
标题: 7.17作业 [打印本页]

作者: wangruitong24    时间: 2010-7-17 22:30:15     标题: 7.17作业

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作者: ilovelss    时间: 2010-7-19 09:35:56

1# wangruitong24
作者: wangruitong24    时间: 2010-7-20 23:00:24

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作者: againpro    时间: 2010-7-21 18:40:05


就个人观点而言,只是觉得 Therefore, making money is a strong motivation for businessmen. Certainly, there are some of the businesspersons who become so crazy about earning profits. 这两个相似句式挨得太近,是不是可以改其中一个。比如前面的 Making money hence is a strong ... 或者其他什么.
作者: wangruitong24    时间: 2010-7-21 23:47:31

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作者: wangruitong24    时间: 2010-7-27 15:55:08

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作者: 高小鱼    时间: 2010-7-28 13:37:15


作者: littlekuo    时间: 2010-7-28 19:32:44

不好意思,由于我是新人,现在还没有上传附件得权限,我就先暂且简单说一下。其实我觉得你的文章逻辑不错,想的论点很好,我有时候甚至对想不出来合适得论点发愁,即使想出来合适得论点,有没有好的例子支持,最后只能编出来一个什么my friend啊,my uncle的什么事,后来我读了你作文发现,其实这些例子就在我们日常生活中,由其是你说的这个McDonald的例子,我觉得真的很不错。再说论点,文章的第三段那个fast和convenient的说的也很好,很有说服力。
作者: wangruitong24    时间: 2010-7-29 11:49:29

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作者: wangruitong24    时间: 2010-7-30 11:12:34

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作者: wendychueng    时间: 2010-7-30 17:02:18

9# wangruitong24
作者: cocojames    时间: 2010-7-31 12:47:12

9# wangruitong24

The high fluidity of today's job market lies in the high frequency of job transition. Young people nowadays would like to try several different jobs before staying in a long term career. Some criticize this behavious for they believe too many change of jobs would reduce working efficiency. While I believe experience of various field could assist young people to find their dreaming career as well promote their skills. Therefore, it is a good idea for young people try a bunch of other jobs before taking a long term career.+

N0 z2 @* }* z, n6 ^1 c# @
6 P! @1 G1 n# U7 L5 f+ V
Admittedly,one could gain higher achievement if s/he stays in one business for longer time. Practice makes perfect. As long as one could gain more experience in one field, s/he would be able to promote the productivity in that area by concluding errors and faults before. Take my friend, Tony who is a software engineer, for example. At the very beginning of his job, Tony always makes mistakes for the unfamilarity of the software grammar. With time going by and more experienc being gained, Tony is able to handle his work at high efficiency. Staying in one career and long term working in one field could promote the working s

However, young people could find out what they really are interested in and what fits them better by trying different jobs. In this way, they could avoid the unfortunate situation of sticking to the field they have no interest. Immature as young people are, they may probably falls into the fields that are not attractive to them on earth. Without switching job, they have to stick in(stick in有道上的解释是“在家”,我不大清楚你具体是想说粘在这份工作,还是坚持这份工作) them in the whole life time and consequently it would lead to unhappiness. The great business history expert Alfred Chandler starts his career his a(as a) engineer. Once finding out engineering fit him best, he switches focus to history. With all the passion and energy, Chandler gain great acievement in history expert. Imagine what a loss to the world, if Chandler sticks in engineering for the whole life.

N# s- V8 _% V: Y) n( O) ~
What is more, experience in other fields could somehow contribute to the success in the final job young people would stay long. Most of the subject relates to each other in some degrees(好像没有s), the knowledge got from one field might be applied in the other. The dean of economic department in our college, Daniel, once majors in physics. The solid mathematics education background makes him outstanding among other economists and enables him make the use of statistical data fluently. Knowledge from former career contributes to the success in current field., l+ s( B- V, i9 z

Although keep staying in one field could makes one more familar and experienced in that area. However, one could not guarentee that s/he picks up the right job at beginning. In addition, experience in other area would promote the productivity in long-term job.

