
标题: Worcester Polytechnic Institute (介绍WPI商学院)+秋季学生QQ群 [打印本页]

作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-9-25 00:06:48     标题: Worcester Polytechnic Institute (介绍WPI商学院)+秋季学生QQ群

本帖最后由 DRPrince 于 2011-4-7 22:37 编辑

CSSA建了个2011fall的新群,大家可以加过来,如果有什么问题可以大家讨论讨论,有好的链接大家分享一下,有什么通知也可以多一个传达途径。 号码   145471748 名称   WPI 2011 Fall(CSSA) 欢迎常来

Worcester Polytechnic Institute (开贴介绍WPI商学院)

商学院最新宣传册下载链接: http://www.mgt.wpi.edu/Images/CMS/MGT/WPI-VB-061610a.pdf

Graduate Management Programs

Welcome to the Graduate Management Programs of Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Our project-based, technology-oriented business programs do more than give you a degree they encourage you to apply your knowledge in a way that adds value to society and improves lives. At WPI you'll challenge yourself to tackle the most pressing problems facing your business today, and you'll gain the knowledge and experience you need to achieve extraordinary things.

This posting has been created by and will be maintained by graduate students in the business school. We invite all prospective students to ask questions about the programs at WPI.You can respond to this email address (biz@wpi.edu), or reply to this post. Feel free to write your questions in either Chinese or English.(欢迎回帖或来信提问)

Rankings (我们的排名)
Business Week (Part-time MBA)(美国《商业周刊》将WPI的Part-time MBA项目列为“全美第一”) www.wpi.edu/bestMBA
      #1 in the U.S.
      #1 in Student Satisfaction
      #2 in Academic Quality
      A+ for Teaching Quality
      A+ for Caliber of Classmates
      A+ For Curriculum
      Best for Career Advancers
Business 2.0(《Business 2.0》的毕业生职业前景排名中列第9位)
      #9 in U.S., “Where Your Career Prospects Are Brightest”
Entrepreneur Magazine(《企业家》杂志将WPI的Finance项目列第15位)
      Top 15 in “Finance” based on Business School Student Opinion Surveys
The Princeton Review(《普林斯顿评论》的女性机会排行榜前10,学生职业前景排行榜第9位)
      Top 10 “Greatest Opportunities for Women” for 4 of the Past 5 Years
      #9 for “Best Career Prospects”
U.S. News & World Report(《美国新闻与世界报道》将WPI的Online MBA项目列为最佳)
      Best Online MBA Programs

Graduate Management Programs MBA(工商管理硕士项目)
Through a WPI MBA - part time or full time - you'll learn how to transform information into valuable intelligence to help your business succeed, and you'll learn to think several steps ahead to gain an advantage in the marketplace. Understanding management principles within the technological environment is at the core of everything we teach and all of our research. Our faculty bring a wealth of academic and professional experience to the classroom, while our students come with diverse backgrounds and a wide range of knowledge. It's a unique learning environment that gives WPI MBA students an edge in a fast-changing world.

MS in Information Technology (MSIT)(信息技术硕士项目)
In keeping with the rapid growth of the information technology sector, WPI launched the Master of Science program in Information Technology. The MSIT program is designed for full immersion into information technology, while still providing the comprehensive management principles necessary for understanding the application of IT to business and of business to IT.

MS in Marketing and Technological Innovation (MSMTI)(市场营销与技术创新硕士项目)
Technological advances have changed the very nature of marketing by demanding faster anticipation of emerging markets and radical innovations. At the same time, new technologies depend on solid marketing strategies that take advantage of highly variable climates, where markets are created and eliminated more quickly than ever before. Successful innovation marketing relies on the ability to recognize opportunities in unexpected places, taking advantage of altering communication patterns and the flow of information, all while managing ever-increasing competition on a global scale.

MS in Operations Design and Leadership (MSODL)(运营管理及领导力硕士项目)
Today’s business environments deal constantly with changes requiring leadership for operational solutions. The Master of Science in Operations Design and Leadership provides balance between service and production management, with an emphasis on the leadership skills needed to facilitate organizational improvement.The program offers the option to concentrate in either Supply Chain Management or Process Design, or to customize the degree with a broad selection of electives focusing in-depth on issues in operations management and related management areas.

