M:Good morning, sir
V: Good morning, how are you
M: Fine, Thank you
V: Give me your TOEFL/GRE score and transcripts (look for a second)
what is your major
M: Communication
V: Wow,Communication, !@#$%^&*
How many university you applied
M: 10
V: How many acceptted you?
M: 6
V:!@#$%^&*@#$%, (意思好像是比例比较高)
Why do you study communication
M: (傻了,停了一会)Because my undergraduate major is journalism, graduate maj
or is com and I like it ,so I want to further my study (这个问题回答的好可笑)
V:(突然)Why will you come back
M: I have a short term plan and a long term plan (interrupt, no, I just want t
o know why you will come back) when I graduate from this University, the Olymp
ic game will be held in Beijing, it give me a good opportunity to find a media
related job.(打断,看电脑,我接着说,you know, the university is located in A
tlanta, an Olympic city)
V: (转过身来)Do u have any media working experience
M: Yeah, Do you want to see my (interrupt: No, just say it ) I have worked in
all kinds of chinese media,newspaper, TV, Website, magazine (其实都是internshi
p or part-time,没有正式工作经验).
V: which media do you like best, newspaper, tv, radio?
M: internet, my graduate specialty is internet communication.
V: !@$#%^&* ( 意为美国的网络那么发达,你可以在那找到工作,为什么还要回来)
M:it is already well developed, few space is left, and china is far left behi
nd (interrupt)
M:If I want to work in american, I will apply a master's degree, not doctor's
, My long time plan is to find a teaching and research position in a universit
y in China. I like researchinh, I have done my researches and published many p
apers, I know how interesting and fulfilling research is
(又被打断,no,no 感觉已经没有希望了,就不再说话了,静静地站在那里,看着他转过身
,在DS上写了些什么,然后撕了张黄条,Go to window 10)
M: (愣了半天),thank you very much