作者: callie28    时间: 2010-8-1 20:21:15

The globalization makes the world becomes (become)smaller and smaller, people from every corner of the earth has(have) already learned to respect the other cultures and been trying to learn more about a foreign country. And the problem on how to study a foreign country comes with it. Though some argue that newspapers and magazines provide sufficient information on it, I believe that they are not the best methods of foreign culture studying, because they could barely provide information in every perspective.
Admittedly, people could come to learn a foreign country through newspapers and magazines. Take the magazine National Geography for example. Reading National Geography, one is able to capture the basic information of certain country, from the climate to culture of that area. (这一段论证不是很充分,可以继续论证一下)
However, newspapers and magazines could not provide the information of an area in all perspectives. Newspapers and magazines are the works of editors; they would only represent stuffs that editor(editors) want the public to know. By mass media, one could only learn the facts that the editor endows him/her to reach. (水平有限,不太明白这句的意思) For example, about thirty years ago in China, the media restriction is even more strict than Today. If one gets the information on the rest of world through them, one could barely get anything that reflects the true lives of foreigners. Even in places where there is no such media restriction, the readers could receive the same news in various edition based on the taste of editors. As mass media could hardly provide candid information, newspapers and magazines are not the best ways to learn a foreign country..
If one wants to fully capture a foreign country and its culture, the best way is to settle in that place for a while and communicate with local residences there. Take my friend Tony, who lives in America for a couple of year(years), for example. Before coming to the U.S, what Americans in his mind is mostly sandwich, football, and TV series Friends. Settling there and communicating with local residences for years, now he learns Americans much more, from their attitude towards life to daily routine of them. He tells me that the best way to understand a foreign country is to live there, because only by this can one truly get into the inside of one culture. Otherwise, what one knows is only the appearance.

作者: serena-blue    时间: 2010-8-3 08:34:25

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Newspapers and magazines are the best ways to learn about a foreign

The globalization makes the world becomes smaller and smaller, people from every corner of the earth has(have) already learned to respect the other cultures and been trying to learn more about a foreign country. And the problem on how to study a foreign country comes with it. Though some argue that newspapers and magazines provide sufficient information on it, I believe that they are not the best methods of foreign culture studying(study), because they could barely provide information in every perspective.

) b5 L* G
Admittedly, people could come to learn a foreign country through newspapers and magazines. Take the magazine National Geography for example. Reading National Geography, one is able to capture the basic information of (a)certain country, from the climate to culture of that area.

However, newspapers and magazines could not provide the information of an area in all perspectives. Newspapers and magazines are the works of editors; they would only represent stuffs that editor(s) want the public to know. By mass media, one could only learn the facts that the editor endows him/her to reach. For example, about thirty years ago in China, the media restriction is even more strict than Today. If one gets the information on the rest of world through them, one could barely get anything that reflects the true lives of foreigners. Even in places where there is no such media restriction, the readers could receive the same news in various edition based on the taste of editors. As mass media could hardly provide candid information, newspapers and magazines are not the best ways to learn a foreign country.

If one wants to fully capture a foreign country and its culture, the best way is to settle in that place for a while and communicate with local residences there. Take my friend Tony, who lives in America for a couple of year(years(, for example. Before coming to the U.S, what Americans in his mind is mostly sandwich, football, and TV series Friends. Settling there and communicating with local residences for years, now he learns Americans much more, from their attitude towards life to daily routine of them. He tells me that the best way to understand a foreign country is to live there, because only by this can one truly get into the inside of one culture. Otherwise, what one knows is only the appearance.8 M) w  l; k5 u1 t0 k! ~2 w
% u% u* y6 d! L( x9 D* m' e( V0 ~
Newspapers and magazines enable one to learn other culture without stepping outside. Through them, however, people only learn the appearance of certain area. To understand the core of one culture, the best way is to live there and communicate with local people.
作者: wangruitong24    时间: 2010-8-3 10:38:39

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作者: wangruitong24    时间: 2010-8-4 10:40:51

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作者: yylbj    时间: 2010-8-4 11:47:03

