me: good afternoon, sir.
VO: good afternoon.
me: 为了不冷场,开始呱啦呱啦自我介绍一下,I'm a continuing student. I'm in the ** year of my PHD degree. My major is ****, my advisor is ****, she gives me RA scholarship.
VO: 递还给我I-20等资料,do you have an updated resume, your advisor's support letter and her information?
me: yeah, yeah, I have them, wait a minute.
me: This is my advisor's sp letter and my offer letter.
VO:递还offer letter,I don't need this.
VO: What's your description of your research?
me: my research is about ****.......
VO: Do you write sth about your researh?
me:yeah, I have a research plan.
VO: give that to me.
VO: ok, you will receive your passport in a few days.
me: a few days?
VO: yeah
me: does that mean I am approved?
VO: yeah
me:非常happy滴,ok, thank you, have a nice day.
VO: you too...
恩,整个过程不长,VO也没问我多少问题,就是要了一堆资料。貌似中信代签的都被要了这些资料,应该是必要流程,因为他提到是updated resume,以前被check过,所以现在需要新的resume来对比一下。希望签证能很快寄过来。祝各位xdjm签证顺利!
ps:签证费涨了,从6月4号开始是966,如果你交的还是904的话,排队之前赶紧去补个62块,否则即使排上去了,也会被赶下来补签证费,很悲催。。。我就看到两个。作者: windayuestc 时间: 2010-6-8 00:15:38