
标题: 作文求拍 [打印本页]

作者: 王亚冉    时间: 2010-7-29 21:24:29     标题: 作文求拍


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people should try several different jobs before they take a long term career

There are numerous chioces to choose in our life. For example, someone like single mindness of their career,but I agree with the opinion that young people should try several jobs before they take a long career.There are three reasons.

First of all, the students who left their college just right now have not any experience about the major. So a sizeble percentage of them still do not quite understand which is their favorite direction. It would be so unfortunate that if they choose a wrong one and work on it for the whole life. It is just like go shoping, before deciding which to buy, we always compare productions of a few manufacturers.Yet, if wrong, the thing could buy a new one, our lives could not start all over again.

moreover, as the development of the economy of the society, the companies are all facing enormous challenges. Nobady could make sure that the first job you choose is suitable for you continuously. If your ability become higher than the requirement of your job, you would better find another occupation or even another company. As the saying goes" man struggles upwards; the water to flow."

The last but not the least, trying several jobs could not only accumulate the rich experience about your major but also the relationship with different kinds of people. As a member of the society, the connection with others play an important role in our lives. Therefore, the more friends, the more roads. Trying several jobs can contribute to your success.

To sum up, I consist that young people try several jobs before they take a long career. However, there is a limit, if one changes his or her job frequently, he or she could just stay in the rudmentary level, in other words, he or she could not have a further development about the career.
作者: candyleen    时间: 2010-7-31 15:01:06

作者: 王亚冉    时间: 2010-7-31 23:46:36

本帖最后由 王亚冉 于 2010-7-31 23:52 编辑

作者: 梦的弃儿    时间: 2010-8-1 19:43:22

作者: 王亚冉    时间: 2010-8-1 20:55:26

谢谢你的批改,第三人称单数的问题我下次会注意的,知道自己的差距还很大~ 4# 梦的弃儿
作者: rainyashley    时间: 2010-8-2 00:53:34


作者: 王亚冉    时间: 2010-8-2 21:12:59

收到,谢谢哈~ 6# rainyashley
作者: 王亚冉    时间: 2010-8-4 16:58:39

作者: darkathrun    时间: 2010-8-5 23:05:05

作者: 王亚冉    时间: 2010-8-5 23:26:23

收到,谢谢你哈~ 9# darkathrun
作者: 王亚冉    时间: 2010-8-7 20:45:32

作者: FannieHsu    时间: 2010-8-8 21:26:55

作者: 王亚冉    时间: 2010-8-9 14:06:24

不过没关系的啦,先谢谢啦~ 12# FannieHsu
作者: 王亚冉    时间: 2010-8-9 14:40:53

作者: FannieHsu    时间: 2010-8-9 19:58:22

“Histories make men wise, poets witty, the mathematics subtle, natural philosophy deep, moral grave, logic and rhetoric able to contend” said by Francis Bacon (1561—1626). I strongly agree with the statement that younger school children (ages five to ten) should be required to study art and music in addition to math, science, history and language.

Firstly, let me demonstrate about the propose of art and music. They want to exploit students’ potential, cultivate students’ abilities of creativity and improve students’ development of personality. Through eyes and ears, we observe and feel the circumstance, obtain abundant experience of emotion. No matter what Confucius listened the music of Shao country, 3 months cannot recollect the taste of meat, or the legend of artist Zhang, who drew the eyes of dragon, then he flied out of the wall. No matter the eminent Mona Lisa smile painted by Leonardo Da Vinci, or Beethoven Symphony No. 5. Both of them reveal the profound magical charm and express the owner’s inner world.(这里说了艺术的重要性,但是没有说对孩子有什么影响)

In addition, all subjects interact with each other closely. For example, on one hand, learning about art could contribute to geometry. After mastering sketch, I understand the 3- dimensions better than before. Make perspective of cones, cylinders or any other shapes of objects more easily. On the other hand, music can help me jump from those tedious equations, after playing the violin, I usually change another method to solve the tough problem just like Einstein.

Last but not least, art and music not only emphasis students’ distinguishing features but also pay attention to the consciousness of cooperation. For instance, students who are in different parts of the chorus should learn how to act in accord to attain the wonderful result.

To sum up, I consider that children should be required to study art and music as well as math, science, history and language since they can make them become all- round.

楼主的文化底蕴是在深厚,让我无比佩服。不过,我觉得文章着重写了艺术的重要性,以及艺术发生在楼主身上的影响,但是没有强调艺术对younger children究竟有什么作用,为什么你会同意这个观点?只是因为他重要吗?(呵呵,以上纯属个人观点,楼主参考之~)
作者: 王亚冉    时间: 2010-8-9 22:21:18

有理,谢谢哈~ 15# FannieHsu
作者: 王亚冉    时间: 2010-8-10 23:06:22

作者: yandong1208    时间: 2010-8-10 23:13:52

作者: 王亚冉    时间: 2010-8-11 14:24:20

anyway,谢谢评价,我会注意语法错误与句式的~ 18# yandong1208
作者: crystal5841    时间: 2010-8-11 14:29:31

作者: niyinan    时间: 2010-8-11 20:28:09

作者: 王亚冉    时间: 2010-8-12 21:14:05

thanks a lot~ 20# crystal5841
作者: 王亚冉    时间: 2010-8-12 21:15:39

作者: 王亚冉    时间: 2010-8-12 21:16:46

thanks very much~ 21# niyinan
作者: lanzhi_gjy    时间: 2010-8-13 13:52:39

本帖最后由 lanzhi_gjy 于 2010-8-13 13:56 编辑

Is it true that we would never get successful in life if we do not make sure other people know about our strength and accomplishments? If having seen the sea of faces in the mutual selection, (说实话,这里没有看懂。。。ORZ)you would agree with my answer that I have to say yes.(一直都很喜欢这样的开头,呵呵~不过我当时用这样的开头主要是觉得比较简单,适用于任何题目,又挺有趣味的,但是我觉得缺点就是,说了基本等于什么都没说,就是表达了个观点。不过,也许开头这样就够了吧。你觉得呢?)