Recently, there is a job interview called "the most awesome job in the world" in Australia. The winner of competition would achieve the position as the Tour Ambassador of Australia. This is a dreaming job because the main responsibility of this job only requires traveling around Australia and write it on blog everyday. Mostly, in the real world, job like this with high salary and a great number of vacation time seldom exits. One has to make a choice between salary and vacation. Which one is better? I believe it depends on personal situation. 开头很好,很喜欢,学习

Admittedly, people have more spare time to focus on what they really like if they owns plenty of spare time. For example, my tutor, Professor Green who works at the university, once has an opportunity to serve for the giant corporation with considerable sum of pay. He refuses it, for he argues that high salary does not guarantee happiness. Working at the giant corporation, one has few time to vacation time to travel 重复了吧?, which Professor Green is interested in. Though he earns only one thirds as much as a lecturer, professor Green is satisfied with what he owns currently, because he could travel a lot in the summer vacation. Vacation time counts in one's feeling of happiness.

However, without a decent salary, one could hardly fully enjoy his/her vacation time to the fullest. In this modern society, money is needed in most activities, from traveling to attending sports games. No matter how much vacation time one has, s/he我记得老师说过作文里要写he or she,不能用简略写法 seldom could take part in what is attractive without a decent pay. For instance, those who lose their jobs during the Recession owns a bunch of free time. However, worried about their future, it is not easy for them to enjoy this period of time. High salary is important in this society.

Therefore, it depends on the personal situation to judge which job is better, a high salary with less vacation or the opposite. Either extreme low salary or few vacations are not appropriate. Mostly, the increase in the sum of salary are based on the reduce in free time. To those who view material goods more, a little bit high salary with slight decrease in vacation time is fine; to those who weights vacation time higher than salary, they could sacrifice money for the more free time.
作者: yylbj    时间: 2010-8-4 11:53:49

Recently, there is a job interview called "the most awesome job in the world" in Australia. The winner of competition would achieve the position as the Tour Ambassador of Australia. This is a dreaming job because the main responsibility of this job only requires traveling around Australia and write it on blog everyday. Mostly, in the real world, job like this with high salary and a great number of vacation time seldom exits. One has to make a choice between salary and vacation. Which one is better? I believe it depends on personal situation.

Admittedly, people have more spare time to focus on what they really like if they owns plenty of spare time. For example, my tutor, Professor Green who works at the university, once has an opportunity to serve for the giant corporation with considerable sum of pay. He refuses it, for he argues that high salary does not guarantee happiness. Working at the giant corporation, one has few time to vacation time to travel
重复了吧?, which Professor Green is interested in. Though he earns only one thirds as much as a lecturer, professor Green is satisfied with what he owns currently, because he could travel a lot in the summer vacation. Vacation time counts in one's feeling of happiness.

However, without a decent salary, one could hardly fully enjoy his/her vacation time to the fullest. In this modern society, money is needed in most activities, from traveling to attending sports games. No matter how much vacation time one has, s/he我记得老师说过作文里要写he or she,不能用简略写法
seldom could take part in what is attractive without a decent pay. For instance, those who lose their jobs during the Recession owns a bunch of free time. However, worried about their future, it is not easy for them to enjoy this period of time. High salary is important in this society.

Therefore, it depends on the personal situation to judge which job is better, a high salary with less vacation or the opposite. Either extreme low salary or few vacations are not appropriate. Mostly, the increase in the sum of salary are based on the reduce in free time. To those who view material goods more, a little bit high salary with slight decrease in vacation time is fine; to those who weights vacation time higher than salary, they could sacrifice money for the more free time.
作者: wendychueng    时间: 2010-8-4 15:31:26

8.3 作业 修改by wendy
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time.

Recently, there is a job interview called "the most awesome job in the world" in Australia.这个引入不错,但是和主题没有很直接联系,建议精简。 The winner of competition would achieve the position as the Tour Ambassador of Australia. This is a dreaming job because the main responsibility of this job only requires traveling around Australia and write 这里指代不明,可以说experiences on blog everyday. Mostly, in the real world, job like this with high salary and a great number of vacation times seldom exits. One has to make a choice between salary and vacation. Which one is better?(并不是在薪水和假期之间做选择啊) I believe it depends on personal situation.