About Worcester Polytechnic Institute《美国新闻与世界报道》2011美国综合性大学排名第64名  
Founded in 1865 in Worcester, Massachusetts, WPI was one of the nation’s first engineering and technology universities. WPI’s 14 academic departments offer more than 50 undergraduate and graduate degree programs in science, engineering, technology, management, the social sciences, and the humanities and arts, leading to bachelor’s, master’s and PhD degrees. WPI’s world-class faculty work with students in a number of cutting-edge research areas, leading to breakthroughs and innovations in such fields as biotechnology, fuel cells, information security, materials processing, and nanotechnology.

Our Location(麻省第二大城市,开车一小时至波士顿)
Worcester, Massachusetts, with a population of 170,000 (plus 30,000 college students) is New England's third-largest city. Known for its outstanding educational and cultural institutions, the city is home to 14 colleges and universities.The Worcester Art Museum, the second largest in New England, and the world-renowned American Antiquarian Society are both adjacent to WPI. The city is within an hour's drive of Boston and Providence; and 75 minutes from Hartford. It is close to many historical sites, cultural centers and recreational facilities, including Boston's Freedom Trail, Old Sturbridge Village (a living museum depicting 1830 rural village life), the beaches of Cape Cod and Maine, and several major metropolitan areas featuring world-class museums, concert halls and professional sports teams.

Admission to WPI Graduate Management Programs is competitive. We seek candidates with strong professional and academic records who have a high likelihood of success in a challenging, technology-focused management program, and whose aspirations are in line with the focus of the program. Successful candidates are curious, results-oriented professionals who exhibit the analytical and ethical aptitudes needed to succeed in business. Graduate Management Programs admit students for fall (September) and spring (January) terms. Master of Science programs admit full-time students only during the fall term; full-time students may enter the MBA program in either term.Applications are evaluated on a rolling basis.We advise students to submit applications and all supporting documentation by the following dates for their term of choice:

Fall Admission for International Students – June 1
Spring Admission for International Students – October 1
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-9-25 01:07:44     标题: 欢迎提问

作者: sunskystar    时间: 2010-9-25 10:21:27

作者: 节俭的D同学    时间: 2010-9-26 00:10:47

作者: 狐狸大叔    时间: 2010-9-26 00:20:44

作者: halking    时间: 2010-9-26 00:44:36

作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-9-28 03:37:56

节俭的D同学 发表于 2010-9-26 00:10

About Worcester Polytechnic Institute《美国新闻与世界报道》2011美国综合性大学排名第64名  
Founded in 1865 in Worcester, Massachusetts, WPI was one of the nation’s first engineering and technology universities. WPI’s 14 academic departments offer more than 50 undergraduate and graduate degree programs in science, engineering, technology, management, the social sciences, and the humanities and arts, leading to bachelor’s, master’s and PhD degrees. WPI’s world-class faculty work with students in a number of cutting-edge research areas, leading to breakthroughs and innovations in such fields as biotechnology, fuel cells, information security, materials processing, and nanotechnology.

For more detailed information: http://www.wpi.edu/about/index.html
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-9-28 03:39:39

狐狸大叔 发表于 2010-9-26 00:20

Graduate studies tuition at WPI is assessed per credit hour. Tuition due each semester is based on the number of credit hours in which a student is enrolled. The current rate of tuition for the 2010-11 academic year is $1,159 per credit hour. At this rate, the total tuition for each of our graduate management programs is as follows:
MBA (48 credit hours): $55,632

MS in Information Technology (36 credit hours): $41,724

MS in Marketing and Technological Innovation (36 credit hours): $41,724

MS in Operations Design and Leadership (36 credit hours): $41,724

作者: 狐狸大叔    时间: 2010-9-28 03:48:04

financial aids?
the tuition is not low
作者: 节俭的D同学    时间: 2010-9-28 05:27:21

作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-9-29 02:36:55

financial aids?
the tuition is not low
狐狸大叔 发表于 2010-9-28 03:48

Thank you for your question.
For the financial aid and discount, please contact the school of business directly by biz@wpi.edu
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-9-29 02:44:21

