
标题: issue 51 第一篇求拍 [打印本页]

作者: jimmyjiang    时间: 2010-5-25 18:21:10     标题: issue 51 第一篇求拍

Topic:Education will be truly effective only when itis specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of eachstudent.

I have to agreewith the speaker’s assertion that it’s very important to meet individual needsand interests of students. However, I think satisfying everyone’s interests isnot feasible for most schools and universities.

Einstein has said “interestis the best teacher”. Nowadays, individual interests are very critical for aperson to get knowledge not only from education but also work after graduation.There is no doubt that the purpose of education is to dig out students’potential and train them to be talents which can make contributions to thewhole society. Suppose somebody who is composed to learn the major he or shedon’t like. Scarcely would this student become an expert in this field. Furthermore, he or she may not have the ability to graduate or even halt the academiccareer owing to be disgusted with the study. Bill Gates, for example, was aprelaw student in Harvard University which is oneof the best universities in the world while he was highly interested incomputer programming. At last, he abandoned his study in Harvard Universityregardless of opposition from his friends, teachers and parents and createMicrosoft Crop which became the largest company in the field of computer software.If Gates hadn’t gone with his interests or had submitted himself to hisparents, he wouldn’t have been so successful and we couldn’t have used computerso conveniently now.
Therefore, it’s sovital to satisfy the individual interests, otherwise education couldn’t wellexplore the students’ potential and train adequate talents with high qualityfor society.

Nevertheless, it’snot feasible to meet individual needs and interests of everyone. There arethree reasons supporting my claims. First, there are not enough educationresources such as teachers, classrooms and facilities for satisfying eachstudent’s interests because different people has different interests. It’s verydifficult and unworthy to spend a lot of money on obtaining adequate resourcesespecially for undeveloped countries. Secondly, a student has no capability toindentify what his or her interests are due to lacking of enough knowledge andexperience. In addition, interests vary as time passing by. Finally,emphasizing individual interests too much will let students overlook theimportance of basic knowledge such as language, mathematics and so forth. Then,improvement of the knowledge they are interested in will be badly affected asall kinds of knowledge connect with each other tightly. Therefore, satisfyingindividual interests of every student is not practical and unworthy.

Since individualinterests are very essential and satisfying each student’s interests is notfeasible, parents and educators should formulate regulations for their studentsrationally. I recommend that parents should pay more attention to meet students’interests. For example, if a student like music very much, his or her parentsshould employ a tutor whose profession is music to improve his or her qualityin music on premise of having sufficient money. Besides, more elective coursesshould be set for students to provide more choice for them in high schools anduniversities.

To sum up,individual needs and interests are very vital for each student, yet satisfyingthese requirements of each student is not feasible. Educators and parents shouldcollaborate with each other to content students’ individual needs and interestsrationally on the condition that they attain adequate basic knowledge.

作者: 江雪    时间: 2010-5-25 18:29:54

dig out students’potential...雷
挖掘潜力叫做tap one's potential to the full好吧。。。


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