
标题: 互助 作文本 [打印本页]

作者: NO.xiaoyuyu    时间: 2010-7-5 21:57:22     标题: 互助 作文本


Do you agree or disagree: Most people prefer others making decision for them than making a decision for themselves.

The sensitive issue how to make a decision for you is not as easy as it seems. Definitely some people do like living in a perfect arranged life. For one side, this way may be easy and relaxed. Like a big word to say: “ Every dog has its day” There will be less pressure and responsibility. However, I have to lend more support to the view that a person with strong enterprising spirit prefers making decisions for himself or herself.

There are numerous explanations why I hold confidence on it. If we think about this topic deeply, we could consider that it is likely to make decisions by your parents or your friends are not proper. The main statement with that point is that you are supposed to hold your own life totally. There is little room for doubt that destiny can be built by your own determine and experience. For instance, when I was a child, I was interested in drawing very much, and my dream is always to be a painter. In addition, I am so lucky that my parents support me actively. When I went to the university, I chose to be a fine arts student instead of a science student like my father. I am not regret the decision, even knowing a lot of setbacks are on the way in the future, but I am sure this is my dream.

Moreover, another factor rests on the fact that decided by yourself is able to lead to the interest and encourage us to be succeed. Interest is the biggest power. If we can finding and deciding what is the most meaningful thing for ourselves is really helpful to going to the success. Someone said that “There is nothing brilliant nor outstanding in my record, except perhaps this one thing: I do the things that I believe ought to be done.” So making a correct decision is worthy.

There is bound to be third subtle reason, namely, making decision by yourself is an excise to grow up. As an adult, we may encounter different kinds of opportunities or even frustrations, at that time; we have to rely on ourselves.

Generally speaking, recognizing above the facts that are significant helps us to reach the fact that learning to make decisions by ourselves is a necessary lesson.

作者: NO.xiaoyuyu    时间: 2010-7-8 20:33:53

Students would receive a better, effective education if they were required to attend classes for 11 months of a year.

In modern society, it has been said that people study in a college or university so as only to get a degree as the degree plays essential role in the prosperous future of human beings. Some people do believe that the degree from a famous school needs hard-working for a long time. Only the sufficient time and energy leads to success. However, I have to lend more support to the view that a high-leveled education does not on the base of casting time.

There are numerous explanations why I hold confidence on it. The main statement with this point is that taking a long time to study would not always get a satisfied result. The key method of absorbing knowledge is concentration. Sometimes we could consider that it is more effective when we listening to teachers in the class than when we reading books or discussing with classmates after school. So learning some principles from your professor are better than you spending a lot of time in solving distinct kinds of questions. This way can appear in every curriculum, especially in some science courses.

In addition, another factor rests on the factor that a long time studying is bad for your boby. Recently a research said that a person who is in a state of high tension will be easier to get a cancer. I guess few people want to stay in this situation for a long time. Attending classes for eleven month a year, can you imagine, even you could not get a rest on weekends? As a matter of experience, many my friends including me indicated that we can be easier to obtain knowledge after a vacation. Moreover, when we get a cold or something, we cannot study effectively.

There is bound to be the third subtle reason, namely, the experience from outside school is a vital part of a better education. The aim of getting education is to join in the society finally. I heard that many students who just graduated have to receiving an internship before attending one company. That shows that society need people who has experience in one field not just having academic knowledge.

Generally speaking, we cannot sure that students would accept a better education if they being at school in a long period of time. There is no doubt that it has a lot of potential problems. From all the discussion above we may safely draw the conclusion that knowledge does not depend on time.
作者: 伶女    时间: 2010-7-9 21:49:29

7.86 g. L) `' ^. ^  N
Students would receive a better, effective education if they were required to attend classes for 11 months of a year.