节俭的D同学 发表于 2010-9-28 05:27

作者: penny_yaocd    时间: 2010-9-29 03:04:19

本帖最后由 penny_yaocd 于 2010-9-29 03:07 编辑
节俭的D同学 发表于 2010-9-28 05:27




WPI的地理位置:Worcester虽说是麻省第二大城市,但和中国的城市比起来的确算比较安静的小城市,是个很适合学习的地方。我就很喜欢这里的一些古老的欧式建筑,很漂亮,像欧洲小镇。但建议大家到了Worcester后可以多跑Boston,感受美国大城市的氛围及文化历史,Boston shopping的地方也多J
WorcesterBoston开车40多分钟,没车的话可以去Union Station(离学校不算太远)乘汽车或火车到Boston市中心的South Station,就在中国城边上。从South Station可以乘地铁去Boston各个地方,也可以在South Station买车票直接去纽约。

现在美国经济形势不太好,找工作并不容易,上面提到WPI最好找工作的专业是计算机和工程。我们商学院最好找工作的是IT。我也看到周围很多学MBAMKTODL的中国学生在暑期或第二学年就找到了实习,所以工作机会还是有的,关键是自己努力,建议多跑Career Development Center和多多Network


作者: penny_yaocd    时间: 2010-9-29 03:16:02

financial aids?
the tuition is not low
狐狸大叔 发表于 2010-9-28 03:48

周围大多数同学都有$4,800Graduate Management Assistantship,今年的新生也有,可以交房租再每个月留点饭钱

作者: penny_yaocd    时间: 2010-9-29 10:39:53

wpi 新生qq群:107067684
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-9-29 22:38:53     标题: WPI校园照片

本帖最后由 DRPrince 于 2010-9-30 03:07 编辑

作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-9-29 23:07:24

本帖最后由 DRPrince 于 2010-9-30 03:11 编辑

作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-9-30 09:43:02

作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-10-1 08:46:15     标题: 校友求职经验分享


WPI商科master毕业生,学习、求职经历/体会 (WPI 也算是我母校了,要来顶一下~~)
08Fall入学WPI管理学院,OperationsDesign and Leadership program。当初还有OSU,Case Western Reserve等几个学校的录取,最后考虑了费用、program时间、地区,等等因素,还是选择了WPI。一般学商科都比较关注就业问题,我也是一样。当时考虑WPI离波士顿比较近,就业机会应该相对好一些。
09年秋季的时候开始着手找全职工作。9月在学校的JobFair上受到了两家公司的面试通知,一个是AveryDennison,做标签、压敏材料及办公用品的Fortune500,另一个是Vistaprint,一个很年轻但是成长极快的市场营销解决方案/印刷公司(这是我对他家的定义,嘿嘿)。两家招聘的风格很不一样,AD招聘的是GlobalOperations Leadership Development program,相当于国内的管理培训生,旨在培养全球运营领导人才,所以面试特别注重沟通能力、团队合作、领导力等等,而且公司近些年大力推行SixSigmaLean,所以有这方面知识背景的申请人会比较受重视,而WPI的课程教育在这些方面和业界的趋势结合很紧密,所以作为学生我准备还比较充分。Vista家招的是BusinessAnalyst。由于他们家的业务基本完全是基于网络,所以对BA的数据分析要求很高。他家的面试基本上行为方面的问题很少,主要是大量的数据库SQL考察,case 分析和解决问题,属于比较技术型的。
1.      RP。很抱歉把这个排在第一位,但是这个的确重要。我的两个offer都是恰好公司特别需要我这个方向的人,碰上很合适的。并不是说我本人很优秀,有fit的职位,这是最重要的。所以同志们要多攒RP啊。
2.      英文口语。没有夸张它的重要性。所有面试过程,不管你本人怎样优秀,如果口头表达不行,是很难被选中的。尤其是商科的学生,英文口语、沟通能力是一大要素!
3.      要有能脱颖而出的亮点。我个人感觉09年暑假在MTV实习过以后,简历在招聘会上明显比以前更有吸引力。倒不是说一个实习经验让我学到了多少东西(当然确实学到了不少),而是一个比较有分量的实习会吸引公司的注意力,加上你本人在招聘会上有效的自我推销两者结合,会让在场的HR/hiringmanager对你有印象,从而能够拿到面试机会。不然更多的简历是在HR2-3秒钟扫过之后就丢在一边了。所以如果能够有跨国公司(他们听说过的名字)的相关实习经历,会给找工作加上很多砝码。
4.      仔细研究公司职位要求,找到自己相应的竞争力所在,并集中表现。虽然不算尽善尽美,但我个人感觉在两个公司的面试当中都比较有效地表现出我个人相应的一些素质,适应职位的要求。当然这个就是后话了。
说到学校名气对找工作的影响,当然确实存在。比如top的咨询大牛一般都只去top的名校招人等等。但是这样的公司毕竟还是少数。美国公司有一点比较明显,招聘的地区性很强,也就是说很多公司倾向于在自己附近的学校进行招聘,并且和学校建立长期的人才供求关系。所以学校所在的地理位置好的话, 附近公司多,机会相应也就多。
总体感觉WPICareer Development Center还是比较尽心尽力地和公司联系,帮助学生找工作。自己比较积极主动努力的话, 找工作的前景还是有滴~~
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-10-2 10:14:29

