
标题: winnie678的作文贴 [打印本页]

作者: WINNIE678    时间: 2010-6-30 10:59:48     标题: winnie678的作文贴

本帖最后由 WINNIE678 于 2010-6-30 12:09 编辑

Successful people take new things and take risks rather than the thing that they've done well
Successful people are thought to be succeeding since their prominent contribution to their career areas. There are a lot of considerations attribute a prominent people’s succeed in his career, such as diligence, talent, innovation and take venture. Among those important characters, I think the willing to take new things and take risks rather than hold the things that already have done well are the keys to succeed.

In the modern society, with the feature of rapid development of science and technology, new productions are created in every second. This is also increase the speed of obsolescence of a product. A lot people's business failed in this serious competitive market. However, there are still a few of people who achieved excellent succeeds, such as Steve Jobs and his Apple. Innovation is the key to keep him and his company in continuously succeed. By keeping introduding new breakups into its productions and new ideas into the company, Apple's share price ceaselessly  hits  the new height. What's more, with the surprises of their new productions, Apple are deeply loved and supported by their customers and fans. Each time when apple's new productions kick-off, there will be a big shock in the market.

Another important reason to explain people succeed is the feature of taking risk. Only those people who would like to take adventures but not stay in the old forms will ultimately make great achievements. My father and Uncle John are brothers. They set up garment business in 1980s together. It was the beginning of the market economic policy implemented in our country, few people doing business at that time,So they made some succeeds in their business. Then Uncle John wanted to move the business to another province, because there was new government policy in that place. And he believed there will bring big benefit to the garment business. But my father thought it was too risky since it’s unknown whether the policy could be maintain and right now their business performed well. The result was they split off their business. Some years later, it turned out Uncle John was right and his willing to take risks brought him big succeeds in his garment business. Now his company is one of the largest garment companies in that province and my father’s business is in a difficult situation.

Above all, the willing to take new things and take risks besides what they hold is the significance to achieving succeeds in these days.
作者: FFFMZJB    时间: 2010-6-30 16:54:29

作者: 远远在笑    时间: 2010-6-30 21:20:43

作者: WINNIE678    时间: 2010-7-2 10:58:43

本帖最后由 WINNIE678 于 2010-7-2 11:49 编辑

. Most people prefer others making decision for them than making a decision for themselves.

Throughout our life, we will face a lot of choices. Most people prefer others' decisions instead of making a decision by themselves. Why people hesitate to make decisions for themselves? Getting used to rely on others' decisions, lacking of wide range of knowledge in decision making and fearing to choosing are the reasons. I will explain them in following details.

Since it is difficult to always making right decisions at a right time, a right decision maker requires a wide range of knowledge and experience. However, most people do not have such a great academic background and also luxuriant experience. As a result, those people turn to looking for authority, when they have to deal with decisions. Just like my father, who is the present of Jianhan College. A lot of people ask help from him for choosing majors for their children.

Although some people seem to be quite independent, most people in my generation, in fact, to a large extend, rely on the suggestions from their parents. We are the generation grew up under the “only child " policy in China. Our parents put most of their energy, wealth and love to care about us. They payed all the attentions to every step of our growing and even made all the decisions for us. Consequently, many of us have already been accustomed to follow the instructions from parents. It is believed that their decisions will benefit us most in a long time period, due to concerning with their life experience. We trust and rely on their choices, because they are our parents.

Another important reason for people prefer others' decisions is only a few people would like to take the responsibility for the results of decision making. Most common people are afraid of failures. They are lack of confidence in making right decisions.
The confidence in decision making is an important characteristic of a charismatic leader.  This is also the reason for only a few people can be excellent leaders. The more power of decision making often comes with the bigger responsibility of the results. Compare the power to the responsibility, a great number of people apt to follow someone else' decisions, for getting rid of taking risks.