- p1 D. q# }) n" ~
In modern society, it has been said that people study in a college or university so as only to get a degree as the degree plays essential role in the prosperous future of human beings. Some people do believe that the degree from a famous school needs hard-working for a long time. Only the sufficient time and energy leads to success. However, I have to lend more support to the view that a high-leveled education does not on the base of casting time(costing time?这种说法有点怪).第一段凑点字是正常的啦,但是最先那个degree我觉得扯远了点。。。
" M3 H0 c4 [. i
There are numerous explanations why I hold confidence on it. The main statement with this point is that taking a long time to study would not always get a satisfied result. The key method of absorbing knowledge is concentration. Sometimes we could consider that it is more effective when we listening to teachers in the class than when we reading books or discussing with classmates after school.这个算举证吗?我觉得说服力不够~So learning some principles from your professor are better than you spending a lot of time in solving distinct kinds of questions. This way can appear in every curriculum, especially in some science courses.2 X% l# |* S7 P2 W! G
1 H2 a3 L% T/ x% {
In addition, another factor rests on the factor? that a long time studying is bad for your boby. Recently a research said时态 that a person who is in a state of high tension will be easier to get a cancer. I guess few people want to stay in this situation for a long time. Attending classes for eleven month a year, can you imagine, even you could not get a rest on weekends? As a matter of experience, many my friends including me indicated that we can be easier to obtain knowledge after a vacation. Moreover, when we get a cold or something, we cannot study effectively." s5 ~( w% q. @4 Z% B6 s! z
4 y( V; R# y5 x! }6 o/ H
There is bound to be the third subtle reason, namely, the experience from outside school is a vital part of a better education. The aim of getting education is to join in the society finally. I heard that many students who just graduated have to receiving an internship before attending one company. That shows that society need people who has experience in one field not just having academic knowledge.

Generally speaking, we cannot sure that students would accept a better education if they being at school in a long period of time. There is no doubt that it has a lot of potential problems. From all the discussion above we may safely draw the conclusion that knowledge does not depend on time.结尾可以再点一下题

用词跟句型都比较平实,这点我跟楼主一样列~ 最近在看【Saavedro】里面的一些资料,也推荐看看
作者: NO.xiaoyuyu    时间: 2010-7-12 17:06:15

3# 伶女

作者: NO.xiaoyuyu    时间: 2010-7-13 20:33:51

It’s better to watch serious movies that help people think than to watch movies that could amuse and entertain people.

The complicated issue which type of films can lead to people think is not as easy answer as it seems. In modern society, people do live in a complex and colorful society which could need people to enhance them in distinct situation. As far as I know, I have to lend more support to the view that both ways including serious movies and comedy movies all can assist to people to think and improve deeply.

There are numerous reasons why I hold confidence on it. The main statement with this point is that we can choose different ways to help us think about what we did were wrong and then get improvement actively according to the concrete condition. Let me discuss about me as follows. Like at the end of the every semester, I usually advocated myself into preparing taking a lot of tough exams, which made me full into the intense and fatigue state, and at that time, I was keen to watch some films which can amuse me. Through this way, I am able to release some the pressure and have a vigorous to go on to do the work. On the contrast, when I was occupied with nothing, like a holiday, I prefer to see a serious movie which can leading me into a tough and anxiety situation. For instance, a patriotic film can let me think about the meaning of lives, is just that sacrifice for my country? Definitely no, the key significance of lives is what you could do something constructive for the whole society and ordinary people.

In addition, another explanation rests on the fact that the habit of thinking depends on individual. Some person are uses to look back to think about something they did wrong or right, which could get some experience and learn a lesson from them. It is not consider to what films they saw. Perhaps, some people love to immerse themselves in some experience which could not get in their lives, and it can enrich their sensibleness. Can you just say which way is better to help people to think?

Generally speaking, there is bound to be many ways to help people think not only the movies. So we can choose what method fit for ourselves totally.
作者: NO.xiaoyuyu    时间: 2010-7-13 20:41:32

O , IBT!!!
作者: lxg198607    时间: 2010-7-14 10:36:04

The complicated issue which type of films can lead to people(反了 people to) think is not as easy answer as it seems. (楼主题目的理解跟我不一样啊, 我认为题目的意思是,看能帮助人们思考的电影好,还是看能娱乐观众的电影好。而楼主讨论的是哪种电影能帮助人思考。。可能每个人理解不同,个人意见。)In modern society, people do live in a complex and colorful society which could need people to enhance them in distinct situation(这个不懂。). As far as I know, I have to lend more support to the view that both ways including serious movies and comedy movies all can assist to people to think and improve deeply.