作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-10-4 10:06:17     标题: Top 10 Things Grad Students Do In Worcester

本帖最后由 DRPrince 于 2010-10-5 11:19 编辑

1. Attend sporting events at the DCU Center www.dcucenter.com

2. Dine at restaurants on Shrewsbury Streetwww.shrewsburystreet.org/merchants.html

3. Ice skate at Elm Parkwww.worcesterma.gov/dpw/parks-rec/city-parks/elm-park

4. Attend Broadway Series performances at the Hanover Theatre for the Performing Artswww.thehanovertheatre.org

5. Visit museums: Worcester Art Museum, Worcester Historical Museum, Higgins Armory Museum, EcoTariumwww.worcestermass.org/culture
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-10-5 11:20:54     标题: Top 10 Things Grad Students Do In Worcester

6. Shop at Blackstone Valley & Wrentham Outlets www.shopsatblackstonevalley.comwww.premiumoutlets.com

7. Take in a Worcester Tornadoes baseball gamewww.worcestertornadoes.com

8. Ski and snowboard at Wachusett Mountainwww.wachusett.com

9. Enjoy the day in Worcester’s Green Hill Parkwww.worcesterma.gov/dpw/parks-rec/city-parks/green-hill-park

10. Stroll through Tower Hill Botanic Gardenswww.towerhillbg.org
作者: penny_yaocd    时间: 2010-10-10 11:24:31     标题: WPI创业投资论坛

10月12日即将举办WPI创业投资论坛——"Opportunities in Healthcare IT" http://www.wpiventureforum.org/
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-10-11 09:55:00     标题: 欢迎参加在线项目介绍会

想更多了解WPI商学院MBA及M.S.项目信息,欢迎参加在线项目介绍会(美国东部时间10月14日下午6:00, 中国是10月15日上午6:00 :D
在线报名: http://www.mgt.wpi.edu/Graduate/gradua160.html
作者: angeltty    时间: 2010-10-12 11:50:29

作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-11-15 12:22:22

WPI商学院新院长Mark Rice教授接受“波士顿环球报”采访


作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-11-15 12:23:00

WPI商学院新院长Mark Rice教授及校长Berkey先生接受采访视频剪辑
作者: MajorMei    时间: 2010-11-15 13:26:16

我在美国上大一...要转2011 SPRING申了WPI,求牛人评估
现在转学去WPI(伍斯特理工学院)机器人工程系...转学生录取率44% 全美综合64名 托福要求79左右 无奖学金申请

但是期中之后身体好了很多,交上去的作业和考试所有都是90%以上的分(作业基本全部满分,工程project一次14/20, 一次因为设计的最好有所以加分12/10)
P.S 绝对认真,不要奖(其实国际转学生没奖)超爱他家的学术氛围和专业设置,WPI录了我的话排名再高的也不去...多谢!
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-11-16 11:51:14

