
标题: 伊儿柠檬的作文贴 [打印本页]

作者: 伊儿柠檬    时间: 2010-7-20 19:04:43     标题: 伊儿柠檬的作文贴

本帖最后由 伊儿柠檬 于 2010-7-20 19:25 编辑

TOPIC:Businessmen are only motivated by desire of money. Do you agree or disagree?
When it comes  to the purpose of businessman, actually parts of people believe that they do business just because of money.However, others take the opposite attitude.With all aspects carefully considered,I am more inclined to the latter in that  I think businessmen are mainly motivated by interests,desire of status and social responsibility ,not just money.
Initially,interests is the basis of career.Many people like business itself,its course and its fruits.As is well know,many billionaires have no need to worry about money that they can live a comfortable even luxurious life with the money they have,but they are still intelligent in making money.Why?It is obvious that they enjoy the course of business.In the business,businessmen can show their ability of debates,their high capability of analysis,and enjoy the excitment when they are waiting for the results of negotiation.
Another equally significant reason for my inclination lies in the fact that many people do business due to improving their social status.To illustrate this ,we need look no further than the following case.The famous billionaire Bill Gates,who founds up the software company,now establish funds to help the poor people.Personally,one of the reasons he does business is that when he  help poor people, his social status is improved.Also, people think highly of him.You know,to a businessman,it is a great honor.
Apart from the two points above,there is another essential factor that is readily discernible:many people do business are disigning to enrich their country.It is their social responsibility pushed them.
Admittedly,this is not the whole story.As to parts of businessmen,they are actually motivated by desire of money.Nevertheless,more businessmen choose the career due to other reasons rather than money.Maybe they are interests,desire of status and responsiblity,etc.
作者: echoisme    时间: 2010-7-21 11:02:41

本帖最后由 echoisme 于 2010-7-21 11:05 编辑


TOPIC:Businessmen are only motivated by desire of money. Do you agree or disagree?

* O, }( C$ i6 u4 v' zWhen it comes  to the purpose of businessman, actually parts of people believe that they do business just because of money.However, others take the opposite attitude.With all aspects
ofcarefully considered,I am more inclined to the latter in that  I think businessmen are mainly (不太合理吧,毕竟商人主要还是挣钱的,其他因素不能占统治地位)motivated by interests,desire of status and social responsibility ,not just money.2 Z

Initially,interests is the basis of career.Many people like business itself,its course processand its fruits.As is well know(n),many billionaires have no need to worry about money that(because) they can live a comfortable even luxurious life with the money they have,but they are still intelligent(痴迷?) in making money.Why?It is obvious that they enjoy the course of business.In the business,businessmen can show their ability of debatescompetition,their high capability of analysis,and enjoy the excitment when they are waiting for the results of negotiation.1 d9 p, O- P*
w+ E* Q: h
Another equally significant reason for my inclination lies in the fact that many people do business due to improving their social status.To illustrate this ,we need look no further than the following case.The famous billionaire Bill Gates,who founds up the software company,now establish funds to help the poor people.Personally,one of the reasons he does business is that when he  help
poor people, his social status is improved.(
很犀利)Also, people think highly of him.You know,to a businessman,it is a great honor.

* ^6 u  Y7 S3 |5 QApart from the two points above,there is another essential factor that is readily discernible:many people do business are disigning to enrich their country.It is their social responsibility pushed them.0d%


Admittedly,this is not the whole story.As to parts of businessmen,they are actually motivated by desire of money.Nevertheless,more businessmen choose the career due to other reasons rather than money.Maybe they are interests,desire of status and responsiblity,etc.(作文中不要用缩写)


作者: lu_square    时间: 2010-7-21 13:40:02

TOPIC:Businessmen are only motivated by desire of money. Do you agree or disagree?: H; M9 P/ O3 J+ F$ V" ]: ?  {
When it comes  to the purpose of businessmen, actually parts of people believe that they do business just because of money.However, others take the opposite attitude.With all aspects carefully considered,I am more inclined to the latter in that  I think businessmen are mainly motivated by interests,desire of status and social responsibility ,not just money.开头很好很经典
$ v- w" `( [6 _. O# GInitially,interests is the basis of career.Many people like business itself,its course and its fruits.It was well known that many billionaires have no need to worry about money therefore they can live a comfortable even luxurious life with the money they have,but they are still intelligent in making money.Why?It is obvious that they enjoy the course of business.In the business,businessmen can show their (可以加个形容词,such as outstanding?)ability of debates,their high capability of analysis,and enjoy the excitments when they are waiting for the results of negotiations.
. ]' m0 h5 g7 M+ [9 }' v4 E/ F  XAnother equally significant reason for my inclination lies in the fact that many people do business due to improving their social status.To illustrate this ,we need look no further than the following case.The famous billionaire Bill Gates,who founds up the software company,now establish funds to help the poor people.Personally,one of the reasons he does business is that when he  helped poor people, his social status improved. Absolutely, people would think highly of his concern for human welfare. You know,to a businessman,it is a great honor.比尔盖茨果然是经典。。
6 @' B! _6 A' `' w1 dApart from the two points above,there is another essential factor that is readily discernible:many people do business are disigning to enrich their country.It is their social responsibility pushed them.建议展开来说
5 r! q+ S, X5 ~5 S  u% ]Admittedly,this is not the whole story.As to parts of businessmen,they are actually motivated by desire of money.Nevertheless,more businessmen choose the career due to other reasons rather than money.Maybe they are interests,desire of status and responsiblity,etc.结尾同样也很好,跟开头呼应了。但是建议中间段的阐述部分要多说点东西,中间段才是重心啊。我也是停留在无话可说的程度。。还有,最好多用点高级词汇,复杂长句,还有同义词。水平有限,请多指教。
Finally, take care & have a nice day!
作者: 伊儿柠檬    时间: 2010-7-21 17:54:21

