
标题: 【1010G精英组】F组回收站 ISSUE88 (0525) [打印本页]

作者: lynnuana    时间: 2010-5-23 01:11:17     标题: 【1010G精英组】F组回收站 ISSUE88 (0525)

本帖最后由 lynnuana 于 2010-5-30 00:03 编辑





88"Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics."


作者: lxin333    时间: 2010-5-26 12:08:06

作者: lynnuana    时间: 2010-5-27 00:29:03

The relationship between technology andsocial custom and ethic has long been a matter of attention. This topic, withthe development of modern technologies, has raised more and more concern aroundthe world. Some people even fear the enhanced technology would not merelyinfluence but ultimately determinesocial customs and ethics. In my opinion, this pessimistic view exaggerates theeffect of technology toward social ethics, that is, technology indeed affects, directlyor indirectly, social convention and moral rather than determining them. Myposition would be supported through the following perspectives.

As an activity to understand and transform the nature, the development of technologywould no doubt tremendously alter the relation between human and nature as wellas humanity itself and consequently makes enormous change on people’s livingconditions and life style; thus, new life conditions are generated and then thetransformation of the relations among individuals. In reverse, as for customsand ethics, the standard of adjusting human relations and guiding behaviorwould also be affected by the changes technologies cause. In short, the ethicsmorality in any era would be inseparable from the human living conditions atthat time; the scientific and technological achievements will be certain to influencethe development of social customs and ethics. For example, the technologyprogress creates enormous social material wealth and the economic conditions ofindividuals had, therefore, improved; as a result, a strong man would never beconsidered as the main breadwinner in the family. Accordingly, the traditional conception--genderdiscrimination between men and women--has casted away and been replaced with sexualequality, a new social ethic.

The technological effect on ethics andcustoms through changing living conditions mentioned above would be an indirectinfluence and of course, a direct influence ought to be noticed as well. First,as a social activity, technology would require and therefore establish some moralconception, namely, technology ethics, which is a portion of the all social morals. For instance, the sense and spiritof creativity, pursuing truth and cooperation and the like as are significantcomponents contribute to modern social ethics. Second, technology progress couldreveal the objective laws of the nature and society, which would directlyresult in a series of revolution in public thought and dispel the traditionalcustoms out of ignorance and superstition. By the way of example, in the past,people are unaware of the natural law of birth, aging, sickness and death oflife; hence, they thought man is created and controlled by God and any irreverentact or study on human body—anatomy for instance—is against the divinity whichwould be immoral. Nowadays, by gradually deciphering the code of life, “human body”would not be as mysterious as before any more. In consequence, the anatomy ofthe body which was rigidly inhibited previously has become a matter of commonand even the donation of human body and organs after death has been regarded asbehavior in a high moral. Another example is about the conception of pregnancy.With the widespread adoption of contraception, bearing and rearing betterchildren has been publicized and supported by most of people. Last, some technologicalachievements and application would cause new ethical relations among individualsin a straightforward way. For instance, the high-tech in medical science hasbeen able to prolong people’s life on the verge of death; in return, the dyingpeople would bear great pains. Therefore, a new relationship among patients,relatives and doctors has been established, which has aroused heated debates onthe social moral of euthanasia. Aside from this, other technologies such as test-tubebaby, organ transplantation, human cloning and internet also catch much public attentionto evaluate their ethics and customs newly established in the whole society.

Both direct and indirect technological influenceon social customs and ethics does not signify that technology would eventually determinemorals of society. For one thing, the opinion of technological determinism actuallyoverlooked the tremendous power of human itself in the technology invention andapplication. At present, with cautiousness on technological moral, any researchand application of a new technique would be after repeated investigation anddiscussion among the experts in all relative areas. Besides, even if thetechnique has, to some extent, flaws on ethics which has been ignored in the researchprocess, yet after application the society would actually decide whether it is feasibleor not from the angle of morals. Just like the euthanasia mentioned above, thistechnology has not been widely accepted until now. Only Holland, Belgium and Oregonin US gives permit to it. Even in this permitted area, there are still some restricteditems which ensure euthanasia indeed out of the will of the patients. Foranother, time would sift out the bad or unacceptable technology. Consider the robottechnology. This technique has been proposed for years, but some inventions, asknown to all, based on this theory have not been used yet partly because of theissue of ethics. If the program of the robot mutated, the whole human societywould face unbelievable disasters, as an expert in US mentioned.

