You can check it on the website of Some goo free cellphones are there, but you should buy their plan at the same time, from 19.99$ to ....$.作者: shirleymin 时间: 2003-6-14 01:27:07
In my town, about buy one get another one free, you should pay for the another free cell phone's monthly payment, but the price is between 0.0----1.0 of the first phone payment. You can negotiate it with the salemen.作者: yilanchen 时间: 2003-6-14 05:34:49
不知道有没有适合两个人的family plan。平常也没有什么电话,互相之间打电话unlimited,share unlimited night and weekends minutes作者: 翠翠 时间: 2003-6-14 05:36:21