There are numerous reasons why I hold confidence on it. The main statement with this point is that we can choose different ways to help us think about what we did were wrong and then get improvement actively according to the concrete condition. Let me discuss about me as follows. Like at the end of the every semester, I usually advocated myself into preparing taking a lot of(preparing for就行了吧。) tough exams, which made me full into the intense and fatigue ( 这个不是形容词吧。)state, and at that time, I was keen to watch some films which can amuse me. Through this way, I am able to release some the pressure and have a vigorous(vigor) to go on to do the work. On the contrast, when I was occupied with nothing, like a holiday, I prefer to see a serious movie which can leading me into a tough and anxiety situation. For instance, a patriotic film can let me think about the meaning of lives, is just that sacrifice for my country? Definitely no, the key significance of lives is what you could do something constructive for the whole society and ordinary people.

In addition, another explanation rests on the fact that the habit of thinking depends on individual. Some person are uses(used) to look back to think about something they did wrong or right, which could get some experience and learn a lesson from them. It is not consider to what films they saw. Perhaps, some people love to immerse themselves in some experience which could not get in their lives, and it can enrich their sensibleness. Can you just say which way is better to help people to think?

Generally speaking, there is bound to be many ways to help people think not only the movies. So we can choose what method fit for ourselves totally.
作者: peggy890    时间: 2010-7-14 21:07:52

It’s better to watch serious movies that help people think than to watch movies that could amuse and entertain people.
The complicated issue which type of films can lead to people think is not as easy answer as it seems. (这个好像偏题了吧,问的是哪个更好而不是哪个更好地帮助思考,个人理解哈)In modern society, people do live in a complex and colorful society which could need people to enhance them in distinct situation. As far as I know, I have to lend more support(这个表达法感觉很chiglish,gain support简单保险些) to the view that both ways including serious movies and comedy movies all can assist to people to think and improve deeply.

There are numerous reasons why I hold confidence(表示赞成没必要用confidence吧) on it. The main statement with this point is that we can choose different ways to help us think about what we did were wrong and then get improvement actively according to the concrete condition. Let me discuss about me as follows. Like at the end of the every semester, I usually advocated myself into preparing taking a lot of tough exams, which made me full into the intense and fatigue state, and at that time, I was keen to watch some films which can amuse me. Through this way, I am able to release some the pressure and have a vigorous to go on to do the work. On the contrast, when I was occupied with nothing, like a holiday, I prefer to see a serious movie which can leading me into a tough and anxiety situation. For instance, a patriotic film can let me think about the meaning of lives, is just that sacrifice for my country? Definitely no, the key significance of lives is what you could do something constructive for the whole society and ordinary people.
In addition, another explanation rests(这个rests?没看懂) on the fact that the habit of thinking depends on individual. Some person are uses(used,去掉are) to look back to think about something they did wrong or right, which could get some experience and learn a lesson from them. It is not consider to what films they saw. Perhaps, some people love to immerse themselves in some experience which could not get in their lives, and it can enrich their sensibleness. Can you just say which way is better to help people to think?&
Generally speaking, there is bound to be many ways to help people think not only the movies. So we can choose what method fit for ourselves totally.
作者: NO.xiaoyuyu    时间: 2010-7-15 10:52:58

好吧 我确实上一篇 写跑偏了!
作者: NO.xiaoyuyu    时间: 2010-7-16 11:53:33

7.15people should live in the city or country all life instead of moving to another place.

I assume that almost everyone prefer staying in one place than moving to another place. However, in fact, there are increasing numbers of people, college students or staff on duty, are planned at least one remove in one's whole life. Although we can not determine the character of this kind of things are correct or wrong, it depends on specific situation or person concerned.

As far as I am concerned, there seems to accuse numerous negative factors when people living in the city or country forever, like a passive attitude in life or working low efficiency and such and such. Recently, one institute shows that if a man, especially adults, easily causes tired of emotional when staying in a same situation. Let me recall a famous movie that is played by two famous Hollywood actors-- Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Winslet. The story states that Leonardo,
a ordinary married man who works in a small company, is whole weary of life so that losing the original dreaming. When he is doing one poor task again and again, he fells sick of the job even his family and his lovely wife. Therefore the negative attitudes are able to lead to pressure on health even to others who loves
us all the time.

Even though we all have the love of the old plot, it may have more surprise opportunities and experiences when we move another place. As for me, when I graduated from high school, I needed to go to Beijing to go to the university. It is a big tough experience for a girl who never left from home. But for the three years, the meaningful of lessons for me is never exchange for everything. Now I am qualified to join into the colorful society to be a grow-man. And if let me choose it again, I will definitely pick up the chance without hesitate.

