
标题: 急!6G成绩单没收到怎么办? [打印本页]

作者: taoxi    时间: 2010-9-19 19:12:13     标题: 急!6G成绩单没收到怎么办?

作者: 蒲若苇    时间: 2010-9-19 19:58:12

作者: sakura117    时间: 2010-9-19 20:41:22

置顶帖 在哪儿?
作者: taoxi    时间: 2010-9-22 21:31:48

原帖由 wendyyue 于 2007-8-7 00:42 发表  ^3 K! j, D( v# `- V- E0 r
我想澄清下如何达到ets免费人工电话- p: Q) u: X+ v7 n
下载一个skype软件=》+18884737267,接通后有一连串的介绍,按8,之后会有一些说明的话,然后嘟嘟的声音,然后就是一段音乐,这表示你正在接通,接着就等着和ets衰人练口语吧; x; c/ p3 b1 }2 d

好不容易等到成绩单,由于邮箱没有锁,确定成绩单被别人拿走了。) N$ z7 k5 S" u
1 O0 b6 f7 j! A, u9 S6 K

于是开始了。。( o/ A) w5 H- Y

/ |) {6 y* ?, P* Z" t, w
( C( k$ d5 ]& ~; d; r
ets衰人:问你什么问题% U2 R) U0 B4 L
ets衰人:你的confirmation no., m% T( L4 V( _- |5 I
衰人:你要更改地址重新寄么?, ]' H4 N7 j" }) h5 U. C2 B
俺很委屈的:是的。。! K/ o2 s* q4 H; I( k" S
关键的时候到了.$ Q+ T6 a! x- l- a1 M+ z

ets衰人:他问你收到过成绩单没?" ^) {! A0 M  @4 p6 J  [: |4 a* N
我说,好,谢谢。have a nice day.6 q# R3 ~; G3 Q+ ~

o2 i& t

- w" r1 g( R5 ]3 y  P/ R0 g
$ T) e! C( O2 A& ~) X9 d* }2 `
原帖由 鬼谷子 于 2005-6-18 14:43 发表
索取准考证 考场信息 时间 生日 姓名 确认号任意一到两项都能保证它查到你的注册信息 回复的邮件 应该是用你的准考证好做标题的
索取成绩单 还是以上的信息再加上准考证号 任意一两项都行% l; y! i' T+ V8 }
我没找到准考证 提供姓名后 它回复告知

索取成绩单' \6 o6 @0 n) z/ r: S
当你提供信息 说明你已考试未收到邮件 他一般回复如下

Thank you for contacting the GRE Program.( C( A. O8 B( A

Regarding your inquiry:0 y! e/ ]6 n" u+ ]) ?

Your October 2003 GRE scores were mailed to your designated institutions on December 17, 2003* and to you on
December 18, 2003, at the following address:
*********************地址& L$ x5 {1 r' ]+ u
( o( e- h: r4 o+ Z$ O, Z1 m

Please notify us if this address is incorrect or incomplete, and we will send a duplicate report to you.
We wish you success in your educational endeavors./ C/ I- V: i: |: ]
*Date is approximate for scores sent electronically# [  }9 H8 i0 {: R7 ~7 p0 u5 ?# d

Please include all previous inquiries when responding to this message." M: Q: {$ }9 ]" d! L* c
Thank you for contacting the GRE Program.' W( x5 W9 v' I3 ?1 z4 @3 s( N

Regarding your inquiry:
Although we already mailed your October 2003 GRE Test scores to you onDecember 17, 2003, we are sending a duplicate report at no additionalcharge to the address in your e-mail." m7 `' Y$ D3 V) L% A
1 |% {( V4 m4 q& Z  |. ]: F
Please allow sufficient time for mail delivery.$ |5 B. i8 l  c* u! I
5 ~2 m7 M$ Z! J5 o; @" m: \
Please include all previous inquiries when responding to this message.

Visit the GRE website at:http://www.gre.org- L8 I+ ~" K6 C  Q  l; d
GRE Customer Service number: 609-771-7670
GRE Fax number: 609-771-7906

TRACKING NUMBER: A00002057412-00010430895
说他已经寄出附件 免费
他会再次恢复:$ B7 V% ]5 d8 |4 A$ v0 k6 v/ A
2 K! Q: V: ^. B4 \5 j5 z% X) y, C
Thank you for contacting the GRE Program." t! h$ M+ A/ v4 G5 `. G1 x3 Y

Regarding your inquiry:
Your October 2003 GRE examinee score report was mailed on December 18,2003 to the address you provided. In response to a previous inquiryfrom you, we mailed a duplicate examinee score report to you on January30, 2004, free of charge, to you at LI, HAN7 Z( g# ]* e9 N9 g0 Q* u

We send only one free score record to each examinee. Because it appearsthat your original and duplicate score records were lost in the mail,you must now purchase an examinee score report.

If you wish to purchase a duplicate examinee score report, you mustsubmit your request with the appropriate payment. Be sure to includeyour name, date of birth, mailing address, name of test, test date, andregistration number and enclose the required fee. The reporting fee$15.00. Score requests are mailed within two weeks after receipt ofyour request and payment.. b8 Q8 k+ S; e7 v
8 M0 Y( ~$ d* u- [6 L, ]
If you have a VISA, MasterCard or American Express credit card, you mayfax your request to 609-771-7906. Be sure to provide your credit cardnumber and expiration date.
You may send your request and payment by mail to the address below:
GRE Services, PO Box 6006, Princeton, NJ 08541-6006.

We hope this information is helpful, and wish you success in your endeavors.: ^& f( Z9 j6 |& h4 R! Y: K0 k* R+ K
# i+ v. Z4 ]7 ^$ T/ W
Please include all previous inquiries when responding to this message.% _" P9 Z. V1 w, n) ?

Visit the GRE website at:http://www.gre.org
GRE Customer Service number: 609-771-76702 `# T6 |; b8 w2 r8 ]: b
GRE Fax number: 609-771-79068 C) ^' V- Z& J# R
tmc% C1 W2 B5 f! k8 {5 L$ ^# E
TRACKING NUMBER: A00002214790-000108827788 O% {) G/ |8 n' G% ^8 Z( ?- U
也就是说要收费的 15美元1 N3 |) j; b. `, x
在这一步骤里面 有这样几个问题:; t) d& a- L, s; r! H% i, A
1 如果你觉得自己学校的地址收不到5 _! ~! j$ E* e. L$ N
你想让别人代收 要注意 ets会忽略你写的名字 换上你的名字
所以有可能在你的代售地址那里 人家查无此人 退回邮件0 O# K  s( |( j. x& e
所以 如果决定代收 和收发室打好招呼0 G8 W3 V, e" C# j5 ~
2 我的第2封用了12天收到 机关 学校受到的快一些5 h; j3 l! Z( ?; Z+ a( E5 b8 q+ O
3 地址翻译 多用拼音 多去收发室看 那里的人不认识个别单词也会影响收信的速度 我遇见过一封成绩单 optics 老太太不认识光学: A. y; ?) A& ~6 z

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