题目:ISSUE103 - "The study of history has value only to the extentthat it is relevant to our daily lives."
日期:2010/7/12 23:43:24
When are reading newspapers, we arestudying history; when we are watching TV, we are studying history. It is truepeople study history all the time. Many person, including the author, assertthat the study is valuable only when it is relevant to our daily lives.Personally, I think they fail to understand essence of studying history. In mypoint of view, admittedly, the study of history can benefit people a lot whenit is relevant to our daily lives, but I advocate that it is valuable in manyareas, besides our daily lives.
As is well known, for most people, thestudy of history is more or less helpful to them. It is can help to accomplishlife goals, overcome difficulties and so on. A child who like to read thebiographies of famous and successful people will have a strong encourage whenfacing difficulties. Also, for scientist, they can learn a lot from theformers' achievement which may be helpful in their research. Just like Newtonsaid:" I'm successful because I am standing on giants' shoulder", thestudying of former helps a lot in scientific research. Additionally, for normalindividuals, the studying make them get away from the mistakes which they madebefore. From what has been discussed above, I'm convinced that no one can denythe importance of studying history in people's daily life.
However, those study of history which is notrelevant our daily lives is also helpful and important in many areas ofsociety. The history of the World War One and World War Two turns out that warsis totally harmful, not only for individuals, but also for society. So peopleand governments are devoting into build a peaceful world. Also, by learning thehistory of the several economic storms which harm the world's economy deeply,governments find that we can avoid the storms by cooperating with othercountries. So that the economic storm in 2009 didn't injure the economy deeply.According to the greenhouse effect of the earth, it is discovered just bylearning history. Scientist find that the temperature of the earth is gettinghigher and higher by studying the temperature in every age, so that the greenhousetemperature is realized. Thanks to the studying of history, otherwise peoplemay not realize the problem of greenhouse effect until now and may pull outmore and more greenhouse gas without taking into account. Additionally, laws inevery country
is becoming more perfectbecause lawyers conclude many new clauses by learning the historic cases. Inshort, studying of history is helpful in many areas and it is the necessaryimpetus for social developing.
In fact, the studying of history is justlearning and concluding the successful experience and the mistakes which peoplemake in the past. It is just like the mistake notebooks. We write mistakeswhich we made before in order to not repeat these mistakes in the future.Similarly, the studying of history is just reminding people the mistakes whichwe made before and telling us that we should not do like that again. Inaddition, it also conclude the successful experience which can help the individualsto achieve their goals and help the society to develop in a best way. In sum,studying of history is helpful not only for our daily lives, but also for thesociety, the government and so on.
Consequently, although study of historywhich is relevant to our society is important, yet we can't ignore other effectof learning history. As a matter of fact, studying history has values farbeyond it severs to our daily lives.作者: 江雪 时间: 2010-7-13 10:20:18
overall, u did a good job, no big mistakes in grammar.
but as for the last paragraph, "Consequently, although study of historywhich is relevant to our society is important, yet we can't ignore other effectof learning history." what are other factors?? it is better to talk about it with several words, or just ignore it for the importance of learning history is the main concern of your article.
btw, i like the examples "greenhouse effect' and 'what we learned from the war', well done.
meanwhile more advanced words could be much better.
anyway, u did a very job no matter the examples given here or the structure. keep on.