The speaker asserts that it is importantly for every resident in thesociety to disobey and resist unjust laws. In my view, disobey and resistunjust laws would disarrange society to certain degree that everyone isagitated, at least in short term. However, on balance, I agree with the speakerthat disobey unjust laws are our responsibilities.
To begin with, I concede, in general, disobey any laws, just or unjustones, could bring society to chaos, if no more seriously. After all, disobeyinglaws which stand for the government's will could easily lead to anti-governmentactivities. Consider the famous May Storm Movement for instance. Students'dissatisfied with school's restricts about dormitories eventually result in aanti-social reform in the whole society. The chill effect is obviously: schoolswere closed, fight between students and cops were fierce, stores weredestroyed, economy was reducing. In fact, resistance rang form strike all theway up to wars would impede progress and harm innocent in the short term.
However, in any democracy society, it is unfair and dangerous for thosewho think the laws are dubious to obey such laws. Laws which cause objectionwidespread mean the laws themselves are problematic or at least require furtherdiscussion. For examples on need look for abortion. If those who, mostChristian, consider abortion is against the law and convinced state to set upcertain laws to forbid such behavior, what would those feminist who insist thatwomen have the right to determine whether to terminate regency or not wouldthink about. It is unfair to them. So certain laws are indeed unjust in someaspect, at least to them.
In the final analysis, the question whether resident should disobey unjustlaws arouse a more seriously worry. By stating the opposite, those people whoclaim we should obey every law, whether people feel just or unjust, areaccurately voting for monarchy. Just image this, without Martin Luther King,and black people are un-will stand out to resist certain unjust laws for thesociety's so-called responsibility, can we call the society nowadays which maystill require black people sitting in the back of bus, a democracy one. Ofcourse not, indeed, accept unjust laws without resist or with even think aboutthat would eventually turn our society backwards.
In sum, though disobey unjust laws could bring certain problems and impedeprogress in the short term. I agree with the speaker that we should disobeyunjust laws for two reasons. One is that those laws which are considered unjustindeed are controversial and require further modification. Another is that suchbehavior could contribute to monarchy and harm every democracy society.
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