我在美国上大一...要转2011 SPRING申了WPI,求牛人评估
具体有4个音乐考级证书,8个机器人竞赛证书( ...
MajorMei 发表于 2010-11-15 13:26

作者: MajorMei    时间: 2010-11-16 13:27:37

我现在和ADMISSION OFFICE 的一位教授每天联系,她回复很及时

23号我去CAMPUS VISITING, 和一位机器人工程的教授见面,请问如何表现自己,扬长避短,提高录取可能呢?
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-11-17 12:17:44

我现在和ADMISSION OFFICE 的一位教授每天联系,她回复很及时

23号我去CAMPUS VISITING, 和一位机器人工程的教授见面,请问如何表现自己,扬长避短,提 ...
MajorMei 发表于 2010-11-16 13:27

强烈建议加入wpi 新生qq群:107067684,在上面吆喝几声就可能找到同系的学生
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-11-17 12:39:55

WBZ Entrepreneur Event: Growing Your Business in Massachusetts: Local Stories of Success

作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-11-19 11:50:50

The Events & Workshop in Celebration of Global Entrepreneurship Week:
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-11-22 12:09:15

Chinese Student Association Photo Gallery - Featured in the WPI George C. Gordon Library 3rd Floor until Dec 17th http://www.socialweb.net/Clients/WPI/index.lasso?id=118349
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-11-24 10:08:42

强烈建议加入wpi 新生qq群:107067684,在上面吆喝几声就可能找到同系的学生
DRPrince 发表于 2010-11-17 12:17

如果以上的加满了,可以试试这个QQ群 16765521
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-11-24 11:01:18

作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-11-24 11:30:08

WPI Frederick Bianchi 教授与Andrew Lloyd Webber Group合作
(安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯, 代表作品有《猫》《歌剧魅影》等)

作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-11-28 12:12:27

作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-11-30 10:25:27

“There this issue in innovation circles: Why are so few women doing entrepreneurial things? ... I think women typically have a little less time in childbearing years than men, and that diminishes participation in entrepreneurship" Robin Chase, CEO of GoLoco, former CEO of Zipcar, speaking to students at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. ------ Quoted by BusinessWeek
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-11-30 11:59:01


作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-11-30 12:10:58

作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-12-1 12:56:00

想远程欣赏同学们在WPI图书馆举办的中国摄影展吗?这里是链接 http://users.wpi.edu/~dragon/photogallery.html
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-12-3 11:55:27

The Massachusetts Conference for Women: Professional Development and Networking- On Dec 9th at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center http://www.maconferenceforwomen.org/
WPI will be there
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-12-3 12:10:29

作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-12-6 12:43:30

作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-12-8 11:31:31

Deli Night 2010--- WPI商学院期末聚餐http://t.sina.com.cn/wpibiz
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-12-13 00:51:54

本帖最后由 DRPrince 于 2010-12-13 01:05 编辑

又一次商业案例大赛:Company Wechieve- Robert H Grant Invention Award winners for the E Business plan competition-MIS579 创业计划大赛第一名


作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-12-13 00:53:00

本帖最后由 DRPrince 于 2010-12-13 01:06 编辑

nterNationale-Robert H Grant Invention Award runner-up 4 EBusiness plan competition MIS579 创业计划大赛第二名 (主题: 创建一个专为国际学生找工作的HR公司和网络平台)


作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-12-13 00:53:54

本帖最后由 DRPrince 于 2010-12-13 01:06 编辑

Robert H Grant Invention Award EBusiness Plan Competition-MIS579 w/ guest judges & Prof Djamasbi 评委和选手在一起,大赛冠亚军分享$1,500奖金


作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-12-13 12:01:52

作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-12-14 11:55:56

127日篮球赛, WPI对抗Harvard
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-12-16 10:03:49

Today is the last day of class. Winter break starts on Dec 17 to Jan 12. Classes will resume on Jan 13. Have a great winter break. 放假啦,祝大家假期愉快!
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-12-16 10:12:31

ChinaSurpasses Japan in R&D as Powers Shift: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703734204576019713917682354.html
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-12-17 09:57:04