From all the discussion we may safely draw the conclusion that it is better to move another place rather than to stay in one place in whole life.
作者: NO.xiaoyuyu    时间: 2010-7-17 20:28:29

All students should be required to take basic science classes even if they are not this major.

More and more schools include primary schools, junior schools, senior schools even universities are setting up a growing number of basic science curriculums, such as Natural Science, physical, chemistry, according to a recent survey. It reveals that students who have a range of comprehensive knowledge are required by families, schools and society. I have to gain support to the view that basic science classes should be required by variable schools without consideration.

The main statement with that point is that it is helpful to children's developing of mental and intelligence and to explore the objective world. In terms of basic science, students through physic academic knowledge, like the freezing point and boiling point of water, are familiar with the natural whether phenomenon. On the other hand, the improving knowledge could help ease the possibilities of risk occurring, for example, kids know how to protect themselves when they are preparing some food. Also after reading a chemistry book, kids could not touch acidic liquid if they find some at home at once. So basic science courses assist to them and parents a lot in a certain sense.

In addition, another explanation on the fact that basic science courses get close connection with your major too. In my personal experience, when I learning the Graphic Design, the Phthagorean Theorem and the Golden Ratio which are taught in a math course are concerned in one work when I did a draft. Although maybe we are not able to see the meaning of these tiny trivial academic knowledge as soon as possible, we can feel the powerful effect when we need to use them.

There is bound to be the third subtle reason, namely, it further shows that a synthetic man in the need of modern society. Graduates especially in the first-tier cities of China, such as Beijing and Shanghai, said the companies consider a person's comprehensive abilities more and more. When you are in the society, it is more complex than you thinking. Only the strongest people can success.

Generally speaking, taking basic science classes at school is a big treasure for your future. So hold this opportunity which was proved from your study career intensely than just studying the major only.
作者: NO.xiaoyuyu    时间: 2010-7-19 22:40:36

Businessmen are only motivated by desire of money.

Businessmen are always regarded as the most mean, causticity, as well as cold-blood, when we refer as them from our experience or some movies. Family, friendship and even conscience are not in the mind but the only desirable thing is money which can satisfied the exploding vanity from the bottom of one's heart. Although it sounds absolutely terrified, some of the generous, kind and honesty businessmen are actually exist too.

There are numerous reasons why the businessmen are seeking to the business totally. As a matter of fact, it is always started by the motive of pursuing the dream or the aim. Take Bill Gates for instance, the strong interest of computer procedure was appeared for little Bate. When he was about 11 years old, he has already read a very thick book about procedure which was bigger than little boy's size, according to the autobiography of Ball. After that, he swore that he will be devoted to the computer career in the future. There is no doubt about that the dream came true when Bill thought he had already been prepared. In 1981, IBM announced its first Personal Computer, at that time, IBM's products requires a system and the manager of IBM made a deal with Bill that Microsoft was going supply the system and IBM was going to install this system on every single "PC", which boomed the whole computer industry. In the whole process we can not see the desire of money at all.

In addition, business can go further if the businessmen are keen on making efforts on society. Nowadays, as the Global Warming getting worse which cause many people being killed and injured by the floods, landslides, it needs someone who has the love and ability help that people. There is a growing number of businessmen standing into this line. They set up some foundations even to go to the disaster areas to helping and encouraging those people. Moreover, it is sometimes taking an anonymous way to doing this all we know is the identities.

Generally speaking, we can not directly say that businessmen are only interested in making money, there are still some other ways to reflect their values, like pursuing the dream or doing some meaningful matters.
作者: bensonseu    时间: 2010-7-21 19:51:38


也麻烦你帮我改一下,我们被分到了同一组。。。。https://bbs.gter.net/thread-1063389-5-1.html   45楼
作者: NO.xiaoyuyu    时间: 2010-7-23 17:32:53

7.23.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students who keep their rooms neat and organized will be more likely to succeed than students who do

The behavior of students who likes cleaning or organizing his/her rooms reflects one's personality on one hand. However, it does not matter whether your succeed if you have an increasing number of good characters.