3# lu_square
作者: 伊儿柠檬    时间: 2010-8-3 23:06:42

本帖最后由 伊儿柠檬 于 2010-8-3 23:08 编辑

8.3 independent writing

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Newspapers and magazines are the best ways to learn about a foreign country.<only 311 words>

People are usually argueing whether newspapers and magazines are the best ways to learn about a foreign country.Parts of people believe that they are the best ways.However,the others take the opposite attitude.With all aspects carefully considered,I am more inclined to the latter in that newspapers and magazines have their in-born shortage while TV and Internet play the best role to help people learn about a foreign country.

Initially,as newspapers and magazines,they are just two paper media that may give us a charming discription about the foreign cultures and customs and even some beautiful picture.Nevertheless,they are stable and just record the things about some transient moment,Besides,what they show us are nothing but beauty.As a consequence,we can not get a precise image about a foreign country.

Further lending credence to my position is the fact that through television program and the internet,we can get a vivid look about the expression of the foreign country,not only the gorgeous scenery but also some commom place that are from the continuous photograghs. In additon,by watching some programs of the foreiners activity like some ceremonies,we can infer that the characteristics of people there and their habits and customs from our own feelling but not some papered personal feelings from newspapers and magazines.

Apart from the two points above,there is another essential factor that is readily discernible.As is well known,the interviews in tv progam and the critisms on the internet are more persuative..To illustrate this,we need look no further than the following case.You can communicate with the foreigner directly through the internet.

Admittedly,as newspapers and magazins be portable to people,thus people can know about foreign culture any time.It is obvious that tv and internet overshadow newspapers and magazins when it comes to which do more help to learn a foreign country.Thus,I reinforce my propensity that tvs and internets are the best way to learn about a foreign country.
作者: 伊儿柠檬    时间: 2010-8-3 23:11:20

本帖最后由 伊儿柠檬 于 2010-8-4 02:33 编辑


In the lecture,the speaker argues that commual online encyclopedias have it merits.However,this is different from the reading passage,which contends that commual online encyclopedia have several important problems.The lecture by the professor,undoubtedly,casts doubt on the reading.

Firstly,the speaker discusses about the error.Errors is inevitable.Nevertheless, through the internet,the errors in the articles can easily pointed out due to easiler reading by public while the errosrs in traditional printed encyclopedias are usually found out after decades.Contrary to the belief in the lecture,the reading asserts that there usually exists numorous errors in communal online encyclopedia because the the contributors are often lack academic credentials.

Secondly,the speaker argues that communal online encyclopedias has two strategies to protect it.from damaging.One is that when someone want do enter,he must has the correct format.The other one is?(didn't get it).On the contrary,the reading passage believes that the communal online encyclopedia can be easily fabricated,deleted and corrupted by unscrupulous users and vandals or hackers the oppotunity due to its communal nature.Therefore,the lecture casts doubt on the reading at this point.

Finally,the lecturer points out that the worthing knowing people are publics.As a consequence, the what is important and what is not in encyclopedias should be decided by publics rather than expers.Its range must follow most people's interests.However,the reading passage holds the opposite perspective.Accoreding to the reading,the communal online encyclopedias may confuse people what is important and what is not.
作者: 伊儿柠檬    时间: 2010-8-5 00:03:19

8.4 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time+tpo5

With numorous jobs provided in the job markets,people have the chance to choose  what kind of jobs they will take.When it comes to the point about the salary and vacation of a job,parts of people perfer the jobs with more vacation time though they may get a low salary.However,others take the opposite attitude that it is better to get a job with a high salary but less vacation time.With all aspects considered,I am more inclined to the fomer in that we must focus on the importance of more vacation time,the meaning of long vacation and more that vacation brings.

Initially,as is well known,vacation is one of the best relaxed ways for people releasing the enormous burden from long-term work.As a research results revealed that people will devote more energy to their work and appreciate more events around themselves after a long vacation.Hence,I believe it does benifit both to person himself and the corperation he works for and therefore a long vacation is of great importance to people. Though the salary is low,the merits to people's phisyca andl mental health are obvious.This can not be parallelled by the extra money.

Further lending credence to my position is the fact that what we are striving for is not just money but a colorful life.If we do a job with a less-time vacation,though we can get more money,we can not enjoy more.Then,there comes up a question,how we deal with the money we make,storing it?I am firmly believe an opinon,living in the present.Since we are human beings and everyone has only one life to live,we must value the time we can grasp.Fortunately,the jobs with more vacation time provide us the chance to enjoy our life more and also we have money maintaining our life though it can not be luxurious.This is vacation's meaning for us.

Apart from the two opinions above,there is another essential factor that is readily discernible.A large number of people do not do the job that applying to their interests.With a long vacation,they can do the things that they are interested.

