25 14:05:39

作者: makeithappen    时间: 2010-8-26 20:46:31

The lecture successfully contradicts thefuture of hydrogen-based fuel-cell engine by pointing out its three weaknesses.Simultaneously, the speaker completely refutes the passage by demonstratingthat the evidences of supporting hydrogen-based fuel-cell engine in the readingmaterial largely result from the ignorance and prejudice.

To begin with, the lecture mentions thehydrogen-based fuel-cell engine is not easily available recently. In order tomake the hydrogen-based fuel-cell engine, the engineer must transform thehydrogen into liquid state. And this process requires advanced cold technologywhich is not easily to utilize now. Although hydrogen-based fuel-cell engine isrenewable resources as the passage says, lacking of sufficient technology makeshydrogen-based fuel-cell engine hard to become popular.

Secondly, the factories of hydrogen-basedfuel-cell engine produce large pollution. Comparing with the passage indictingthat hydrogen-based fuel-cell engine create nothing harmful in the process ofpowering the car, the speaker points out that the producing process requiresbursting oil and some other resources, which definitely increases the pollutionproblems. This directly jeopardizes what the passage says.

Thirdly, the hydrogen-based fuel-cellengine might not necessary economic, since the manufactory for fuel-cell engineis very expensive. No cheaper alternatives can lead the fuel-cell engine intoelectricity. Thus although the fuel-cell engine is more effective thaninternal-combustion, it will not save money for sure.

In a nutshell, the speaker raises a issuethat the hydrogen-based fuel-cell engine has a great deal of disadvantages.This point contradicts with the statement that Fuel-cell engines will probablysoon replace the internal-combustion demonstrated by the passage.

作者: jjooyy    时间: 2010-8-26 21:25:38

15# makeithappen

This lecture refutes the passage in three aspects to illustrate that United States companies do the same这样写对吗 in order to receive ecocertification.# [, \) t' P. i/ v

-First of all, the speaker mentions theAmerican consumers do not treat every advertising at the same level. They paymore attention to the label which established by the independent agency, suchas the international organization issuing certifications to wood companies.Therefore, the "ecocertified" wood is favorable and the organizationis trust worth(is trustworthy).8 k0 t5 J2 U& i& S$ Y9 M3 |- }
3 L( p. o3 q- L0 R; ~+ R/ f
! D6 v& P$ c. u, I& }
Second, although consumers, in fact, careabout the price as mentioned in the passage, the price only have an obvious effect when one products much higher or lower than the other one. However, thelecture points out that the price variation due to the certification is lessthan fifty(five) percent. So the consumer will consider other factors instead最好换个词 ofprice. The buyer might consider the environment and buy the friend toenvironment语法不对 product. As a result more people will prefer to buy the productwith the certification.  N( u, C& g; R* S& y$ i( b
, G+ a: @$ C5 i+ L3 y) z" j
  j& D8 C! b. |
Finally, the speaker expresses thatAmerican wood businesses consider the foreign market too. Instead of only cares(caring) about the market in the United States, the American wood companies pay aattention in foreign competition. Since if the foreign wood companies have abetter sales and lower costs, it might probate catch up with the Americancompanies or even win the United Sates market.是讲domesticate market的事 我听到的是这样的,这段是不是主题都错了?
放完了 不好意思。。
作者: belinda_777    时间: 2010-8-27 11:41:27

18# makeithappen
作者: superchaos    时间: 2010-8-27 13:28:07

作者: makeithappen    时间: 2010-8-31 08:23:21

The lecture reinforces that professionalpainting's subject is not Jane Austen using three evidences. Simultaneously,the speaker completely refutes the passage by demonstrating that the evidencesin the reading material largely result from ignorance or prejudice and are notat all convincing.

First of all, the speaker points out thatalthough Austen family has endorsed the claim that the girl in the portrait isJane Austen, the painting is published at 1882 almost seventy years afterJane's death, which means no family member has seen Jane Austen himself orherself. This point directly contradicts what the passage says.