A person who keeps his or her rooms neat and organized is described as a man with strong ability of self-control. As the saying goes "a man's own character shape his fortune". It is true that the good qualities, the ability of self-control, ambitions, as well as the sense of responsibility, can easily lead to succeed, according to many experiences. Everyone knows that success is on the base of endeavor, but few of them can put belief into action. I will take one of my best friend --Lucy, my roommate, the best student in my class, as an example. It is definitely remembered that Lucy is the best example of strong self-control. Every morning she gets up earlier than others to review the lessons, while some of us spend the whole morning sleeping and just admire her achievement. Moreover, Lucy takes part in different kinds of associations actively, basketball, speech, photograph. Although we can not define that she will be succeed in the future, we are sure that she has more opportunities to obtain success. And success is always derived from preparation.

In addition, success has not direct connection with advanced character feature, there is bound to be some other reasons, like luck. Pure endeavor would never bring success, neither would luck; however, when one person pays efforts and meets fortunes, success itself would usually come and knock the door. Many people who make great efforts or has already succeed can not get a victory in the end because of losing only one opportunities which are always described by the public opinions even some movies.

Generally speaking, we can not certainly say that a success man is a person who has good qualities such as organizing the room neatly.
作者: NO.xiaoyuyu    时间: 2010-7-31 20:54:07

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Newspapers and magazines are the best ways to learn about a foreign

With the development of society, people of nowadays have more and better means of learning about a foreign country totally, such as newspapers, magazines, television, as well as Internet. However, we can not definitely say that magazines and newspapers are the best two ways among these wonderful choices.

There are numerous reasons why I hold no confidence on them. The main statement is that the different types of media are suitable for distinct ages. In a normal condition, for getting a general idea about a foreign, children always through fairy-tale world and cartoons, young men (especially college students) usually use the Internet even go abroad directly, office workers can read magazines and novels, the aged people watch television and read newspapers, according to a researcher at the Shanghai Academy of Social Science recently. So why can we conclude carelessly that magazines and newspapers are the most appropriate for all ages.

In addition, another point on the view is that Internet is the most convenient, fast and open way comparing to the other media forms. There seems to be more than 4 billion people using the Internet to know news all over the world. And Internet provides a free space to show the colorful world through different ways. For example, we can see a foreigner movie to understand the ways of normal person's lives; we can read some passages on the net to be familiar with the culture of distinct countries; moreover, we are able to make friends for one country which we are interested in, even can ask questions to them. You can see that Internet is a more lively method. In comparison with Internet, newspaper seems a little official and magazines like one side because of one passage shows one writer's statement.

There is bound to be other subtle reasons to say which way are the best to learn about one country actually. We'd better prefer a way on the basis of different conditions. If we are waiting for a bus, we can choose to read a magazine or surf the Internet on the mobile. If when we at home after job, we can watch television sitting in the sofa and so on.

Generally speaking, newspapers and magazines may be the best choices for us to get to know about a foreign according to some situation. But we still have many other nice ways, like Internet, books and television.
作者: nunulong    时间: 2010-8-1 14:05:32

作者: NO.xiaoyuyu    时间: 2010-8-1 16:35:54

16# nunulong

太快了~~好的 谢谢啊 我马上看哈
作者: fd笑笑    时间: 2010-8-2 22:49:01

作者: NO.xiaoyuyu    时间: 2010-8-7 23:03:43


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should not take part-time jobs while they are studying in universities.

When hearing this topic, whether a student who is in college should take a part-time job or an internship or not, I definitely hold whole confidence on this view. With the development of modern society, a student who is qualified to obtain a better job needs a great number of experiences not only from the profession in school but from the society after graduating.

There are numerous explanations why I support this point. The main statement is that doing an internship helps a student to find his/her true interests. As soon as they attend one job outside the school, they can be acquainted with one major deeply, which is a complex situation comparing with the universities. Taking my own experience for example, as far as my major-graphic design, a lot of kinds of jobs can be considered, liking being an advertiser, an illustrator, as well as an art designer. After taking an internship of being an art designer in the summer vacation, I deeply think that this is not appropriate for me.
Everyday just laying out some pictures in the pages of books, that is totally not my original dream which design an increasing number of prominent advertisement for some environmental friendly or unprofitable organizations. So I'd prefer to use more time in learning the advertising.