Admittedly, we can not deny the fact that we will get less salary if we choose the former choice.Nevertheless,the merits of the both-win choice overshadows the choice that finding a job with more salary and less vacation time.Thus,I reinforce my propensity that it is better to choose a job with more vacation tme and less salary rather than the opposite choice.
作者: niunian    时间: 2010-8-5 21:36:55

8.4   加油~~~
作者: niunian    时间: 2010-8-6 23:02:51


作者: 伊儿柠檬    时间: 2010-8-7 00:18:30

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Younger school children (ages five to ten) should be required to study art and music in addition to math, science, history and language
When it comes to the educaion for younger school children(ages five to ten),opinions varies.Parts of people believe that it is enough for the younger school children to learn math,science,history and language and it seems no need to add the courses like art and music.However,others take the opposite attitude.With all aspects considered,I am more incilned to the latter in that the advantages the art and music course bring overshadow the disadvantages.

Initially,according to the study on art and music,younger school childern's intelligence can be cultivated.As a survey reveals,many genius are fond of at least one intrument and also they have their special appreciation on art.With such a powerful investigation result,I am firmly believe that to some extent,it can improve the intelligence of younger school children by studing art and music.Just around me,many classmates of mine who have learned music or art when they were young usually can get higher score than others.

Another credence to my position is the fact that not all people are willing to be a scientists or learn these scientific knowledges.Actually,numerous people tend to be musicians and artists.As a consequence,the education of art and music can not only teach the children some skills when they are in the age when it is easier for them to grasp skills,but also it can provide the conditions that when children grow up,they can know their hobby clearly and then they can choose the next study for their career with no pity.

Apart from the two opinions above,there is another essential factor that is readily discernible.It is significant for children to be  knowledgeable people who must also have other skills like art or music due to the competetive society.To illustrate this,.we need look no further than the following case.When two people who have the same level of study to apply for the same position of a job,if one of them has a skill of art or music,it will be taken into granted that the one who has the extra skill will be employed.

Admittedly,this is not the whole story.When childern are young,to learn science,math,history and language is a heavy burden,let alone adding music and art.Nevertheless,it is obvious that learning music and art will benifit more for children.Thus,I reinforce my propensity that it is better for children to study music and art in addtion to math,science,history and language.

作者: 伊儿柠檬    时间: 2010-8-7 01:36:34


In the lecture ,the speaker argues that Portrait of An Elderly Woman in White Bonnet is indeed from Rembrandt.However,this is different from the reading passage,which contends that the painting could not be a work form Rembrandt.The lecture by the professor,undoubtedly,casts doubt on the reading.

Firsly,the speaker discusses the painting accords with consistency as expected by popular.The fur color was not from the original painting,but was added by someone one hundred years after the painting.The one wanted to increase the value of the painting by making the portrait more formal and the woman a noble woman.Contrary to the belief in the lecture,the reading passage asserts that the painting is inconsistant , and therefore it didn't accord the way of Rembrandt.This point is contradicted by what the lecture contends.

Secondly,the speaker argues that the light and shadow in the painting was correct in the original painting.If the painting was not added,the woman in the painting weared a simple and light-color clothes.As a consequence,the light would be reflected and the face would not be shadowed.On the contrary,the reading passage believes that the light and shadow do not fit together while Rembrandt was a master in these elements. Therefore,the lecture casts  doubt on the reading at this point.

Finally,the lecturer points out that the original painting had single wood panel.However,someone wanted it to be grand and valuable and he added extra penel.This fact also helps people to testify the painting belongs to Rembrandt.However,the reading passage holds the opposite  perspective.According to the reading,Rembrandt always used one panel glued together while the painting had a panel made of pieces wood glued together.
作者: wendychueng    时间: 2010-8-7 20:15:25

我觉得不太合适额,这个模板貌似应该用在两个对立观点的时候,但是这里lecture里是后来发现了一些evidence 说明那个画是他画的。和反驳还是有点不同。像第一段末尾casts doubt on the reading就不对。
    Firsly,the speaker discusses the painting accords with consistency as expected by popular.这一句没看懂The fur color (collar)was not from the original painting,but was added by someone one hundred years after the painting.The one wanted to increase the value of the painting by making the portrait more formal and the woman a noble woman这里表达不太好,原文是是说让the woman 看起来更贵族.Contrary to the belief in the lecture,the reading passage asserts that the painting is inconsistant , and therefore it didn't accord the way of Rembrandt.This point is contradicted by what the lecture contends.
        Secondly,the speaker argues that the light and shadow in the painting was correct in the original painting.If the painting was not added,the woman in the painting weared a simple and light-color clothes.As a consequence,the light would be reflected and the face would not be shadowed.On the contrary,the reading passage believes that the light and shadow do not fit together while Rembrandt was a master in these elements. Therefore,the lecture casts  doubt on the reading at this point.; f( c! n& A/ u

! |( q9 t8 R& QFinally,the lecturer points out that the original painting had single wood panel.However,someone wanted it to be grand and valuable and he added extra penel.This fact also helps people to testify the painting belongs to Rembrandt.However,the reading passage holds the opposite  perspective.According to the reading,Rembrandt always used one panel glued together while the painting had a panel made of pieces wood glued together.
作者: wendychueng    时间: 2010-8-7 20:31:40