In a conclusion, in most circumstances, people incline to others' decisions made for themselves. Their limited knowledge, the habits of relying on others and the will of avoiding risks of failure are all contributed this phenomenon.
作者: canoe03    时间: 2010-7-2 20:51:55

Throughoutour life, we will face a lot of choices. Most people prefer others' decisionsinstead of making a decision by themselves. Why people hesitate to makedecisions for themselves? Getting used to rely on others' decisions, lacking ofwide range of knowledge in decision making and fearing to(of) choosing are thereasons. I will explain them in following details.(GOOD BEGINNING!)

Sinceit isdifficult to always making(it is always difficult to make) rightdecisions at a right time, a right decision(这里显得有点重复,可以删掉这个字) maker requires a wide range ofknowledge and experience. Most people do not have such a great academic(个人觉得这个词不大恰当,也许reasoned比较合适) background and also luxuriantexperience. As a result, those people turn to looking for(look for可以不要,根据语法也应该是look for) authority, when they have to dealwith decisions. Just like my father, who is the present of Jianhan College(这个句子没写完). A lot of people askhelp from him for choosing majors for their children.(这里没有了显得有点突然,建议再写一点)

Althoughsome people seem to be quite independent, most people in my generation, infact, quietly(?)rely on the suggestions from their parents. We are the generation grew up underthe “only child " policy in China. Our parents put most oftheir energy, wealth and love to care about us. They payed(paid) all theattentions to every steps(step) of our growing and even made allthe decisions of us. Most of us have already been accustomed to follow theinstructions from parents. It is believed that their decisions will benefit usmost in a long time period, due to concerning with their life experience. Wetrust and rely on their choices, because they are our parents.

Anotherimportant reason for people prefer others' decisions is only a few people wouldlike to take the responsibility for the results of decision making(decision就可以了). Most common people areafraid of failures. They are lack of confidence in making right decisions. Theconfidence in decision making is an important characteristic of a charismaticleader.
This is also the reason for onlya few people can be excellent leaders. The more power of decision making oftencomes with the bigger responsibility of the results. Compare the power to theresponsibility, a great number of people prefer to follow others' decisions.

Ina conclusion, in most circumstances, people (are) incline to others' decisions made(making)for themselves. Their limited knowledge, the habits of relying on others andthe will of avoiding risks of failure are all contributed this phenomenon.



作者: ilnlh    时间: 2010-7-3 15:55:22

be inclined to...
作者: WINNIE678    时间: 2010-7-4 17:45:07

Guideline for In order to solve the problems of the present and future,it is necessary to understand the past
Opening :
It's wise  to look at the past,
inspire solutions,
more efficient, shorter time to solve. preparation a football game, world cup Germany and Argentina
can solve a problem from its original e.g. auditing work, retrack to past three years
prevent the same problem happen again.

some tips : case law system, precedents
作者: WINNIE678    时间: 2010-7-6 16:11:01

作者: lxg198607    时间: 2010-7-7 09:01:14

8# WINNIE678
作者: kaolaliang    时间: 2010-7-7 11:39:28

楼主的文章结构感觉不大紧凑, 各段比较零散,Chglish蛮多的。
作者: WINNIE678    时间: 2010-7-9 11:06:52

作者: mitchelllc    时间: 2010-7-9 14:08:36

11# WINNIE678
作者: WINNIE678    时间: 2010-7-9 16:00:04

作者: mitchelllc    时间: 2010-7-9 16:08:04

13# WINNIE678
作者: WINNIE678    时间: 2010-7-10 14:51:14

7.102 O' o1 `6 W- C% x$ c" q4 l
Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

the equivalent debate of modern teachers is how many days they should left for students for assignment. a majority teacher prospose students are necessarlily to have assignments everyday. i my view, everyday homework will benefit students a lot.

everyday homework will firm the knowledge from class, and better for students to pass exams.
everyday homework will cultivate students good studying habits, various forms can help students develop interests and build sence of independent thinking. e.g.
although has a lot advantages, it cannot be too much and become the burden of students. teachers must pay attention to the amount.


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