To sum up, no one would deny the positive andnegative effects on customs and ethics brought by the enhanced technologies;however, we should not hold a conservative and overcautious attitude toward thetechnological progress. Meanwhile, people need to know their own power incontrolling technology rather than controlled by technologies, especially on theaspect of technology on social customs and ethics.
作者: lxin333    时间: 2010-5-27 07:42:40

本帖最后由 lxin333 于 2010-5-27 12:17 编辑

The relationship between technology and social custom and ethic has long been a matter of attention. This topic, with the development of modern technologies, has raised more and more concern around the world. Some people even fear the enhanced technology would not merely influence but ultimately determine social customs and ethics. In my opinion, this pessimistic view exaggerates the effect of technology toward social ethics, that is, technology indeed affects, directly or indirectly, social convention and moral rather替换了比较好么? than determining them. My position would be supported through the following perspectives.

As an activity to understand and transform the nature, the development of technology would no doubt tremendously alter the relation between human and nature as well as humanity itself and consequently makes enormous change on people’s living conditions and life style; thus, new life conditions are generated and then the transformation of the relations among individuals. In reverse, as for customs and ethics, the standard of adjusting human relations and guiding behavior would also be affected by the changes technologies cause. In short, the ethics morality in any era would be inseparable from the human living conditions at that time; the scientific and technological achievements will be certain to influence the development of social customs and ethics. For example, the technology progress creates enormous social material wealth and the economic conditions of individuals had, therefore, improved; as a result, a strong man would never be considered as the main breadwinner in the family. Accordingly, the traditional conception—gender discrimination between men and women--has casted不加ed away and been replaced with sexual equality, a new social ethic.
The technological effect on ethics and customs through changing living conditions mentioned above would be an indirect influence and of course, a direct influence ought to be noticed as well. First, as a social activity, technology would require and therefore establish some moral conception, namely, technology ethics, which is a portion of the all social morals. For instance, the sense and spirit of creativity, pursuing truth and cooperation and the like as are significant components contribute to modern social ethics. Second, technology progress could reveal the objective laws of the nature and society, which would directly result in a series of revolution in public thought and dispel the traditional customs out of ignorance and superstition. By the way of example, in the past, people are unaware of the natural law of birth, aging, sickness and death猛然一看是生老病死! of life; hence, they thought man is created and controlled by God and any irreverent act or study on human body—anatomy for instance—is against the divinity which would be immoral. Nowadays, by gradually deciphering the code of life, “human body” would not be as mysterious as before any more. In consequence, the anatomy of the body which was rigidly inhibited previously has become a matter of common
and even the donation of human body and organs after death has been regarded
as behavior in a high moral = =
!!!?. Another example is about the conception of pregnancy. With the widespread adoption of contraception, bearing and rearing better children has been publicized and supported by most of people. (我感觉可以写禁止abortion,然后前面那句作为因。。。)Last, some technological achievements and application would cause new ethical relations among individuals in a straightforward way. For instance, the high-tech in medical science has been able to prolong people’s life on the verge of death; in return, the dying people would bear great pains. Therefore, a new relationship among patients, relatives and doctors has been established, which has aroused heated debates on the social moral of euthanasia. Aside from this, other technologies such as test-tube baby, organ transplantation, human cloning and internet+ security also catch much public attention to evaluate their ethics and customs newly established in the whole society.

Both direct and indirect technological influence on social customs and ethics does not signify that technology would eventually determine morals of society. For one thing, the opinion of technological determinism actually overlooked the tremendous power of human itself in the technology invention and application. At present, with cautiousness on technological moral, any research and application of a new technique would be after repeated investigation and discussion among the experts in all relative areas.(我不认为这段可以拿来反驳题 最多是说这样做能避免带来伦理道德的冲击)
Besides, even if the technique has, to some extent, flaws on ethics which has been ignored in the research process, yet after application the society would actually decide whether it is feasible or not from the angle of morals. Just like the euthanasia mentioned above, this technology has not been widely accepted until now. Only Holland, Belgium and Oregonin US gives permit to it. Even in this permitted area, there are still some restrict editems which ensure euthanasia indeed out of the will of the patients. For another, time would sift out the bad or unacceptable technology. Consider the robot technology. This technique has been proposed for years, but some inventions, as known to all, based on this theory have not been used yet partly because of the issue of ethics. If the program of the robot mutated, the whole human society would face unbelievable disasters, as an expert in US mentioned.

To sum up, no one would deny the positive and negative effects on customs and ethics brought by the enhanced technologies; however, we should not hold a conservative and overcautious attitude toward the technological progress. Meanwhile, people need to know their own power in controlling technology rather than controlled by technologies, especially on the
aspect of technology on social customs and ethics.

1技术改变生活水平,影响社会传统和道德 (间接影响)
2直接影响 举了很多例子

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