The past century has seen the tremendous changes in our society. More and more fast of the life’s pace makes people have no time to comprehensively understand a person. For example, when you search for a job, the company perhaps just has a glance on your resume, without any highlights on it, you probably be shut out all the time.(我觉得你的整篇看下来,给人的感觉论证不是很充分,太单一了,原因是缺少论证语言,这里就可以加一句,总结性的topic sentence ,然后再举例,也许你之前的话都是在发表意见,但是给人的感觉不是很明确,就是缺少这样一个提纲挈领的话) One of my best friends could be the classic instance, firstly, I would say that he is a capable person, but also a shy guy, so he did not write his achievements at all, the result was predictable. He sent more than 70 letters, all dropped into the ocean. After listened to my advice, he re-wrote to 2 companies which he craves to enter with the detailed award during study time. Before long, both of them replayed to hire him.(唉,感叹楼主的语言功力啊,我觉得你的语句很精彩,让人会很感动,学习了)
The world is never lack of the swift horse, it is just short for Bole!(老外应该也有阐述这种关系的谚语,只是,不知道他们认识咱们文化中的伯乐么?这里我觉得要么就把这句换成他们文化中对应的谚语,要么在后面可以加一句,做一个解释说明,比如…Bole,who is the …in Chinese culture.) So we should make sure other people especially influential people or our employers know about our achievements. Still take my friend for example, after having been in an electric company for six months, he worked industriously every day. From time to time, he also helped a colleague plan a large project. To the end of the year, boss appointed his co-worker to center to work for a creative idea which actually was come out by my friend. How ironic it is! But that is the reality we have to accept[color=Red]!(我觉得这里可以说一下,accept what,或者,如果,没有let others know …,后果就是…)

In the final analysis, with the competition between people increasing, and if we want to get successful in life, we must let others know our abilities actively.





作者: 王亚冉    时间: 2010-8-13 16:01:13

终于遇到一个有责任心的孩子呀,谢谢你中肯的评价~ 25# lanzhi_gjy
作者: yezi2010    时间: 2010-8-14 10:40:18

作者: 王亚冉    时间: 2010-8-14 14:30:23

太幸运了啊,这次的分组让我遇到了自加入这个作文小组以来,批改的最认真的两个小组成员了哈~先赞一下~第一段我是想说招聘会里人山人海的,结果两位都没看懂,估计是我表述的有问题啊~anyway, thanks a lot~ 27# yezi2010
作者: 王亚冉    时间: 2010-8-16 22:56:27

作者: 王亚冉    时间: 2010-8-18 23:30:24

作者: 王亚冉    时间: 2010-8-19 22:28:19

作者: FannieHsu    时间: 2010-8-21 11:10:29

作者: 王亚冉    时间: 2010-8-21 22:50:18

作者: joesking    时间: 2010-8-22 00:39:13

uz: l/ e  Q6 b- j2 r0 p) H  `9 b7 j4 t" X* s821日交
(09.01.17 NA)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertising is the most important cause of unhealthy eating habits

If a murderer killed a person by a gun, could you put the legal obligation into the advertising for the type of gun? Definitely not, consequently I strongly disagree with the statement that advertising lead to unhealthy eating habits most. It is other reasons as following that make influence on this result.

First, fast pace of life makes people have too much pressure. They probably have no time to cook meals at home, so they have to go to KFC or Mc Donald during a little break. For example, many white- collars work in their companies a whole day and just have 30 minutes in the noon everyday to eat some food in a hurry to save time for their projects. In addition, after returning home at night, they might be too tired to wash vegetables carefully. Therefore, they would like to order a pizza outside.

Second, what is real is rational, what is rational is real.(这是谚语么?领教了) The fast foods are widely popular among people for their advantages of quick and convenience. More and more young adults prefer to eat instant noodles instead of complex and boring progresses if they live alone in dorms.
(You’d better use “prefer …to…”

Last but not least, the fast foods themselves attract a sizeable percentage of population with their deliciousness. People, especially children, they like potato French chips, fried chicken wings, milk shake, hamburgers and so forth a lot although these could lead them overweight and hypertension. It would be useless to advertise for them if they taste terrible themselves. So the effect (/function) of advertising is only to introduce produces and the essential part is the foods themselves.

In the final analysis, there many other aspects influence on citizens to choose to eat junk foods besides advertising. Thus we could not harshly draw a conclusion that advertising is the most important cause of unhealthy eating habits.

不知我理解偏否,“不健康的习惯是不是还可以指不按时吃饭?暴饮暴食等?不只是吃垃圾食品吧?但是我又想不出来他们与广告有何关系,因为广告不可能宣传说让你不吃饭吧,又难道是减肥广告?乱了乱了;还有自己觉得reason onereason two观点有重合,是我硬拆开的,不知有无痕迹,请指教~
不健康的饮食习惯,很多,你可以google 下,你这里把他默认为吃垃圾食品,这虽然只是其中之一,但是也可以写,就是需要你在开始把论点的范围坐下限定,做下说明。要不然会让名别人觉得你似乎偏题了似的。


作者: 王亚冉    时间: 2010-8-26 14:36:39

thx~ 34# joesking
作者: 王亚冉    时间: 2010-8-27 14:36:02


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