Contrary to the belief in the lecture,the reading passage asserts用在这里不合适 that the painting is inconsistant , and therefore it didn't accord the way of Rembrandt.This point is contradicted by what the lecture contends.  我觉得不是反驳啊
        Secondly,the speaker argues that the light and shadow in the painting was correct in the original painting.If the painting was not added,the woman in the painting weared a simple and light-color clothes.As a consequence,the light would be reflected and the face would not be shadowed.On the contrary,the reading passage believes that the light and shadow do not fit together while Rembrandt was a master in these elements.我觉得这一点作为单独一句写比较好,说明这个画家本身擅长这个,不可能犯这样的错误。 Therefore,the lecture casts  doubt on the reading at this point.最后这句又是模板的吧  我觉得这一段应该把位置换一下,先说文章中的再说听力材料的。
     Finally,the lecturer points out that the original painting had single wood panel.However,someone wanted it to be grand and valuable and he added extra penel.是这样么?我没有听到这个。。。This fact also helps people to testify the painting belongs to Rembrandt.However,the reading passage holds the opposite  perspective.According to the reading,Rembrandt always used one panel glued together??while the painting had a panel made of pieces wood glued together. 这里其实我也没听清楚,是说单板和甲板么?
作者: 伊儿柠檬    时间: 2010-8-8 01:39:19


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should not take part-time jobs while they are studying in universities+tpo13

Nowdays.there occurs a trend that more university students use their spare time to do part-time jobs.Parts of people believes it is quite a good idea.However the others take the spposite attitude.With all aspects considered carefully,I am more inclined to the latter in that the disadvantages of students doing part-time job overshadow the advantages.

Initially,study must come first for university students.Maybe you'll say students just use their spare time to do part-time job rather than full-time,and therefore,it will not influence students' study.Nevertheless,the fact is part-time job indeed exercises consequence on students' study.It is obvious if students use their spare time in reviewing and previewing their study,there is no doubt that their study will be improved remarkably.Besides,after work,students are usually exausted.Then they can not concentrate on their study when in class.As a survey from my university reveals that the majority students who have a part-time job fall behind than others.

Further lending credence to my position is the fact that students choose to further their study by attending university because they want to learn something that can not be learned from social experience directly and become full-qualified people for futher career.For this purpose,students should use the condition and equipments provided by the university to broaden their horizon rather than doing a part-time job.Only in this way,can students  improve themselves for every aspects.To illustrate this,we need look no further than the following case.A ever university student now being a famous judger have selected all the elective courses in his university for study and he says it is the knowledge he used his spare time to learn in university that helps him become succeed.

Apart from the two opinions above,there is another essential factor that is readily discernible.University student are easily cheated when apply a job.To students' s securilty  and mental health,it is extremly bad.

Admitterly,doing a part-job can accumulate social experience for student.However,considering such advantages above,I reinforce my propensity that it is not better for student to have a part-time job when in university.
作者: psv1210    时间: 2010-8-8 13:50:10

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Younger school children (ages five to ten) should be required to study art and music in addition to math, science, history and language5 p/ p% I8 E) V  i9 @5 f

When it comes to the educaion for younger school children(ages five to ten),opinions varies.Parts of people believe that it is enough for the younger school children to learn math,science,history and language and it seems no need to add the courses like art and music.However,others take the opposite attitude.With all aspects considered,I am more incilned to the latter in that the advantages the art and music course(s) bring overshadow the disadvantages.

Initially,according to the study on art and music,younger school childern's intelligence can be cultivated.As a survey reveals,many genius are fond of at least one intrument and also they have their special appreciation on art.With such a powerful investigation result,I am firmly believe that to some extent,it can improve the intelligence of younger school children by studing art and music.Just around me,many classmates of mine who have learned music or art when they were young usually can get higher score than others.

Another credence to my position is the fact that not all people are willing to be a scientists or learn these scientific knowledges(knowledge).Actually,numerous people tend to be musicians and artists.As a consequence,the education of art and music can not only teach the children some skills when they are in the age when it is easier for them to grasp skills(这句太长了,而且2个when的状语从句也太奇怪了),but also it can provide the conditions that when children grow up,they can know their hobby clearly and then they can choose the next study for their career with no pity.(可以加点细节,比如有调查显示,专家怎么看之类)

Apart from the two opinions above,there is another essential factor that is readily discernible.It is significant for children to be  knowledgeable people who must also have other skills like art or music due to the competetive society.To illustrate this,.we need look no further than the following case.When two people who have the same level of study to apply for the same position of a job,if one of them has a skill of art or music,it will be taken into granted that the one who has the extra skill will be employed(这个理由有点牵强,可以说有一技之长的人会被认为适应能力更强,等等).- N()) v  e* K3 \8 B6 M" N3 F1 q
# p1 S! m) s7 z+ K
Admittedly,this is not the whole story.When childern are young,to learn science,math,history and language is a heavy burden,let alone adding music and art(这个什么意思?).Nevertheless,it is obvious that learning music and art will benifit more for children.Thus,I reinforce my propensity that it is better for children to study music and art in addtion to math,science,history and language(结尾几句有点重复,可以重述下理由或是提建议).( n, f# V- I3 H()4 b( t
作者: janeliuyan    时间: 2010-8-8 14:29:01

