We do not have a required minimum score for the GRE. I can tell you that the average of those admitted with financial aid for Fall 2006 was around a 1300 verbal + quantitative and a 4.3 analytical score.
GRE and TOEFL socres are required but do not play a deciding factor in admission.
We do not have a minimum GRE score; those scores are viewed on a competitive basis with the scores of other students
applying at the same time.The average GRE scores were: 557 (Verbal), 718 (Quantitative), 4.75 (Writing).
our minimum requirements: We require all students to take the GRE general test and score a combined score of 1200 or higher on the Quantitative and Verbal sections, and a 3.5/6.0 on the Analytical Writing section。
Our minimum requirements are as follows:GRE: Verbal 400, Quantitative 600, Analytical 4.0.
generally looks for a minimum total score of 1200 on the GRE, along with a score of 740 or higher on the quantitative section and a score of 4.0 or higher on the analytical essay.
The minimum score for the GRE is 1150.
Although there is no published maximum or minimum score for the GRE, a score well into the 700s (quantitative) and a score well into the 400s (verbal) is highly recommended.作者: 蒲若苇 时间: 2010-8-4 21:46:50