Admittedly, people have more spare time to focus on what they really like if they own plenty of spare time. For example, my tutor, Professor Green who works at the university, once has an opportunity to serve for the giant corporation(大公司不用giant large就行) with considerable sum of pay. He refuses it, for he argues that high salary does not bring
happiness. Working at the giant corporation, one has few times to vacation time to travel, which Professor Green is interested in. Though he earns only one thirds as much as a lecturer, Professor Green is satisfied with what he owns currently, because he could travel a lot in the summer vacation. Vacation time counts
(我想这个地方是不是该用被动?) in one's feeling of happiness.

However, without a decent salary, one could hardly fully enjoy his/her vacation time (是重复). In this modern society, money is needed in most activities, from traveling to attending sports games. No matter how much vacation time one has, s/he
seldom take part in what is attractive without a decent pay. For instance, those who lose their jobs during the Recession
(一般用Depression own a bunch of free time. However, worried about their future, it is not easy for them to enjoy this period of time建议加入过渡词语,如after all High salary is important in this society.

Therefore, it depends on the personal situation to judge which job is better, a high salary with less vacation or the opposite. Either extreme low salary or few vacations are not appropriate. Mostly, the increase in the sum of salary is based on the
decrease of free time. To those who account
material goods more
valuable, a little bit high salary with slight decrease in vacation time is fine; to those who weights vacation time higher(
这个搭配有问题) than salary, they could sacrifice money for the more free time.

<390 words> 论证和例证的结合还不错。折中性的结论也很好。要注意一下句式。
作者: niunian    时间: 2010-8-5 10:56:44

作者: wangruitong24    时间: 2010-8-6 11:37:22

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作者: binghuoshenlong    时间: 2010-8-8 12:12:31

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should not take part-time jobs while they are studying in universities.

In countries, such as Japan and U.S, college student usually spends a lot of spare time in their part-time jobs. Some(最好加people criticize this phenomenon because they believe the fundamental duty of students is to study, which part-time job would affect.没看过这么写的,似乎不地道)
While I argue that part-time job brings more positive effects than negative ones on the grounds that students could learn to handlearrange is better schedule and become independent through taking part-time job.

Admittedly, taking part time job would take up the limited time of college students and therefore could affect their study. For example, my cousin, who studies in Japan, needs to spend thirty hours a week on his part-time job and mostly his shift is arranged at midnight. Consequently, he sometimes has to stay up all night for the job and then goes back to school directly. Lack of sleeping makes him fall asleep during the course and reduces efficiency of his studying.

However, college students could learn more through the experience of part-time job. Firstly, as future employee, part-time job provides students the or a opportunity to learn more about the society. Through my internship at the Citi Bank, I could realize what requires in the job market and what I should improve. In addition, one can come to know and make friends during the working experience. My cousin in the former example meets his girl friend when he serves at a restaurant. Furthermore, facing the pressure of both from job and academy, one has to reschedule his/her schedule wisely and works at a higher efficiency. The potential of youth is endless. One might probably become better at distributing time through taking part-time jobs.

In addition, the pay from job could release the economic burden of the students and enables them to be independent from their parents. The tuition fee of college has taken significant rise during the past year. It is hard for parents to pay the cost of college, especially during the economic downturn. With the considerable payroll from part-time jobs, one could cover his/her own rent and daily cost, which means a release for the parent.

Though taking part-time jobs occupies some time that could be used to study for college students, I maintain that it is a wise choice. Through part-time job, one could learn more about the society, become better prepared for future career, and reduce the economic burden for the parents.

作者: binghuoshenlong    时间: 2010-8-8 12:14:12

我们一组的 请回拍 https://bbs.gter.net/thread-1135295-1-1.html
作者: aki0607    时间: 2010-8-8 17:48:35

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should not take part-time jobs while they are studying in universities.

In countries, such as Japan and U.S, college student usually spends a lot of spare time in their part-time jobs. Some criticize this phenomenon because they believe the fundamental duty of students is study, which part-time job would affect. While I argue that part-time job brings more positive effects than negative ones on the grounds that students could learn to handle schedules(这个需要修改,没有见过这种表达) and become independent through taking part-time job.