回复5楼 6楼


作者: xuanjiu518    时间: 2010-8-8 15:24:20     标题: 评改BYxuanjiu518

本帖最后由 xuanjiu518 于 2010-8-8 15:29 编辑

作者: wendychueng    时间: 2010-8-9 00:57:34

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should not take part-time jobs while they are studying in universities?
      Nowdays.there occurs a trend 挺好that more university students use their spare time to do part-time jobs.Parts of people believes it is quite a good idea.However the others take the opposite attitude.With all aspects considered carefully,I am more inclined to the latter in that the disadvantages of students doing part-time job overshadow the advantages.
      Initially,study must come first for university students.Maybe you'll say students just use their spare time to do part-time job rather than full-time,and therefore,it will not influence students' study.Nevertheless,the fact is part-time job indeed exercises consequence?这里没看懂 on students' study.It is obvious if students use their spare time in reviewing and previewing their study,there is no doubt that their study will be improved remarkably.好,学习了Besides,after work,students are usually exhausted.Then they can not concentrate on their study when in class.As a survey from my university reveals that the majority students who have a part-time job fall behind than others. good~
      Further lending credence to my position is the fact that students choose to further their study by attending university because they want to learn something that can not be learned from social experience directly and become full-qualified people for futher career.For this purpose,students should use the condition改为recourses and equipments provided by the university to broaden their horizon rather than doing a part-time job.Only in this way,can students improve themselves for every aspects这里不太合适.To illustrate this,we need look no further than the following case.A ever university student now being a famous judger have selected all the elective courses in his university for study and he says it is the knowledge he used his spare time to learn in university that helps him become succeed.
      Apart from the two opinions above,there is another essential factor that is readily discernible.University student are easily cheated when apply a job.To改为for students' s security and mental health,it is extremly bad.我觉得这里还可以说收入可怜etc.
      Admitterly,doing a part-job can accumulate social experience for student.However,considering such advantages above,I reinforce my propensity that it is not better改good for student to have a part-time job when in university.

作者: 伊儿柠檬    时间: 2010-8-11 22:40:55

本帖最后由 伊儿柠檬 于 2010-8-11 22:54 编辑

8.11    09.08.07NA

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should allow children to make their own choices rather than determine their children’s future for them+tpo1


People are usually debating  the topic that whether parents should allow children to make their own choices rather than determine their children's future for them.Parts of people believe that it is necessary to make choice for their children as parents.However, the others take the opposite attitude.With every aspects carefully considered,I am more inclined to the latter in that on condition that children will learn self-reliance,have suitable decision for themselves and never feel pity.

Initially,it is the fact that many people agreed with which also has datas' support that if parents always make decision for their children,their children will always live depend on their parents.Even when they grow up,they have the habit to ask their parents first when they deal with their work.Though some people will argue that with parents' help ,children will no go wrong way and do right decisions,in the long term,children will make mistakes when they encounter the same thing they have met when they were right with parents' help.As a consequence,if children can have their own choice,they are more self-reliance than other.

Further lending credence to my position is the fact that children will choose the choice that best suitable for them.As for me,my parents want me to become a later or a doctor for high status and salary.In this way,they want me to major law or medical study.Nevertheless, I am sober that I am not genius on these while I have a smart mind on engineering.Under my persist on my dream,I choose to major environmental engineering.In the course of learning,I am more and more interested in my major and put my all enthusiasm on it.At the same time,I have got many achievement.According to this experience,I believe that our choices suit us more.

Apart from the two opinions above,there is another essential factor that  is readily discernible.If children make the decision by themselves,though maybe they got hurt and some strike by this,they can usually come to mind soon because it is the choice that they make by themselves,then they have no reasons to feel regret.

Admittedly,most parents' choice are better then children's since they are experienced.Nevertheless,the advantages that children make their own choice overshadow the disadvantages.Thus,I reinforce my propensity that it is better for children to make choices by themselves.
作者: 伊儿柠檬    时间: 2010-8-11 23:36:52


In the lecture, the speaker argues that the option of 4 days workweek is exactly not good.However,this is different from this reading passage,Which contrends that 4-day-workweek benifits a lot.The lecture by the professor, undoubtedly,casts doubt on the reading.

Firstly,the speaker discusses that for company,the shorten workweek will cost more.Because when company hire more employees,it has to pay extra fees like training and medical benefit.Also,some additional cost is inevitable such as more office space and computers.Contrary to the belief in the lecture, the reading asserts that shorten workweek will increase company's profit.This point is contradicted by what the lecture contends.

Secondly,the speaker argues that in the condition,employers will overwork.They have to work the same amount of work of 5 days in 4 days in order to reach the expectation.It will be a auduous duties for them.On the contrary,the reading passage believes that a 4-day week work will reduce the work load of indivisual.Therefore, the lecture casts doubt on the reading ai this point.

Finally,the lecturer points out that the option of a 4-day work week will make emplpyees at risk of their job though they have extra time.Because,in the long term,companies are more inclined to hire those who are willing to work for entire workweek since a 4-day work week wiil decrease the quality of work.As a consequence,those who choose 4-day work week are more likely to lose their job.However,the reading passage holds the opposite perspective.According to the reading,the option will help reduce the rate of unemployment.
作者: jjooyy    时间: 2010-8-12 11:16:30

19# 伊儿柠檬

People are usually debating  the topic that whether parents should allow children to make their own choices rather than determine their children's future for them.Parts of people believe that it is necessary to make choice for their children as parents.However, the others take the opposite attitude. With every aspects carefully considered,I am more inclined to the latter in that on condition(两个词组重复了吧) that children will learn self-reliance,have suitable decisions for themselves and never feel pity.) ~" H) s2 d8 e0 a; q1 R

Initially,it is the fact that many people agreed with which also has datas' support that if parents always make decision for their children,their children will always live depend on their parents.Even when they grow up,they have the habit to ask their parents first when they deal with their work.Though some people will argue that with parents' help ,children will not go wrong ways and do(make) right decisions,in the long term,children will make mistakes when they encounter the same thing they have met when they were right with parents' help.(后面的半句话,你想表达的意思是什么?没表达清楚)As a consequence,if children can have their own choice,they are more self-reliance than others.- s8 z) o1 I% g( G; x9 I& J$ \

