
标题: TF912 作文 23分 求改~ [打印本页]

作者: pybmimi    时间: 2010-9-28 19:12:12     标题: TF912 作文 23分 求改~

Topic: People should not pay for the publictransportation. Do you agree or disagree?

Over the past three decades, China hasachieved social stability and economic prosperity. More and more people beginto consider the reform of social welfare. It is a growing recognition thatpeople should not pay for the public transportation.

Free public transportation inspires peopleespecially who haveprivate carsto convert their customs. With the increasing population, trafficcongestion becomes one of the biggest problems that a lot of cities are facing.More attentions are paid on practicing free public transportation by thegovernment. And individuals may try to choose, considering costs in time andgas, free public transportation which covers the entire city. From 2008, a smallcity with a population of one hundred thousand in the Middle of China, calledChangning began to promote the free-public-transportation policy. The number ofpassenger has increased 5 fold by now according to the data. What’s more, the vehicleflowing rate decreases 10 percent on the main street. Traffic jams thins noticeably.

Meanwhile, free public transportation which changes the transport modesin cities will be in favor of saving limitedresources and protecting the environment eventually. Due to the trend of freepublic transportation, fewer vehicles will be running on the busy road so thatless gas will be consumed, less exhaust will be discharged as well as less noisepollution we will suffer.

Lastly, compared with paid publictransportation, balancing the gap between the rich and the poor is also an advantage.The cost of using private cars remains to be increased. Like the situation inLondon, it takes an 8-pound congestion charge for a car to get into the towneach time, not to mention the expensive parking fees. Moreover, the fees fromthe rich can be used to support the free public transportation. However, publicfinance which is from the taxes should be responsible for most of the expenditureapparently. In addition, ads revenue from the vehicles and bus stations canmake up for the expenditure partly. A Free Public Transportation Fund can becreated to stimulate the growth of it.

All in all, free public transportation has somany advantages which satisfy the majority. Consequently, both government and individualshould support it so that we will live in a more inhabitable environment.
作者: MaPleJeffreY    时间: 2010-9-28 20:35:57

还有就是词汇不准确,比如convert their customs,还是change吧。convert不是这么用的。
多用复杂的连接词,比如despite the fact that之类,少用lastly,all in all...
作者: pybmimi    时间: 2010-9-29 10:00:21

2# MaPleJeffreY 30分!!! 牛啊 有没有什么练习写作的经验可以分享分享,特别特别愁作文,不知道应该从何入手。911你综合写作写了多少字啊 真是佩服
作者: MaPleJeffreY    时间: 2010-9-29 14:52:23

3# pybmimi 我应该是写了将近500字吧。我觉得,比较好的方法是多看范文。看比写重要,看了以后摘录一些有用的短语词组来背。然后才能把范文变成自己的文章。
作者: pybmimi    时间: 2010-10-1 21:00:30

4# MaPleJeffreY 恩恩 又道理,你都看的什么范文呀 911你的其他各项如何,912被正态的很严重~我准备再考一次,没决定要报哪天的
作者: 07mengxi    时间: 2010-10-4 14:10:57


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