这些天一直在看关于ISSUE的破题方法和行文结构的帖子,感觉受益颇深,可是在实战的时候却 尴尬无比。。。。忘板油们帮助。。。小女子感激不尽。。。。
ISSUE 11 " All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems"
我写的: With the rapid development of society and technology,global integration has become an inevitable trend. At the same time, because ofthe rapid development, there are some persistent social problems emerging whichcould not been handled with a country. Someone claim that all nations shouldsupport to establish a global university for the sake of dealing suchtroublesome problems. I agree that it’s good idea to build a global college toaddress social problems, but I don’t think there is necessary for every nationto join in.
Nowadays society “globalintegration” has become a popular item. It comes out not only in economy,technology and culture but also in some social problem such as thedeteriorating environment. In the case, only a country’s power is not enough tohandle it, these persistent social problems call for a cooperation of allnations.。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
Developing a global university will be a good method to realize theglobal cooperation of solving these global issues.。。。。。。。。。
Admittedly, demanding every country to take part in this program is notnecessary.。。。。。
Developinga global university could help us to deal some global issues in that its significantmerits. However, we should consider different situation in some countries, andadvocate the nation which has the ability to join in.
正文写:1 解决顽固社会问题,需要国际合作的必要性
2 一起建立全球性大学,可以实现这种合作
3 不是所有国家都需要参与这项活动
写完后,自己觉得 立意不准确,跑题了。。。。。 但又觉得 这种有保留的支持的立意切入点 没有错,遂。。迷茫中。。。。
望大家拍砖, 希望能把我拍清醒。。。。。。。。。。。。。。作者: sangshuo 时间: 2010-7-24 16:22:39