Further lending credence to my position is the fact that children will choose the choice that best(most) suitable for them.As for me,my parents want me to become a later or a doctor for high status and salary.In this way,they want me to major in law or medical study(应该是医学的专业,如临床医学).Nevertheless, I am sober (认真,审慎?配后面的都不对啊。。)that I am not genius用法不对 on these while I have a smart mind on engineering.Under my persist on my dream,I choose to major in( major v [Ipr] ~ in sth (US)) environmental engineering.In the course of learning(学习课程?),I am more and more interested in my major and put my all enthusiasm on it. At the same time,I have got many achievement.According to this experience,I believe that our choices suit us more.&

J$ |. ^; I4 U  Z0 K1 a4 a% X
1 g# s, @# z0 {4 i! N9 J4 {
Apart from the two opinions above,there is another essential factor that  is readily discernible.If children make the decision by themselves,though maybe they got(get) hurt and some strike by this,they can usually come to mind(想到 后面的宾语呢?) soon because it is the choice that they make(made) by themselves,then they have no reasons to feel regret.. w& B$ }) }1 k# G" @1 y! J* _: y# D% P

Admittedly,most parents' choice are better then children's since they are experienced.Nevertheless,the advantages that children make their own choice overshadow the disadvantages.Thus,I reinforce my propensity that it is better for children to make choices by themselves.

1 标点符号后面要加一个空格 才能开始写新的词,英文写作基本格式。。
2 楼主的问题主要出在词组或单词的用法没有掌握上,没有把握 或者不熟悉的单词词组至少在修改的时候查下字典吧
3 put your article into Microsoft word to check grammar and spelling mistakes first...
作者: 伊儿柠檬    时间: 2010-8-13 16:27:57

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Only movies that can teach us something about real life is worth watching

People often debating with which kind of movie is worth watching.Parts of people believe that it is worthwhile to watch movies that can only teach us something about real life.However,the others take the opposite attitude.With every aspects carefully considered,I am more inclined to the latter in that the movies that do not teach us the things about real life also have their own special benefit.

Initially,from movies,not only can we learn something relevant to our life but also something that help us form our characteristics.Taking Harry Potter as an example,as is well know,it brings us a view of magic world rather than real life in which the hero triumphs the evil eventually.Though it does not describe the circumstance of actual world,we can learn the hero's courage and belief.It serves as positive catalyst to out real life.

Further lending to my position is the fact that movies,as a visual method ,the scenery and skills in movies are usually paid attention to and they are quite worth being appreciated.The light and shadow's design,the skill of photograph and so on,none of them are exceptionally giving people a deeply impression of beauty and remarkably affection.To illustrate this,we need look no further than this case.According to observing the design of light and shadow in Silent Hill,it is not hard to find out the criminal psychology.Besides,some special skills also leave people impression that make them surprised.

Apart from two opinions above,there is another essential factor that is readily discernible.As a entertainment to most people,movie are always chosen as a way to get relaxed.As a consequence,a large number of people are likely to watch movies with humour.Personally,also play a displacable role in people's mental world.

Admittedly, movies that can teach us something about real life seems more meaningful.Nevertheless,it can replace the other effects of movie.Thus,I reinforce my propensity that not only the movie that can teach us something about real life are worthwhile,the other movies also influence people a lot.They are also worth being watching.
作者: 伊儿柠檬    时间: 2010-8-13 23:29:30


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for the government to spend money on art museums and concert halls than on recreational facilities such as swimming pools and playgrounds.

When it comes to the construction of a city,a debate occurs.Parts of people believe that  government should spend money on art museums and concert halls rather than on recreational facilities such as swimming pools and playgrounds.However,others take the opposite attitude.With all aspects carefully considered,I am more inclined to the former in that art museums and concerts can not only represent the culture to public,do benefit to art-learners,but also give people a place to enjoy thier life.

Initially,art museums and concert halls centralized the most art culture of a city.These provide the chance for people to appreciate art.Art museums exhibit the masterpieces of some famous ancient people and morden citizens,which can bestow an atmosphere of art for citizens.Besides,it can not only bring the beauty of art but also show the history.Concerts can always gather many music-lovers ranging from children to old people.It is in the place that people can enjoy the music culture and get their spirits cleaned.The classical music of the concerts can wake people's admire of the intelligence of ancestors.Relevant to some recreational facilities,these contain more of culture that is meaningful.

Further lending to my position is the fact that with more and more children learning art,it is art museums and concerts that provide them a gorgeous place to further their study on art.With cheap cost,they can go to art museums frequently.As a consequence,they will find out how to be so wonderful like the artists whose works are as exhibitions in the museums.When in the concerts,the muscic-learners will enjoy the purity of music and determine their future routes of music.

Apart from two opinions above, there is another essential factor that is readily discernible.Art museums and concert halls can bring an quiet relax for people who burden too much in mordern society.

Admittedly,recreation facilities like swimming pool and playground can bring happiness to the city.Nevertheless,the advantages the art museum and concerts bring overshadow those of recreation facilities.Thus, I reinforce my propensity that the government should spend money on art museums and concert halls than on recreational facilities such as swimming pools and playgrounds.

作者: psv1210    时间: 2010-8-15 14:57:14

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for the government to spend money on art museums and concert halls than on recreational facilities such as swimming pools and playgrounds.

When it comes to the construction of a city,a debate occurs.Parts of people believe that  government should spend money on art museums and concert halls rather than on recreational facilities such as swimming pools and playgrounds.However,others take the opposite attitude.With all aspects carefully considered,I am more inclined to the former in that art museums and concerts can not only represent the culture to public,(and)do benefit to art-learners,but also give people a place to enjoy thier life.

