ME: Good morning, madam.
VO: Hi, good morning. (金发MM貌似比我还兴奋~~~)What will you do in US?
ME: To pursue my master degree in accounting at UTD.
VO: Which university are you going to?(金发MM没听清我说~~~伸手示意让我给I20她看)
ME: (赶紧递上I20) To the university of Texas at Dallas.
VO: Why this school?
ME: Cuz the business school of the university rank ** in America. And this program has several concentrations, one of which fit me quite well.
VO: Which concentration will you focus on?
ME: Financial analysis.
VO: Why do you think this concentration fit you?
ME: Cuz since I graduated from the university, I have been working in a bank.
VO: You've been working in a bank? How long?
ME: For about two years.
VO: How long will you stay in US?
ME: Two years. It's a two year program.
VO: But it's 36 months on your I20. Do you think it's too much for you?
ME: Usually students can finish the program in 2 years. (当时没反应过来,随便回答了一个,呃,本人反应比较慢~~~)
VO: Where did you go to the college in China? (这句没听清~~~)
ME: (愣了几秒钟)Cuz US has a better master educational system. (我以为VO说的是为什么不在中国念master)
VO: (微笑)No, I mean where did you go to the college, in China?
ME: Oh oh, blabla in Guangzhou.
VO: Good, what do your father do?(这时候看到金发MM在打字)
ME: blablabla...
VO: OK(然后就让我按指纹)
ME: Am I approved?
VO: Yes, sure. I took your passport and 160.
ME: Thank you!!!