In addition, it benefits for the future if students have the working experience before getting a job actually. The companies are preparing to hire some graduated students who have rich working experience, according to a research in Beijing Academy of Social Science. Because those students are able to attending to the job immediately, without taking some trains. And these kind of employees can satisfied with the customers easily.

Furthermore, apart from taking a part-time job, the aim of the study is used for the outside school actively. So taking an internship as soon as possible is the best and efficient way to getting a better job in the future or pursuing for the dream totally.
作者: dy008    时间: 2010-8-9 10:17:29

作者: NO.xiaoyuyu    时间: 2010-8-9 11:24:22

20# dy008

谢啦 我下次一定注意 写几段坚挺的 不会萎了
作者: rainytung    时间: 2010-8-10 10:48:32


When hearing this topic, whether a student who is in collegecollege students可能简练一些 should take a part-time job or an internship从流畅性的角度考虑,建议删掉,否则太多or or not, I definitely hold whole confidence on thisthis所指代的内容需要在文章中明确
view. With the development of modern society, a student who is qualified to obtain a better job needs a great number of experiences not only from the profession in
professional education from school but from the society after graduating.
  T, V! J/ r+ [2 D; ?
8 e; A) R9 ]/ q: U3 U8 d

There are numerous explanations why I support this point. The main statement is that doing an internship helps a student to find his/her true interests. As soon as they attend one job outside the school, they can be acquainted with one(their)major deeply,
which is(because they have to face) a complex situation comparing with(in) the universities. Taking my own experience for example, as far as my major-graphic design, a lot of kinds of jobs can be considered, liking being an advertiser, an illustrator, as well as an art designer(in the beginning I have no idea about how to decide my future career, because my major graphic design offers my so many possibilities such as…). After taking an internship of being an art designer in the summer vacation, I deeply think(realize) that this(what) is not appropriate for me.
+ v! M# u5 M) ?! b2 q$ E

(That)Everyday just laying out some pictures in the pages of books, that(删掉) is totally not my original dream whichto design an increasing number of prominent advertisement for some environmental friendly or unprofitable organizations. So I'd prefer to use more time in learning the advertising.! N; f8 Y6 k7 Y. |$ w0 A! X0 c) k

) U+ x, ]0 e5 |) M" M1 j9 U. l/ o  UIn addition, it benefits for the future if students have the working experience before getting a job actually. The companies are preparing(prefer) to hire some graduated students who have rich working experience, according to a research in Beijing Academy of Social Science(According
短语最好放在句首). Because those students are able to attendingadapt to the job immediately, without taking some trains. And these kind of employees can(be)satisfied the customers easily. 6 f9 n:

7 j, [# ~' N% i7 y6 R1 UFurthermore, apart from taking a part-time job, the aim of the study is used for the outside school actively. So taking an internship as soon as possible is the best and efficient way to getting a better job in the future or pursuing for the dream totally.
作者: NO.xiaoyuyu    时间: 2010-8-14 21:05:29

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should allow children to make their own choices rather than determine their children’s future for them.

With the developing of modern society, the more complicated and multi-cultural situation is, the more enterprising and judgmental children would be in the future. So the exercises which help kids to build up the ability of solving and deciding problems or opportunities are definitely written in the schedule of grow-up. And the children should to learn how to deal with the issues, making own choices for their future, instead of decision by the parents. I will present some special viewpoints as follows.

There are numerous reasons for why the significant of learning to deciding the future by themselves is. The main point with this point is that the education for growing up involves numerous aspects, like how to improve the grade, how to handle the relationship with friends, as well as how to learn to choose the best in different conditions. Lives belong to kids, they need to know how to go ahead in their own ways. When they become adults, they will meet distinct kinds of puzzles, from the jobs (especially the relationship between boss and employees) and their own family when they get married. At that time, parents would not help anything apart from parents could not get the deep comprehension about these problems.

In addition, another explanation on the fact is that allowing children to choose their own ways impact on developing the spacious and positive characters. Characters shape one's future. For the children themselves, after making their own choices, they will have the instinct aggressive attitude to purchase the aims or results no matter what. Even though going the wrong way and failing, they are able to obtain the useful experience which could benefit for the further lives rather than learning from the parents and books. On the other hand, because of this aggressive character could assist to build the prestige and possess the status of making decision among their friends.