Initially,art museums and concert halls centralized the most art culture of a city.These provide the chance for people to appreciate art.Art museums exhibit the masterpieces of some famous ancient people and morden citizens,which can bestow an atmosphere of art for citizens.Besides,it can not only bring the beauty of art but also show the history.Concerts can always gather many music-lovers ranging from children to old people.It is(was) in the place that people can enjoy the music culture and get their spirits(这个可数吗?) cleaned.The classical music of the concerts can wake people's admire of the intelligence of ancestors.Relevant to some recreational facilities,these contain more of culture that is meaningful.(这句有点读的别扭,个人觉得)

Further lending to my position is the fact that with more and more children learning art,it is(用was不就是强调句了吗?) art museums and concerts that provide them a gorgeous place to further their study on art.With cheap cost,they can go to art museums frequently.As a consequence,they will find out how to be so wonderful like the artists whose works are as exhibitions in the museums.When in the concerts,the muscic(music)-learners will enjoy the purity of music and determine their future routes of music.

Apart from two opinions above, there is another essential factor that is readily discernible.Art museums and concert halls can bring an quiet relax for people who burden too much in mordern society.

Admittedly,recreation facilities like swimming pool and playground can bring happiness to the city.Nevertheless,the advantages the art museum and concerts bring overshadow those of recreation facilities.Thus, I reinforce my propensity that the government should spend money on art museums and concert halls than that on recreational facilities such as swimming pools and playgrounds.

看得出作者在语言上下了不少功夫,但是还是感觉有些句式比较重复,比如provide 。。。和 it is ...that...
作者: 伊儿柠檬    时间: 2010-8-16 23:18:45

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:1 m' f( V1 O6 b* `  F# S0 U
   Most businesspeople are motivated only by the desire for more money.(Money)0 \( X2 X% i
People always debate on the motivation of businessmen. Parts of people believe that generally, most people do business for hankering after money. However, others take the opposite attitude. With all aspects carefully considered, I am more inclined to the latter in that the ultimate motivation of businessmen is their interests on commercial trade, social responsibility and desire of status rather than money. Nevertheless, money is the basis of these goals, which determines some people choose to become businessmen.

Initially, interests are the basis of career. Many people like business itself. They enjoy experiencing the process of commercial trade. As is well known, many billionaires can live a luxurious life and even can provide comfortable condition for their children with the money they now have. However, they are still diligent in their work. Personally, the best explanation of this phenomenon is that these businessmen treat business as their hobby. In commercial trade businessmen can take advantages of their outstanding intelligence in competition and cooperation. A telling example is my uncle’s experience. He said it is his enthusiasm and interest on business that made him battle on the commercial trade so many years. When he competed with his rival, he feels that he is motivated and he like being a winner.

Further lending to my position is the fact that many people do business due to their social responsibilities To illustrate this, we need look no further than the following case. The famous billionaire Bill Gates, who founds up the software company, now establishes funds to help the poor people. From my perspective, there is no doubt that it is his social responsibility that impels him. Thus, it is obvious that there still existed something more significant than money for Bill Gates to chase.

Apart from the two points above, there is another essential factor that is readily discernible: succeeding in business field can gain a high social status. Especially some magnates can get privileges in favor of their reputation.

Admittedly, this is not the whole story. As to parts of businessmen, they are actually motivated by desire of money. Nevertheless, more businessmen choose the career ultimately due to other reasons rather than money. Maybe they are interests, desire of status and responsibilities.

作者: jianndqin    时间: 2010-8-17 00:03:51

Most businesspeople are motivated only by the desire for more money.(Money)0 \( X2 X% i  x0 ^+ I+ V7 N8 y- T7 `$ J0 O3 r4 {
People always debate on the motivation of businessmen. Parts of people believe that generally, most people do business for hankering after money. However, others take the opposite attitude. With all aspects carefully considered, I am more inclined to the latter in that the ultimate motivation of businessmen is their interests on commercial trade, social responsibility and desire of status rather than money. Nevertheless, money is the basis of these goals, which determines some people choose to become businessmen.
, r- E& U: q4 v& J* U9 H" _ x+ \6 % h
Initially, interests are the basis of career. Many people like business itself. They enjoy experiencing the process of commercial trade. As is well known, many billionaires can live a luxurious life and even can provide comfortable condition for their children with the money they now have. However, they(
children? Or millionaires) are still diligent in their work. Personally, the best explanation of this phenomenon is that these businessmen treat business as their hobby(这个地方是不是可以说成, they dire the skills and strategy of dealing with business rather than money). In commercial trade businessmen can take advantages of their outstanding intelligence in competition and cooperation. A telling example(有效的例子?) is my uncle’s experience. He said it is his enthusiasm and interest on business that made him battle on the commercial trade so many years. When he competed with his rival, he feels that he is motivated and he like(likes) being a winner.
( @( k! Z  E+ m: A9 {, V/ I& q4 C- S
2 w  c& I- I0 \$ A. f
Further lending to my position is the fact that many people do business due to their social responsibilities To illustrate this, we need look no further than the following case. The famous billionaire Bill Gates, who founds up the software company, now establishes funds to help the poor people. From my perspective, there is no doubt that it is his social responsibility that impels him (to run the business). Thus, it is obvious that there still existed something more significant than money for Bill Gates to chase.
$ Q, u3 O2 I9 M$ q
$ j* w+ Y2 c/ `1 ~4 D: UApart from the two points above, there is another essential factor that is readily discernible: succeeding in business field can gain a high social status. Especially some magnates can get privileges in favor of their reputation.(
examples to support ?,
感觉好像有点空)/ R0 @$ E; F* }- J$ a

( Y1 D, o/ c+ s/ `. s) V. N! y- FAdmittedly, this is not the whole story. As to parts of businessmen, they are actually motivated by desire of money. Nevertheless, more businessmen choose the career ultimately due to other reasons rather than money. Maybe they are interests, desire of status and responsibilities.