Venture Forum本周创业论坛热点: SocialEntrepreneurship http://www.wpiventureforum.org/
作者: mcnuonuo    时间: 2010-12-17 10:13:17

晕,我申了operations research and leadership
作者: mcnuonuo    时间: 2010-12-17 10:14:15

托福 GRE平均分,人数?
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-12-18 12:06:04

托福 GRE平均分,人数?
mcnuonuo 发表于 2010-12-17 10:14

作者: jackvictory    时间: 2010-12-18 13:01:18

作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-12-20 12:12:33

jackvictory 发表于 2010-12-18 13:01

作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-12-21 00:13:28

Google's Eric Schmidt (Google'sCEO) Talks to Charlie Rose “The thing you learn about China is...Chinesecitizens are very clever, very creative, and the Chinese government is very,very powerful.” From “BusinessWeek”

作者: mcnuonuo    时间: 2010-12-21 00:31:55

作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-12-21 01:33:11

DRPrince 发表于 2010-12-18 12:06

“we will not go below 550 on the paper-based TOEFL, 213 on the computer-based TOEFL, or 79-80 on the internet-based TOEFL. ”

作者: mcnuonuo    时间: 2010-12-21 09:53:58

95# DRPrince 难道托福的分数也会纳入考察,而不是刷人用的?看来我还得再考一次啊
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-12-21 11:52:28

作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-12-23 09:14:52

The Digital 100: The World's Most Valuable Startups:
1. Facebook
2. Zynga
3. Wikipedia
4. Skype
5. Craigslist
6. Twitter
7. Vente-Privee
8. Yandex
9. Betfair
10. LinkedIn
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-12-24 11:53:56

The 10 Asian Tech Companies That Are Putting American Ones ToShame

Read more:
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-12-26 12:00:25

Reminder: Campus will not reopen until Jan 3rd. Please enjoy the holidays!
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-12-27 09:55:59

WorthChecking out! Silicon Alley 100 & New York's Coolest Tech People In 2010 http://www.businessinsider.com/sa100
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-12-28 12:14:50

作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-12-29 09:55:12

Learnmore about our Master of Science & MBA programs Jan 5 - 6PM(中国时间上午6) @ our InfoSession - http://biz.wpi.edu/bestmba
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-12-29 10:07:17

Areyou shy but still want to network? Here are some helpful tips http://www.businessinsider.com/the-dos-and-donts-of-todays-business-networking#
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-12-29 10:58:21

50Most Powerful Women in Business http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/mostpowerfulwomen/2010/
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2010-12-31 10:23:29

PayPal plans China expansion --PayPal, the world's largestonline payment platform, is planning an expansion in China, a move that couldstrengthen its parent Ebay in the expanding e-commerce market. http://.cnn.com/2010/BUSINESS/12/29/paypal.china.ft/index.html?section=cnn_latest
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2011-1-1 10:21:48

WPIVenture Forum January Program - Secrets to Sales Growth

Whydon't more businesses achieve sales growth year after year? Why are theyreluctant to change behaviors that drive poor results?

作者: DRPrince    时间: 2011-1-3 11:30:33

‎15Facts About India That Will Blow Your Mind http://.businessinsider.com/amazing-facts-about-india-2010-12#in-the-next-three-years-up-to-25-of-the-worlds-new-workers-will-be-indian-1
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2011-1-4 12:06:41

15Ridiculously Hard Job Interview Questions http://.huffingtonpost.com/2010/12/30/job-interview-questions_n_802658.html?ir=Divorce=pulse=direct&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=pulsenews#s217038&title=Goldman%20Sachs%20-%20Analyst%20position%20

1.Goldman Sachs Analyst position Interview Question : “If you were shrunk to thesize of a pencil and put in a blender, how would you get out?”
2.Aflac - Sales Associate position Interview Question: What is thephilosophy of Martial Arts?”
3.Boston Consulting - Consultant position Interview Question: Explain[to] me what has happened in this country during the last 10 years.”
4.Capital One - Operations Analyst position InterviewQuestion: Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10how weird you are.”