Second, the professor mentions there ispossibility that someone in the Jane's family resembles Jane Austen. SinceAusten's family is large, she has lots of similar-age kinship or even same-agekinship. Comparing with the reading's saying that the face in the portraitresembles Jane Austen, the lecture indicts there are some one in Austen'sfamily resemble Jane.

Third, the passage's conclusion that OziaHumpherey is the painter of the painting based on its style is no convincing.And the lecture also point out new evidence about the canvass of the painting.The canvass is sold by Williom, who did not sale canvasses until Jane isgrow-up. This point indicts that the painting is finished when Jane is mucholder than a teenage.

作者: jjooyy    时间: 2010-9-1 20:05:46

作者: makeithappen    时间: 2010-9-1 22:07:33

本帖最后由 makeithappen 于 2010-9-1 23:23 编辑

The lecture successfully casts doubt on theadvantages of salvage logging mentioned in the passage and raises the issuethat salvage logging may result in severe environmental damage.

To begin with, the speaker contradicts theopinion in the reading removing the dead tree will help forest to recover fromthe disaster. She points out that clean up the forest may destroy the rightcondition for the tree’s growth, since the dead tree can rich the solid. Andthe removing process may lead to the consequence that the tree lacking for thenecessary nutrition.

Second, the professor also questions theinfluence of insects lived in the dead tree. The reading says decaying wood isa highly suitable habitat for insects such as spruce bark beetle, which candamage live. However, the professor argues that this insect would not harmfulto forest using the evidence that it lives in forest for hundreds' year andstill not cause any huge damage. The speaker also postulates that the decayingwood might be good for the long term health of forest, for it is also a habitatof important beneficial insects.

Third, although salvage logging haseconomic benefits more or less as mentioned in the paragraph, the benefitsappear to be temporary and relatively small. The lecture indicts that in orderto cope with usable wood after a disaster, one should use some expensive vehicles.And the increasing working opportunities only last for a short time. And theadditional jobs usually are taken up by the outsider instead of the residents.

In conclusion, the lecture completely refutesthe idea demonstrated by the passage that salvage logging is benefit both theenvironment and economics.

作者: muyitong    时间: 2010-9-2 18:41:43

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: estop    时间: 2010-9-2 19:58:35

作者: makeithappen    时间: 2010-9-6 16:39:50

tpo1 Integrated Writing
作者: makeithappen    时间: 2010-9-7 20:34:39

tpo2 Integrated Writing

The professor in the lecture successfullyraises the issue that negative effect of the team work. Simultaneously, hecompletely demonstrates the advantages of a team mentioned in the readingresult largely from ignorance and prejudice.

To begin with, the lecture mentions thefree-ride existing in the team work. The free-ride people in a team contributeless benefit and struggle, while other team members work hard or come up withinsightful opinion. But the contribution of each team member is not named, eachone are treated equally.

Second, the speaker argues that a groupcannot always work more quickly. The passage indicts that since a group peoplepossess more they will use less time to finish a problems or issues. However,the reading neglects the time used to make every one, or the leaders, to arrivea final decision. The discussion between the team members about how to move theproject sometimes takes numerous time.

The last, the lecture points out twosituations to illustrate the weakness of team-work. Sometimes some members inthe team come up with an excellent idea, but the idea was rejected by the teamleader. And other situation is that the majority in the team agree with areckless solution, while the minority would like to warn others about the risk.But in the end the minority's opinion is ignored. In the end, the result is badand the blame place on all.

作者: 猫小南    时间: 2010-9-7 21:51:35

27# makeithappen
作者: newyork2010    时间: 2010-9-8 12:53:52

作者: makeithappen    时间: 2010-9-9 09:17:55

The professor raises the issue that theportrait of an Elderly Woman in a White Bonnet is painted by Rembrandt bygiving three new explanations. Simultaneously, she completely refutes thepassage.