There is bound to be the third subtle reason, namely, making decision by children themselves should depend on their ages. For the young kids, there is a need for parents to give some advices on the basis of children's interests. Nowadays, especially in cites in China, more than half of the kids can be probably taken the interest-oriented classes which are chosen by their parents. How these kids attend the classes and have the improvement when they fell boring about the lessons. You can imagine it. The correct way is to help children make their own choices by some significant suggests.

From all the discussion above we may safely draw the conclusion that it is the most important thing which let children making their own decisions following some valuable recommends.
作者: Colin_h    时间: 2010-8-15 14:24:01

作者: NO.xiaoyuyu    时间: 2010-8-17 21:01:30

8.17 Which one do you think has more effects for human beings, television or telephone?

With the rapid development of human history, our lives are getting close relationship with the high-technology positively. Many types of household appliances enrich the condition of livelihood, like television, as well as telephone. So I definitely believe that both of them lead the significant role for human beings.

First of all--television plays one of important parts of the input of information. The success of inventing television brings us the wonderful opportunity to obtain news with vivid method comparing just by reading some dull words through newspapers or magazines. And because of the interesting pictures combined with the powerful pictures let people when watching television catch a deep impression with the news or some useful knowledge. As the result the information can be spread by an efficient way to audience. For example, after we saw a program about how Obama grow-up from a independent child to the president of America who are admire by most people from all over the world. When we try to recall something, we can remember some of the main information through some of scrap of the lively pictures and familiar talk. In addition, television has been already one important recreation pattern nowadays. There are almost more than half of people choose watching television when they fell tired after work. Can you imagine how those people can do to consume time without TV??

On the other hand, no doubt,
people who need not only did input information but also output signals, and telephone can
show its amazing function. Telephone is able to enhance the relationship with family members and friends entirely. If we missing somebody totally but we live a far distance between them, and we need not walk a long way to meet them, all we can do is to make a phone call, then we can hear their voice immediately. Even through the tone we can imagine their motions whose we care about mostly. Moreover, when we met puzzles in emergency even we are alone, we can call 911 instantly to accept assistance. Hence you can see that telephone make the most active effort in keeping touch with outside.

From all the discussing above we can easily get the conclusion that television and telephone are both major sections in our lives, and families even whole society cannot develop without them.
作者: javen    时间: 2010-8-18 16:22:42

作者: umichristina    时间: 2010-8-19 10:34:42

8.17 Which one do you think has more effects for human beings, television or telephone?

With the rapid development of human history, our lives are getting close relationship with the high-technology positively. Many types of household appliances enrich the condition of livelihood, like television, as well as telephone. So I definitely believe that both of them lead the significant role for human beings.

H' j* t/ k
First of all--television plays one of important parts of the input of information. The success of inventing television brings us the (a)wonderful opportunity to obtain news with vivid method comparing just by reading some dull words through newspapers or magazines. And because of (去掉of)the interesting pictures combined with the powerful pictures let people when watching televisionthe audience)catch a deep impression with the news or some useful knowledge. As the result the information can be spread(spread) by an efficient way to audience(去掉是不是比较好). For example, after we saw a program about how Obama grow up from a(an) independent child to the president of America who are admired by most people from all over the world. When we try to recall something, we can remember some of the main information through some of scrap of the lively pictures and familiar talk. In addition, television has been already one important recreation pattern nowadays. There are almost more than half of people choose watching television when they fell tired after work. Can you imagine how those people can do to consume time without TV??

On the other hand, no doubt,   Q/ g6 H% _/ |- O! [.people who need not only did input information but also output signals, and telephone can show its amazing function. Telephone is able to enhance the relationship with family members and friends entirely. If we missing somebody totally but we live a far distance between them, and we need not walk a long way to meet them, all we can do is to make a phone call, then we can hear their voice immediately. Even through the tone we can imagine their motions whose we care about mostly. Moreover, when we met puzzles in emergency even we are alone, we can call 911 instantly to accept assistance. Hence you can see that telephone makes the most active effort in keeping touch with outside.
~3 AFrom all the discussing above we can easily get the conclusion that television and telephone are both major sections in our lives, and families even whole society cannot develop without them.

作者: NO.xiaoyuyu    时间: 2010-11-23 18:43:11

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