5.Google - People Analyst position InterviewQuestion: How many basketball can you fit inthis room[?]”
6.Bloomberg LP Financial - Software Developer position Interview Question:Outof 25 horses, pick the fastest 3 horses. In each race, only 5 horses can run atthe same time. What is the minimum number of races required?
7.Facebook - Software Engineer position Given the numbers 1 to 1000, what isthe minimum numbers guesses needed to find a specific number if you are giventhe hint "higher" or "lower" for each guess you make.”
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2011-1-7 09:45:34

15 Ridiculously Hard Job Interview Questions From Top Employers Like Google, Goldman Sachs
1. Goldman Sachs Analyst position: “If you were shrunk to the size of a pencil and put in a blender, how would you get out?”
2. Aflac - Sales Associate position: “What is the philosophy of Martial Arts?”
3. Boston Consulting - Consultant position: “Explain [to] me what has happened in this country during the last 10 years.”
4. Capital One - Operations Analyst position: “Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 how weird you are.”         
5. Google - People Analyst position: “How many basketball[s] can you fit in this room[?]”
6. Bloomberg LP Financial - Software Developer position: “Out of 25 horses, pick the fastest 3 horses. In each race, only 5 horses can run at the same time. What is the minimum number of races required?
7. Facebook - Software Engineer position “Given the numbers 1 to 1000, what is the minimum numbers guesses needed to find a specific number if you are given the hint "higher" or "lower" for each guess you make.”
8. Epic Systems - Project Manager position “An apple costs 20 cents, an orange costs 40 cents, and a grapefruit costs 60 cents, how much is a pear?”
9. Apple - Software QA Engineer position “There are three boxes, one contains only apples, one contains only oranges, and one contains both apples and oranges. The boxes have been incorrectly labeled such that no label identifies the actual contents of the box it labels. Opening just one box, and without looking in the box, you take out one piece of fruit. By looking at the fruit, how can you immediately label all of the boxes correctly?
10. Argus Information & Advisory Services - Analyst position “How many traffic lights in Manhattan?”
11. Guardsmark - Staff Writer position “What do wood and alcohol have in common?”
12. New York Life - Sales Agent position“Why do you think only a small percentage of the population makes over $150K?”
13. Nielsen Company - Research Analyst position“How many bottles of beer are drank in the city over the week.”
14. US Bank - Leadership Program Development position“How are M&M's made?”
15. Volkswagen - Business Analyst position“What would you do if you just inherited a pizzeria from your uncle?"
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2011-1-9 12:27:49

GraduateStudent Orientation Jan 10th @ 10 AM-Campus Center Hagglund Room
110日早晨10点举行研究生新生介绍会,地点CampusCenter Hagglund Room
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2011-1-12 10:42:23

WPIRanks Among Top 10 Universities That Produce the Best-paid Graduates
BestEngineering Colleges By Salary Potential http://www.wpi.edu/news/20101/2010pay.html

作者: DRPrince    时间: 2011-1-13 10:47:24

WPIReceives Kern Family Foundation Grant for Programs that Prepare Engineers to beEntrepreneurs (WPI获赠基金用以帮助工程师成为企业家) http://www.wpi.edu/news/20101/kern.html
作者: mcnuonuo    时间: 2011-1-13 15:27:40

作者: 水木香    时间: 2011-1-13 21:50:43

学长麻烦问一下 WPI 申请需要在录取前寄送学校官方成绩单和在读证明吗?还有官方托福成绩和GMAT成绩都需要在录取寄送吗?还是self-reported就可以了呢?
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2011-1-14 11:03:28

17 Facts About China That Will Blow Your Mind 老美看中国
(希望这个链接国内能打开) http://www.businessinsider.com/amazing-facts-about-china-2010-12#chinas-economy-grew-7-times-as-fast-as-americas-over-the-past-decade-316-growth-vs-43-1
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2011-1-14 11:08:24

学长麻烦问一下 WPI 申请需要在录取前寄送学校官方成绩单和在读证明吗?还有官方托福成绩和GMAT成绩都需要在录取寄送吗?还是self-reported就可以了呢?
水木香 发表于 2011-1-13 21:50