First of all, the professor points out thatthe fore color is added one hundred years after the original picture was made,in order to increase the value of the painting. Due to the change, theinconsistent mentioned in the passage exists.

Secondly, when experts rule out the latterchange, we can see in the original painting the woman is wearing a simple lightcolor, which reflects the light to illuminate the woman's face, not becomespartially shadow. This point illustrates the master skill of Rembrandt just asexpect and successfully explain the error claimed in the reading material.

Finally, the lecture indicts that thepainting was painted on one single panel made of wood. And the wood glued panelis used when add the fore color. In order to make the picture grander and morevaluable, pieces of wood glued panel was necessary. Simultaneously, theprofessor gives other evidence, that the wood in the back of this painting isexactly the same as other Rembrandt's panel wood, to demonstrate it isRembrandt's painting.

作者: FannieHsu    时间: 2010-9-9 11:13:13

作者: belinda_777    时间: 2010-9-9 12:48:21

水平有限 向你学习
作者: makeithappen    时间: 2010-9-10 22:26:43

The professor raises the issue thatdinosaurs were not endotherms. Simultaneously, she completely demonstrates thatthe argument, which is not sufficient to prove dinosaurs were endotherms,mentioned in the passage is largely result from the ignorance and prejudice.

First of all, the speaker mentions thededuction in the passage that only endotherms can be survived in polar religionis questionable. Since ancient polar was warmer than modern polar region. Andduring the season of cold in polar, the dinosaur still could migrant or hibernatingto live. Thus, indeed there are dinosaur fossils in polar region. But it cannotsuccessful illuminate that dinosaur were endotherms.

Second, she claims the leg position andmovement are not necessarily means dinosaur can run. The legs of dinosaur wereunderneath. And this can help dinosaur to support more weight. And its largesize had numerous advantages and not need to run.

Third, the lecture state other evidence tosupport that dinosaur were not endotherms. Dinosaurs grew rapidly when thetemperature was relatively high; and it grew slowly when it was colder. Theseviolate the characteristic of endotherms, which grow rapidly even when outsideis cool.
作者: makeithappen    时间: 2010-9-11 20:54:27

The lecture claims that onlineencyclopedias have more advantages than disadvantage. Simultaneously, itcomprehensively refutes the passage by proving that the tradition encyclopediaslargely result from ignorance and prejudice.

First of all, the lecture points out thatcommunal online encyclopedias can correct the mistakes easily and timely.Contrary to the belief in the passage that the traditional encyclopedias arewritten by experts who fluent in academic rigor have less errors and morevalue, the speaker indicts that errors is existing on all off-line materialsand it might take several decades to revise the incorrect information.

Second, the lecture presents two policiesto protect the accurate and correct entry made by hackers. First is the communalonline encyclopedias set the indisputable entries at a fixed format, and no onecan change these entries. This methods not only can effectively protects thehackers or vandals to fabricate, delete and corrupt information, but also tellsuser where is showing the academic or orthodox information. Second is that theonline encyclopedias hire some special editors to modify the incorrectinformation timely.

Third, the speaker mentions the weakness oftraditional encyclopedias. Since the traditional encyclopedias have limitedspace, the academic group must decide what is put in the treasure page.Therefore the materials in tradition encyclopedia not reflect the majority’sinterest. Nonetheless, the sufficient space for the online resource guaranteesthe variety of its articles which cater the user’s interest.

作者: makeithappen    时间: 2010-9-13 23:09:03

作者: makeithappen    时间: 2010-9-14 18:02:07

作者: yanxin19    时间: 2010-9-15 00:51:18

作者: luoln    时间: 2010-9-15 09:09:34

0914 综合写作 给你修改好了


作者: makeithappen    时间: 2010-10-1 20:29:59

作者: makeithappen    时间: 2010-10-2 20:43:47


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