(结尾,我觉得既然是赞成大多数人不是因为money, 并且文章body部分没有介绍那些desire money的人,最后结论我觉的就没有必要提啊)

Most businesspeople are motivated only by the desire for more money.(Money)0 \( X2 X% i  x0 ^+ I+ V7 N8 y- T7 `$ J0 O3 r4 {
People always debate on the motivation of businessmen. Parts of people believe that generally, most people do business for hankering after money. However, others take the opposite attitude. With all aspects carefully considered, I am more inclined to the latter in that the ultimate motivation of businessmen is their interests on commercial trade, social responsibility and desire of status rather than money. Nevertheless, money is the basis of these goals, which determines some people choose to become businessmen.
, r- E& U: q4 v& J* U9 H" _ x+ \6 % h
Initially, interests are the basis of career. Many people like business itself. They enjoy experiencing the process of commercial trade. As is well known, many billionaires can live a luxurious life and even can provide comfortable condition for their children with the money they now have. However, they(
children? Or millionaires) are still diligent in their work. Personally, the best explanation of this phenomenon is that these businessmen treat business as their hobby(这个地方是不是可以说成, they dire the skills and strategy of dealing with business rather than money). In commercial trade businessmen can take advantages of their outstanding intelligence in competition and cooperation. A telling example(有效的例子?) is my uncle’s experience. He said it is his enthusiasm and interest on business that made him battle on the commercial trade so many years. When he competed with his rival, he feels that he is motivated and he like(likes) being a winner.
( @( k! Z  E+ m: A9 {, V/ I& q4 C- S
2 w  c& I- I0 \$ A. f

Further lending to my position is the fact that many people do business due to their social responsibilities To illustrate this, we need look no further than the following case. The famous billionaire Bill Gates, who founds up the software company, now establishes funds to help the poor people. From my perspective, there is no doubt that it is his social responsibility that impels him (to run the business). Thus, it is obvious that there still existed something more significant than money for Bill Gates to chase.
$ Q, u3 O2 I9 M$ q
$ j* w+ Y2 c/ `1 ~4 D: UApart from the two points above, there is another essential factor that is readily discernible: succeeding in business field can gain a high social status. Especially some magnates can get privileges in favor of their reputation.(examples to support ?,
感觉好像有点空)/ R0 @$ E; F* }- J$ a

( Y1 D, o/ c+ s/ `. s) V. N! y- FAdmittedly, this is not the whole story. As to parts of businessmen, they are actually motivated by desire of money. Nevertheless, more businessmen choose the career ultimately due to other reasons rather than money. Maybe they are interests, desire of status and responsibilities.

(结尾,我觉得既然是赞成大多数人不是因为money, 并且文章body部分没有介绍那些desire money的人,最后结论我觉的就没有必要提啊)


作者: jianndqin    时间: 2010-8-17 00:04:33

sorry, 多 control-V 了 一下~
作者: chenyyalex    时间: 2010-8-17 18:21:20

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: 伊儿柠檬    时间: 2010-8-18 21:59:12

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Sports teach people lessons about life

When it comes to the effects of sports, parts of people believe that doing sports can only give you a strong body. However, others take the opposite attitude that sports can also teach people lessons about life. With all aspects well considered, I am more inclined to the latter in that I think sports can give us the lesson from the following three aspects: how to form the value of life, how to deal with our life and how to succeed in our life.

Initially, sports do a lot to form a person's value of life. Since the childhood, we started our sports for walking. And till now, with so many sports, we have experience all kinds of failure. When we are infants, we must have fallen to the ground when we are trying to walk by ourselves. Besides, when we try a kind of sport which is unacquainted with us, we must feel perplexed. Faced with these difficulties, we choose not to give up but to persist, and therefore we have formed our one piece of value of life: being strong and never give up.

Further lending credence to my position is the fact that through sports, we will grasp how to deal with our life. To illustrate this, we need look no further than the following case, when I was in senior school, I was absorbed in table tennis. Once I had spare time, I would play table tennis with my friends and even do not care that whether I had had finished my homework and got review in my lessons. Until the exams' result came, I realized that table tennis had occupied me too much time, I must arrange eligible time in table tennis and my study. That experience influenced me deeply, and hence I have learned to deal with things in my life systematically and rationally.

Apart from the two points above, there is another essential factor that is readily discernible: sports can teach us how to succeed in our life. Everyone has the same experience that when you want to be skilled at one kind of sports, you must try again and again. To our life, it also makes sense. If we are concentrated in one thing and do countless endeavors, finally we will find the light of victory.

Admittedly, to a large extent, what sports originally and mainly bring is to make us be more strong-bodied. However, the other effects sports bring can be never ignored. Not only do the sports influence the forming of our value of life, it also let us know how to deal with our life and how to succeed in our life.

作者: serena-blue    时间: 2010-8-19 20:06:47

作者: minnielily    时间: 2010-8-19 21:44:14

我在纠结一个问题,探讨一下,以上面作文的一句话为例,英语中更倾向于说we don't choose to give up还是wo choose not to give up?

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