作者: DRPrince    时间: 2011-1-17 10:53:28

WPICommencement 2010 Video (回顾WPI 20105毕业典礼,2分钟视频快进)http://vimeo.com/11805268
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2011-1-18 08:32:01

作者: DRPrince    时间: 2011-1-18 08:45:47

“I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you, but I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the promised land. So I'm happy tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr. 在马丁路德金日回想起的名言
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2011-1-20 10:06:27


Celebritystar power arrived in the form of singer Barbra Streisand, her hubby-actorJames Brolin and action film star Jackie Chan. Big business turned out inforce, too, including Microsoft's Steven Ballmer and JP Morgan Chase's JamieDimon, among others. Among the big names: fashion's Vera Wang, Vogue's AnnaWintour, artist Maya Lin, Olympic figure skater Michelle Kwan, and SupremeCourt Justice Stephen Breyer to add some gravitas. Bill Clinton and JimmyCarter made the cut, too.
Thedinner's all-star jazz lineup included trumpeter Chris Botti, two-time GrammyAward-winning vocalist Dee Dee Bridgewater, jazz icon Herbie Hancock, risingstar Lang Lang and four-time Grammy-winning vocalist Dianne Reeves.
StarLineup of Guests at White House Dinner to Honor President Hu
Readmore: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/01/19/star-lineup-guests-white-house-dinner-honor-president-hu/#ixzz1BXMQvRNH

作者: DRPrince    时间: 2011-1-23 11:19:18

RaytheonGrant to Support WPI Camp Reach http://www.wpi.edu/news/20101/rayth.html

作者: DRPrince    时间: 2011-1-23 11:27:47

ProjectMgt, Leadership and Mgt Development workshops starting in Feb-WPI's Corporateand Professional Education http://cpe.wpi.edu/index.html
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2011-1-31 00:16:31

VentureForum: Challenges & Opportunities in Going Global - Feb 8th @ 6:30 PM -Keynote Speaker: Ryan Moore http://wpiventureforum.org/
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2011-1-31 00:17:45

Joinus in Alden Hall @ 3p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 19 - Concert Band Performs 'MovieMusic' http://www.wpi.edu/academics/Depts/HUA/Music/calendar.html
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2011-2-5 11:03:46

Happening Tonight: IT Panel - Learn about potential IT career paths from WPI Grads working in the field-Feb 3rd @ 6 PM in room HL21
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2011-2-7 10:05:36

3Young Entrepreneurs and Their Socially Good Startups (Paper Feet, Sparkseed andEco Scraps) http://under30ceo.com/3-young-entrepreneurs-and-their-socially-good-startups/
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2011-2-10 11:16:20

AroundCampus: NASA Selects WPI as Partner for ‘Centennial Challenge’ RoboticsCompetition (WPI被美国航空航天局选择作为百年挑战机器人竞赛的合作伙伴) http://wp.wpi.edu/connection/2011/02/07/nasa-selects-wpi-as-partner-for-%E2%80%98centennial-challenge%E2%80%99-robotics-competition/
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2011-2-12 11:45:23

WPI Students Sing on Grammy-nominated Album (WPI学生献唱格莱美提名唱片) --- Paul Winter Consort up for 'Best New Age Album' at this Sunday's 53rd Annual Grammy Awards http://www.wpi.edu/news/20101/grammy.html
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2011-2-18 08:35:12

WPIis expanding! A new building will be added to Gateway Park. WPI将在GatewayPark新建教学楼
TheNew Gateway Park Addition will House the School of Business (Graduate Division)我们商学院研究生部将般进Gateway Park新建教学楼:D

作者: DRPrince    时间: 2011-2-23 09:14:16

WPIStudents Sing on Grammy-winning Album (WPI学生献唱格莱美获奖唱片) PaulWinter Consort Won 'Best New Age Album' at 53rd Annual Grammy Awards http://www.wpi.edu/news/20101/gram.html
作者: DRPrince    时间: 2011-2-23 09:15:52

NationalEntrepreneurship Week - In celebration, we are hosting several eventsthroughout the week. Today's event: Company Research
作者: slwstu    时间: 2011-2-23 14:45:57


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