Admittedly, taking part time job would take up the limited time of college students and therefore could affect their study. For example, my cousin, who studies in Japan, needs to spend thirty hours a week on his part-time job and mostly his shift is arranged at midnight. Consequently, he sometimes has to stay up all night for the job and then goes to school directly. Lack of sleeping makes him fall asleep during the course and reduces efficiency of his studying.

However, college students could learn more through the experience of part-time job. Firstly, as a future employee, part-time job provides students opportunity (opportunities) to learn more about the society. Through my internship at the Citi Bank, I could realize what requires (required) in the job market and what I should improve. In addition, one can come to know and make friends during the working experience. My cousin in the former example meets his girl friend when he serves at a restaurant. Furthermore, facing the pressure of both from job and academy, one has to schedule his/her schedule wisely and works at a higher efficiency. The potential of youth is endless. One might probably become better at distributing time through taking part-time jobs.

In addition, the pay from job could release the economic burden of the students and enables them independent from their parents. The tuition fee of college has taken significant rise during the past year. It is hard for parent to pay the cost of college, especially during the economic downturn. With the considerable payroll from part-time jobs, one could cover his/her own rent and daily cost, which means a release for the parents.

Though taking part-time jobs occupies some time that could be used to study for college students, I maintain that it is a wise choice. Through part-time job, one could learn more about the society, become better prepared for future career, and reduce the economic burden for the parents.

作者: wangruitong24    时间: 2010-8-9 15:51:19

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作者: joy1025    时间: 2010-8-11 12:25:28

作者: ellishu    时间: 2010-8-12 11:03:06

26# joy1025
People in different countries share various flavors of taste in TV and movie. Would local art means more interesting to to the local people? I do not think so, because the foreign TV program and movie assist to know more about foreign culture(摆明观点,很好,但建议用复杂句穿插)

- W8 \5 M) }4 S. v5 XAdmittedly, directors and editors from the same culture background are more likely to know the flavors and tastes of locals. Each country, for example, has its own type of humor. French could hardly understand the joke which makes Japanese laugh to tears. As as result, comedy might not make the same laughter in a foreign country than in hometown.(楼组背过新概念3???呵呵呵) 9 b5 e3 X% c7 q( u

1 C$ B5 X2 s3 A$ S& N4 a7 K/ FHowever, the main goal of watching TV and movie for most people is to learn something fresh, say foreign culture. One could catch on the foreign lives, tradition, and value system. A great number of Chinese come to understand the American way of life by watching this show. For example, from the episode illustrating the marriage of Monica and Chandler, one could have sketch on the American marriage, which shares huge differences with traditional Chinese way. The groom and bride need to write vow to each other, with the blessing of both priest and families. By introducing fresh new ideas , foreign movies and TV program becomes attractive to the audience./ g' W; W1 e& e# O3 Q" G7 \# k- T
+ r  z/ D( o: T. J( f
In addition, with the trend of globalization, current youth in different culture backgrounds has (have)shared more and more similarities. The culture conflict among different countries would not count so much on the success of certain TV program and movie. People from all over the world now could enjoy the spirit of U.S film and Americans has become more interested in watching movies from other countries.  L8 K3 _/ R* x5 U2 S2 W
/ b9 f5 o# O. y1 @! Y3 a
Local TV program would certainly grasp the taste of local citizens more easily. Whereas, the globalization enables current people to understand foreign art works more easily. What is more, people would like to get some information on foreign culture through TV program and movie.

建议把它拓展开, 另外,楼组的建议说把admittedly放前面,但很多人都不建议,如果时间不够就不写了,或者,发挥太多影响后面,

作者: wangruitong24    时间: 2010-8-12 22:44:40

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作者: chenyyalex    时间: 2010-8-13 17:50:13

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作者: fannie227    时间: 2010-8-13 18:49:33

作者: wangruitong24    时间: 2010-8-14 13:28:30

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作者: 雅典城的包子    时间: 2010-8-15 11:28:48

改完了~个人意见 呵呵~
作者: wangruitong24    时间: 2010-8-17 11:31:08

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作者: layla1989    时间: 2010-8-18 19:08:37

作者: 雅典城的包子    时间: 2010-8-19 13:47:25


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